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synced 2025-03-14 07:00:01 -04:00
Update locale interpolation format for non-English (see 747c5f29f7
) like in #3613
This commit is contained in:
29 changed files with 87 additions and 83 deletions
@ -551,9 +551,9 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "български език", englishDescri
comparison_blurb: "Изостри уменията си в CodeCombat с абонамент!"
feature1: "$t(data.levelsCount)+ основни нива в $t(data.worldsCount) свята" # {change}
feature2: "$t(data.heroesCount) силни <strong>нови герои</strong> с уникални умения!" # {change}
feature3: "$t(data.bonusLevelsCount)+ бонус нива" # {change}
feature1: "__levelsCount__+ основни нива в __worldsCount__ свята" # {change}
feature2: "__heroesCount__ силни <strong>нови герои</strong> с уникални умения!" # {change}
feature3: "__bonusLevelsCount__+ бонус нива" # {change}
feature4: "<strong>{{gems}} скъпоценни камъни бонус</strong> всеки месец!"
feature5: "Видео уроци"
feature6: "Премиум email поддръжка"
@ -551,9 +551,9 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Català", englishDescription: "Catalan", tr
comparison_blurb: "Afina les teves habilitats amb una subscripció a CodeCombat!"
feature1: "Més de $t(data.levelsCount) nivells bàsics a traves de $t(data.worldsCount) móns" # {change}
feature2: "$t(data.heroesCount) <strong>nous herois</strong> poderosos amb habilitats úniques!" # {change}
feature3: "Més de $t(data.bonusLevelsCount) nivells bonus" # {change}
feature1: "Més de __levelsCount__ nivells bàsics a traves de __worldsCount__ móns" # {change}
feature2: "__heroesCount__ <strong>nous herois</strong> poderosos amb habilitats úniques!" # {change}
feature3: "Més de __bonusLevelsCount__ nivells bonus" # {change}
feature4: "<strong>{{gems}} gemmes bonus</strong> cada mes!"
feature5: "Vídeo tutorials"
feature6: "Suport Premium per correu electrònic"
@ -551,9 +551,9 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "čeština", englishDescription: "Czech", tr
comparison_blurb: "Sharpen your skills with a CodeCombat subscription!"
feature1: "$t(data.levelsCount)+ základních úrovní napříč $t(data.worldsCount) světy" # {change}
feature2: "$t(data.heroesCount) silných <strong>nových hrdinů</strong> s jedinečnými dovednostmi!" # {change}
feature3: "$t(data.bonusLevelsCount)+ bonusových úrovní" # {change}
feature1: "__levelsCount__+ základních úrovní napříč __worldsCount__ světy" # {change}
feature2: "__heroesCount__ silných <strong>nových hrdinů</strong> s jedinečnými dovednostmi!" # {change}
feature3: "__bonusLevelsCount__+ bonusových úrovní" # {change}
feature4: "<strong>{{gems}} bonusových drahokamů</strong> každý měsíc!"
feature5: "Video tutoriály"
feature6: "Premiová e-mailová podpora"
@ -551,9 +551,9 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "dansk", englishDescription: "Danish", trans
comparison_blurb: "Skærp dine færdigheder med et CodeCombat abonnement!"
feature1: "$t(data.levelsCount)+ grundlæggende baner på tværs af $t(data.worldsCount) verdener" # {change}
feature2: "$t(data.heroesCount) magtfulde <strong> nye helte </strong> med unikke færdigheder!" # {change}
feature3: "$t(data.bonusLevelsCount)+ bonus baner" # {change}
feature1: "__levelsCount__+ grundlæggende baner på tværs af __worldsCount__ verdener" # {change}
feature2: "__heroesCount__ magtfulde <strong> nye helte </strong> med unikke færdigheder!" # {change}
feature3: "__bonusLevelsCount__+ bonus baner" # {change}
feature4: "<strong>{{gems}} bonus ædelstene</strong> every month!"
feature5: "Video tutorials"
feature6: "Premium e-mail support"
@ -551,9 +551,9 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Dütsch (Schwiiz)", englishDescription: "Ge
comparison_blurb: "Verschärf dins Chönne midme CodeCombat Abonement."
feature1: "$t(data.levelsCount)+ basis levels in $t(data.worldsCount) Weltete!" # {change}
feature1: "__levelsCount__+ basis levels in __worldsCount__ Weltete!" # {change}
# feature2: "__heroesCount__ powerful <strong>new heroes</strong> with unique skills!"
feature3: "$t(data.bonusLevelsCount)+ bonus levels" # {change}
feature3: "__bonusLevelsCount__+ bonus levels" # {change}
# feature4: "<strong>{{gems}} bonus gems</strong> every month!"
feature5: "Video Aleitige"
feature6: "Premium Email Hilf"
@ -551,9 +551,9 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Deutsch (Deutschland)", englishDescription:
comparison_blurb: "Verbessere deine Fähigkeiten mit einem CodeCombat Abonnement"
feature1: "$t(data.levelsCount)+ Basislevel in $t(data.worldsCount) Gebieten" # {change}
feature2: "$t(data.heroesCount) mächtige <strong>neue Helden</strong> mit einzigartigen Fertigkeiten" # {change}
feature3: "$t(data.bonusLevelsCount)+ Bonuslevel" # {change}
feature1: "__levelsCount__+ Basislevel in __worldsCount__ Gebieten" # {change}
feature2: "__heroesCount__ mächtige <strong>neue Helden</strong> mit einzigartigen Fertigkeiten" # {change}
feature3: "__bonusLevelsCount__+ Bonuslevel" # {change}
feature4: "<strong>{{gems}} Bonusedelsteine</strong> jeden Monat!"
feature5: "Videoanleitungen"
feature6: "Premium Emailsupport"
@ -551,9 +551,9 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Ελληνικά", englishDescription: "Gre
comparison_blurb: "Ακόνησε τις ικανότητές σου με μια συνδρομή στο CodeCombat!"
feature1: "$t(data.levelsCount)+ βασικά επίπεδα που εκτείνονται σε $t(data.worldsCount) κόσμους" # {change}
feature2: "$t(data.heroesCount) παντοδύναμοι <strong>νέοι ήρωες</strong> με μοναδικές ικανότητες!" # {change}
feature3: "$t(data.bonusLevelsCount)+ επίπεδα δώρο" # {change}
feature1: "__levelsCount__+ βασικά επίπεδα που εκτείνονται σε __worldsCount__ κόσμους" # {change}
feature2: "__heroesCount__ παντοδύναμοι <strong>νέοι ήρωες</strong> με μοναδικές ικανότητες!" # {change}
feature3: "__bonusLevelsCount__+ επίπεδα δώρο" # {change}
feature4: "<strong>{{gems}} πετράδια δώρο</strong> κάθε μήνα!"
feature5: "Βίντεο Βοηθήματα"
feature6: "Προνομιακή υποστήριξη μέσω ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου"
@ -551,9 +551,9 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Español (América Latina)", englishDescrip
comparison_blurb: "Agudiza tus habilidades con la suscripción a CodeCombat!"
feature1: "Más de $t(data.levelsCount) niveles basicos a lo largo de $t(data.worldsCount) mundos" # {change}
feature2: "$t(data.heroesCount) poderosos <strong>nuevos heroés</strong> con habilidades unicas!" # {change}
feature3: "Más de $t(data.bonusLevelsCount) niveles extras" # {change}
feature1: "Más de __levelsCount__ niveles basicos a lo largo de __worldsCount__ mundos" # {change}
feature2: "__heroesCount__ poderosos <strong>nuevos heroés</strong> con habilidades unicas!" # {change}
feature3: "Más de __bonusLevelsCount__ niveles extras" # {change}
feature4: "<strong>{{gems}} gemas de bono</strong> cada mes!"
feature5: "Video tutoriales"
feature6: "Soporte Premium vía email"
@ -551,9 +551,9 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "español (ES)", englishDescription: "Spanis
comparison_blurb: "¡Mejora tus habilidades con una suscripción a CodeCombat!"
feature1: "Más de $t(data.levelsCount) niveles básicos pasando por $t(data.worldsCount) mundos" # {change}
feature2: "¡$t(data.heroesCount) <strong>héroes nuevos</strong> con poderes únicos!" # {change}
feature3: "Más de $t(data.bonusLevelsCount) niveles extra" # {change}
feature1: "Más de __levelsCount__ niveles básicos pasando por __worldsCount__ mundos" # {change}
feature2: "¡__heroesCount__ <strong>héroes nuevos</strong> con poderes únicos!" # {change}
feature3: "Más de __bonusLevelsCount__ niveles extra" # {change}
feature4: "¡<strong>{{gems}} gemas extra</strong> cada mes!"
feature5: "Vídeo tutoriales"
feature6: "Soporte electrónico Premium"
@ -551,9 +551,9 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "suomi", englishDescription: "Finnish", tran
comparison_blurb: "Teroita kykyjäsi CodeCombat kuukausitilauksella!"
feature1: "$t(data.levelsCount)+ perustasoa $t(data.worldsCount):ssä maailmassa" # {change}
feature2: "$t(data.heroesCount) mahtavaa <strong>uutta sankaria</strong> erilaisine kykyineen!" # {change}
feature3: "$t(data.bonusLevelsCount)+ lisätasoa" # {change}
feature1: "__levelsCount__+ perustasoa __worldsCount__:ssä maailmassa" # {change}
feature2: "__heroesCount__ mahtavaa <strong>uutta sankaria</strong> erilaisine kykyineen!" # {change}
feature3: "__bonusLevelsCount__+ lisätasoa" # {change}
feature4: "<strong>{{gems}} jalokiveä</strong> joka kuukausi!"
feature5: "Video-oppaat"
feature6: "Premium sähköpostituki"
@ -551,9 +551,9 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "français", englishDescription: "French", t
comparison_blurb: "Aiguisez vos compétences avec un abonnement CodeCombat !"
feature1: "Plus de $t(data.levelsCount) niveaux au travers de $t(data.worldsCount) mondes" # {change}
feature2: "$t(data.heroesCount) puissants <strong>nouveaux héros</strong> avec des compétences uniques !" # {change}
feature3: "Plus de $t(data.bonusLevelsCount) niveaux bonus" # {change}
feature1: "Plus de __levelsCount__ niveaux au travers de __worldsCount__ mondes" # {change}
feature2: "__heroesCount__ puissants <strong>nouveaux héros</strong> avec des compétences uniques !" # {change}
feature3: "Plus de __bonusLevelsCount__ niveaux bonus" # {change}
feature4: "<strong>{{gems}} gemmes bonus</strong> tous les mois !"
feature5: "Tutoriels vidéo"
feature6: "Assitance par e-mail dédiée"
@ -551,9 +551,9 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "עברית", englishDescription: "Hebrew",
comparison_blurb: ".CodeCombatחדד את כישוריך עם מנוי ל"
feature1: "$t(data.levelsCount)+ שלבים בסיסיים ב $t(data.worldsCount) עולמות שונים." # {change}
feature2: "!עם כישורים מיוחדים <strong>גיבורים עוצמתיים חדשים</strong> $t(data.heroesCount)" # {change}
feature3: "$t(data.bonusLevelsCount)+ שלבי בונוס" # {change}
feature1: "__levelsCount__+ שלבים בסיסיים ב __worldsCount__ עולמות שונים." # {change}
feature2: "!עם כישורים מיוחדים <strong>גיבורים עוצמתיים חדשים</strong> __heroesCount__" # {change}
feature3: "__bonusLevelsCount__+ שלבי בונוס" # {change}
feature4: "!בחינם כל חודש <strong>{{gems}} אבני חן</strong>"
feature5: "הדרכות וידאו"
feature6: "תמיכת מייל בעדיפות ראשונה"
@ -551,9 +551,9 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "magyar", englishDescription: "Hungarian", t
comparison_blurb: "Élesítsd képességeid CodeCombat feliratkozással!"
feature1: "$t(data.levelsCount)+ alap pálya, $t(data.worldsCount) világon át" # {change}
feature2: "$t(data.heroesCount) erőteljes <strong>új hős</strong> egyedi képességekkel!" # {change}
feature3: "$t(data.bonusLevelsCount)+ bónusz pálya" # {change}
feature1: "__levelsCount__+ alap pálya, __worldsCount__ világon át" # {change}
feature2: "__heroesCount__ erőteljes <strong>új hős</strong> egyedi képességekkel!" # {change}
feature3: "__bonusLevelsCount__+ bónusz pálya" # {change}
feature4: "<strong>{{gems}} bónusz drágakő</strong> minden hónapban!"
feature5: "Videó oktatóanyagok"
feature6: "Prémium e-mail támogatás"
@ -551,9 +551,9 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Italiano", englishDescription: "Italian", t
comparison_blurb: "Aumenta le tue competenze con un abbonamento a CodeCombat!"
feature1: "$t(data.levelsCount)+ livelli base in $t(data.worldsCount) mondi" # {change}
feature2: "$t(data.heroesCount) potenti <strong>nuovi eroi</strong> con capacità uniche!" # {change}
feature3: "$t(data.bonusLevelsCount)+ livelli bonus" # {change}
feature1: "__levelsCount__+ livelli base in __worldsCount__ mondi" # {change}
feature2: "__heroesCount__ potenti <strong>nuovi eroi</strong> con capacità uniche!" # {change}
feature3: "__bonusLevelsCount__+ livelli bonus" # {change}
feature4: "<strong>{{gems}} gemme bonus</strong> ogni mese!"
feature5: "Video tutorial"
feature6: "Supporto via email premium"
@ -551,9 +551,9 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "한국어", englishDescription: "Korean", t
comparison_blurb: "코드컴뱃을 구독하셔서 당신의 스킬을 날카롭게하십시오!"
feature1: "$t(data.levelsCount)+개의 기초 레벨들은 $t(data.worldsCount)개의 세계에 있습니다" # {change}
feature2: "힘쌘 $t(data.heroesCount) <strong>새로운 영웅들</strong>은 희기한 스킬과 함께!" # {change}
feature3: "$t(data.bonusLevelsCount)+ 보너스 레벨들" # {change}
feature1: "__levelsCount__+개의 기초 레벨들은 __worldsCount__개의 세계에 있습니다" # {change}
feature2: "힘쌘 __heroesCount__ <strong>새로운 영웅들</strong>은 희기한 스킬과 함께!" # {change}
feature3: "__bonusLevelsCount__+ 보너스 레벨들" # {change}
feature4: "매 달마다<strong>{{gems}} 보너스 잼</strong>!"
feature5: "영상 튜토리얼"
feature6: "프리미엄 이메일 지원"
@ -551,9 +551,9 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "lietuvių kalba", englishDescription: "Lith
comparison_blurb: "Pagerink savo įgudžius su CodeCombat prenumerata!"
feature1: "$t(data.levelsCount)+ įprastų lygių per $t(data.worldsCount) pasaulius" # {change}
feature2: "$t(data.heroesCount) galingų <strong>naujų herojų</strong> su unikaliais įgudžiais!" # {change}
feature3: "$t(data.bonusLevelsCount)+ papildomų lygių" # {change}
feature1: "__levelsCount__+ įprastų lygių per __worldsCount__ pasaulius" # {change}
feature2: "__heroesCount__ galingų <strong>naujų herojų</strong> su unikaliais įgudžiais!" # {change}
feature3: "__bonusLevelsCount__+ papildomų lygių" # {change}
feature4: "<strong>{{gems}} papildomi krystalai</strong> kiekvieną mėnesį!"
feature5: "Video pamokos"
feature6: "Papildomas el.pašto palaikymas"
@ -551,9 +551,9 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Norsk Bokmål", englishDescription: "Norweg
comparison_blurb: "Spiss dine kunnskaper med et CodeCombat abonnement!"
feature1: "$t(data.levelsCount)+ grunnleggende brett fordelt på $t(data.worldsCount) verdener" # {change}
feature2: "$t(data.heroesCount) kraftfulle <strong>nye helter</strong> med unike ferdigheter!" # {change}
feature3: "$t(data.bonusLevelsCount)+ bonusbrett" # {change}
feature1: "__levelsCount__+ grunnleggende brett fordelt på __worldsCount__ verdener" # {change}
feature2: "__heroesCount__ kraftfulle <strong>nye helter</strong> med unike ferdigheter!" # {change}
feature3: "__bonusLevelsCount__+ bonusbrett" # {change}
feature4: "<strong>{{gems}} bonusjuveler</strong> hver måned!"
feature5: "Videoveiledninger"
feature6: "Premium e-poststøtte"
@ -551,9 +551,9 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Nederlands (België)", englishDescription:
comparison_blurb: "Verbeter je vaardigheden met een abonement op CodeCombat!"
feature1: "Meer dan $t(data.levelsCount) basislevels over $t(data.worldsCount) werelden" # {change}
feature2: "$t(data.heroesCount) sterke <strong>nieuwe helden</strong> met unieke vaardigheden!" # {change}
feature3: "Meer dan $t(data.bonusLevelsCount) bonuslevels" # {change}
feature1: "Meer dan __levelsCount__ basislevels over __worldsCount__ werelden" # {change}
feature2: "__heroesCount__ sterke <strong>nieuwe helden</strong> met unieke vaardigheden!" # {change}
feature3: "Meer dan __bonusLevelsCount__ bonuslevels" # {change}
feature4: "<strong>{{gems}} bonus edelstenen</strong> elke maand!"
feature5: "Video cursussen"
feature6: "Hoogwaardige e-mail ondersteuning"
@ -551,9 +551,9 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "polski", englishDescription: "Polish", tran
comparison_blurb: "Popraw swoje umiejętności z subskrypcją CodeCombat!"
feature1: "$t(data.levelsCount)+ poziomów w $t(data.worldsCount) różnych światach" # {change}
feature2: "$t(data.heroesCount) potężnych, <strong>nowych bohaterów</strong> z unikalnymi umiejętnościami!" # {change}
feature3: "$t(data.bonusLevelsCount)+ bonusowych poziomów" # {change}
feature1: "__levelsCount__+ poziomów w __worldsCount__ różnych światach" # {change}
feature2: "__heroesCount__ potężnych, <strong>nowych bohaterów</strong> z unikalnymi umiejętnościami!" # {change}
feature3: "__bonusLevelsCount__+ bonusowych poziomów" # {change}
feature4: "<strong>{{gems}} klejnotów</strong> co miesiąc!"
feature5: "Poradniki wideo"
feature6: "Priorytetowe wsparcie przez e-mail"
@ -551,9 +551,9 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Português do Brasil", englishDescription:
comparison_blurb: "Afine suas habilidades com uma assinatura CodeCombat!"
feature1: "Mais de $t(data.levelsCount) níveis básicos entre $t(data.worldsCount) mundos" # {change}
feature2: "$t(data.heroesCount) poderosos <strong>novos heróis</strong> com habilidades únicas!" # {change}
feature3: "Mais de $t(data.bonusLevelsCount) níveis bônus" # {change}
feature1: "Mais de __levelsCount__ níveis básicos entre __worldsCount__ mundos" # {change}
feature2: "__heroesCount__ poderosos <strong>novos heróis</strong> com habilidades únicas!" # {change}
feature3: "Mais de __bonusLevelsCount__ níveis bônus" # {change}
feature4: "<strong>{{gems}} gemas bônus</strong> todo mês!"
feature5: "Vídeo tutorials"
feature6: "Suporte via e-mail Premium"
@ -551,9 +551,9 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "limba română", englishDescription: "Roman
comparison_blurb: "Îmbunătățeșteți abilitățile cu abonamentul CodeCombat"
feature1: "$t(data.levelsCount)+ de nivele de bază în $t(data.worldsCount) lumi diferite!" # {change}
feature2: "$t(data.heroesCount) <strong>Eroi Noi</strong> puternici, cu skilluri unice!" # {change}
feature3: "$t(data.bonusLevelsCount)+ nivele bonus" # {change}
feature1: "__levelsCount__+ de nivele de bază în __worldsCount__ lumi diferite!" # {change}
feature2: "__heroesCount__ <strong>Eroi Noi</strong> puternici, cu skilluri unice!" # {change}
feature3: "__bonusLevelsCount__+ nivele bonus" # {change}
feature4: "<strong>{{gems}} de Pietre Prețioase bonus</strong> în fiecare lună!"
feature5: "Tutoriale Video"
feature6: "Suport e-mail premium"
@ -551,9 +551,9 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "русский", englishDescription: "Russi
comparison_blurb: "Отточите свое мастерство благодаря подписке на CodeCombat!"
feature1: "$t(data.levelsCount)+ основных уровней на просторах $t(data.worldsCount)-х миров" # {change}
feature2: "$t(data.heroesCount) могущественных <strong>новых героев</strong> с уникальными способностями!" # {change}
feature3: "$t(data.bonusLevelsCount)+ дополнительных уровней" # {change}
feature1: "__levelsCount__+ основных уровней на просторах __worldsCount__-х миров" # {change}
feature2: "__heroesCount__ могущественных <strong>новых героев</strong> с уникальными способностями!" # {change}
feature3: "__bonusLevelsCount__+ дополнительных уровней" # {change}
feature4: "<strong>{{gems}} бонусных самоцветов</strong> каждый месяц!"
feature5: "Обучающие видеоролики"
feature6: "Эксклюзивная поддержка по электронной почте"
@ -551,9 +551,9 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "slovenčina", englishDescription: "Slovak",
comparison_blurb: "Uč sa dôkladnejšie vďaka predplatnému !"
feature1: "$t(data.levelsCount)+ základných úrovní v $t(data.worldsCount) svetoch" # {change}
feature2: "$t(data.heroesCount) mocných <strong>new hrdinov</strong> s jedinečnými schopnosťami!" # {change}
feature3: "$t(data.bonusLevelsCount)+ bonusových úrovní" # {change}
feature1: "__levelsCount__+ základných úrovní v __worldsCount__ svetoch" # {change}
feature2: "__heroesCount__ mocných <strong>new hrdinov</strong> s jedinečnými schopnosťami!" # {change}
feature3: "__bonusLevelsCount__+ bonusových úrovní" # {change}
feature4: "<strong>{{gems}} bonusových diamantov</strong> každý mesiac !"
feature5: "Video tutoriály"
feature6: "Prémiová emailová podpora"
@ -551,9 +551,9 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Українська", englishDescription:
comparison_blurb: "Відточіть свої навички завдяки підписці на CodeCombat!"
feature1: "Більше $t(data.levelsCount) основних рівней на просторах $t(data.worldsCount) світів" # {change}
feature2: "$t(data.heroesCount) могутніх <strong>нових героїв</strong> з унікальними здібностями!" # {change}
feature3: "Більше $t(data.bonusLevelsCount)-ти бонусних рівнів" # {change}
feature1: "Більше __levelsCount__ основних рівней на просторах __worldsCount__ світів" # {change}
feature2: "__heroesCount__ могутніх <strong>нових героїв</strong> з унікальними здібностями!" # {change}
feature3: "Більше __bonusLevelsCount__-ти бонусних рівнів" # {change}
feature4: "<strong>{{gems}} бонусних самоцвітів</strong> кожного місяця!"
feature5: "Навчальні відеоролики"
feature6: "Екслюзивна підтримка по електронній пошті"
@ -551,9 +551,9 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Tiếng Việt", englishDescription: "Vietn
comparison_blurb: "Tăng cường kĩ năng bằng việc đăng kí theo dõi CodeCombat!"
feature1: "$t(data.levelsCount)+ màn chơi cơ bản trên $t(data.worldsCount) bản đồ thế giới"
feature2: "$t(data.heroesCount) <strong>tướng mới</strong> mạnh mẽ với những kĩ năng đặc biệt!"
feature3: "$t(data.bonusLevelsCount)+ màn chơi thêm"
feature1: "__levelsCount__+ màn chơi cơ bản trên __worldsCount__ bản đồ thế giới"
feature2: "__heroesCount__ <strong>tướng mới</strong> mạnh mẽ với những kĩ năng đặc biệt!"
feature3: "__bonusLevelsCount__+ màn chơi thêm"
feature4: "<strong>Được thưởng thêm {{gems}} ngọc</strong> mỗi tháng!"
feature5: "Video hướng dẫn qua màn"
feature6: "Hỗ trợ đặc biệt qua email"
@ -551,9 +551,9 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "简体中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
comparison_blurb: "亲,订阅CodeCombat,大力的提升您的技能!"
feature1: "$t(data.levelsCount)+ 基本关卡($t(data.worldsCount)个世界)" # {change}
feature2: "$t(data.heroesCount) 个强大 <strong>英雄</strong>以及各式非凡技能!" # {change}
feature3: "$t(data.bonusLevelsCount)+ 奖励关卡" # {change}
feature1: "__levelsCount__+ 基本关卡(__worldsCount__个世界)" # {change}
feature2: "__heroesCount__ 个强大 <strong>英雄</strong>以及各式非凡技能!" # {change}
feature3: "__bonusLevelsCount__+ 奖励关卡" # {change}
feature4: "每月享有{{gems}}额外宝石"
feature5: "视频教学"
feature6: "专业邮件支援"
@ -551,9 +551,9 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "繁體中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
comparison_blurb: "訂閱 CodeCombat 來磨練您的技巧!"
feature1: "$t(data.levelsCount) 個以上的基本關卡散佈在$t(data.worldsCount)張地圖中" # {change}
feature2: "$t(data.heroesCount) 個強壯的<strong>新英雄</strong>並每位都有不同技巧!" # {change}
feature3: "$t(data.bonusLevelsCount) 個以上的額外關卡" # {change}
feature1: "__levelsCount__ 個以上的基本關卡散佈在__worldsCount__張地圖中" # {change}
feature2: "__heroesCount__ 個強壯的<strong>新英雄</strong>並每位都有不同技巧!" # {change}
feature3: "__bonusLevelsCount__ 個以上的額外關卡" # {change}
feature4: "每個月<strong>{{gems}}顆額外寶石</strong>!"
feature5: "影片教學"
feature6: "頂級信箱支援"
@ -71,9 +71,11 @@ block content
if test.error
pre(style="color: red") #{test.error}
if test.userCodeProblems.length
h4(style="color: red") User Code Problems
pre(style="color: red") #{JSON.stringify(test.userCodeProblems, null, 2)}
h1 Loading Level...
// TODO: show errors
// TODO: frame length
// TODO: show last frame hash
@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ module.exports = class VerifierTest extends CocoClass
constructor: (@levelID, @updateCallback, @supermodel, @language) ->
# TODO: turn this into a Subview
# TODO: listen to Backbone.Mediator.publish 'god:non-user-code-problem', problem: event.data.problem, god: @shared.god from Angel to detect when we can't load the thing
# TODO: listen to the progress report from Angel to show a simulation progress bar (maybe even out of the number of frames we actually know it'll take)
@supermodel ?= new SuperModel()
@ -19,6 +18,7 @@ module.exports = class VerifierTest extends CocoClass
model.constructor.className in ['Level', 'LevelComponent', 'LevelSystem', 'ThangType']
@language ?= 'python'
@userCodeProblems = []
load: ->
@ -107,6 +107,8 @@ module.exports = class VerifierTest extends CocoClass
onUserCodeProblem: (e) ->
console.warn "Found user code problem:", e
@userCodeProblems.push e.problem
@updateCallback? state: @state
onNonUserCodeProblem: (e) ->
console.error "Found non-user-code problem:", e
Reference in a new issue