mirror of
synced 2025-03-22 02:45:29 -04:00
Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/codecombat/codecombat
This commit is contained in:
26 changed files with 66 additions and 1494 deletions
@ -35,12 +35,13 @@ module.exports = class Layer extends createjs.Container
@transformStyle = options.transform ? Layer.TRANSFORM_CHILD
@camera = options.camera
console.error @toString(), "needs a camera." unless @camera
@updateLayerOrder = _.throttle @updateLayerOrder, 1 # don't call multiple times in one frame
@updateLayerOrder = _.throttle @updateLayerOrder, 1000 / 30 # Don't call multiple times in one frame; 30 FPS is probably good enough
Backbone.Mediator.subscribe(channel, @[func], @) for channel, func of @subscriptions
destroy: ->
child.destroy?() for child in @children
Backbone.Mediator.unsubscribe(channel, @[func], @) for channel, func of @subscriptions
delete @updateLayerOrder
toString: -> "<Layer #{@layerPriority}: #{@name}>"
@ -60,21 +61,30 @@ module.exports = class Layer extends createjs.Container
updateLayerOrder: =>
#console.log @, @toString(), "sorting children", _.clone @children if @name is 'Default'
@sortChildren (a, b) ->
alp = a.layerPriority ? 0
blp = b.layerPriority ? 0
return alp - blp if alp isnt blp
# TODO: remove this z stuff
az = if a.z then a.z else 1000
bz = if b.z then b.z else 1000
aThang = a.sprite?.thang
bThang = b.sprite?.thang
az -= 1 if aThang?.health < 0
bz -= 1 if bThang?.health < 0
if az == bz
return 0 unless aThang?.pos and bThang?.pos
return (bThang.pos.y - aThang.pos.y) or (bThang.pos.x - aThang.pos.x)
return az - bz
@sortChildren @layerOrderComparator
layerOrderComparator: (a, b) ->
# Optimize
alp = a.layerPriority or 0
blp = b.layerPriority or 0
return alp - blp if alp isnt blp
# TODO: remove this z stuff
az = a.z or 1000
bz = b.z or 1000
if aSprite = a.sprite
if aThang = aSprite.thang
aPos = aThang.pos
if aThang.health < 0
if bSprite = b.sprite
if bThang = bSprite.thang
bPos = bThang.pos
if bThang.health < 0
if az is bz
return 0 unless aPos and bPos
return (bPos.y - aPos.y) or (bPos.x - aPos.x)
return az - bz
onZoomUpdated: (e) ->
return unless e.camera is @camera
@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ module.exports = class SpriteBoss extends CocoClass
@world = options.world
@options.thangTypes ?= []
@sprites = {}
@spriteArray = [] # Mirror @sprites, but faster for when we just need to iterate
@selfWizardSprite = null
@spriteSheetCache = {}
@ -44,7 +45,7 @@ module.exports = class SpriteBoss extends CocoClass
toString: -> "<SpriteBoss: #{@sprites.length} sprites>"
toString: -> "<SpriteBoss: #{@spriteArray.length} sprites>"
thangTypeFor: (type) ->
_.find @options.thangTypes, (m) -> m.get('original') is type or m.get('name') is type
@ -77,6 +78,7 @@ module.exports = class SpriteBoss extends CocoClass
id ?= sprite.thang.id
console.error "Sprite collision! Already have:", id if @sprites[id]
@sprites[id] = sprite
@spriteArray.push sprite
layer ?= @spriteLayers["Obstacle"] if sprite.thang?.spriteName.search(/(dungeon|indoor).wall/i) isnt -1
layer ?= @layerForChild sprite.displayObject, sprite
layer.addChild sprite.displayObject
@ -117,7 +119,6 @@ module.exports = class SpriteBoss extends CocoClass
sprite.targetPos = if opponent.team is 'ogres' then {x:52, y: 28} else {x: 20, y:28}
createWizardSprite: (options) ->
sprite = new WizardSprite @thangTypeFor("Wizard"), @createSpriteOptions(options)
@addSprite sprite, sprite.thang.id, @spriteLayers["Floating"]
@ -138,7 +139,7 @@ module.exports = class SpriteBoss extends CocoClass
onSetDebug: (e) ->
return if e.debug is @debug
@debug = e.debug
sprite.setDebug @debug for thangID, sprite of @sprites
sprite.setDebug @debug for sprite in @spriteArray
onHighlightSprites: (e) ->
highlightedIDs = e.thangIDs or []
@ -159,15 +160,16 @@ module.exports = class SpriteBoss extends CocoClass
sprite.displayObject.parent.removeChild sprite.displayObject
thang = sprite.thang
delete @sprites[sprite.thang.id]
@spriteArray.splice @spriteArray.indexOf(sprite), 1
sprite.thang = thang # Keep around so that we know which thang the destroyed thang was for
updateSounds: ->
sprite.playSounds() for thangID, sprite of @sprites # hmm; doesn't work for sprites which we didn't add yet in adjustSpriteExistence
sprite.playSounds() for sprite in @spriteArray # hmm; doesn't work for sprites which we didn't add yet in adjustSpriteExistence
update: (frameChanged) ->
@adjustSpriteExistence() if frameChanged
sprite.update frameChanged for thangID, sprite of @sprites
sprite.update frameChanged for sprite in @spriteArray
@ -197,7 +199,7 @@ module.exports = class SpriteBoss extends CocoClass
cache: (update=false) ->
return if @cached and not update
wallSprites = (sprite for thangID, sprite of @sprites when sprite.thangType?.get('name').search(/(dungeon|indoor).wall/i) isnt -1)
wallSprites = (sprite for sprite in @spriteArray when sprite.thangType?.get('name').search(/(dungeon|indoor).wall/i) isnt -1)
walls = (sprite.thang for sprite in wallSprites)
wallGrid = new Grid walls, @world.size()...
@ -222,12 +224,12 @@ module.exports = class SpriteBoss extends CocoClass
onCastSpells: -> @stop()
play: ->
sprite.imageObject.play() for thangID, sprite of @sprites
sprite.imageObject.play() for sprite in @spriteArray
stop: ->
sprite.imageObject.stop() for thangID, sprite of @sprites
sprite.imageObject.stop() for sprite in @spriteArray
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ module.exports = Surface = class Surface extends CocoClass
coords: true
playJingle: false
showInvisible: false
frameRate: 60 # Best as a divisor of 60, like 15, 30, 60, with RAF_SYNCHED timing.
frameRate: 30 # Best as a divisor of 60, like 15, 30, 60, with RAF_SYNCHED timing.
'level-disable-controls': 'onDisableControls'
@ -221,8 +221,8 @@ module.exports = Surface = class Surface extends CocoClass
@currentFrame = tempFrame
frame = @world.getFrame(@getCurrentFrame())
for thangID, sprite of @spriteBoss.sprites
sprite.playSounds false, Math.max(0.05, Math.min(1, 1 / @scrubbingPlaybackSpeed))
volume = Math.max(0.05, Math.min(1, 1 / @scrubbingPlaybackSpeed))
sprite.playSounds false, volume for sprite in @spriteBoss.spriteArray
tempFrame += if rising then 1 else -1
@currentFrame = actualCurrentFrame
@ -8,14 +8,14 @@ module.exports = class SuperModel extends Backbone.Model
@models = {}
@collections = {}
# Since the supermodel has undergone some changes into being a loader and a cache interface,
# it's a bit wonky to use. The next couple functions are meant to cover the majority of
# use cases across the site. If they are used, the view will automatically handle errors,
# retries, progress, and filling the cache. Note that the resource it passes back will not
# necessarily have the same model or collection that was passed in, if it was fetched from
# the cache.
loadModel: (model, name, fetchOptions, value=1) ->
cachedModel = @getModelByURL(model.getURL())
if cachedModel
@ -28,12 +28,12 @@ module.exports = class SuperModel extends Backbone.Model
res = @addModelResource(cachedModel, name, fetchOptions, value)
return res
console.debug 'Registering model', model.getURL()
return @addModelResource(model, name, fetchOptions, value).load()
loadCollection: (collection, name, fetchOptions, value=1) ->
url = collection.getURL()
if cachedCollection = @collections[url]
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ module.exports = class SuperModel extends Backbone.Model
res = @addModelResource(cachedCollection, name, fetchOptions, value)
return res
@addCollection collection
@listenToOnce collection, 'sync', (c) ->
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ module.exports = class SuperModel extends Backbone.Model
# replace or overwrite
shouldSaveBackups: (model) -> false
# Caching logic
getModel: (ModelClass_or_url, id) ->
@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ module.exports = class SuperModel extends Backbone.Model
# Tracking resources being loaded for this supermodel
finished: ->
@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ module.exports = class SuperModel extends Backbone.Model
@trigger('failed', source)
updateProgress: =>
# Because this is _.defer'd, this might end up getting called after
# Because this is _.defer'd, this might end up getting called after
# a bunch of things load all at once.
# So make sure we only emit events if @progress has changed.
newProg = if @denom then @num / @denom else 1
@ -161,8 +161,8 @@ module.exports = class SuperModel extends Backbone.Model
getResource: (rid) ->
return @resources[rid]
class Resource extends Backbone.Model
constructor: (name, value=1) ->
@ -185,11 +185,11 @@ class Resource extends Backbone.Model
@trigger('failed', {resource: @})
@isLoaded = @isLoading = false
@isFailed = true
markLoading: ->
@isLoaded = @isFailed = false
@isLoading = true
load: -> @
@ -306,10 +306,11 @@ module.exports = class HUDView extends View
for actionName, action of @thang.actions
@updateActionElement(actionName, @timespans[actionName], @thang.action is actionName)
tableContainer = @$el.find('.table-container')
timelineWidth = tableContainer.find('tr:not(.secret) .action-timeline').width()
right = (1 - (@timeProgress ? 0)) * timelineWidth
arrow = tableContainer.find('.progress-arrow')
arrow.css 'right', right - arrow.width() / 2
@timelineWidth ||= tableContainer.find('tr:not(.secret) .action-timeline').width()
@actionArrowWidth ||= arrow.width()
right = (1 - (@timeProgress ? 0)) * @timelineWidth
arrow.css 'right', right - @actionArrowWidth / 2
tableContainer.find('.progress-line').css 'right', right
buildActionTimespans: ->
@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ module.exports = class PlaybackView extends View
@currentTime = e.frame / e.world.frameRate
# Game will sometimes stop at 29.97, but with only one digit, this is unnecesary.
# @currentTime = @totalTime if Math.abs(@totalTime - @currentTime) < 0.04
@updatePopupContent() if @timePopup?.shown
@ -156,9 +156,16 @@ module.exports = class ThangListEntryView extends View
@$el.toggleClass('disabled', not enabled)
onFrameChanged: (e) ->
# Optimize
return unless currentThang = e.world.thangMap[@thang.id]
@$el.toggle Boolean(currentThang.exists)
@$el.toggleClass 'dead', currentThang.health <= 0 if currentThang.exists
exists = Boolean currentThang.exists
if @thangDidExist isnt exists
@$el.toggle exists
@thangDidExist = exists
dead = exists and currentThang.health <= 0
if @thangWasDead isnt dead
@$el.toggleClass 'dead', dead
@thangWasDead = dead
destroy: ->
@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
<intro>From now on we'll send our feedback in English!</intro>
<bit>-bit computer detected.</bit>
<prefix>The operating system</prefix>
<sufix>was detected.</sufix>
<xp>We don't support Windows XP, installation cancelled.</xp>
<sks>Have you already installed all the software needed for CodeCombat?</sks>
<skq>We recommand that you reply negative in case you're not sure.</skq>
<skc>Skipping the installation of the software...</skc>
<s1>CodeCombat couldn't be developed without third-party software.</s1>
<s2>That's why you'll need to install this software,</s2>
<s3>in order to start contributing to our community.</s3>
<s4>Cancel the installation if you already have the application.</s4>
<winpath>Make sure to select the option that adds the application to your Windows Path, if the option is available.</winpath>
<prefix>Do you already have the latest version of</prefix>
<downloading>is downloading...</downloading>
<installing>is installing...</installing>
<unzipping>is unzipping...</unzipping>
<cleaning>is cleaning...</cleaning>
<mongodbpath>Please define the full path where mongodb should be installed</mongodbpath>
<opensource>CodeCombat is opensource, like you already know.</opensource>
<online>All our sourcecode can be found online at Github.</online>
<manual>You can choose to do the entire Git setup yourself.</manual>
<norec>However we recommend that you instead let us handle it instead.</norec>
<question>Do you want to do the Local Git setup manually yourself?</question>
<consequence>Make sure you have correctly setup your repository before processing.</consequence>
<donotclose>Do not close this window please.</donotclose>
<wait>When you're ready, press any key to continue...</wait>
<path>Please give the full path of your CodeCombat git repository: </path>
<checkout>Please enter the full path where you want to install your CodeCombat environment</checkout>
<bashi>This installation requires Git Bash.</bashi>
<bashp64>Git bash is by default installed at 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Git'.</bashp64>
<bashp32>Git bash is by default installed at 'C:\Program Files\Git'.</bashp32>
<bashq>Please enter the full path where git bash is installed or just press enter if it's in the default location</bashq>
<ssh>Do you want to checkout the repository via ssh?</ssh>
<install>Installing bower, brunch, nodemon and sendwithus...</install>
<binstall>Installing bower packages...</binstall>
<sass>Installing sass...</sass>
<npm>Installing npm...</npm>
<brnch>Starting brunch....</brnch>
<mongodb>Setting up a MongoDB database for you...</mongodb>
<db>Downloading the last version of the CodeCombat database...</db>
<script>Preparing the automatic startup script for you...</script>
<path>That path already exists, are you sure you want to overwrite it?</path>
<exist>That path doesn't exist. Please try again...</exist>
<succesfull>The setup of the CodeCombat Dev. Environment was succesfull.</succesfull>
<thankyou>Thank you already for your contribution and see you soon.</thankyou>
<readme>Do you want to read the README for more information?</readme>
<s1>From now on you can start the dev. environment at</s1>
<s2>the touch of a single mouse click.</s2>
<s3> 1) Just double click</s3>
<s4> and let the environment start up.</s4>
<s5> 2) Now just open 'localhost:3000' in your prefered browser.</s5>
<s6>That's it, you're now ready to start working on CodeCombat!</s6>
@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
<intro>From now on we'll send our feedback in English!</intro>
<bit>-bit computer detected.</bit>
<prefix>The operating system</prefix>
<sufix>was detected.</sufix>
<xp>We don't support Windows XP, installation cancelled.</xp>
<sks>Have you already installed all the software needed for CodeCombat?</sks>
<skq>We recommand that you reply negative in case you're not sure.</skq>
<skc>Skipping the installation of the software...</skc>
<s1>CodeCombat couldn't be developed without third-party software.</s1>
<s2>That's why you'll need to install this software,</s2>
<s3>in order to start contributing to our community.</s3>
<s4>Cancel the installation if you already have the application.</s4>
<winpath>Make sure to select the option that adds the application to your Windows Path, if the option is available.</winpath>
<prefix>Do you already have the latest version of</prefix>
<downloading>is downloading...</downloading>
<installing>is installing...</installing>
<unzipping>is unzipping...</unzipping>
<cleaning>is cleaning...</cleaning>
<mongodbpath>Please define the full path where mongodb should be installed</mongodbpath>
<opensource>CodeCombat is opensource, like you already know.</opensource>
<online>All our sourcecode can be found online at Github.</online>
<manual>You can choose to do the entire Git setup yourself.</manual>
<norec>However we recommend that you instead let us handle it instead.</norec>
<question>Do you want to do the Local Git setup manually yourself?</question>
<consequence>Make sure you have correctly setup your repository before processing.</consequence>
<donotclose>Do not close this window please.</donotclose>
<wait>When you're ready, press any key to continue...</wait>
<path>Please give the full path of your CodeCombat git repository: </path>
<checkout>Please enter the full path where you want to install your CodeCombat environment</checkout>
<bashi>This installation requires Git Bash.</bashi>
<bashp64>Git bash is by default installed at 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Git'.</bashp64>
<bashp32>Git bash is by default installed at 'C:\Program Files\Git'.</bashp32>
<bashq>Please enter the full path where git bash is installed or just press enter if it's in the default location</bashq>
<ssh>Do you want to checkout the repository via ssh?</ssh>
<install>Installing bower, brunch, nodemon and sendwithus...</install>
<binstall>Installing bower packages...</binstall>
<sass>Installing sass...</sass>
<npm>Installing npm...</npm>
<brnch>Starting brunch....</brnch>
<mongodb>Setting up a MongoDB database for you...</mongodb>
<db>Downloading the last version of the CodeCombat database...</db>
<script>Preparing the automatic startup script for you...</script>
<path>That path already exists, are you sure you want to overwrite it?</path>
<exist>That path doesn't exist. Please try again...</exist>
<succesfull>The setup of the CodeCombat Dev. Environment was succesfull.</succesfull>
<thankyou>Thank you already for your contribution and see you soon.</thankyou>
<readme>Do you want to read the README for more information?</readme>
<s1>From now on you can start the dev. environment at</s1>
<s2>the touch of a single mouse click.</s2>
<s3> 1) Just double click</s3>
<s4> and let the environment start up.</s4>
<s5> 2) Now just open 'localhost:3000' in your prefered browser.</s5>
<s6>That's it, you're now ready to start working on CodeCombat!</s6>
@ -1,86 +1,3 @@
<<<<<<< HEAD:scripts/windows/coco-dev-setup/batch/localisation/de.coco
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
<intro>Ab jetzt senden wir unser Feedback in Englisch!</intro>
<bit>-Bit System erkannt.</bit>
<prefix>Es wurde das Betriebssystem</prefix>
<xp>Windows XP wird nicht unterstützt. Installation abgebrochen.</xp>
<sks>Sind die für CodeCombat benötigten Programme bereits installiert?</sks>
<skq>Wir empfehlen Ihnen, mit „Nein“ zu antorten, falls Sie unsicher sind.</skq>
<skc>Überspringe Installation der Programme...</skc>
<s1>Ohne Software von Drittanbietern könnte CodeCombat nicht entwickelt werden.</s1>
<s2>Aus diesem Grund müssen Sie diese Software installieren,</s2>
<s3>um sich in der Community zu engagieren.</s3>
<s4>Wenn Sie ein Programm bereits installiert haben, brechen Sie die Installation bitte ab.</s4>
<winpath>Make sure to select the option that adds the application to your Windows Path, if the option is available.</winpath>
<prefix>Haben Sie bereits die aktuellste Version von</prefix>
<downloading>wird heruntergeladen...</downloading>
<installing>wird installiert...</installing>
<unzipping>wird entpackt...</unzipping>
<cleaning>wird aufgeräumt...</cleaning>
<mongodbpath>Bitte geben Sie den kompletten Pfad an, an dem MongoDB installiert werden soll</mongodbpath>
<opensource>Wie Du bereits weißt, ist CodeCombat Open Source.</opensource>
<online>Unser Quellcode ist komplett auf Github.</online>
<manual>Wenn Du möchtest, kannst du das komplette Git Repository selbst herunterladen und nach deinen wünschen einrichten.</manual>
<norec>Allerdings empfehlen wir, dass du den Prozess statt dessen uns überlässt.</norec>
<question>Willst du das lokale Git Setup selbst vornehmen?</question>
<consequence>Bit vergewissere dich, dass das Repository korrekt heruntergeladen wurde, bevor du fortfährst.</consequence>
<donotclose>Bitte schließe dieses Fenster nicht.</donotclose>
<wait>Wenn du fertig bist, drücke eine beliebige Taste zum Fortfahren...</wait>
<path>Gebe bitte den kompletten Pfad zu deinem CodeCombat Git Repository ein: </path>
<checkout>Bitte gib den kompletten Pfad ein, an dem du die CodeCombat Umgebung einrichten willst</checkout>
<bashi>Diese Installation benötigt die Git Bash.</bashi>
<bashp64>Die Git Bash ist standardmäßig in 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Git' installiert.</bashp64>
<bashp32>Die Git Bash ist standardmäßig in 'C:\Program Files\Git' installiert.</bashp32>
<bashq>Bitte gebe den kompletten Pfad zur Git Bash ein, oder drücke Enter, um den Standardpfad zu verwenden</bashq>
<ssh>Willst du das Repository via SSH auschecken?</ssh>
<install>Installing bower, brunch, nodemon and sendwithus...</install>
<binstall>Installing bower packages...</binstall>
<sass>Installing sass...</sass>
<npm>Installing npm...</npm>
<brnch>Starting brunch....</brnch>
<mongodb>Setting up a MongoDB database for you...</mongodb>
<database>Downloading the last version of the CodeCombat database...</database>
<script>Preparing the automatic startup script for you...</script>
<path>Dieser Pfad existiert bereits. Willst du ihn wirklich überschreiben?</path>
<exist>Dieser Pfad exisitert nicht. Bitte versuche es erneut...</exist>
<succesfull>Die CodeCombat Entwicklungsumgebung wurde erfoglreich installiert.</succesfull>
<thankyou>Vielen Dank für die Unterstützung und bis bald.</thankyou>
<readme>Willst du das README lesen, um weitere Informationen zu erhalten?</readme>
<s1>Von nun an kannst du die Entwicklungsumgebung starten unter</s1>
<s2>einmal mit der Maus klicken.</s2>
<s3> 1) Einfach Doppelklicken</s3>
<s4>und warten bis die Entwicklungsumgebung fertig geladen hat.</s4>
<s5> 2) Jetzt 'localhost:3000' in deinem bevorzugten Browser aufrufen.</s5>
<s6>Fertig. Du bist nun bereit, bei CodeCombat mitzuarbeiten!</s6>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
@ -188,5 +105,4 @@
<s5> 2) Jetzt 'localhost:3000' in deinem bevorzugten Browser aufrufen.</s5>
<s6>Fertig. Du bist nun bereit, bei CodeCombat mitzuarbeiten!</s6>
>>>>>>> 072729acc34123c42250d361955438cfd8c210d7:scripts/windows/coco-dev-setup/batch/localization/de.coco
@ -1,87 +1,3 @@
<<<<<<< HEAD:scripts/windows/coco-dev-setup/batch/localisation/zh-HANS.coco
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
<xp>我们不支持 Windows XP, 安装取消.</xp>
<sks>你是否已经安装好运行 CodeCombat 所需的所有软件?</sks>
<skq>如果你不确定的话请回答 No.</skq>
<s1>CodeCombat 无法在不使用第三方服务的情况下开发.</s1>
<s4>如果你已经有了这些软件 请取消安装.</s4>
<winpath>Make sure to select the option that adds the application to your Windows Path, if the option is available.</winpath>
<mongodbpath>请输入你希望安装 mongodb 的文件夹的全路径<mongodbpath>
<opensource>CodeCombat 是开源的.</opensource>
<online>我们的所有源代码都放在了 Github.</online>
<manual>你可以选择自己手工安装 Git.</manual>
<question>你是否想自己手工安装本地 Git 安装?</question>
<consequence>请确保在开始处理前, 你有正确设置好你的库.</consequence>
<wait>如果你准备好了, 请按任意键继续...</wait>
<path>请输入你 CodeCombat git库的全路径: </path>
<checkout>请输入你想安装 CodeCombat 环境的全路径</checkout>
<bashi>这项安装需要 Git Bash.</bashi>
<bashp64>Git bash 默认安装在 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Git'.</bashp64>
<bashp32>Git bash 默认安装在 'C:\Program Files\Git'.</bashp32>
<bashq>请输入 git bash 的安装全路径, 如果你安装的是默认路径, 那么直接输入回车即可</bashq>
<ssh>你是否想使用 ssh 来检出(checkout)库(repository)?</ssh>
<install>正在安装 bower, brunch, nodemon 和 sendwithus...</install>
<binstall>正在用 bower 安装依赖包...</binstall>
<sass>正在安装 sass...</sass>
<npm>正在安装 npm...</npm>
<brnch>正在开启 brunch....</brnch>
<mongodb>正在为你设置 MongoDB 数据库...</mongodb>
<db>正在下载 CodeCombat 数据库的最新版本...</db>
<script>Preparing the automatic startup script for you...</script>
<path>这个路径已经存在, 你想要覆盖它吗?</path>
<exist>这个路径不存在, 请再次尝试...</exist>
<succesfull>CodeCombat 开发环境的搭建已成功.</succesfull>
<thankyou>感谢~ 我们会很快再次见面的 :)</thankyou>
<readme>你是否想阅读 README 文件以了解更多信息?</readme>
<s1>From now on you can start the dev. environment at</s1>
<s2>the touch of a single mouse click.</s2>
<s3> 1) 双击文件</s3>
<s4> 启动开发环境.</s4>
<s5> 2) 在浏览器里访问 'localhost:3000' </s5>
<s6>好了,你现在可以开始开发 CodeCombat 了!</s6>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
@ -189,5 +105,4 @@
<s5> 2) 在浏览器里访问 'localhost:3000' </s5>
<s6>好了,你现在可以开始开发 CodeCombat 了!</s6>
>>>>>>> 072729acc34123c42250d361955438cfd8c210d7:scripts/windows/coco-dev-setup/batch/localization/zh-HANS.coco
@ -1,86 +1,3 @@
<<<<<<< HEAD:scripts/windows/coco-dev-setup/batch/localisation/zh-HANT.coco
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
<intro>From now on we'll send our feedback in English!</intro>
<bit>-bit computer detected.</bit>
<prefix>The operating system</prefix>
<sufix>was detected.</sufix>
<xp>We don't support Windows XP, installation cancelled.</xp>
<sks>Have you already installed all the software needed for CodeCombat?</sks>
<skq>We recommand that you reply negative in case you're not sure.</skq>
<skc>Skipping the installation of the software...</skc>
<s1>CodeCombat couldn't be developed without third-party software.</s1>
<s2>That's why you'll need to install this software,</s2>
<s3>in order to start contributing to our community.</s3>
<s4>Cancel the installation if you already have the application.</s4>
<winpath>Make sure to select the option that adds the application to your Windows Path, if the option is available.</winpath>
<prefix>Do you already have the latest version of</prefix>
<downloading>is downloading...</downloading>
<installing>is installing...</installing>
<unzipping>is unzipping...</unzipping>
<cleaning>is cleaning...</cleaning>
<mongodbpath>Please define the full path where mongodb should be installed</mongodbpath>
<opensource>CodeCombat is opensource, like you already know.</opensource>
<online>All our sourcecode can be found online at Github.</online>
<manual>You can choose to do the entire Git setup yourself.</manual>
<norec>However we recommend that you instead let us handle it instead.</norec>
<question>Do you want to do the Local Git setup manually yourself?</question>
<consequence>Make sure you have correctly setup your repository before processing.</consequence>
<donotclose>Do not close this window please.</donotclose>
<wait>When you're ready, press any key to continue...</wait>
<path>Please give the full path of your CodeCombat git repository: </path>
<checkout>Please enter the full path where you want to install your CodeCombat environment</checkout>
<bashi>This installation requires Git Bash.</bashi>
<bashp64>Git bash is by default installed at 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Git'.</bashp64>
<bashp32>Git bash is by default installed at 'C:\Program Files\Git'.</bashp32>
<bashq>Please enter the full path where git bash is installed or just press enter if it's in the default location</bashq>
<ssh>Do you want to checkout the repository via ssh?</ssh>
<install>Installing bower, brunch, nodemon and sendwithus...</install>
<binstall>Installing bower packages...</binstall>
<sass>Installing sass...</sass>
<npm>Installing npm...</npm>
<brnch>Starting brunch....</brnch>
<mongodb>Setting up a MongoDB database for you...</mongodb>
<db>Downloading the last version of the CodeCombat database...</db>
<script>Preparing the automatic startup script for you...</script>
<path>That path already exists, are you sure you want to overwrite it?</path>
<exist>That path doesn't exist. Please try again...</exist>
<succesfull>The setup of the CodeCombat Dev. Environment was succesfull.</succesfull>
<thankyou>Thank you already for your contribution and see you soon.</thankyou>
<readme>Do you want to read the README for more information?</readme>
<s1>From now on you can start the dev. environment at</s1>
<s2>the touch of a single mouse click.</s2>
<s3> 1) Just double click</s3>
<s4> and let the environment start up.</s4>
<s5> 2) Now just open 'localhost:3000' in your prefered browser.</s5>
<s6>That's it, you're now ready to start working on CodeCombat!</s6>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
@ -188,5 +105,4 @@
<s5> 2) Now just open 'localhost:3000' in your prefered browser.</s5>
<s6>That's it, you're now ready to start working on CodeCombat!</s6>
>>>>>>> 072729acc34123c42250d361955438cfd8c210d7:scripts/windows/coco-dev-setup/batch/localization/zh-HANT.coco
@ -1,57 +1,3 @@
<<<<<<< HEAD
call print_install_header
call print_dashed_seperator
call get_local_text install_process_sks install process sks
echo !install_process_sks!
call get_local_text install_process_skq install process skq
call ask_question "!install_process_skq!"
call print_dashed_seperator
if "%result%"=="true" (
call get_local_text install_process_skc install process skc
echo !install_process_skc!
call print_dashed_seperator
call get_system_information
call print_dashed_seperator
if %system_info_os% == XP (
call get_local_text install_system_xp install system xp
echo !install_system_xp!
call print_exit
call get_variables ..\\config\\downloads.coco downloads download_names downloads_count 0 general general
call get_variables ..\\config\\downloads.coco downloads download_names downloads_count 2 %system_info_os% b%system_info_bit%
call get_variables ..\\config\\downloads.coco downloads download_names downloads_count 3 general b%system_info_bit%
call get_local_text install_process_s1 install process s1
call get_local_text install_process_s2 install process s2
call get_local_text install_process_s3 install process s3
call get_local_text install_process_s4 install process s4
call get_local_text install_process_winpath install process winpath
echo !install_process_s1!
echo !install_process_s2!
echo !install_process_s3!
echo !install_process_s4!
echo !install_process_winpath!
call print_dashed_seperator
for /l %%i in (1, 1, !downloads_count!) do (
call download_and_install_app !download_names[%%i]! !downloads[%%i]!
call print_install_header
call print_dashed_seperator
@ -105,5 +51,4 @@ for /l %%i in (1, 1, !downloads_count!) do (
>>>>>>> 072729acc34123c42250d361955438cfd8c210d7
@ -1,40 +1,3 @@
<<<<<<< HEAD
echo Some feedback is sent in your system's language
echo but most feedback is sent and localised by us.
echo Here is a list of languages:
call print_dashed_seperator
call get_array ..\\localisation\\languages.coco languages language_count
for /l %%i in (1,1,%language_count%) do (
call get_text !languages[%%i]! global_native global native
echo [%%i] !global_native!
call print_dashed_seperator
set /p "localisation_id=Enter the language ID of your preference and press <ENTER>: "
set "localisation_is_false="
set /a local_id = %localisation_id%
if !local_id! EQU 0 set localisation_is_false=1
if !local_id! LSS 1 set localisation_is_false=1
if !local_id! GTR !language_count! set localisation_is_false=1
if defined localisation_is_false (
echo The id you entered is invalid, please try again...
) else (
set language_id=!languages[%local_id%]!
call get_text !language_id! global_native global native
call print_dashed_seperator
echo You have choosen !global_native! as your language.
call get_text !language_id! global_intro global intro
echo !global_intro!
call print_seperator
echo Some feedback is sent in your system's language
echo but most feedback is sent and localised by us.
echo Here is a list of languages:
@ -73,5 +36,4 @@ goto:get_localization_id
echo !language_feedback!
call print_seperator
>>>>>>> 072729acc34123c42250d361955438cfd8c210d7
@ -1,36 +1,3 @@
<<<<<<< HEAD
if exist "%PROGRAMFILES(X86)%" (
call:set_bit 64
) else (
call:set_bit 32
for /f "tokens=4-5 delims=. " %%i in ('ver') do set VERSION=%%i.%%j
if "%version%" == "5.2" ( call:set_os XP )
if "%version%" == "6.0" ( call:set_os Vista )
if "%version%" == "6.1" ( call:set_os Win7 )
:: we handle win8.0 as win7
if "%version%" == "6.2" ( call:set_os Win7 )
:: we handle win8.1 as win7
if "%version%" == "6.3" ( call:set_os Win7 )
call get_local_text install_system_bit install system bit
set system_info_bit=%~1
echo %system_info_bit%%install_system_bit%
set system_info_os=%~1
call get_local_text install_system_prefix install system prefix
call get_local_text install_system_sufix install system sufix
echo %install_system_prefix% %system_info_os% %install_system_sufix%
if exist "%PROGRAMFILES(X86)%" (
call:set_bit 64
) else (
@ -60,4 +27,3 @@ goto:eof
>>>>>>> 072729acc34123c42250d361955438cfd8c210d7
@ -1,8 +1,3 @@
<<<<<<< HEAD
for /F "delims=" %%F in ('call run_script .\\get_var.ps1 ..\\localisation\\%1.coco %3 %4 %5 %6') do (
set "%2=%%F"
for /F "delims=" %%F in ('call run_script .\\get_var.ps1 ..\\localization\\%1.coco %3 %4 %5 %6') do (
set "%2=%%F"
>>>>>>> 072729acc34123c42250d361955438cfd8c210d7
@ -1,119 +1,3 @@
<<<<<<< HEAD
call print_github_header
call print_dashed_seperator
call get_local_text github_intro_opensource github intro opensource
call get_local_text github_intro_online github intro online
call get_local_text github_intro_manual github intro manual
call get_local_text github_intro_norec github intro norec
echo !github_intro_opensource!
echo !github_intro_online!
echo !github_intro_manual!
echo !github_intro_norec!
call print_dashed_seperator
call get_local_text github_skip_question github skip question
call ask_question "!github_skip_question!"
call print_dashed_seperator
if "%result%"=="true" (
call get_local_text github_skip_consequence github skip consequence
echo !github_skip_consequence!
call get_local_text github_skip_donotclose github skip donotclose
echo !github_skip_donotclose!
call get_local_text github_skip_wait github skip wait
set /p "github_skip_wait=!github_skip_wait!"
call print_dashed_seperator
call get_local_text github_process_path github process path
call get_path_safe "!github_process_path!"
set "repository_path=!tmp_safe_path!"
call get_local_text github_process_bashi github process bashi
echo !github_process_bashi!
if not defined install_system_bit (
call print_dashed_seperator
call get_system_information
call print_dashed_seperator
if "%system_info_bit%"=="64" (
call get_local_text github_process_bashp64 github process bashp64
echo !github_process_bashp64!
) else (
call get_local_text github_process_bashp32 github process bashp32
echo !github_process_bashp32!
call get_local_text github_process_bashq github process bashq
set /p "git_bash_path=!github_process_bashq!: "
if not defined git_bash_path (
if "%system_info_bit%"=="64" (
set "git_bash_path=C:\Program Files (x86)\Git"
) else (
set "git_bash_path=C:\Program Files\Git"
if not exist "%git_bash_path%" (
call get_local_text error_exist error exist
echo !error_exist!
call print_dashed_seperator
) else (
call print_dashed_seperator
call get_local_text github_process_checkout github process checkout
set /p "repository_path=!github_process_checkout!: "
if exist !repository_path! (
call get_local_text error_path error path
call ask_question "!error_path!"
if "!result!"=="false" (
call print_dashed_seperator
) else (
rmdir /s /q %repository_path%
) else (
md "%repository_path%"
set "repository_path=%repository_path%\coco"
call print_dashed_seperator
set "git_app_path=%git_bash_path%\bin\git.exe"
call get_config github_url
"%git_app_path%" clone "!github_url!" "%repository_path%"
call print_dashed_seperator
call print_github_header
call print_dashed_seperator
@ -262,5 +146,4 @@ goto:eof
call print_dashed_seperator
>>>>>>> 072729acc34123c42250d361955438cfd8c210d7
@ -1,94 +1,3 @@
<<<<<<< HEAD
call print_npm_and_brunch_header
call print_dashed_seperator
set work_directory=%CD%
set "curl_app=..\utilities\curl.exe"
set "zu_app=..\utilities\7za.exe"
set "keystuff=..\utilities\keystuff.exe"
set "coco_root=!repository_path!\coco"
call get_local_text npm-install
echo !npm_install!
cd !coco_root!
start /wait cmd /c "echo !npm_install! & npm install -g bower brunch nodemon sendwithus"
cd !work_directory!
call print_dashed_seperator
call get_local_text npm-binstall
echo !npm_binstall!
cd "!coco_root!"
start /wait cmd /c "echo !npm_binstall! & bower install"
cd "!work_directory!"
call print_dashed_seperator
call get_local_text npm-sass
echo !npm_sass!
cd "!coco_root!"
start /wait cmd /c "echo !npm_sass! & gem install sass"
cd "!work_directory!"
call print_dashed_seperator
call get_local_text npm-npm
echo !npm_npm!
cd "!coco_root!"
start /wait cmd /c "echo !npm_npm! & npm install"
cd "!work_directory!"
:: --- MONGODB
call print_dashed_seperator
call get_local_text npm-mongodb
echo !npm_mongodb!
set "mdb_directory=!repository_path!\cocodb"
if exist mdb_directory (
rmdir /s /q "!mdb_directory!"
md !mdb_directory!
call print_dashed_seperator
call get_local_text npm-db
echo !npm_db!
call get_config database_backup
cd !mdb_directory!
start cmd /c "%work_directory%\%keystuff% Alt-Tab && mongod --setParameter textSearchEnabled=true --dbpath !mdb_directory!"
%curl_app% -k !database_backup! -o dump.tar.gz
start /wait cmd /c "%work_directory%\%keystuff% Alt-Tab && %zu_app% e dump.tar.gz && del dump.tar.gz && %zu_app% x dump.tar && del dump.tar"
start /wait cmd /c "mongorestore dump"
rmdir /s /q db
call print_dashed_seperator
call get_local_text npm-script
echo !npm_script!
:: --- END
call print_dashed_seperator
call print_npm_and_brunch_header
call print_dashed_seperator
@ -113,4 +22,3 @@ call nab_install_mongodb %coco_db%
call nab_automatic_script.bat %coco_root% %coco_db%
call print_dashed_seperator
>>>>>>> 072729acc34123c42250d361955438cfd8c210d7
@ -1,8 +1,3 @@
<<<<<<< HEAD
echo - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
echo - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
>>>>>>> 072729acc34123c42250d361955438cfd8c210d7
@ -1,7 +1,3 @@
<<<<<<< HEAD
set /p res="Press any key to exit..."
call get_local_text global_exit global exit
set /p res="%global_exit%"
>>>>>>> 072729acc34123c42250d361955438cfd8c210d7
@ -1,8 +1,3 @@
<<<<<<< HEAD
echo -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>> 072729acc34123c42250d361955438cfd8c210d7
@ -1,71 +1,3 @@
<<<<<<< HEAD
@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
Color 0A
mode con: cols=79 lines=55
call print_header
call print_dashed_seperator
call get_config.bat version
call get_config.bat author
call get_config.bat copyright
echo Welcome to the automated Installation of the CodeCombat Dev. Environment!
echo v%version% authored by %author% and published by %copyright%.
call print_seperator
echo Before we start the installation, here are some tips:
call print_tips
call print_seperator
call sign_license
call get_language
call download_and_install_applications
call github_setup
:: This will be available in v2.0
::call npm_and_brunch_setup
call print_finished_header
call print_dashed_seperator
call get_local_text end_succesfull end succesfull
call get_local_text end_thankyou end thankyou
echo %end_succesfull%
echo %end_thankyou%
call print_dashed_seperator
call get_local_text start_s1 start s1
call get_local_text start_s2 start s2
call get_local_text start_s3 start s3
call get_local_text start_s4 start s4
call get_local_text start_s5 start s5
call get_local_text start_s6 start s6
echo !start_s1!
echo !start_s2!
echo !start_s3! '!repository_path!\coco\SCOCODE.bat'
echo !start_s4!
echo !start_s5!
echo !start_s6!
call print_dashed_seperator
call get_local_text end_readme end readme
call ask_question "!end_readme!"
if "%result%"=="true" (
call open_readme
@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
@ -94,5 +26,4 @@ call download_and_install_applications
start cmd /c "setup_p2.bat"
>>>>>>> 072729acc34123c42250d361955438cfd8c210d7
@ -1,19 +1,3 @@
<<<<<<< HEAD
echo In order to continue the installation of the developers environment
echo you will have to read and agree with the following license:
call print_dashed_seperator
call print_license
call print_dashed_seperator
call ask_question "Have you read the license and do you agree with it?"
call print_dashed_seperator
if "%result%"=="false" (
echo This setup can't happen without an agreement.
echo Installation and Setup of the CodeCombat environment is cancelled.
call print_exit
call get_local_text license_s1 license s1
echo !license_s1!
@ -40,5 +24,4 @@ if "%result%"=="false" (
call print_exit
>>>>>>> 072729acc34123c42250d361955438cfd8c210d7
@ -1,533 +0,0 @@
@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
Color 0A
mode con: cols=78 lines=60
:: Global Variables
set "temp-dir=C:\Coco-Temp"
set install-log=%temp-dir%\coco-dev-install-log.txt
:: set correct curl app
(set "curl-app=utilities\curl\64bit\curl.exe")
) ELSE (
set "curl-app=utilities\curl\32bit\curl.exe"
set "ZU-app=utilities\7za.exe"
:: BUGS:
:: TODO:
:: + Write code to install vs if it's not yet installed on users pc
:: + Configuraton and installation checklist:
:: 1) cd codecombat
:: 2) npm install -g bower brunch nodemon sendwithus
:: 3) bower install
:: 4) gem install sass
:: 5) npm install
:: 6) brunch -w
:: Extra... @ Fail run npm install
:: + Copy the automated dev batch file to root folder
:: => Let user define mongo-db directory
:: + Start the dev environment
:: Create The Temporary Directory
IF EXIST %temp-dir% rmdir %temp-dir% /s /q
mkdir %temp-dir%
:: Create Log File
copy /y nul %install-log% > nul
call:parse_aa_and_draw "config\header"
call:parse_file_new "config\config" cnfg n
call:log "Welcome to the automated Installation of the CodeCombat Dev. Environment!"
call:log_sse "v%%cnfg[1]%% authored by %%cnfg[2]%% and published by %%cnfg[3]%%."
:: Language Agreement Stuff
call:log "In order to continue the installation of the developers environment"
call:log "you will have to read and agree with the following license:
call:parse_aa_and_draw "license.txt"
call:strict_user_yn_question "Have you read the license and do you agree with it?"
if "%res%"=="false" (
call:log "Sorry to hear that, have a good day..."
call:log_sse "Installation and Setup of the CodeCombat environment is cancelled."
:: Tips
call:log "Before we start the installation, here are some tips:"
call:parse_aa_and_draw "config\tips"
:: Read Language Index
call:parse_file_new "localisation\languages" lang lang_c
:: Read Download URLs
call:parse_file_new "config\downloads" downloads n
call:parse_file_new "config\downloads_32" downloads_32 n
call:parse_file_new "config\downloads_64" downloads_64 n
call:parse_file_new "config\downloads_vista_32" downloads_vista_32 n
call:parse_file_new "config\downloads_vista_64" downloads_vista_64 n
call:parse_file_new "config\downloads_7_32" downloads_7_32 n
call:parse_file_new "config\downloads_7_64" downloads_7_64 n
:: Parse all Localisation Files
for /L %%i in (1,1,%lang_c%) do (
call:parse_file "localisation\%%lang[%%i]%%" languages languages_c
set /A "wc = %languages_c% / %lang_c%"
:: Start install with language question (Localisation)
call:log "Which language do you prefer?"
set /A c=0
for /L %%i in (1,%wc%,%languages_c%) do (
set /A "n = %%i - 1"
call:log " [%%c%%] %%languages[%%i]%%"
set /A c+=1
set "lang_id=-1"
set /p lang_id= "Enter the language ID and press <ENTER>: "
set res=false
if %lang_id% LSS 0 set res=true
if %lang_id% GEQ %lang_c% set res=true
if "%res%"=="true" (
call:log "Invalid id! Please enter a correct id from the numbers listed above..."
call:get_lw word 0
call:log_ds "You choose '%word%', from now on all feedback will be logged in it."
call:log_lw 1
call:log_lw_sse 2
:: downloads for all version...
:: [TODO] The choice between Cygwin && Git ?! Is => HAVE EXTERNAL GIT APPLICATION LIST!!!
call:log_lw_sse 3
call:log_lw 6
call:log_lw 7
call:log_lw 8
call:install_software_o "git" "%%downloads[1]%%" exe 9
call:get_lw word 11
:: [TODO] Add downloads for windows visual studio ?!
if not exist "%git_exe_path%" (
call:log_lw 27
:: architecture specific downloads...
set /p git_exe_path="%word%: "
call:log_ds "Windows %~1 detected..."
GOTO %~2
call:log_ds "64-bit computer detected..."
call:install_software_o "node-js" "%%downloads_64[1]%%" msi 12
call:get_path_from_user 41 42
set "node_js_path=%user_tmp_path%"
call:install_software_o "ruby" "%%downloads_64[2]%%" exe 13
call:install_software_o "python" "%%downloads_64[3]%%" msi 26
:: Some installations require specific windows versions
for /f "tokens=4-5 delims=. " %%i in ('ver') do set VERSION=%%i.%%j
if "%version%" == "5.2" ( call:go_to_platform "XP" ver_XP_64 )
if "%version%" == "6.0" ( call:go_to_platform "Vista" ver_Vista_64 )
if "%version%" == "6.1" ( call:go_to_platform "7" ver_Win7_8_64 )
if "%version%" == "6.2" ( call:go_to_platform "8.0" ver_Win7_8_64 )
if "%version%" == "6.3" ( call:go_to_platform "8.1" ver_Win7_8_64 )
GOTO warn_and_exit
call:log_ds "32-bit computer detected..."
call:install_software_o "node-js" "%%downloads_32[1]%%" msi 12
call:get_path_from_user 41 42
set "node_js_path=%user_tmp_path%"
call:install_software_o "ruby" "%%downloads_32[2]%%" exe 13
call:install_software_o "python" "%%downloads_32[3]%%" msi 26
:: Some installations require specific windows versions
for /f "tokens=4-5 delims=. " %%i in ('ver') do set VERSION=%%i.%%j
if "%version%" == "5.2" ( call:go_to_platform "XP" ver_XP_32 )
if "%version%" == "6.0" ( call:go_to_platform "Vista" ver_Vista_32 )
if "%version%" == "6.1" ( call:go_to_platform "7" ver_Win7_8_32 )
if "%version%" == "6.2" ( call:go_to_platform "8.0" ver_Win7_8_32 )
if "%version%" == "6.3" ( call:go_to_platform "8.1" ver_Win7_8_32 )
GOTO warn_and_exit
call:install_packed_software_o "mongo-db" "%%downloads_7_32[1]%%" 25 14
set "mong-db-path = %packed_software_path%"
goto git_rep_checkout
call:install_packed_software_o "mongo-db" "%%downloads_vista_32[1]%%" 25 14
set "mong-db-path = %packed_software_path%"
goto git_rep_checkout
call:log_lw_ds 15
goto END
call:install_packed_software_o "mongo-db" "%%downloads_7_64[1]%%" 25 14
set "mong-db-path = %packed_software_path%"
goto git_rep_checkout
call:install_packed_software_o "mongo-db" "%%downloads_vista_64[1]%%" 25 14
set "mong-db-path = %packed_software_path%"
goto git_rep_checkout
call:log_lw_ds 15
goto END
call:log_lw_ss 16
call:log_lw_sse 17
set "PATH=%PATH%;%git_exe_path%\bin;%git_exe_path%\cmd" /M
call:log_lw 36
call:log_lw 37
call:log_lw 38
call:get_lw word 39
set /p git_username="%word% "
call:get_empty_path_from_user 32
set "git_repository_path=%user_tmp_path%"
git clone https://github.com/%git_username%/codecombat.git "%git_repository_path%"
call:log_lw_ss 35
call:log_lw_sse 36
SET "PATH=%PATH%;%node_js_path%" /M
setx -m git "%git_exe_path%\bin"
call:log_lw 40
start cmd /k "npm install -g bower brunch nodemon sendwithus & exit"
goto report_ok
call:log_lw 18
call:log_lw_sse 19
:: Open README file
goto clean_up
call:open_txt_file "config/info"
call:log_lw_ss 20
call:log_lw_sse 21
goto error_report
call:log_lw_ds 22
goto END
call:log_lw_sse 23
rmdir %temp-dir% /s /q
goto END
:: ============================ INSTALL SOFTWARE FUNCTIONS ======================
call:get_lw word 4
call:log "%word% %~1..."
%curl-app% -sS -k %~2 -o %temp-dir%\%~1-setup.%~3
call:download_software %~1 %~2 %~3
call:get_lw word 5
call:log "%word% %~1..."
START /WAIT %temp-dir%\%~1-setup.%~3
call:get_lw word %~4
call:user_yn_question "%word%"
if "%res%"=="true" (
call:install_software %~1 %~2 %~3
) else (
call:log_lw 10
call:download_software %~1 %~2 zip
call:get_lw word %~3
set /p packed_software_path="%word% "
:: remove chosen directory of user if it already exists (to prevent a window from popping up)
IF EXIST %packed_software_path% rmdir %packed_software_path% /s /q
%ZU-app% x %temp-dir%\%~1-setup.zip -o%packed_software_path%
for /f "delims=" %%a in ('dir "%packed_software_path%\" /on /ad /b') do @set temp_dir=%%a
for /f "delims=" %%a in ('dir "%packed_software_path%\%temp_dir%\" /on /ad /b') do (
xcopy %packed_software_path%\%temp_dir% %packed_software_path%\ /S /E
rmdir %packed_software_path%\%temp_dir%\ /s /q
set /p result="%~1 [Y/N]: "
set "res=false"
if "%result%"=="N" (set "res=true")
if "%result%"=="n" (set "res=true")
set /p result="%~1 [Y/N]: "
set "res=unset"
if "%result%"=="N" (set "res=false")
if "%result%"=="n" (set "res=false")
if "%result%"=="Y" (set "res=true")
if "%result%"=="y" (set "res=true")
if "%res%"=="unset" (
call:log "Please answer the question with either Y or N..."
call:strict_user_yn_question "%~1"
call:get_lw word %~4
call:user_yn_question "%word%"
if "%res%"=="true" (
call:install_packed_software %~1 %~2 %~3
) else (
call:log_lw 10
:: ===================== USER - INTERACTION - FUNCTIONS ========================
call:get_lw word %~1
set /p user_tmp_path="%word% "
if not exist "%user_tmp_path%" (
call:log_lw 43
call:get_path_from_user %~1 %~2
call:get_lw word %~1
set /p user_tmp_path="%word% "
if exist "%user_tmp_path%" (
call:log_lw 33
call:get_path_from_user %~1
:: ============================== FUNCTIONS ====================================
echo %~1
echo %~1 >> %install-log%
call:log "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"
call:log "- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -"
echo + + + + + + + +
call:log "%~1"
call:log "%~1"
call:log_ss "%~1"
:: ============================== IO FUNCTIONS ====================================
start "" notepad.exe %~1
set "file=%~1"
for /f "usebackq tokens=* delims=;" %%a in ("%file%") do (
set "file=%~1"
for /F "usebackq delims=" %%a in ("%file%") do (
set /A %~3+=1
call set %~2[%%%~3%%]=%%a
set /A %~3=0
call:parse_file %~1 %~2 %~3
:: ============================== LOCALISATION FUNCTIONS ================
call:get_lw_id %~1 %lang_id% %~2
set /A count = %~2 * %wc% + %~3 + 1
set "%~1=!languages[%count%]!"
call:get_lw str %~1
call:log "%str%"
call:get_lw str %~1
call:log "%~2%str%"
call:get_lw str %~1
call:log_ss "%str%"
call:get_lw str %~1
call:log_ds "%str%"
call:get_lw str %~1
call:log_sse "%str%"
:: ============================== WINDOWS FUNCTIONS ======================
setx -m %~1 %~2
:: ============================== EOF ====================================
@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
:: + Configuraton and installation checklist:
:: 1) cd codecombat
:: 2) npm install -g bower brunch nodemon sendwithus
:: 3) bower install
:: 4) gem install sass
:: 5) npm install
:: 6) brunch -w
:: Extra... @ Fail run npm install
echo "Moving to your git repository..."
cd C:\CodeCombat
SET "PATH=%PATH%;C:\Program Files\Nodejs" /M
setx -m git "C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\bin"
SET "PATH=%PATH%;C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\bin;C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\cmd" /M
echo "Installing bower, brunch, nodemon and sendwithus..."
start cmd /k "npm install -g bower brunch nodemon sendwithus & exit"
echo "running npm install..."
start cmd /k "npm install & exit"
echo "Activating bower install..."
start cmd /k "bower install & PAUSE & exit"
echo "Installing sass via gem..."
start cmd /k "install sass & PAUSE & exit"
echo "comping repository via brunch..."
start cmd /k "brunch -w & exit"
Reference in a new issue