mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 07:00:01 -04:00
fixed more errors related to recent pull request merges in the window dev scripts
This commit is contained in:
14 changed files with 0 additions and 612 deletions
@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
<intro>From now on we'll send our feedback in English!</intro>
<bit>-bit computer detected.</bit>
<prefix>The operating system</prefix>
<sufix>was detected.</sufix>
<xp>We don't support Windows XP, installation cancelled.</xp>
<sks>Have you already installed all the software needed for CodeCombat?</sks>
<skq>We recommand that you reply negative in case you're not sure.</skq>
<skc>Skipping the installation of the software...</skc>
<s1>CodeCombat couldn't be developed without third-party software.</s1>
<s2>That's why you'll need to install this software,</s2>
<s3>in order to start contributing to our community.</s3>
<s4>Cancel the installation if you already have the application.</s4>
<winpath>Make sure to select the option that adds the application to your Windows Path, if the option is available.</winpath>
<prefix>Do you already have the latest version of</prefix>
<downloading>is downloading...</downloading>
<installing>is installing...</installing>
<unzipping>is unzipping...</unzipping>
<cleaning>is cleaning...</cleaning>
<mongodbpath>Please define the full path where mongodb should be installed</mongodbpath>
<opensource>CodeCombat is opensource, like you already know.</opensource>
<online>All our sourcecode can be found online at Github.</online>
<manual>You can choose to do the entire Git setup yourself.</manual>
<norec>However we recommend that you instead let us handle it instead.</norec>
<question>Do you want to do the Local Git setup manually yourself?</question>
<consequence>Make sure you have correctly setup your repository before processing.</consequence>
<donotclose>Do not close this window please.</donotclose>
<wait>When you're ready, press any key to continue...</wait>
<path>Please give the full path of your CodeCombat git repository: </path>
<checkout>Please enter the full path where you want to install your CodeCombat environment</checkout>
<bashi>This installation requires Git Bash.</bashi>
<bashp64>Git bash is by default installed at 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Git'.</bashp64>
<bashp32>Git bash is by default installed at 'C:\Program Files\Git'.</bashp32>
<bashq>Please enter the full path where git bash is installed or just press enter if it's in the default location</bashq>
<ssh>Do you want to checkout the repository via ssh?</ssh>
<install>Installing bower, brunch, nodemon and sendwithus...</install>
<binstall>Installing bower packages...</binstall>
<sass>Installing sass...</sass>
<npm>Installing npm...</npm>
<brnch>Starting brunch....</brnch>
<mongodb>Setting up a MongoDB database for you...</mongodb>
<db>Downloading the last version of the CodeCombat database...</db>
<script>Preparing the automatic startup script for you...</script>
<path>That path already exists, are you sure you want to overwrite it?</path>
<exist>That path doesn't exist. Please try again...</exist>
<succesfull>The setup of the CodeCombat Dev. Environment was succesfull.</succesfull>
<thankyou>Thank you already for your contribution and see you soon.</thankyou>
<readme>Do you want to read the README for more information?</readme>
<s1>From now on you can start the dev. environment at</s1>
<s2>the touch of a single mouse click.</s2>
<s3> 1) Just double click</s3>
<s4> and let the environment start up.</s4>
<s5> 2) Now just open 'localhost:3000' in your prefered browser.</s5>
<s6>That's it, you're now ready to start working on CodeCombat!</s6>
@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
<intro>From now on we'll send our feedback in English!</intro>
<bit>-bit computer detected.</bit>
<prefix>The operating system</prefix>
<sufix>was detected.</sufix>
<xp>We don't support Windows XP, installation cancelled.</xp>
<sks>Have you already installed all the software needed for CodeCombat?</sks>
<skq>We recommand that you reply negative in case you're not sure.</skq>
<skc>Skipping the installation of the software...</skc>
<s1>CodeCombat couldn't be developed without third-party software.</s1>
<s2>That's why you'll need to install this software,</s2>
<s3>in order to start contributing to our community.</s3>
<s4>Cancel the installation if you already have the application.</s4>
<winpath>Make sure to select the option that adds the application to your Windows Path, if the option is available.</winpath>
<prefix>Do you already have the latest version of</prefix>
<downloading>is downloading...</downloading>
<installing>is installing...</installing>
<unzipping>is unzipping...</unzipping>
<cleaning>is cleaning...</cleaning>
<mongodbpath>Please define the full path where mongodb should be installed</mongodbpath>
<opensource>CodeCombat is opensource, like you already know.</opensource>
<online>All our sourcecode can be found online at Github.</online>
<manual>You can choose to do the entire Git setup yourself.</manual>
<norec>However we recommend that you instead let us handle it instead.</norec>
<question>Do you want to do the Local Git setup manually yourself?</question>
<consequence>Make sure you have correctly setup your repository before processing.</consequence>
<donotclose>Do not close this window please.</donotclose>
<wait>When you're ready, press any key to continue...</wait>
<path>Please give the full path of your CodeCombat git repository: </path>
<checkout>Please enter the full path where you want to install your CodeCombat environment</checkout>
<bashi>This installation requires Git Bash.</bashi>
<bashp64>Git bash is by default installed at 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Git'.</bashp64>
<bashp32>Git bash is by default installed at 'C:\Program Files\Git'.</bashp32>
<bashq>Please enter the full path where git bash is installed or just press enter if it's in the default location</bashq>
<ssh>Do you want to checkout the repository via ssh?</ssh>
<install>Installing bower, brunch, nodemon and sendwithus...</install>
<binstall>Installing bower packages...</binstall>
<sass>Installing sass...</sass>
<npm>Installing npm...</npm>
<brnch>Starting brunch....</brnch>
<mongodb>Setting up a MongoDB database for you...</mongodb>
<db>Downloading the last version of the CodeCombat database...</db>
<script>Preparing the automatic startup script for you...</script>
<path>That path already exists, are you sure you want to overwrite it?</path>
<exist>That path doesn't exist. Please try again...</exist>
<succesfull>The setup of the CodeCombat Dev. Environment was succesfull.</succesfull>
<thankyou>Thank you already for your contribution and see you soon.</thankyou>
<readme>Do you want to read the README for more information?</readme>
<s1>From now on you can start the dev. environment at</s1>
<s2>the touch of a single mouse click.</s2>
<s3> 1) Just double click</s3>
<s4> and let the environment start up.</s4>
<s5> 2) Now just open 'localhost:3000' in your prefered browser.</s5>
<s6>That's it, you're now ready to start working on CodeCombat!</s6>
@ -1,57 +1,3 @@
<<<<<<< HEAD
call print_install_header
call print_dashed_seperator
call get_local_text install_process_sks install process sks
echo !install_process_sks!
call get_local_text install_process_skq install process skq
call ask_question "!install_process_skq!"
call print_dashed_seperator
if "%result%"=="true" (
call get_local_text install_process_skc install process skc
echo !install_process_skc!
call print_dashed_seperator
call get_system_information
call print_dashed_seperator
if %system_info_os% == XP (
call get_local_text install_system_xp install system xp
echo !install_system_xp!
call print_exit
call get_variables ..\\config\\downloads.coco downloads download_names downloads_count 0 general general
call get_variables ..\\config\\downloads.coco downloads download_names downloads_count 2 %system_info_os% b%system_info_bit%
call get_variables ..\\config\\downloads.coco downloads download_names downloads_count 3 general b%system_info_bit%
call get_local_text install_process_s1 install process s1
call get_local_text install_process_s2 install process s2
call get_local_text install_process_s3 install process s3
call get_local_text install_process_s4 install process s4
call get_local_text install_process_winpath install process winpath
echo !install_process_s1!
echo !install_process_s2!
echo !install_process_s3!
echo !install_process_s4!
echo !install_process_winpath!
call print_dashed_seperator
for /l %%i in (1, 1, !downloads_count!) do (
call download_and_install_app !download_names[%%i]! !downloads[%%i]!
call print_install_header
call print_dashed_seperator
@ -105,5 +51,4 @@ for /l %%i in (1, 1, !downloads_count!) do (
>>>>>>> 072729acc34123c42250d361955438cfd8c210d7
@ -1,40 +1,3 @@
<<<<<<< HEAD
echo Some feedback is sent in your system's language
echo but most feedback is sent and localised by us.
echo Here is a list of languages:
call print_dashed_seperator
call get_array ..\\localisation\\languages.coco languages language_count
for /l %%i in (1,1,%language_count%) do (
call get_text !languages[%%i]! global_native global native
echo [%%i] !global_native!
call print_dashed_seperator
set /p "localisation_id=Enter the language ID of your preference and press <ENTER>: "
set "localisation_is_false="
set /a local_id = %localisation_id%
if !local_id! EQU 0 set localisation_is_false=1
if !local_id! LSS 1 set localisation_is_false=1
if !local_id! GTR !language_count! set localisation_is_false=1
if defined localisation_is_false (
echo The id you entered is invalid, please try again...
) else (
set language_id=!languages[%local_id%]!
call get_text !language_id! global_native global native
call print_dashed_seperator
echo You have choosen !global_native! as your language.
call get_text !language_id! global_intro global intro
echo !global_intro!
call print_seperator
echo Some feedback is sent in your system's language
echo but most feedback is sent and localised by us.
echo Here is a list of languages:
@ -73,5 +36,4 @@ goto:get_localization_id
echo !language_feedback!
call print_seperator
>>>>>>> 072729acc34123c42250d361955438cfd8c210d7
@ -1,36 +1,3 @@
<<<<<<< HEAD
if exist "%PROGRAMFILES(X86)%" (
call:set_bit 64
) else (
call:set_bit 32
for /f "tokens=4-5 delims=. " %%i in ('ver') do set VERSION=%%i.%%j
if "%version%" == "5.2" ( call:set_os XP )
if "%version%" == "6.0" ( call:set_os Vista )
if "%version%" == "6.1" ( call:set_os Win7 )
:: we handle win8.0 as win7
if "%version%" == "6.2" ( call:set_os Win7 )
:: we handle win8.1 as win7
if "%version%" == "6.3" ( call:set_os Win7 )
call get_local_text install_system_bit install system bit
set system_info_bit=%~1
echo %system_info_bit%%install_system_bit%
set system_info_os=%~1
call get_local_text install_system_prefix install system prefix
call get_local_text install_system_sufix install system sufix
echo %install_system_prefix% %system_info_os% %install_system_sufix%
if exist "%PROGRAMFILES(X86)%" (
call:set_bit 64
) else (
@ -60,4 +27,3 @@ goto:eof
>>>>>>> 072729acc34123c42250d361955438cfd8c210d7
@ -1,8 +1,3 @@
<<<<<<< HEAD
for /F "delims=" %%F in ('call run_script .\\get_var.ps1 ..\\localisation\\%1.coco %3 %4 %5 %6') do (
set "%2=%%F"
for /F "delims=" %%F in ('call run_script .\\get_var.ps1 ..\\localization\\%1.coco %3 %4 %5 %6') do (
set "%2=%%F"
>>>>>>> 072729acc34123c42250d361955438cfd8c210d7
@ -1,119 +1,3 @@
<<<<<<< HEAD
call print_github_header
call print_dashed_seperator
call get_local_text github_intro_opensource github intro opensource
call get_local_text github_intro_online github intro online
call get_local_text github_intro_manual github intro manual
call get_local_text github_intro_norec github intro norec
echo !github_intro_opensource!
echo !github_intro_online!
echo !github_intro_manual!
echo !github_intro_norec!
call print_dashed_seperator
call get_local_text github_skip_question github skip question
call ask_question "!github_skip_question!"
call print_dashed_seperator
if "%result%"=="true" (
call get_local_text github_skip_consequence github skip consequence
echo !github_skip_consequence!
call get_local_text github_skip_donotclose github skip donotclose
echo !github_skip_donotclose!
call get_local_text github_skip_wait github skip wait
set /p "github_skip_wait=!github_skip_wait!"
call print_dashed_seperator
call get_local_text github_process_path github process path
call get_path_safe "!github_process_path!"
set "repository_path=!tmp_safe_path!"
call get_local_text github_process_bashi github process bashi
echo !github_process_bashi!
if not defined install_system_bit (
call print_dashed_seperator
call get_system_information
call print_dashed_seperator
if "%system_info_bit%"=="64" (
call get_local_text github_process_bashp64 github process bashp64
echo !github_process_bashp64!
) else (
call get_local_text github_process_bashp32 github process bashp32
echo !github_process_bashp32!
call get_local_text github_process_bashq github process bashq
set /p "git_bash_path=!github_process_bashq!: "
if not defined git_bash_path (
if "%system_info_bit%"=="64" (
set "git_bash_path=C:\Program Files (x86)\Git"
) else (
set "git_bash_path=C:\Program Files\Git"
if not exist "%git_bash_path%" (
call get_local_text error_exist error exist
echo !error_exist!
call print_dashed_seperator
) else (
call print_dashed_seperator
call get_local_text github_process_checkout github process checkout
set /p "repository_path=!github_process_checkout!: "
if exist !repository_path! (
call get_local_text error_path error path
call ask_question "!error_path!"
if "!result!"=="false" (
call print_dashed_seperator
) else (
rmdir /s /q %repository_path%
) else (
md "%repository_path%"
set "repository_path=%repository_path%\coco"
call print_dashed_seperator
set "git_app_path=%git_bash_path%\bin\git.exe"
call get_config github_url
"%git_app_path%" clone "!github_url!" "%repository_path%"
call print_dashed_seperator
call print_github_header
call print_dashed_seperator
@ -262,5 +146,4 @@ goto:eof
call print_dashed_seperator
>>>>>>> 072729acc34123c42250d361955438cfd8c210d7
@ -1,94 +1,3 @@
<<<<<<< HEAD
call print_npm_and_brunch_header
call print_dashed_seperator
set work_directory=%CD%
set "curl_app=..\utilities\curl.exe"
set "zu_app=..\utilities\7za.exe"
set "keystuff=..\utilities\keystuff.exe"
set "coco_root=!repository_path!\coco"
call get_local_text npm-install
echo !npm_install!
cd !coco_root!
start /wait cmd /c "echo !npm_install! & npm install -g bower brunch nodemon sendwithus"
cd !work_directory!
call print_dashed_seperator
call get_local_text npm-binstall
echo !npm_binstall!
cd "!coco_root!"
start /wait cmd /c "echo !npm_binstall! & bower install"
cd "!work_directory!"
call print_dashed_seperator
call get_local_text npm-sass
echo !npm_sass!
cd "!coco_root!"
start /wait cmd /c "echo !npm_sass! & gem install sass"
cd "!work_directory!"
call print_dashed_seperator
call get_local_text npm-npm
echo !npm_npm!
cd "!coco_root!"
start /wait cmd /c "echo !npm_npm! & npm install"
cd "!work_directory!"
:: --- MONGODB
call print_dashed_seperator
call get_local_text npm-mongodb
echo !npm_mongodb!
set "mdb_directory=!repository_path!\cocodb"
if exist mdb_directory (
rmdir /s /q "!mdb_directory!"
md !mdb_directory!
call print_dashed_seperator
call get_local_text npm-db
echo !npm_db!
call get_config database_backup
cd !mdb_directory!
start cmd /c "%work_directory%\%keystuff% Alt-Tab && mongod --setParameter textSearchEnabled=true --dbpath !mdb_directory!"
%curl_app% -k !database_backup! -o dump.tar.gz
start /wait cmd /c "%work_directory%\%keystuff% Alt-Tab && %zu_app% e dump.tar.gz && del dump.tar.gz && %zu_app% x dump.tar && del dump.tar"
start /wait cmd /c "mongorestore dump"
rmdir /s /q db
call print_dashed_seperator
call get_local_text npm-script
echo !npm_script!
:: --- END
call print_dashed_seperator
call print_npm_and_brunch_header
call print_dashed_seperator
@ -113,4 +22,3 @@ call nab_install_mongodb %coco_db%
call nab_automatic_script.bat %coco_root% %coco_db%
call print_dashed_seperator
>>>>>>> 072729acc34123c42250d361955438cfd8c210d7
@ -1,8 +1,3 @@
<<<<<<< HEAD
echo - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
echo - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
>>>>>>> 072729acc34123c42250d361955438cfd8c210d7
@ -1,7 +1,3 @@
<<<<<<< HEAD
set /p res="Press any key to exit..."
call get_local_text global_exit global exit
set /p res="%global_exit%"
>>>>>>> 072729acc34123c42250d361955438cfd8c210d7
@ -1,8 +1,3 @@
<<<<<<< HEAD
echo -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>> 072729acc34123c42250d361955438cfd8c210d7
@ -1,71 +1,3 @@
<<<<<<< HEAD
@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
Color 0A
mode con: cols=79 lines=55
call print_header
call print_dashed_seperator
call get_config.bat version
call get_config.bat author
call get_config.bat copyright
echo Welcome to the automated Installation of the CodeCombat Dev. Environment!
echo v%version% authored by %author% and published by %copyright%.
call print_seperator
echo Before we start the installation, here are some tips:
call print_tips
call print_seperator
call sign_license
call get_language
call download_and_install_applications
call github_setup
:: This will be available in v2.0
::call npm_and_brunch_setup
call print_finished_header
call print_dashed_seperator
call get_local_text end_succesfull end succesfull
call get_local_text end_thankyou end thankyou
echo %end_succesfull%
echo %end_thankyou%
call print_dashed_seperator
call get_local_text start_s1 start s1
call get_local_text start_s2 start s2
call get_local_text start_s3 start s3
call get_local_text start_s4 start s4
call get_local_text start_s5 start s5
call get_local_text start_s6 start s6
echo !start_s1!
echo !start_s2!
echo !start_s3! '!repository_path!\coco\SCOCODE.bat'
echo !start_s4!
echo !start_s5!
echo !start_s6!
call print_dashed_seperator
call get_local_text end_readme end readme
call ask_question "!end_readme!"
if "%result%"=="true" (
call open_readme
@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
@ -94,5 +26,4 @@ call download_and_install_applications
start cmd /c "setup_p2.bat"
>>>>>>> 072729acc34123c42250d361955438cfd8c210d7
@ -1,19 +1,3 @@
<<<<<<< HEAD
echo In order to continue the installation of the developers environment
echo you will have to read and agree with the following license:
call print_dashed_seperator
call print_license
call print_dashed_seperator
call ask_question "Have you read the license and do you agree with it?"
call print_dashed_seperator
if "%result%"=="false" (
echo This setup can't happen without an agreement.
echo Installation and Setup of the CodeCombat environment is cancelled.
call print_exit
call get_local_text license_s1 license s1
echo !license_s1!
@ -40,5 +24,4 @@ if "%result%"=="false" (
call print_exit
>>>>>>> 072729acc34123c42250d361955438cfd8c210d7
Reference in a new issue