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synced 2025-03-24 11:50:58 -04:00
Fixed some click/add behavior in level editor. Fixed level editor canvas resizing. Fixed some dungeon terrain generation issues. Certain Thangs can be placed on top of other Thangs.
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 43 additions and 36 deletions
@ -167,6 +167,7 @@ module.exports = class LevelLoader extends CocoClass
@loadThangsRequiredFromComponentList thangType.get('components')
loadThangsRequiredFromComponentList: (components) ->
return unless components
requiredThangTypes = []
for component in components when component.config
if component.original is LevelComponent.EquipsID
@ -9,11 +9,11 @@ clusters = {
'trees': {
'thangs': ['Tree 1', 'Tree 2', 'Tree 3', 'Tree 4']
'margin': 0
'margin': 0.5
'shrubs': {
'thangs': ['Shrub 1', 'Shrub 2', 'Shrub 3']
'margin': 0
'margin': 0.5
'houses': {
'thangs': ['House 1', 'House 2', 'House 3', 'House 4']
@ -280,7 +280,7 @@ module.exports = class TerrainRandomizeModal extends ModalView
'id': @getRandomThang(clusters['torch'].thangs)
'pos': {
'x': i + preset.borderSize
'y': presetSize.y - preset.borderSize
'y': presetSize.y - preset.borderSize / 2
'margin': clusters['torch'].margin
@ -289,7 +289,7 @@ module.exports = class TerrainRandomizeModal extends ModalView
'id': @getRandomThang(clusters['chains'].thangs)
'pos': {
'x': i + preset.borderSize
'y': presetSize.y - preset.borderSize
'y': presetSize.y - preset.borderSize / 2
'margin': clusters['chains'].margin
@ -346,53 +346,57 @@ module.exports = class TerrainRandomizeModal extends ModalView
buildRoom: (preset, presetSize, room) ->
grid = preset.borderSize
while true
rect = {
'width':presetSize.sizeFactor * (room.width[0] + preset.borderSize * _.random(0, (room.width[1] - room.width[0])/preset.borderSize))
'height':presetSize.sizeFactor * (room.height[0] + preset.borderSize * _.random(0, (room.height[1] - room.height[0])/preset.borderSize))
'width':presetSize.sizeFactor * (room.width[0] + grid * _.random(0, (room.width[1] - room.width[0])/grid))
'height':presetSize.sizeFactor * (room.height[0] + grid * _.random(0, (room.height[1] - room.height[0])/grid))
# This logic isn't quite right--it makes the rooms bigger than intended--but it's snapping correctly, which is fine for now.
rect.width = Math.round((rect.width - grid) / (2 * grid)) * 2 * grid + grid
rect.height = Math.round((rect.height - grid) / (2 * grid)) * 2 * grid + grid
roomThickness = _.random(room.thickness[0], room.thickness[1])
rect.x = _.random(rect.width/2 + preset.borderSize * (roomThickness+1.5), presetSize.x - rect.width/2 - preset.borderSize * (roomThickness+1.5))
rect.y = _.random(rect.height/2 + preset.borderSize * (roomThickness+2.5), presetSize.y - rect.height/2 - preset.borderSize * (roomThickness+3.5))
rect.x = _.random(rect.width/2 + grid * (roomThickness+1.5), presetSize.x - rect.width/2 - grid * (roomThickness+1.5))
rect.y = _.random(rect.height/2 + grid * (roomThickness+2.5), presetSize.y - rect.height/2 - grid * (roomThickness+3.5))
# Snap room walls to the wall grid.
rect.x = Math.round((rect.x - preset.borderSize / 2) / preset.borderSize) * preset.borderSize + preset.borderSize / 2
rect.y = Math.round((rect.y - preset.borderSize / 2) / preset.borderSize) * preset.borderSize + preset.borderSize / 2
rect.x = Math.round((rect.x - grid / 2) / grid) * grid
rect.y = Math.round((rect.y - grid / 2) / grid) * grid
break if @addRect {
'x': rect.x
'y': rect.y
'width': rect.width + 2.5 * roomThickness * preset.borderSize
'height': rect.height + 2.5 * roomThickness * preset.borderSize
'width': rect.width + 2.5 * roomThickness * grid
'height': rect.height + 2.5 * roomThickness * grid
xRange = _.range(rect.x - rect.width/2 + preset.borderSize, rect.x + rect.width/2, preset.borderSize)
xRange = _.range(rect.x - rect.width/2 + grid, rect.x + rect.width/2, grid)
topDoor = _.random(1) > 0.5
topDoorX = xRange[_.random(0, xRange.length-1)]
bottomDoor = if not topDoor then true else _.random(1) > 0.5
bottomDoorX = xRange[_.random(0, xRange.length-1)]
for t in _.range(0, roomThickness+1)
for i in _.range(rect.x - rect.width/2 - (t-1) * preset.borderSize, rect.x + rect.width/2 + t * preset.borderSize, preset.borderSize)
for i in _.range(rect.x - rect.width/2 - (t-1) * grid, rect.x + rect.width/2 + t * grid, grid)
# Bottom wall
thang = {
'id': @getRandomThang(clusters[room.cluster].thangs)
'pos': {
'x': i
'y': rect.y - rect.height/2 - t * preset.borderSize
'y': rect.y - rect.height/2 - t * grid
'margin': clusters[room.cluster].margin
if i is bottomDoorX and bottomDoor
thang.id = @getRandomThang(clusters['doors'].thangs)
thang.pos.y -= preset.borderSize/3
thang.pos.y -= grid/3
@addThang thang unless i is bottomDoorX and t isnt roomThickness and bottomDoor
if t is roomThickness and i isnt rect.x - rect.width/2 - (t-1) * preset.borderSize and preset.type is 'dungeon'
if ( i isnt bottomDoorX and i isnt bottomDoorX + preset.borderSize ) or not bottomDoor
if t is roomThickness and i isnt rect.x - rect.width/2 - (t-1) * grid and preset.type is 'dungeon'
if ( i isnt bottomDoorX and i isnt bottomDoorX + grid ) or not bottomDoor
@addThang {
'id': @getRandomThang(clusters['torch'].thangs)
'pos': {
'x': thang.pos.x - preset.borderSize / 2
'y': thang.pos.y + preset.borderSize / 2
'x': thang.pos.x - grid / 2
'y': thang.pos.y + grid
'margin': clusters['torch'].margin
@ -402,22 +406,22 @@ module.exports = class TerrainRandomizeModal extends ModalView
'id': @getRandomThang(clusters[room.cluster].thangs)
'pos': {
'x': i
'y': rect.y + rect.height/2 + t * preset.borderSize
'y': rect.y + rect.height/2 + t * grid
'margin': clusters[room.cluster].margin
if i is topDoorX and topDoor
thang.id = @getRandomThang(clusters['doors'].thangs)
thang.pos.y -= preset.borderSize
thang.pos.y -= grid
@addThang thang unless i is topDoorX and t isnt roomThickness and topDoor
for t in _.range(0, roomThickness)
for i in _.range(rect.y - rect.height/2 - t * preset.borderSize, rect.y + rect.height/2 + (t+1) * preset.borderSize, preset.borderSize)
for i in _.range(rect.y - rect.height/2 - t * grid, rect.y + rect.height/2 + (t+1) * grid, grid)
# Left wall
@addThang {
'id': @getRandomThang(clusters[room.cluster].thangs)
'pos': {
'x': rect.x - rect.width/2 - t * preset.borderSize
'x': rect.x - rect.width/2 - t * grid
'y': i
'margin': clusters[room.cluster].margin
@ -427,7 +431,7 @@ module.exports = class TerrainRandomizeModal extends ModalView
@addThang {
'id': @getRandomThang(clusters[room.cluster].thangs)
'pos': {
'x': rect.x + rect.width/2 + t * preset.borderSize
'x': rect.x + rect.width/2 + t * grid
'y': i
'margin': clusters[room.cluster].margin
@ -20,6 +20,9 @@ componentOriginals =
'existence.Exists': '524b4150ff92f1f4f8000024'
'physics.Physical': '524b75ad7fc0f6d519000001'
# Let us place these on top of other Thangs
overlappableThangTypeNames = ['Torch', 'Chains', 'Bird', 'Cloud 1', 'Cloud 2', 'Cloud 3', 'Waterfall', 'Obstacle']
class ThangTypeSearchCollection extends CocoCollection
url: '/db/thang.type?project=original,name,version,slug,kind,components'
model: ThangType
@ -190,7 +193,7 @@ module.exports = class ThangsTabView extends CocoView
onViewSwitched: (e) ->
@selectAddThang null, true
@surface?.spriteBoss?.selectSprite null, null
onSpriteMouseDown: (e) ->
@ -255,9 +258,12 @@ module.exports = class ThangsTabView extends CocoView
if e.thang and (key.alt or key.meta)
# We alt-clicked, so create a clone addThang
@selectAddThangType e.thang.spriteName, @selectedExtantThang
else if e.thang and not (@addThangSprite and @addThangType is 'Blood Torch Test') # TODO: figure out which Thangs can be placed on other Thangs
else if @justAdded()
console.log 'Skipping double insert due to extra selection event, since we just added', (new Date() - @lastAddTime), 'ms ago.'
else if e.thang and not (@addThangSprite and @addThangType.get('name') in overlappableThangTypeNames)
# We clicked on a Thang (or its Treema), so select the Thang
@selectAddThang null
@selectAddThang null, true
@selectedExtantThangClickTime = new Date()
treemaThang = _.find @thangsTreema.childrenTreemas, (treema) => treema.data.id is @selectedExtantThang.id
if treemaThang
@ -270,16 +276,13 @@ module.exports = class ThangsTabView extends CocoView
else if @addThangSprite
# We clicked on the background when we had an add Thang selected, so add it
@addThang @addThangType, @addThangSprite.thang.pos
@lastAddTime = new Date()
# Commented out this bit so the extant thangs treema editor can select invisible thangs like arrows.
# Couldn't spot any bugs... But if there are any, better come up with a better solution.
# else
# # We clicked on the background, so deselect anything selected
# @thangsTreema.deselectAll()
justAdded: -> @lastAddTime and (new Date() - @lastAddTime) < 150
selectAddThang: (e) =>
selectAddThang: (e, forceDeselect=false) =>
return if e? and $(e.target).closest('#thang-search').length # Ignore if you're trying to search thangs
return unless e? and $(e.target).closest('#editor-level-thangs-tab-view').length or key.isPressed('esc')
return unless (e? and $(e.target).closest('#editor-level-thangs-tab-view').length) or key.isPressed('esc') or forceDeselect
if e then target = $(e.target) else target = @$el.find('.add-thangs-palette') # pretend to click on background if no event
return true if target.attr('id') is 'surface'
target = target.closest('.add-thang-palette-icon')
@ -428,7 +431,6 @@ module.exports = class ThangsTabView extends CocoView
thangID = Thang.nextID(thangType.get('name'), @world) until thangID and not @thangsTreema.get "id=#{thangID}"
if @cloneSourceThang
components = _.cloneDeep @thangsTreema.get "id=#{@cloneSourceThang.id}/components"
@selectAddThang null
else if @level.get('type') is 'hero'
components = [] # Load them all from default ThangType Components
Add table
Reference in a new issue