mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 07:00:01 -04:00
Add realTimeInputEvents to world and gameUIState, with just mousedown events
This commit is contained in:
8 changed files with 41 additions and 4 deletions
@ -319,6 +319,7 @@ self.setupDebugWorldToRunUntilFrame = function (args) {
self.debugWorld.submissionCount = args.submissionCount;
self.debugWorld.fixedSeed = args.fixedSeed;
self.debugWorld.flagHistory = args.flagHistory;
self.debugWorld.realTimeInputEvents = args.realTimeInputEvents;
self.debugWorld.difficulty = args.difficulty;
if (args.level)
self.debugWorld.loadFromLevel(args.level, true);
@ -381,6 +382,7 @@ self.runWorld = function runWorld(args) {
self.world.submissionCount = args.submissionCount;
self.world.fixedSeed = args.fixedSeed;
self.world.flagHistory = args.flagHistory || [];
self.world.realTimeInputEvents = args.realTimeInputEvents || [];
self.world.difficulty = args.difficulty || 0;
self.world.loadFromLevel(args.level, true);
@ -539,6 +541,11 @@ self.addFlagEvent = function addFlagEvent(flagEvent) {
self.addRealTimeInputEvent = function addRealTimeInputEvent(realTimeInputEvent) {
if(!self.world) return;
self.stopRealTimePlayback = function stopRealTimePlayback() {
if(!self.world) return;
self.world.realTime = false;
@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ module.exports = class Angel extends CocoClass
@allLogs = []
@shared.angels.push @
@listenTo @shared.gameUIState.get('realTimeInputEvents'), 'add', @onAddRealTimeInputEvent
destroy: ->
@fireWorker false
@ -266,6 +267,10 @@ module.exports = class Angel extends CocoClass
return unless @running and @work.realTime
@worker.postMessage func: 'addFlagEvent', args: e
onAddRealTimeInputEvent: (realTimeInputEvent) ->
return unless @running and @work.realTime
@worker.postMessage func: 'addRealTimeInputEvent', args: realTimeInputEvent.toJSON()
onStopRealTimePlayback: (e) ->
return unless @running and @work.realTime
@work.realTime = false
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
World = require 'lib/world/world'
CocoClass = require 'core/CocoClass'
Angel = require 'lib/Angel'
GameUIState = require 'models/GameUIState'
module.exports = class God extends CocoClass
@nicks: ['Athena', 'Baldr', 'Crom', 'Dagr', 'Eris', 'Freyja', 'Great Gish', 'Hades', 'Ishtar', 'Janus', 'Khronos', 'Loki', 'Marduk', 'Negafook', 'Odin', 'Poseidon', 'Quetzalcoatl', 'Ra', 'Shiva', 'Thor', 'Umvelinqangi', 'Týr', 'Vishnu', 'Wepwawet', 'Xipe Totec', 'Yahweh', 'Zeus', '上帝', 'Tiamat', '盘古', 'Phoebe', 'Artemis', 'Osiris', '嫦娥', 'Anhur', 'Teshub', 'Enlil', 'Perkele', 'Chaos', 'Hera', 'Iris', 'Theia', 'Uranus', 'Stribog', 'Sabazios', 'Izanagi', 'Ao', 'Tāwhirimātea', 'Tengri', 'Inmar', 'Torngarsuk', 'Centzonhuitznahua', 'Hunab Ku', 'Apollo', 'Helios', 'Thoth', 'Hyperion', 'Alectrona', 'Eos', 'Mitra', 'Saranyu', 'Freyr', 'Koyash', 'Atropos', 'Clotho', 'Lachesis', 'Tyche', 'Skuld', 'Urðr', 'Verðandi', 'Camaxtli', 'Huhetotl', 'Set', 'Anu', 'Allah', 'Anshar', 'Hermes', 'Lugh', 'Brigit', 'Manannan Mac Lir', 'Persephone', 'Mercury', 'Venus', 'Mars', 'Azrael', 'He-Man', 'Anansi', 'Issek', 'Mog', 'Kos', 'Amaterasu Omikami', 'Raijin', 'Susanowo', 'Blind Io', 'The Lady', 'Offler', 'Ptah', 'Anubis', 'Ereshkigal', 'Nergal', 'Thanatos', 'Macaria', 'Angelos', 'Erebus', 'Hecate', 'Hel', 'Orcus', 'Ishtar-Deela Nakh', 'Prometheus', 'Hephaestos', 'Sekhmet', 'Ares', 'Enyo', 'Otrera', 'Pele', 'Hadúr', 'Hachiman', 'Dayisun Tngri', 'Ullr', 'Lua', 'Minerva']
@ -18,15 +19,17 @@ module.exports = class God extends CocoClass
constructor: (options) ->
options ?= {}
@retrieveValueFromFrame = _.throttle @retrieveValueFromFrame, 1000
@gameUIState ?= options.gameUIState or new GameUIState()
# Angels are all given access to this.
@angelsShare =
@angelsShare = {
workerCode: options.workerCode or '/javascripts/workers/worker_world.js' # Either path or function
headless: options.headless # Whether to just simulate the goals, or to deserialize all simulation results
spectate: options.spectate
god: @
godNick: @nick
workQueue: []
firstWorld: true
world: undefined
@ -34,6 +37,7 @@ module.exports = class God extends CocoClass
worldClassMap: undefined
angels: []
busyAngels: [] # Busy angels will automatically register here.
# Determine how many concurrent Angels/web workers to use at a time
# ~20MB per idle worker + angel overhead - every Angel maps to 1 worker
@ -92,6 +92,8 @@ module.exports = Surface = class Surface extends CocoClass
@gameUIState = @options.gameUIState or new GameUIState({
canDragCamera: true
@realTimeInputEvents = @gameUIState.get('realTimeInputEvents')
@listenTo(@gameUIState, 'sprite:mouse-down', @onSpriteMouseDown)
@onResize = _.debounce @onResize, resizeDelay
@ -510,6 +512,15 @@ module.exports = Surface = class Surface extends CocoClass
@gameUIState.trigger('surface:stage-mouse-down', event)
@mouseIsDown = true
onSpriteMouseDown: (e) =>
return unless @realTime
type: 'mousedown'
pos: @camera.screenToWorld x: e.originalEvent.stageX, y: e.originalEvent.stageY
time: @world.dt * @world.frames.length
thangID: e.sprite.thang.id
onMouseUp: (e) =>
return if @disabled
onBackground = not @webGLStage.hitTest e.stageX, e.stageY
@ -596,6 +607,7 @@ module.exports = Surface = class Surface extends CocoClass
onRealTimePlaybackStarted: (e) ->
return if @realTime
@realTime = true
@playing = false # Will start when countdown is done.
@ -216,6 +216,9 @@ module.exports = class World
addFlagEvent: (flagEvent) ->
@flagHistory.push flagEvent
addRealTimeInputEvent: (realTimeInputEvent) ->
@realTimeInputEvents.push realTimeInputEvent
loadFromLevel: (level, willSimulate=true) ->
@levelID = level.slug
@levelComponents = level.levelComponents
@ -26,4 +26,5 @@ module.exports = class GameUIState extends CocoModel
defaults: -> {
selected: []
canDragCamera: true
realTimeInputEvents: new Backbone.Collection()
@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ module.exports = class VerifierTest extends CocoClass
session.set 'code', {'hero-placeholder': plan: session.solution.source}
state = session.get 'state'
state.flagHistory = session.solution.flagHistory
state.realTimeInputEvents = session.solution.realTimeInputEvents
state.difficulty = session.solution.difficulty or 0
session.solution.seed = undefined unless _.isNumber session.solution.seed # TODO: migrate away from submissionCount/sessionID seed objects
catch e
@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ Article = require 'models/Article'
Camera = require 'lib/surface/Camera'
AudioPlayer = require 'lib/AudioPlayer'
Simulator = require 'lib/simulator/Simulator'
GameUIState = require 'models/GameUIState'
# subviews
LevelLoadingView = require './LevelLoadingView'
@ -108,6 +109,7 @@ module.exports = class PlayLevelView extends RootView
@opponentSessionID = @getQueryVariable('opponent')
@opponentSessionID ?= @options.opponent
@gameUIState = new GameUIState()
$(window).on 'resize', @onWindowResize
@saveScreenshot = _.throttle @saveScreenshot, 30000
@ -137,7 +139,7 @@ module.exports = class PlayLevelView extends RootView
load: ->
@loadStartTime = new Date()
@god = new God()
@god = new God({@gameUIState})
levelLoaderOptions = supermodel: @supermodel, levelID: @levelID, sessionID: @sessionID, opponentSessionID: @opponentSessionID, team: @getQueryVariable('team'), observing: @observing, courseID: @courseID
if me.isSessionless()
levelLoaderOptions.fakeSessionConfig = {}
@ -345,12 +347,14 @@ module.exports = class PlayLevelView extends RootView
initSurface: ->
webGLSurface = $('canvas#webgl-surface', @$el)
normalSurface = $('canvas#normal-surface', @$el)
surfaceOptions =
surfaceOptions = {
thangTypes: @supermodel.getModels(ThangType)
observing: @observing
playerNames: @findPlayerNames()
levelType: @level.get('type', true)
stayVisible: @showAds()
@surface = new Surface(@world, normalSurface, webGLSurface, surfaceOptions)
worldBounds = @world.getBounds()
bounds = [{x: worldBounds.left, y: worldBounds.top}, {x: worldBounds.right, y: worldBounds.bottom}]
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