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synced 2025-02-17 08:50:58 -05:00
Merge branch 'master' into production
This commit is contained in:
9 changed files with 46 additions and 32 deletions
@ -593,8 +593,8 @@
teacher_subs_1: "Please contact"
teacher_subs_2: "to set up a free monthly subscription."
sub_includes_title: "What is included in the subscription?"
sub_includes_1: "In additional to the 70+ basic levels, students with a monthly subscription get access to these additional features:"
sub_includes_2: "40+ practice levels"
sub_includes_1: "In addition to the 80+ basic levels, students with a monthly subscription get access to these additional features:" # {change}
sub_includes_2: "50+ practice levels" # {change}
sub_includes_3: "Video tutorials"
sub_includes_4: "Premium email support"
sub_includes_5: "7 new heroes with unique skills to master"
@ -577,8 +577,8 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Português (Portugal)", englishDescription:
title: "CodeCombat: Informações para Professores"
# intro_1: "CodeCombat is an online game that teaches programming. Students write code in real programming languages."
# intro_2: "No experience required!"
intro_1: "O CodeCombat é um jogo 'online' que ensina programação. Os estudantes escrevem código em linguagens de programação reais."
intro_2: "Não é necessário ter experiência!"
free_title: "Quanto custa?"
# cost_china: "CodeCombat in China is free for the first five levels, after which it costs $9.99 per month for access to our other 120+ levels on our exclusive China servers."
# free_1: "CodeCombat Basic is FREE! There are 70+ free levels which cover every concept."
@ -604,8 +604,8 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Português (Portugal)", englishDescription:
how_much_1: "Uma"
how_much_2: "subscrição mensal"
how_much_3: "custa $9.99 e pode ser cancelada a qualquer momento."
# how_much_4: "Additionally, we provide discounts for larger groups:"
# group_discounts_1: "We also offer group discounts for bulk subscriptions."
how_much_4: "Adicionalmente, oferecemos descontos para grupos maiores:"
group_discounts_1: "Também oferecemos descontos de grupo para subscrições em massa."
sys_requirements_title: "Requisitos do Sistema"
sys_requirements_1: "Um navegador moderno. As versões mais recentes do Chrome, Firefox ou Safari. Internet Explorer 9 ou mais recente."
sys_requirements_2: "O CodeCombat ainda não é suportado em iPad's."
@ -867,26 +867,26 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Português (Portugal)", englishDescription:
# scribe_introduction_pref: "CodeCombat isn't just going to be a bunch of levels. It will also include a resource for knowledge, a wiki of programming concepts that levels can hook into. That way rather than each Artisan having to describe in detail what a comparison operator is, they can simply link their level to the Article describing them that is already written for the player's edification. Something along the lines of what the "
# scribe_introduction_url_mozilla: "Mozilla Developer Network"
# scribe_introduction_suf: " has built. If your idea of fun is articulating the concepts of programming in Markdown form, then this class might be for you."
scribe_attribute_1: "Habilidade com palavras é basicamente do que precisas. Não apenas gramática e ortografia, mas seres capaz de explicar ideias complicadas a outros."
scribe_attribute_1: "Habilidade com palavras é basicamente o que precisas. Não apenas gramática e ortografia, mas seres capaz de explicar ideias complicadas a outros."
contact_us_url: "Contacta-nos"
scribe_join_description: "fala-nos um bocado de ti, a tua experiência com a programação e o tipo de coisas sobre o qual gostavas de escrever. Começamos a partir daí!"
scribe_join_description: "fala-nos um bocado de ti, da tua experiência com a programação e do tipo de coisas sobre as quais gostarias de escrever. Começamos a partir daí!"
scribe_subscribe_desc: "Receber e-mails sobre anúncios relativos à escrita de artigos."
diplomat_introduction_pref: "Portanto, se há uma coisa que aprendemos com o nosso "
diplomat_launch_url: "lançamento em Outubro"
diplomat_introduction_suf: "é que há um interesse considerável no CodeCombat noutros países! Estamos a construir um exército de tradutores dispostos a transformar um conjunto de palavras noutro conjuto de palavras, para conseguir que o CodeCombat fique o mais acessível quanto posível em todo o mundo. Se gostas de dar espreitadelas a conteúdos futuros e disponibilizar estes níveis para os teus colegas nacionais o mais depressa possível, então esta classe talvez seja para ti."
diplomat_introduction_suf: "é que há um interesse considerável no CodeCombat noutros países! Estamos a construir um exército de tradutores dispostos a transformar um conjunto de palavras num outro conjuto de palavras, para conseguir que o CodeCombat fique o mais acessível quanto posível em todo o mundo. Se gostas de dar espreitadelas a conteúdos futuros e disponibilizar os níveis para os teus colegas nacionais o mais depressa possível, então esta classe talvez seja para ti."
diplomat_attribute_1: "Fluência em Inglês e no idioma para o qual gostarias de traduzir. Quando são tentadas passar ideias complicadas, é importante uma excelente compreensão das duas!"
diplomat_i18n_page_prefix: "Podes começar a traduzir os nossos níveis se fores à nossa"
diplomat_i18n_page: "página de traduções"
diplomat_i18n_page_suffix: ", ou a nossa interface e website no GitHub."
diplomat_join_pref_github: "Encontra o ficheiro 'locale' do teu idioma "
diplomat_github_url: "no GitHub"
diplomat_join_suf_github: ", edita-o online e submete um 'pull request'. Assinala ainda esta caixa abaixo para ficares atualizado em relação a novos desenvolvimentos da internacionalização!"
diplomat_join_suf_github: ", edita-o online e submete um 'pull request'. Assinala ainda a caixa abaixo para ficares atualizado em relação a novos desenvolvimentos da internacionalização!"
diplomat_subscribe_desc: "Receber e-mails sobre desenvolvimentos da i18n e níveis para traduzir."
# ambassador_introduction: "This is a community we're building, and you are the connections. We've got forums, emails, and social networks with lots of people to talk with and help get acquainted with the game and learn from. If you want to help people get involved and have fun, and get a good feel of the pulse of CodeCombat and where we're going, then this class might be for you."
# ambassador_attribute_1: "Communication skills. Be able to identify the problems players are having and help them solve them. Also, keep the rest of us informed about what players are saying, what they like and don't like and want more of!"
# ambassador_join_desc: "tell us a little about yourself, what you've done and what you'd be interested in doing. We'll go from there!"
ambassador_join_note_strong: "Nota"
ambassador_join_note_desc: "Uma das nossas maiores prioridades é construir níveis multijogador onde os jogadores com dificuldade a passar níveis podem invocar feiticeiros mais experientes para serem ajudados. Esta será uma ótima forma para os embixadores fazerem o que sabem. Vamos manter-te atualizado!"
ambassador_join_note_desc: "Uma das nossas maiores prioridades é construir níveis multijogador onde os jogadores com dificuldade para passar níveis possam invocar feiticeiros mais experientes para os ajudarem. Esta será uma ótima forma de os embaixadores fazerem o que sabem. Vamos manter-te atualizado!"
ambassador_subscribe_desc: "Receber e-mails relativos a novidades do suporte e desenvolvimentos do modo multijogador."
changes_auto_save: "As alterações são guardadas automaticamente quando clicas nas caixas."
diligent_scribes: "Os Nossos Dedicados Escrivões:"
@ -725,18 +725,18 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "slovenčina", englishDescription: "Slovak",
artisan_title: "Remeselník"
artisan_title_description: "(Tvorca úrovní)"
artisan_summary: "Tvor a zdieľaj úrovne, ktoré si môžu zahrať tvoji priatelia. Staň sa Remeselníkom a nauč sa umenie učiť iných programovať."
# adventurer_title: "Adventurer"
# adventurer_title_description: "(Level Playtester)"
# adventurer_summary: "Get our new levels (even our subscriber content) for free one week early and help us work out bugs before our public release."
# scribe_title: "Scribe"
# scribe_title_description: "(Article Editor)"
# scribe_summary: "Good code needs good documentation. Write, edit, and improve the docs read by millions of players across the globe."
# diplomat_title: "Diplomat"
# diplomat_title_description: "(Translator)"
# diplomat_summary: "CodeCombat is localized in 45+ languages by our Diplomats. Help us out and contribute translations."
# ambassador_title: "Ambassador"
# ambassador_title_description: "(Support)"
# ambassador_summary: "Tame our forum users and provide direction for those with questions. Our ambassadors represent CodeCombat to the world."
adventurer_title: "Dobrodruh"
adventurer_title_description: "(Testovač úrovní)"
adventurer_summary: "Dostaň sa k naším novým úrovniam (dokonca aj k tým pre predplatiteľov) zdarma a o týždeň skôr. Pomôž nám odhaliť chyby pred ich zverejnemím."
scribe_title: "Pisár"
scribe_title_description: "(Editor)"
scribe_summary: "Dobrý kód potrebuje dobrú dokumentáciu. Píš, edituj a vylepši dokumenty, ktoré čítajú milióny hráčov na celom svete."
diplomat_title: "Diplomat"
diplomat_title_description: "(Prekladateľ)"
diplomat_summary: "CodeCombat je preložený vďaka naším diplomatom do 45+ jazykov. Pomôž nám s prekladom."
ambassador_title: "Ambasador"
ambassador_title_description: "(Poradca)"
ambassador_summary: "Kroť použivateľov nášho fóra a nasmeruj na správnu cestu tých, čo sa pýtajú. Naši ambasádori reprezentujú CodeCombat na celom svete."
# editor:
# main_title: "CodeCombat Editors"
@ -828,10 +828,10 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "slovenčina", englishDescription: "Slovak",
# polls:
# priority: "Priority"
# contribute:
# page_title: "Contributing"
# intro_blurb: "CodeCombat is 100% open source! Hundreds of dedicated players have helped us build the game into what it is today. Join us and write the next chapter in CodeCombat's quest to teach the world to code!"
# alert_account_message_intro: "Hey there!"
page_title: "Prispenie"
intro_blurb: "CodeCombat je 100% open source! Stovky nadšených hráčov nám pomohli dostať hru na dnešnú úroveň. Pripoj sa k nám a napíš ďalšiu kapitolu CodeCombatu, ktorý učí svet kódovať!"
alert_account_message_intro: "Ahoj!"
# alert_account_message: "To subscribe for class emails, you'll need to be logged in first."
# archmage_introduction: "One of the best parts about building games is they synthesize so many different things. Graphics, sound, real-time networking, social networking, and of course many of the more common aspects of programming, from low-level database management, and server administration to user facing design and interface building. There's a lot to do, and if you're an experienced programmer with a hankering to really dive into the nitty-gritty of CodeCombat, this class might be for you. We would love to have your help building the best programming game ever."
# class_attributes: "Class Attributes"
@ -904,7 +904,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "slovenčina", englishDescription: "Slovak",
simulate_games: "Simuluj hry !"
simulate_all: "RESETUJ A SIMULUJ HRY"
games_simulated_by: "Tebou simulované hry:"
games_simulated_for: "Pre teba simulvané hry:"
games_simulated_for: "Pre teba simulované hry:"
games_simulated: "Simulované hry"
games_played: "Odohrané hry"
ratio: "Pomer"
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
storage = require 'core/storage'
deltasLib = require 'core/deltas'
locale = require 'locale/locale'
class CocoModel extends Backbone.Model
idAttribute: '_id'
@ -399,12 +400,19 @@ class CocoModel extends Backbone.Model
# use it to determine what properties actually need to be translated
props = workingSchema.props or []
props = (prop for prop in props when parentData[prop])
#unless props.length
# console.log 'props is', props, 'path is', path, 'data is', data, 'parentData is', parentData, 'workingSchema is', workingSchema
# langCodeArrays.push _.without _.keys(locale), 'update' # Every language has covered a path with no properties to be translated.
# return
return if 'additionalProperties' of i18n # Workaround for #2630: Programmable is weird
# get a list of lang codes where its object has keys for every prop to be translated
coverage = _.filter(_.keys(i18n), (langCode) ->
translations = i18n[langCode]
_.all((translations[prop] for prop in props))
#console.log 'got coverage', coverage, 'for', path, props, workingSchema, parentData
langCodeArrays.push coverage
@ -274,6 +274,12 @@ _.extend UserSchema.properties,
levelSystemMiscPatches: c.int()
thangTypeTranslationPatches: c.int()
thangTypeMiscPatches: c.int()
achievementTranslationPatches: c.int()
achievementMiscPatches: c.int()
pollTranslationPatches: c.int()
pollMiscPatches: c.int()
campaignTranslationPatches: c.int()
campaignMiscPatches: c.int()
earned: c.RewardSchema 'earned by achievements'
purchased: c.RewardSchema 'purchased with gems or money'
@ -96,5 +96,5 @@ block modal-footer-content
| Holy smokes, that was a hard level you just beat! If you aren't already a software developer, you should be. You've just skipped past the first application step and straight to an interview with Viking Code School, where you can take your skills to the next level and become a professional web developer in 14 weeks.
| Holy smokes, that was a hard level you just beat! If you aren't already a software developer, you should be. You just got fast-tracked for acceptance with Viking Code School, where you can take your skills to the next level and become a professional web developer in 14 weeks.
button.btn.btn-illustrated.btn-primary.btn-lg.world-map-button.continue-from-offer-button(data-i18n="play_level.victory_become_a_viking") Become a Viking
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ if topScores
if (me.get('preferredLanguage', true) || 'en-US').substr(0, 2) == 'en'
.btn.btn-xs.btn-info Watch
else if loading
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ module.exports = class I18NEditLevelView extends I18NEditModelView
for doc, index in @model.get('documentation')?.specificArticles ? []
if i18n = doc.i18n
@wrapRow 'Guide article name', ['name'], doc.name, i18n[lang]?.name, ['documentation', 'specificArticles', index]
@wrapRow "'#{doc.name}' description", ['description'], doc.description, i18n[lang]?.description, ['documentation', 'specificArticles', index], 'markdown'
@wrapRow "'#{doc.name}' body", ['body'], doc.body, i18n[lang]?.body, ['documentation', 'specificArticles', index], 'markdown'
# sprite dialogues
for script, scriptIndex in @model.get('scripts') ? []
@ -367,7 +367,7 @@ module.exports = class HeroVictoryModal extends ModalView
onClickContinueFromOffer: (e) ->
url = {
'lost-viking': 'http://www.vikingcodeschool.com/?utm_source=codecombat&utm_medium=lost_viking&utm_campaign=affiliate&ref=Code+Combat'
'lost-viking': 'http://www.vikingcodeschool.com/codecombat?utm_source=codecombat&utm_medium=viking_level&utm_campaign=affiliate&ref=Code+Combat+Elite'
Backbone.Mediator.publish 'router:navigate', @navigationEventUponCompletion
window.open url, '_blank' if url
Reference in a new issue