Merge branch 'cundamic-patch-11'

This commit is contained in:
Nick Winter 2015-04-07 13:33:52 -07:00
commit 77d040c866

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@ -487,8 +487,8 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "slovenčina", englishDescription: "Slovak",
attack_2: "hodnotu udávanej újmy zbraňou pre typ"
attack_3: "."
health_1: "Upravuje hodnotu zdravia na"
health_2: "hodnoty zaručenej pre typ"
health_3: "brnením."
health_2: "hodnoty zaručenej brnením"
health_3: "."
speed_1: "Pohybuje sa rýchlosťou"
speed_2: "metrov za sekundu."
available_for_purchase: "Dostupné na zakúpenie" # Shows up when you have unlocked, but not purchased, a hero in the hero store
@ -700,31 +700,31 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "slovenčina", englishDescription: "Slovak",
# beautify: "Beautify your code by standardizing its formatting."
# maximize_editor: "Maximize/minimize code editor."
# community:
# main_title: "CodeCombat Community"
# introduction: "Check out the ways you can get involved below and decide what sounds the most fun. We look forward to working with you!"
# level_editor_prefix: "Use the CodeCombat"
# level_editor_suffix: "to create and edit levels. Users have created levels for their classes, friends, hackathons, students, and siblings. If create a new level sounds intimidating you can start by forking one of ours!"
# thang_editor_prefix: "We call units within the game 'thangs'. Use the"
# thang_editor_suffix: "to modify the CodeCombat source artwork. Allow units to throw projectiles, alter the direction of an animation, change a unit's hit points, or upload your own vector sprites."
# article_editor_prefix: "See a mistake in some of our docs? Want to make some instructions for your own creations? Check out the"
# article_editor_suffix: "and help CodeCombat players get the most out of their playtime."
# find_us: "Find us on these sites"
# social_blog: "Read the CodeCombat blog on Sett"
# social_discource: "Join the discussion on our Discourse forum"
# social_facebook: "Like CodeCombat on Facebook"
# social_twitter: "Follow CodeCombat on Twitter"
# social_gplus: "Join CodeCombat on Google+"
# social_hipchat: "Chat with us in the public CodeCombat HipChat room"
# contribute_to_the_project: "Contribute to the project"
main_title: "CodeCombat Komunita"
introduction: "Pozri si spôsoby ako sa môžeš zapojiť a rozhodni sa, čo ťa najviac láka.Tešime sa na spoluprácu !"
level_editor_prefix: "Použi"
level_editor_suffix: "na vytvorenie a úpravu úrovní. Uživatelia vytvorili úrovne pre svoje triedy, svojích priateľov, žiakov, súrodencov a aj pre deň kódovania. Ak sa bojíš začínať celkom od začiatku, môžeš začať klonovaním a úpravou našich úrovní."
thang_editor_prefix: "Jednotky hry nazývame vecičky - 'thangs'. Použi"
thang_editor_suffix: "na úpravu grafiky. Povoľ jednotkám vrhať strely, zmeň smer animácie, zmeň body zásahu alebo nahraj vlastné vektorové sprity."
article_editor_prefix: "Vidíš chybu v našich dokumentoch ? Chceš pridať inštrukcie k vlastným výtvorom ? Pozri sa na"
article_editor_suffix: "a pomôž hráčom, aby získali, čo najviac z hrania na CodeCombat."
find_us: "Nájdeš nás na týchto stránkach"
social_blog: "Prečítaj si blog na Sette"
social_discource: "Pridaj sa k diskusii na fóre Discourse"
social_facebook: "Daj Like CodeCombatu na Facebooku"
social_twitter: "Sleduj CodeCombat na Twitteri"
social_gplus: "Pripoj sa ku CodeCombatu na Google+"
social_hipchat: "Chatujte s nami vo verejnej HipChat miestnosti"
contribute_to_the_project: "Prispej svojou prácou"
# classes:
# archmage_title: "Archmage"
# archmage_title_description: "(Coder)"
# archmage_summary: "If you are a developer interested in coding educational games, become an archmage to help us build CodeCombat!"
# artisan_title: "Artisan"
# artisan_title_description: "(Level Builder)"
# artisan_summary: "Build and share levels for you and your friends to play. Become an Artisan to learn the art of teaching others to program."
archmage_title: "Arcimág"
archmage_title_description: "(Programátor)"
archmage_summary: "Ak si vývojár so záujmom o kódovanie vzdelávacíh hier, staň sa Arcimágom a pomôž nám s vývojom CodeCombatu !"
artisan_title: "Remeselník"
artisan_title_description: "(Tvorca úrovní)"
artisan_summary: "Tvor a zdieľaj úrovne, ktoré si môžu zahrať tvoji priatelia. Staň sa Remeselníkom a nauč sa umenie učiť iných programovať."
# adventurer_title: "Adventurer"
# adventurer_title_description: "(Level Playtester)"
# adventurer_summary: "Get our new levels (even our subscriber content) for free one week early and help us work out bugs before our public release."