mirror of
synced 2025-03-24 19:59:53 -04:00
Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/codecombat/codecombat
This commit is contained in:
15 changed files with 1 additions and 613 deletions
@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ module.exports = class LevelLoader extends CocoClass
for indieSprite in indieSprites
for indieSprite in indieSprites
thangIDs.push indieSprite.thangType
thangIDs.push indieSprite.thangType
for article in @level.get('articles')?.generalArticles or []
for article in @level.get('documentation')?.generalArticles or []
articleVersions.push _.pick(article, ['original', 'majorVersion'])
articleVersions.push _.pick(article, ['original', 'majorVersion'])
objUniq = (array) -> _.uniq array, false, (arg) -> JSON.stringify(arg)
objUniq = (array) -> _.uniq array, false, (arg) -> JSON.stringify(arg)
@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
<intro>From now on we'll send our feedback in English!</intro>
<bit>-bit computer detected.</bit>
<prefix>The operating system</prefix>
<sufix>was detected.</sufix>
<xp>We don't support Windows XP, installation cancelled.</xp>
<sks>Have you already installed all the software needed for CodeCombat?</sks>
<skq>We recommand that you reply negative in case you're not sure.</skq>
<skc>Skipping the installation of the software...</skc>
<s1>CodeCombat couldn't be developed without third-party software.</s1>
<s2>That's why you'll need to install this software,</s2>
<s3>in order to start contributing to our community.</s3>
<s4>Cancel the installation if you already have the application.</s4>
<winpath>Make sure to select the option that adds the application to your Windows Path, if the option is available.</winpath>
<prefix>Do you already have the latest version of</prefix>
<downloading>is downloading...</downloading>
<installing>is installing...</installing>
<unzipping>is unzipping...</unzipping>
<cleaning>is cleaning...</cleaning>
<mongodbpath>Please define the full path where mongodb should be installed</mongodbpath>
<opensource>CodeCombat is opensource, like you already know.</opensource>
<online>All our sourcecode can be found online at Github.</online>
<manual>You can choose to do the entire Git setup yourself.</manual>
<norec>However we recommend that you instead let us handle it instead.</norec>
<question>Do you want to do the Local Git setup manually yourself?</question>
<consequence>Make sure you have correctly setup your repository before processing.</consequence>
<donotclose>Do not close this window please.</donotclose>
<wait>When you're ready, press any key to continue...</wait>
<path>Please give the full path of your CodeCombat git repository: </path>
<checkout>Please enter the full path where you want to install your CodeCombat environment</checkout>
<bashi>This installation requires Git Bash.</bashi>
<bashp64>Git bash is by default installed at 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Git'.</bashp64>
<bashp32>Git bash is by default installed at 'C:\Program Files\Git'.</bashp32>
<bashq>Please enter the full path where git bash is installed or just press enter if it's in the default location</bashq>
<ssh>Do you want to checkout the repository via ssh?</ssh>
<install>Installing bower, brunch, nodemon and sendwithus...</install>
<binstall>Installing bower packages...</binstall>
<sass>Installing sass...</sass>
<npm>Installing npm...</npm>
<brnch>Starting brunch....</brnch>
<mongodb>Setting up a MongoDB database for you...</mongodb>
<db>Downloading the last version of the CodeCombat database...</db>
<script>Preparing the automatic startup script for you...</script>
<path>That path already exists, are you sure you want to overwrite it?</path>
<exist>That path doesn't exist. Please try again...</exist>
<succesfull>The setup of the CodeCombat Dev. Environment was succesfull.</succesfull>
<thankyou>Thank you already for your contribution and see you soon.</thankyou>
<readme>Do you want to read the README for more information?</readme>
<s1>From now on you can start the dev. environment at</s1>
<s2>the touch of a single mouse click.</s2>
<s3> 1) Just double click</s3>
<s4> and let the environment start up.</s4>
<s5> 2) Now just open 'localhost:3000' in your prefered browser.</s5>
<s6>That's it, you're now ready to start working on CodeCombat!</s6>
@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
<intro>From now on we'll send our feedback in English!</intro>
<bit>-bit computer detected.</bit>
<prefix>The operating system</prefix>
<sufix>was detected.</sufix>
<xp>We don't support Windows XP, installation cancelled.</xp>
<sks>Have you already installed all the software needed for CodeCombat?</sks>
<skq>We recommand that you reply negative in case you're not sure.</skq>
<skc>Skipping the installation of the software...</skc>
<s1>CodeCombat couldn't be developed without third-party software.</s1>
<s2>That's why you'll need to install this software,</s2>
<s3>in order to start contributing to our community.</s3>
<s4>Cancel the installation if you already have the application.</s4>
<winpath>Make sure to select the option that adds the application to your Windows Path, if the option is available.</winpath>
<prefix>Do you already have the latest version of</prefix>
<downloading>is downloading...</downloading>
<installing>is installing...</installing>
<unzipping>is unzipping...</unzipping>
<cleaning>is cleaning...</cleaning>
<mongodbpath>Please define the full path where mongodb should be installed</mongodbpath>
<opensource>CodeCombat is opensource, like you already know.</opensource>
<online>All our sourcecode can be found online at Github.</online>
<manual>You can choose to do the entire Git setup yourself.</manual>
<norec>However we recommend that you instead let us handle it instead.</norec>
<question>Do you want to do the Local Git setup manually yourself?</question>
<consequence>Make sure you have correctly setup your repository before processing.</consequence>
<donotclose>Do not close this window please.</donotclose>
<wait>When you're ready, press any key to continue...</wait>
<path>Please give the full path of your CodeCombat git repository: </path>
<checkout>Please enter the full path where you want to install your CodeCombat environment</checkout>
<bashi>This installation requires Git Bash.</bashi>
<bashp64>Git bash is by default installed at 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Git'.</bashp64>
<bashp32>Git bash is by default installed at 'C:\Program Files\Git'.</bashp32>
<bashq>Please enter the full path where git bash is installed or just press enter if it's in the default location</bashq>
<ssh>Do you want to checkout the repository via ssh?</ssh>
<install>Installing bower, brunch, nodemon and sendwithus...</install>
<binstall>Installing bower packages...</binstall>
<sass>Installing sass...</sass>
<npm>Installing npm...</npm>
<brnch>Starting brunch....</brnch>
<mongodb>Setting up a MongoDB database for you...</mongodb>
<db>Downloading the last version of the CodeCombat database...</db>
<script>Preparing the automatic startup script for you...</script>
<path>That path already exists, are you sure you want to overwrite it?</path>
<exist>That path doesn't exist. Please try again...</exist>
<succesfull>The setup of the CodeCombat Dev. Environment was succesfull.</succesfull>
<thankyou>Thank you already for your contribution and see you soon.</thankyou>
<readme>Do you want to read the README for more information?</readme>
<s1>From now on you can start the dev. environment at</s1>
<s2>the touch of a single mouse click.</s2>
<s3> 1) Just double click</s3>
<s4> and let the environment start up.</s4>
<s5> 2) Now just open 'localhost:3000' in your prefered browser.</s5>
<s6>That's it, you're now ready to start working on CodeCombat!</s6>
@ -1,57 +1,3 @@
<<<<<<< HEAD
call print_install_header
call print_dashed_seperator
call get_local_text install_process_sks install process sks
echo !install_process_sks!
call get_local_text install_process_skq install process skq
call ask_question "!install_process_skq!"
call print_dashed_seperator
if "%result%"=="true" (
call get_local_text install_process_skc install process skc
echo !install_process_skc!
call print_dashed_seperator
call get_system_information
call print_dashed_seperator
if %system_info_os% == XP (
call get_local_text install_system_xp install system xp
echo !install_system_xp!
call print_exit
call get_variables ..\\config\\downloads.coco downloads download_names downloads_count 0 general general
call get_variables ..\\config\\downloads.coco downloads download_names downloads_count 2 %system_info_os% b%system_info_bit%
call get_variables ..\\config\\downloads.coco downloads download_names downloads_count 3 general b%system_info_bit%
call get_local_text install_process_s1 install process s1
call get_local_text install_process_s2 install process s2
call get_local_text install_process_s3 install process s3
call get_local_text install_process_s4 install process s4
call get_local_text install_process_winpath install process winpath
echo !install_process_s1!
echo !install_process_s2!
echo !install_process_s3!
echo !install_process_s4!
echo !install_process_winpath!
call print_dashed_seperator
for /l %%i in (1, 1, !downloads_count!) do (
call download_and_install_app !download_names[%%i]! !downloads[%%i]!
call print_install_header
call print_install_header
call print_dashed_seperator
call print_dashed_seperator
@ -105,5 +51,4 @@ for /l %%i in (1, 1, !downloads_count!) do (
>>>>>>> 072729acc34123c42250d361955438cfd8c210d7
@ -1,40 +1,3 @@
<<<<<<< HEAD
echo Some feedback is sent in your system's language
echo but most feedback is sent and localised by us.
echo Here is a list of languages:
call print_dashed_seperator
call get_array ..\\localisation\\languages.coco languages language_count
for /l %%i in (1,1,%language_count%) do (
call get_text !languages[%%i]! global_native global native
echo [%%i] !global_native!
call print_dashed_seperator
set /p "localisation_id=Enter the language ID of your preference and press <ENTER>: "
set "localisation_is_false="
set /a local_id = %localisation_id%
if !local_id! EQU 0 set localisation_is_false=1
if !local_id! LSS 1 set localisation_is_false=1
if !local_id! GTR !language_count! set localisation_is_false=1
if defined localisation_is_false (
echo The id you entered is invalid, please try again...
) else (
set language_id=!languages[%local_id%]!
call get_text !language_id! global_native global native
call print_dashed_seperator
echo You have choosen !global_native! as your language.
call get_text !language_id! global_intro global intro
echo !global_intro!
call print_seperator
echo Some feedback is sent in your system's language
echo Some feedback is sent in your system's language
echo but most feedback is sent and localised by us.
echo but most feedback is sent and localised by us.
echo Here is a list of languages:
echo Here is a list of languages:
@ -73,5 +36,4 @@ goto:get_localization_id
echo !language_feedback!
echo !language_feedback!
call print_seperator
call print_seperator
>>>>>>> 072729acc34123c42250d361955438cfd8c210d7
@ -1,36 +1,3 @@
<<<<<<< HEAD
if exist "%PROGRAMFILES(X86)%" (
call:set_bit 64
) else (
call:set_bit 32
for /f "tokens=4-5 delims=. " %%i in ('ver') do set VERSION=%%i.%%j
if "%version%" == "5.2" ( call:set_os XP )
if "%version%" == "6.0" ( call:set_os Vista )
if "%version%" == "6.1" ( call:set_os Win7 )
:: we handle win8.0 as win7
if "%version%" == "6.2" ( call:set_os Win7 )
:: we handle win8.1 as win7
if "%version%" == "6.3" ( call:set_os Win7 )
call get_local_text install_system_bit install system bit
set system_info_bit=%~1
echo %system_info_bit%%install_system_bit%
set system_info_os=%~1
call get_local_text install_system_prefix install system prefix
call get_local_text install_system_sufix install system sufix
echo %install_system_prefix% %system_info_os% %install_system_sufix%
if exist "%PROGRAMFILES(X86)%" (
if exist "%PROGRAMFILES(X86)%" (
call:set_bit 64
call:set_bit 64
) else (
) else (
@ -60,4 +27,3 @@ goto:eof
>>>>>>> 072729acc34123c42250d361955438cfd8c210d7
@ -1,8 +1,3 @@
<<<<<<< HEAD
for /F "delims=" %%F in ('call run_script .\\get_var.ps1 ..\\localisation\\%1.coco %3 %4 %5 %6') do (
set "%2=%%F"
for /F "delims=" %%F in ('call run_script .\\get_var.ps1 ..\\localization\\%1.coco %3 %4 %5 %6') do (
for /F "delims=" %%F in ('call run_script .\\get_var.ps1 ..\\localization\\%1.coco %3 %4 %5 %6') do (
set "%2=%%F"
set "%2=%%F"
>>>>>>> 072729acc34123c42250d361955438cfd8c210d7
@ -1,119 +1,3 @@
<<<<<<< HEAD
call print_github_header
call print_dashed_seperator
call get_local_text github_intro_opensource github intro opensource
call get_local_text github_intro_online github intro online
call get_local_text github_intro_manual github intro manual
call get_local_text github_intro_norec github intro norec
echo !github_intro_opensource!
echo !github_intro_online!
echo !github_intro_manual!
echo !github_intro_norec!
call print_dashed_seperator
call get_local_text github_skip_question github skip question
call ask_question "!github_skip_question!"
call print_dashed_seperator
if "%result%"=="true" (
call get_local_text github_skip_consequence github skip consequence
echo !github_skip_consequence!
call get_local_text github_skip_donotclose github skip donotclose
echo !github_skip_donotclose!
call get_local_text github_skip_wait github skip wait
set /p "github_skip_wait=!github_skip_wait!"
call print_dashed_seperator
call get_local_text github_process_path github process path
call get_path_safe "!github_process_path!"
set "repository_path=!tmp_safe_path!"
call get_local_text github_process_bashi github process bashi
echo !github_process_bashi!
if not defined install_system_bit (
call print_dashed_seperator
call get_system_information
call print_dashed_seperator
if "%system_info_bit%"=="64" (
call get_local_text github_process_bashp64 github process bashp64
echo !github_process_bashp64!
) else (
call get_local_text github_process_bashp32 github process bashp32
echo !github_process_bashp32!
call get_local_text github_process_bashq github process bashq
set /p "git_bash_path=!github_process_bashq!: "
if not defined git_bash_path (
if "%system_info_bit%"=="64" (
set "git_bash_path=C:\Program Files (x86)\Git"
) else (
set "git_bash_path=C:\Program Files\Git"
if not exist "%git_bash_path%" (
call get_local_text error_exist error exist
echo !error_exist!
call print_dashed_seperator
) else (
call print_dashed_seperator
call get_local_text github_process_checkout github process checkout
set /p "repository_path=!github_process_checkout!: "
if exist !repository_path! (
call get_local_text error_path error path
call ask_question "!error_path!"
if "!result!"=="false" (
call print_dashed_seperator
) else (
rmdir /s /q %repository_path%
) else (
md "%repository_path%"
set "repository_path=%repository_path%\coco"
call print_dashed_seperator
set "git_app_path=%git_bash_path%\bin\git.exe"
call get_config github_url
"%git_app_path%" clone "!github_url!" "%repository_path%"
call print_dashed_seperator
call print_github_header
call print_github_header
call print_dashed_seperator
call print_dashed_seperator
@ -262,5 +146,4 @@ goto:eof
call print_dashed_seperator
call print_dashed_seperator
>>>>>>> 072729acc34123c42250d361955438cfd8c210d7
@ -1,94 +1,3 @@
<<<<<<< HEAD
call print_npm_and_brunch_header
call print_dashed_seperator
set work_directory=%CD%
set "curl_app=..\utilities\curl.exe"
set "zu_app=..\utilities\7za.exe"
set "keystuff=..\utilities\keystuff.exe"
set "coco_root=!repository_path!\coco"
call get_local_text npm-install
echo !npm_install!
cd !coco_root!
start /wait cmd /c "echo !npm_install! & npm install -g bower brunch nodemon sendwithus"
cd !work_directory!
call print_dashed_seperator
call get_local_text npm-binstall
echo !npm_binstall!
cd "!coco_root!"
start /wait cmd /c "echo !npm_binstall! & bower install"
cd "!work_directory!"
call print_dashed_seperator
call get_local_text npm-sass
echo !npm_sass!
cd "!coco_root!"
start /wait cmd /c "echo !npm_sass! & gem install sass"
cd "!work_directory!"
call print_dashed_seperator
call get_local_text npm-npm
echo !npm_npm!
cd "!coco_root!"
start /wait cmd /c "echo !npm_npm! & npm install"
cd "!work_directory!"
:: --- MONGODB
call print_dashed_seperator
call get_local_text npm-mongodb
echo !npm_mongodb!
set "mdb_directory=!repository_path!\cocodb"
if exist mdb_directory (
rmdir /s /q "!mdb_directory!"
md !mdb_directory!
call print_dashed_seperator
call get_local_text npm-db
echo !npm_db!
call get_config database_backup
cd !mdb_directory!
start cmd /c "%work_directory%\%keystuff% Alt-Tab && mongod --setParameter textSearchEnabled=true --dbpath !mdb_directory!"
%curl_app% -k !database_backup! -o dump.tar.gz
start /wait cmd /c "%work_directory%\%keystuff% Alt-Tab && %zu_app% e dump.tar.gz && del dump.tar.gz && %zu_app% x dump.tar && del dump.tar"
start /wait cmd /c "mongorestore dump"
rmdir /s /q db
call print_dashed_seperator
call get_local_text npm-script
echo !npm_script!
:: --- END
call print_dashed_seperator
call print_npm_and_brunch_header
call print_npm_and_brunch_header
call print_dashed_seperator
call print_dashed_seperator
@ -113,4 +22,3 @@ call nab_install_mongodb %coco_db%
call nab_automatic_script.bat %coco_root% %coco_db%
call nab_automatic_script.bat %coco_root% %coco_db%
call print_dashed_seperator
call print_dashed_seperator
>>>>>>> 072729acc34123c42250d361955438cfd8c210d7
@ -1,8 +1,3 @@
<<<<<<< HEAD
echo - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
echo - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
echo - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
>>>>>>> 072729acc34123c42250d361955438cfd8c210d7
@ -1,7 +1,3 @@
<<<<<<< HEAD
set /p res="Press any key to exit..."
call get_local_text global_exit global exit
call get_local_text global_exit global exit
set /p res="%global_exit%"
set /p res="%global_exit%"
>>>>>>> 072729acc34123c42250d361955438cfd8c210d7
@ -1,8 +1,3 @@
<<<<<<< HEAD
echo -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>> 072729acc34123c42250d361955438cfd8c210d7
@ -1,71 +1,3 @@
<<<<<<< HEAD
@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
Color 0A
mode con: cols=79 lines=55
call print_header
call print_dashed_seperator
call get_config.bat version
call get_config.bat author
call get_config.bat copyright
echo Welcome to the automated Installation of the CodeCombat Dev. Environment!
echo v%version% authored by %author% and published by %copyright%.
call print_seperator
echo Before we start the installation, here are some tips:
call print_tips
call print_seperator
call sign_license
call get_language
call download_and_install_applications
call github_setup
:: This will be available in v2.0
::call npm_and_brunch_setup
call print_finished_header
call print_dashed_seperator
call get_local_text end_succesfull end succesfull
call get_local_text end_thankyou end thankyou
echo %end_succesfull%
echo %end_thankyou%
call print_dashed_seperator
call get_local_text start_s1 start s1
call get_local_text start_s2 start s2
call get_local_text start_s3 start s3
call get_local_text start_s4 start s4
call get_local_text start_s5 start s5
call get_local_text start_s6 start s6
echo !start_s1!
echo !start_s2!
echo !start_s3! '!repository_path!\coco\SCOCODE.bat'
echo !start_s4!
echo !start_s5!
echo !start_s6!
call print_dashed_seperator
call get_local_text end_readme end readme
call ask_question "!end_readme!"
if "%result%"=="true" (
call open_readme
@echo off
@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
@ -94,5 +26,4 @@ call download_and_install_applications
start cmd /c "setup_p2.bat"
start cmd /c "setup_p2.bat"
>>>>>>> 072729acc34123c42250d361955438cfd8c210d7
@ -1,19 +1,3 @@
<<<<<<< HEAD
echo In order to continue the installation of the developers environment
echo you will have to read and agree with the following license:
call print_dashed_seperator
call print_license
call print_dashed_seperator
call ask_question "Have you read the license and do you agree with it?"
call print_dashed_seperator
if "%result%"=="false" (
echo This setup can't happen without an agreement.
echo Installation and Setup of the CodeCombat environment is cancelled.
call print_exit
call get_local_text license_s1 license s1
call get_local_text license_s1 license s1
echo !license_s1!
echo !license_s1!
@ -40,5 +24,4 @@ if "%result%"=="false" (
call print_exit
call print_exit
>>>>>>> 072729acc34123c42250d361955438cfd8c210d7
Add table
Reference in a new issue