2015-08-13 14:17:38 -04:00
log = require ' winston '
async = require ' async '
errors = require ' ../../commons/errors '
scoringUtils = require ' ./scoringUtils '
LevelSession = require ' ../../levels/sessions/LevelSession '
module.exports = getTwoGames = (req, res) ->
2015-08-15 08:38:47 -04:00
#return errors.unauthorized(res, 'You need to be logged in to get games.') unless req.user?.get('email')
2015-08-13 14:17:38 -04:00
return if scoringUtils . simulatorIsTooOld req , res
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humansSessionID = req . body . humansGameID
ogresSessionID = req . body . ogresGameID
return getSpecificSessions res , humansSessionID , ogresSessionID if humansSessionID and ogresSessionID
getRandomSessions req . user , sendSessionsResponse ( res )
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2015-08-15 08:38:47 -04:00
sessionSelectionString = ' team totalScore transpiledCode submittedCodeLanguage teamSpells levelID creatorName creator submitDate leagues '
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sendSessionsResponse = (res) ->
(err, sessions) ->
if err then return errors . serverError res , " Couldn ' t get two games to simulate: #{ err } "
unless sessions . length is 2
console . log ' No games to score. ' , sessions . length
res . send 204 , ' No games to score. '
return res . end ( )
taskObject = messageGenerated: Date . now ( ) , sessions: ( scoringUtils . formatSessionInformation session for session in sessions )
#console.log 'Dispatching ladder game simulation between', taskObject.sessions[0].creatorName, 'and', taskObject.sessions[1].creatorName
scoringUtils . sendResponseObject res , taskObject
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getSpecificSessions = (res, humansSessionID, ogresSessionID) ->
async . map [ humansSessionID , ogresSessionID ] , getSpecificSession , sendSessionsResponse ( res )
getSpecificSession = (sessionID, callback) ->
LevelSession . findOne ( _id: sessionID ) . select ( sessionSelectionString ) . lean ( ) . exec (err, session) ->
if err ? then return callback " Couldn \' t find target simulation session #{ sessionID } "
callback null , session
getRandomSessions = (user, callback) ->
# Determine whether to play a random match, an internal league match, or an external league match.
# Only people in a league will end up simulating internal league matches (for leagues they're in) except by dumb chance.
# If we don't like that, we can rework sampleByLevel to have an opportunity to switch to internal leagues if the first session had a league affiliation.
leagueIDs = user . get ( ' clans ' ) or [ ]
#leagueIDs = leagueIDs.concat user.get('courseInstances') or []
leagueIDs = ( leagueID + ' ' for leagueID in leagueIDs ) # Make sure to fetch them as strings.
return sampleByLevel callback unless leagueIDs . length and Math . random ( ) > 1 / leagueIDs . length
leagueID = _ . sample leagueIDs
findRandomSession { ' leagues.leagueID ' : leagueID , favorRecent: true } , (err, session) ->
if err then return callback err
unless session then return sampleByLevel callback
otherTeam = scoringUtils . calculateOpposingTeam session . team
queryParameters = team: otherTeam , levelID: session . levelID
if Math . random ( ) < 0.5
# Try to play a match on the internal league ladder for this level
queryParameters [ ' leagues.leagueID ' ] = leagueID
findRandomSession queryParameters , (err, otherSession) ->
if err then return callback err
if otherSession then return callback null , [ session , otherSession ]
# No opposing league session found; try to play an external match
delete queryParameters [ ' leagues.leagueID ' ]
findRandomSession queryParameters , (err, otherSession) ->
if err then return callback err
callback null , [ session , otherSession ]
# Play what will probably end up being an external match
findRandomSession queryParameters , (err, otherSession) ->
if err then return callback err
callback null , [ session , otherSession ]
# Sampling by level: we pick a level, then find a human and ogre session for that level, one at random, one biased towards recent submissions.
#ladderLevelIDs = ['greed', 'criss-cross', 'brawlwood', 'dungeon-arena', 'gold-rush', 'sky-span'] # Let's not give any extra simulations to old ladders.
ladderLevelIDs = [ ' dueling-grounds ' , ' cavern-survival ' , ' multiplayer-treasure-grove ' , ' harrowland ' , ' zero-sum ' ]
sampleByLevel = (callback) ->
levelID = _ . sample ladderLevelIDs
favorRecentHumans = Math . random ( ) < 0.5 # We pick one session favoring recent submissions, then find another one uniformly to play against
async . map [ { levelID: levelID , team: ' humans ' , favorRecent: favorRecentHumans } , { levelID: levelID , team: ' ogres ' , favorRecent: not favorRecentHumans } ] , findRandomSession , callback
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findRandomSession = (queryParams, callback) ->
# In MongoDB 3.2, we will be able to easily get a random document with aggregate $sample: https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-533
queryParams.submitted = true
favorRecent = queryParams . favorRecent
delete queryParams . favorRecent
if favorRecent
return findRecentRandomSession queryParams , callback
queryParams.randomSimulationIndex = $lte: Math . random ( )
sort = randomSimulationIndex: - 1
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LevelSession . findOne ( queryParams ) . sort ( sort ) . select ( sessionSelectionString ) . lean ( ) . exec (err, session) ->
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return callback err if err
return callback null , session if session
delete queryParams . randomSimulationIndex # Just find the highest-indexed session, if our randomSimulationIndex was lower than the lowest one.
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LevelSession . findOne ( queryParams ) . sort ( sort ) . select ( sessionSelectionString ) . lean ( ) . exec (err, session) ->
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return callback err if err
callback null , session
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findRecentRandomSession = (queryParams, callback) ->
# We pick a random submitDate between the first submit date for the level and now, then do a $lt fetch to find a session to simulate.
# We bias it towards recently submitted sessions.
findEarliestSubmission queryParams , (err, startDate) ->
return callback err , null unless startDate
now = new Date ( )
interval = now - startDate
cutoff = new Date now - Math . pow ( Math . random ( ) , 4 ) * interval
queryParams.submitDate = $gte: startDate , $lt: cutoff
LevelSession . findOne ( queryParams ) . sort ( submitDate: - 1 ) . select ( sessionSelectionString ) . lean ( ) . exec (err, session) ->
return callback err if err
callback null , session
earliestSubmissionCache = { }
findEarliestSubmission = (queryParams, callback) ->
cacheKey = JSON . stringify queryParams
return callback null , cached if cached = earliestSubmissionCache [ cacheKey ]
LevelSession . findOne ( queryParams ) . sort ( submitDate: 1 ) . lean ( ) . exec (err, earliest) ->
return callback err if err
result = earliestSubmissionCache [ cacheKey ] = earliest ? . submitDate
callback null , result