2014-08-08 14:36:41 -04:00
CocoView = require 'views/kinds/CocoView'
template = require 'templates/game-menu/multiplayer-view'
{me} = require 'lib/auth'
ThangType = require 'models/ThangType'
2014-08-10 20:26:30 -04:00
LadderSubmissionView = require 'views/play/common/LadderSubmissionView'
Real-time multiplayer initial commit
Simple matchmaking, synchronous multiplayer PVP, flags!
Rough matchmaking is under the game menu multiplayer tab, for ladder
games only. After creating a 2-person game there, you can exit that
modal and real-time cast to play against each other.
If you’re the first person to cast, you’ll sit at the real-time level
playback view waiting until the other player casts. When they do, you
both should start the real-time playback (and start placing flags like
crazy people).
If in a multiplayer session, the real-time simulation runs the players’
code against each other. Your multiplayer opponent’s name should be up
near the level name.
Multiplayer sessions are stored completely in Firebase for now, and
removed if both players leave the game. There’s plenty of bugs,
synchronization issues, and minimal polish to add before we push it to
2014-08-29 02:34:07 -04:00
RealTimeCollection = require 'collections/RealTimeCollection'
2014-08-08 14:36:41 -04:00
module.exports = class MultiplayerView extends CocoView
id: 'multiplayer-view'
className: 'tab-pane'
template: template
2014-08-10 20:26:30 -04:00
'ladder:game-submitted': 'onGameSubmitted'
'click textarea': 'onClickLink'
'change #multiplayer': 'updateLinkSection'
Real-time multiplayer initial commit
Simple matchmaking, synchronous multiplayer PVP, flags!
Rough matchmaking is under the game menu multiplayer tab, for ladder
games only. After creating a 2-person game there, you can exit that
modal and real-time cast to play against each other.
If you’re the first person to cast, you’ll sit at the real-time level
playback view waiting until the other player casts. When they do, you
both should start the real-time playback (and start placing flags like
crazy people).
If in a multiplayer session, the real-time simulation runs the players’
code against each other. Your multiplayer opponent’s name should be up
near the level name.
Multiplayer sessions are stored completely in Firebase for now, and
removed if both players leave the game. There’s plenty of bugs,
synchronization issues, and minimal polish to add before we push it to
2014-08-29 02:34:07 -04:00
'click #create-game-button': 'onCreateGame'
'click #join-game-button': 'onJoinGame'
'click #leave-game-button': 'onLeaveGame'
2014-08-10 20:26:30 -04:00
constructor: (options) ->
@level = options.level
@session = options.session
@playableTeams = options.playableTeams
@listenTo @session, 'change:multiplayer', @updateLinkSection
Real-time multiplayer initial commit
Simple matchmaking, synchronous multiplayer PVP, flags!
Rough matchmaking is under the game menu multiplayer tab, for ladder
games only. After creating a 2-person game there, you can exit that
modal and real-time cast to play against each other.
If you’re the first person to cast, you’ll sit at the real-time level
playback view waiting until the other player casts. When they do, you
both should start the real-time playback (and start placing flags like
crazy people).
If in a multiplayer session, the real-time simulation runs the players’
code against each other. Your multiplayer opponent’s name should be up
near the level name.
Multiplayer sessions are stored completely in Firebase for now, and
removed if both players leave the game. There’s plenty of bugs,
synchronization issues, and minimal polish to add before we push it to
2014-08-29 02:34:07 -04:00
# TODO: only request sessions for this level, !team, etc.
# TODO: don't hard code this path all over the place
@multiplayerSessions = new RealTimeCollection('multiplayer_level_sessions/')
@multiplayerSessions.on 'add', @onMultiplayerSessionAdded
@multiplayerSessions.on 'remove', @onMultiplayerSessionRemoved
@playersCollections = {}
destroy: ->
2014-08-29 18:10:04 -04:00
collection.off() for id, collection of @playersCollections
Real-time multiplayer initial commit
Simple matchmaking, synchronous multiplayer PVP, flags!
Rough matchmaking is under the game menu multiplayer tab, for ladder
games only. After creating a 2-person game there, you can exit that
modal and real-time cast to play against each other.
If you’re the first person to cast, you’ll sit at the real-time level
playback view waiting until the other player casts. When they do, you
both should start the real-time playback (and start placing flags like
crazy people).
If in a multiplayer session, the real-time simulation runs the players’
code against each other. Your multiplayer opponent’s name should be up
near the level name.
Multiplayer sessions are stored completely in Firebase for now, and
removed if both players leave the game. There’s plenty of bugs,
synchronization issues, and minimal polish to add before we push it to
2014-08-29 02:34:07 -04:00
2014-08-10 20:26:30 -04:00
getRenderData: ->
c = super()
c.joinLink = "#{document.location.href.replace(/\?.*/, '').replace('#', '')}?session=#{@session.id}"
c.multiplayer = @session.get 'multiplayer'
c.team = @session.get 'team'
c.levelSlug = @level?.get 'slug'
c.playableTeams = @playableTeams
# For now, ladderGame will disallow multiplayer, because session code combining doesn't play nice yet.
if @level?.get('type') is 'ladder'
c.ladderGame = true
c.readyToRank = @session?.readyToRank()
Real-time multiplayer initial commit
Simple matchmaking, synchronous multiplayer PVP, flags!
Rough matchmaking is under the game menu multiplayer tab, for ladder
games only. After creating a 2-person game there, you can exit that
modal and real-time cast to play against each other.
If you’re the first person to cast, you’ll sit at the real-time level
playback view waiting until the other player casts. When they do, you
both should start the real-time playback (and start placing flags like
crazy people).
If in a multiplayer session, the real-time simulation runs the players’
code against each other. Your multiplayer opponent’s name should be up
near the level name.
Multiplayer sessions are stored completely in Firebase for now, and
removed if both players leave the game. There’s plenty of bugs,
synchronization issues, and minimal polish to add before we push it to
2014-08-29 02:34:07 -04:00
c.levelID = @session.get('levelID')
c.multiplayerSessions = @multiplayerSessions.models
c.currentMultiplayerSession = @currentMultiplayerSession if @currentMultiplayerSession
c.playersCollections = @playersCollections if @playersCollections
2014-08-10 20:26:30 -04:00
2014-08-08 14:36:41 -04:00
afterRender: ->
2014-08-10 20:26:30 -04:00
@ladderSubmissionView = new LadderSubmissionView session: @session, level: @level
@insertSubView @ladderSubmissionView, @$el.find('.ladder-submission-view')
Real-time multiplayer initial commit
Simple matchmaking, synchronous multiplayer PVP, flags!
Rough matchmaking is under the game menu multiplayer tab, for ladder
games only. After creating a 2-person game there, you can exit that
modal and real-time cast to play against each other.
If you’re the first person to cast, you’ll sit at the real-time level
playback view waiting until the other player casts. When they do, you
both should start the real-time playback (and start placing flags like
crazy people).
If in a multiplayer session, the real-time simulation runs the players’
code against each other. Your multiplayer opponent’s name should be up
near the level name.
Multiplayer sessions are stored completely in Firebase for now, and
removed if both players leave the game. There’s plenty of bugs,
synchronization issues, and minimal polish to add before we push it to
2014-08-29 02:34:07 -04:00
@$el.find('#created-multiplayer-session').toggle Boolean(@currentMultiplayerSession?)
2014-08-29 18:10:04 -04:00
@$el.find('#create-game-button').toggle Boolean(not (@currentMultiplayerSession?))
2014-08-10 20:26:30 -04:00
onClickLink: (e) ->
onGameSubmitted: (e) ->
ladderURL = "/play/ladder/#{@level.get('slug')}#my-matches"
Backbone.Mediator.publish 'router:navigate', route: ladderURL
updateLinkSection: ->
multiplayer = @$el.find('#multiplayer').prop('checked')
la = @$el.find('#link-area')
Real-time multiplayer initial commit
Simple matchmaking, synchronous multiplayer PVP, flags!
Rough matchmaking is under the game menu multiplayer tab, for ladder
games only. After creating a 2-person game there, you can exit that
modal and real-time cast to play against each other.
If you’re the first person to cast, you’ll sit at the real-time level
playback view waiting until the other player casts. When they do, you
both should start the real-time playback (and start placing flags like
crazy people).
If in a multiplayer session, the real-time simulation runs the players’
code against each other. Your multiplayer opponent’s name should be up
near the level name.
Multiplayer sessions are stored completely in Firebase for now, and
removed if both players leave the game. There’s plenty of bugs,
synchronization issues, and minimal polish to add before we push it to
2014-08-29 02:34:07 -04:00
la.toggle if @level?.get('type') is 'ladder' then false else Boolean(multiplayer)
2014-08-10 20:26:30 -04:00
onHidden: ->
multiplayer = Boolean(@$el.find('#multiplayer').prop('checked'))
@session.set('multiplayer', multiplayer)
Real-time multiplayer initial commit
Simple matchmaking, synchronous multiplayer PVP, flags!
Rough matchmaking is under the game menu multiplayer tab, for ladder
games only. After creating a 2-person game there, you can exit that
modal and real-time cast to play against each other.
If you’re the first person to cast, you’ll sit at the real-time level
playback view waiting until the other player casts. When they do, you
both should start the real-time playback (and start placing flags like
crazy people).
If in a multiplayer session, the real-time simulation runs the players’
code against each other. Your multiplayer opponent’s name should be up
near the level name.
Multiplayer sessions are stored completely in Firebase for now, and
removed if both players leave the game. There’s plenty of bugs,
synchronization issues, and minimal polish to add before we push it to
2014-08-29 02:34:07 -04:00
# TODO: shouldn't have to open MultiplayerView to read existing multiplayerSession?
# TODO: No current game shown when: this view closed, opponent leaves your game, this view opened
onMultiplayerSessionAdded: (e) =>
# TODO: double check these players events are needed on top of onMultiplayerSessionChanged
@playersCollections[e.id] = new RealTimeCollection('multiplayer_level_sessions/' + e.id + '/players')
@playersCollections[e.id].on 'add', @onPlayerAdded
@playersCollections[e.id].on 'remove', @onPlayerRemoved
# Check if we've already joined this multiplayer session
2014-08-29 18:10:04 -04:00
if not @currentMultiplayerSession and e.get('levelID') is @session.get('levelID')
@playersCollections[e.id].each (player) =>
if player.id is me.id and player.get('team') is @session.get('team')
Real-time multiplayer initial commit
Simple matchmaking, synchronous multiplayer PVP, flags!
Rough matchmaking is under the game menu multiplayer tab, for ladder
games only. After creating a 2-person game there, you can exit that
modal and real-time cast to play against each other.
If you’re the first person to cast, you’ll sit at the real-time level
playback view waiting until the other player casts. When they do, you
both should start the real-time playback (and start placing flags like
crazy people).
If in a multiplayer session, the real-time simulation runs the players’
code against each other. Your multiplayer opponent’s name should be up
near the level name.
Multiplayer sessions are stored completely in Firebase for now, and
removed if both players leave the game. There’s plenty of bugs,
synchronization issues, and minimal polish to add before we push it to
2014-08-29 02:34:07 -04:00
@currentMultiplayerSession = e
@currentMultiplayerSession.on 'change', @onMultiplayerSessionChanged
2014-08-29 18:10:04 -04:00
Backbone.Mediator.publish 'real-time-multiplayer:joined-game', session: @currentMultiplayerSession
Real-time multiplayer initial commit
Simple matchmaking, synchronous multiplayer PVP, flags!
Rough matchmaking is under the game menu multiplayer tab, for ladder
games only. After creating a 2-person game there, you can exit that
modal and real-time cast to play against each other.
If you’re the first person to cast, you’ll sit at the real-time level
playback view waiting until the other player casts. When they do, you
both should start the real-time playback (and start placing flags like
crazy people).
If in a multiplayer session, the real-time simulation runs the players’
code against each other. Your multiplayer opponent’s name should be up
near the level name.
Multiplayer sessions are stored completely in Firebase for now, and
removed if both players leave the game. There’s plenty of bugs,
synchronization issues, and minimal polish to add before we push it to
2014-08-29 02:34:07 -04:00
onMultiplayerSessionRemoved: (e) =>
delete @playersCollections[e.id]
onMultiplayerSessionChanged: (e) =>
onPlayerAdded: (e) =>
2014-08-29 18:10:04 -04:00
# TODO: listeners not being unhooked
Real-time multiplayer initial commit
Simple matchmaking, synchronous multiplayer PVP, flags!
Rough matchmaking is under the game menu multiplayer tab, for ladder
games only. After creating a 2-person game there, you can exit that
modal and real-time cast to play against each other.
If you’re the first person to cast, you’ll sit at the real-time level
playback view waiting until the other player casts. When they do, you
both should start the real-time playback (and start placing flags like
crazy people).
If in a multiplayer session, the real-time simulation runs the players’
code against each other. Your multiplayer opponent’s name should be up
near the level name.
Multiplayer sessions are stored completely in Firebase for now, and
removed if both players leave the game. There’s plenty of bugs,
synchronization issues, and minimal polish to add before we push it to
2014-08-29 02:34:07 -04:00
onPlayerRemoved: (e) =>
2014-08-29 18:10:04 -04:00
# TODO: listeners not being unhooked
Real-time multiplayer initial commit
Simple matchmaking, synchronous multiplayer PVP, flags!
Rough matchmaking is under the game menu multiplayer tab, for ladder
games only. After creating a 2-person game there, you can exit that
modal and real-time cast to play against each other.
If you’re the first person to cast, you’ll sit at the real-time level
playback view waiting until the other player casts. When they do, you
both should start the real-time playback (and start placing flags like
crazy people).
If in a multiplayer session, the real-time simulation runs the players’
code against each other. Your multiplayer opponent’s name should be up
near the level name.
Multiplayer sessions are stored completely in Firebase for now, and
removed if both players leave the game. There’s plenty of bugs,
synchronization issues, and minimal polish to add before we push it to
2014-08-29 02:34:07 -04:00
onCreateGame: ->
s = @multiplayerSessions.create {
creator: @session.get('creator')
creatorName: @session.get('creatorName')
levelID: @session.get('levelID')
2014-08-29 18:10:04 -04:00
created: (new Date()).toISOString()
Real-time multiplayer initial commit
Simple matchmaking, synchronous multiplayer PVP, flags!
Rough matchmaking is under the game menu multiplayer tab, for ladder
games only. After creating a 2-person game there, you can exit that
modal and real-time cast to play against each other.
If you’re the first person to cast, you’ll sit at the real-time level
playback view waiting until the other player casts. When they do, you
both should start the real-time playback (and start placing flags like
crazy people).
If in a multiplayer session, the real-time simulation runs the players’
code against each other. Your multiplayer opponent’s name should be up
near the level name.
Multiplayer sessions are stored completely in Firebase for now, and
removed if both players leave the game. There’s plenty of bugs,
synchronization issues, and minimal polish to add before we push it to
2014-08-29 02:34:07 -04:00
state: 'creating'
@currentMultiplayerSession = @multiplayerSessions.get(s.id)
@currentMultiplayerSession.on 'change', @onMultiplayerSessionChanged
players = new RealTimeCollection('multiplayer_level_sessions/' + @currentMultiplayerSession.id + '/players')
players.create {id: me.id, name: @session.get('creatorName'), team: @session.get('team')}
2014-08-29 18:10:04 -04:00
Backbone.Mediator.publish 'real-time-multiplayer:joined-game', session: @currentMultiplayerSession
Real-time multiplayer initial commit
Simple matchmaking, synchronous multiplayer PVP, flags!
Rough matchmaking is under the game menu multiplayer tab, for ladder
games only. After creating a 2-person game there, you can exit that
modal and real-time cast to play against each other.
If you’re the first person to cast, you’ll sit at the real-time level
playback view waiting until the other player casts. When they do, you
both should start the real-time playback (and start placing flags like
crazy people).
If in a multiplayer session, the real-time simulation runs the players’
code against each other. Your multiplayer opponent’s name should be up
near the level name.
Multiplayer sessions are stored completely in Firebase for now, and
removed if both players leave the game. There’s plenty of bugs,
synchronization issues, and minimal polish to add before we push it to
2014-08-29 02:34:07 -04:00
onJoinGame: (e) ->
return if @currentMultiplayerSession
item = @$el.find(e.target).data('item')
@currentMultiplayerSession = @multiplayerSessions.get(item.id)
@currentMultiplayerSession.on 'change', @onMultiplayerSessionChanged
if @playersCollections[item.id]
@playersCollections[item.id].create {id: me.id, name: @session.get('creatorName'), team: @session.get('team')}
console.error 'onJoinGame did not have a players collection', @currentMultiplayerSession
2014-08-29 18:10:04 -04:00
Backbone.Mediator.publish 'real-time-multiplayer:joined-game', session: @currentMultiplayerSession
Real-time multiplayer initial commit
Simple matchmaking, synchronous multiplayer PVP, flags!
Rough matchmaking is under the game menu multiplayer tab, for ladder
games only. After creating a 2-person game there, you can exit that
modal and real-time cast to play against each other.
If you’re the first person to cast, you’ll sit at the real-time level
playback view waiting until the other player casts. When they do, you
both should start the real-time playback (and start placing flags like
crazy people).
If in a multiplayer session, the real-time simulation runs the players’
code against each other. Your multiplayer opponent’s name should be up
near the level name.
Multiplayer sessions are stored completely in Firebase for now, and
removed if both players leave the game. There’s plenty of bugs,
synchronization issues, and minimal polish to add before we push it to
2014-08-29 02:34:07 -04:00
if @playersCollections[item.id]?.length is 2
@currentMultiplayerSession.set 'state', 'coding'
# TODO: close multiplayer view?
onLeaveGame: (e) ->
# TODO: This doesn't update open games or current game
if @currentMultiplayerSession
players = @playersCollections[@currentMultiplayerSession.id]
for i in [0...players.length]
player = players.at(i)
if player.get('id') is me.id
# NOTE: remove(@something) doesn't stick locally, only remotely
cms = @currentMultiplayerSession
@currentMultiplayerSession = null
if players.length is 0
console.error "Tried to leave a game we hadn't joined!" if @currentMultiplayerSession
2014-08-29 18:10:04 -04:00
Backbone.Mediator.publish 'real-time-multiplayer:left-game', {}
Real-time multiplayer initial commit
Simple matchmaking, synchronous multiplayer PVP, flags!
Rough matchmaking is under the game menu multiplayer tab, for ladder
games only. After creating a 2-person game there, you can exit that
modal and real-time cast to play against each other.
If you’re the first person to cast, you’ll sit at the real-time level
playback view waiting until the other player casts. When they do, you
both should start the real-time playback (and start placing flags like
crazy people).
If in a multiplayer session, the real-time simulation runs the players’
code against each other. Your multiplayer opponent’s name should be up
near the level name.
Multiplayer sessions are stored completely in Firebase for now, and
removed if both players leave the game. There’s plenty of bugs,
synchronization issues, and minimal polish to add before we push it to
2014-08-29 02:34:07 -04:00
console.error "Tried to leave a game with no currentMultiplayerSession"