
691 lines
26 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2014-01-03 13:32:13 -05:00
CocoClass = require 'lib/CocoClass'
{createProgressBar} = require './sprite_utils'
Camera = require './Camera'
Mark = require './Mark'
Label = require './Label'
AudioPlayer = require 'lib/AudioPlayer'
2014-02-11 15:02:27 -05:00
{me} = require 'lib/auth'
2014-01-03 13:32:13 -05:00
# We'll get rid of this once level's teams actually have colors
healthColors =
ogres: [64, 128, 212]
humans: [255, 0, 0]
neutral: [64, 212, 128]
# Sprite: EaselJS-based view/controller for Thang model
module.exports = CocoSprite = class CocoSprite extends CocoClass
thangType: null # ThangType instance
displayObject: null
imageObject: null
healthBar: null
marks: null
labels: null
ranges: null
2014-01-03 13:32:13 -05:00
resolutionFactor: 4
groundLayer: null
textLayer: null
floatingLayer: null
frameRateFactor: 1 # TODO: use or lose?
thang: null
camera: null
spriteSheetCache: null
showInvisible: false
possessed: false
2014-01-03 13:32:13 -05:00
flipped: false
flippedCount: 0
originalScaleX: null
originalScaleY: null
actionQueue: null
actions: null
rotation: 0
# Actions have relations. If you say 'move', 'move_side' may play because of a direction
# relationship, and if you say 'cast', 'cast_begin' may happen first, or 'cast_end' after.
currentRootAction: null # action that, in general, is playing or will play
currentAction: null # related action that is right now playing
'level-sprite-dialogue': 'onDialogue'
'level-sprite-clear-dialogue': 'onClearDialogue'
'level-set-letterbox': 'onSetLetterbox'
'surface:ticked': 'onSurfaceTicked'
'level-sprite-move': 'onMove'
2014-01-03 13:32:13 -05:00
constructor: (@thangType, options) ->
2014-01-30 19:36:36 -05:00
@options = _.extend($.extend(true, {}, @options), options)
2014-01-03 13:32:13 -05:00
@setThang @options.thang
console.error @toString(), "has no ThangType!" unless @thangType
@actionQueue = []
@marks = {}
@labels = {}
@ranges = []
2014-03-12 16:49:36 -04:00
@handledAoEs = {}
2014-01-31 13:21:32 -05:00
@age = 0
2014-03-16 22:27:48 -04:00
@scaleFactor = @targetScaleFactor = 1
@displayObject = new createjs.Container()
if @thangType.get('actions')
2014-02-24 15:52:35 -05:00
@stillLoading = true
2014-03-24 12:58:34 -04:00
@listenToOnce(@thangType, 'sync', @setupSprite)
2014-01-30 19:36:36 -05:00
2014-02-24 15:52:35 -05:00
setupSprite: ->
@stillLoading = false
2014-01-03 13:32:13 -05:00
@actions = @thangType.getActions()
@buildFromSpriteSheet @buildSpriteSheet()
2014-01-03 13:32:13 -05:00
destroy: ->
mark.destroy() for name, mark of @marks
label.destroy() for name, label of @labels
2014-02-12 15:41:41 -05:00
@imageObject?.off 'animationend', @playNextAction
clearInterval @effectInterval if @effectInterval
2014-01-03 13:32:13 -05:00
toString: -> "<CocoSprite: #{@thang?.id}>"
buildSpriteSheet: ->
options = _.extend @options, @thang?.getSpriteOptions?() ? {}
2014-01-15 18:16:31 -05:00
options.colorConfig = @options.colorConfig if @options.colorConfig
options.async = false
@thangType.getSpriteSheet options
2014-01-03 13:32:13 -05:00
buildFromSpriteSheet: (spriteSheet) ->
if spriteSheet
sprite = new createjs.Sprite(spriteSheet)
sprite = new createjs.Shape()
sprite.scaleX = sprite.scaleY = 1 / @options.resolutionFactor
2014-01-06 18:36:35 -05:00
# temp, until these are re-exported with perspective
2014-01-30 19:36:36 -05:00
if and @thangType.get('name') in ['Dungeon Floor', 'Indoor Floor', 'Grass', 'Goal Trigger', 'Obstacle']
2014-01-03 13:32:13 -05:00
sprite.scaleY *=
2014-02-24 15:52:35 -05:00
@displayObject.removeChild(@imageObject) if @imageObject
2014-01-03 13:32:13 -05:00
@imageObject = sprite
# TODO: generalize this later?
@originalScaleX = sprite.scaleX
@originalScaleY = sprite.scaleY
@displayObject.sprite = @
@displayObject.layerPriority = @thangType.get 'layerPriority' = @thang?.spriteName or @thangType.get 'name'
2014-02-12 15:41:41 -05:00
@imageObject.on 'animationend', @playNextAction
2014-01-03 13:32:13 -05:00
queueAction: (action) ->
# The normal way to have an action play
action = @actions[action] if _.isString(action)
action ?= @actions.idle
@actionQueue = []
@actionQueue.push @currentRootAction.relatedActions.end if @currentRootAction?.relatedActions?.end
@actionQueue.push action.relatedActions.begin if action.relatedActions?.begin
@actionQueue.push action
if action.goesTo and nextAction = @actions[action.goesTo]
@actionQueue.push nextAction if nextAction
2014-01-03 13:32:13 -05:00
@currentRootAction = action
2014-01-31 13:21:32 -05:00
onSurfaceTicked: (e) -> @age += e.dt
2014-01-03 13:32:13 -05:00
2014-02-12 15:41:41 -05:00
playNextAction: =>
2014-01-03 13:32:13 -05:00
@playAction(@actionQueue.splice(0,1)[0]) if @actionQueue.length
playAction: (action) ->
@currentAction = action
return @hide() unless action.animation or action.container or action.relatedActions
2014-01-03 13:32:13 -05:00
return @updateActionDirection() unless action.animation or action.container
m = if action.container then "gotoAndStop" else "gotoAndPlay"
@imageObject.framerate = action.framerate or 20
2014-01-03 13:32:13 -05:00
reg = @getOffset 'registration'
@imageObject.regX = -reg.x
@imageObject.regY = -reg.y
2014-01-09 14:04:22 -05:00
if is 'move' and action.frames
2014-01-03 13:32:13 -05:00
start = Math.floor(Math.random() * action.frames.length)
@imageObject.currentAnimationFrame = start
hide: ->
@hiding = true
show: ->
@hiding = false
stop: ->
mark.stop() for name, mark of @marks
play: ->
@imageObject?.play?() for name, mark of @marks
update: (frameChanged) ->
2014-01-03 13:32:13 -05:00
# Gets the sprite to reflect what the current state of the thangs and surface are
return if @stillLoading
2014-01-03 13:32:13 -05:00
if frameChanged
@updateScale() # must happen before rotation
2014-03-12 16:49:36 -04:00
2014-01-03 13:32:13 -05:00
2014-03-12 16:49:36 -04:00
showAreaOfEffects: ->
return unless @thang?.currentEvents
for event in @thang.currentEvents
continue unless event.startsWith 'aoe-'
continue if @handledAoEs[event]
@handledAoEs[event] = true
args = JSON.parse(event[4...])
pos = {x:args[0], y:args[1]}
circle = new createjs.Shape()[3]).drawCircle(0, 0, args[2]*Camera.PPM)
circle.x = pos.x
circle.y = pos.y
circle.scaleY = * 0.7
circle.scaleX = 0.7
circle.alpha = 0.2
@options.groundLayer.addChild circle
.to({alpha: 0.6, scaleY:, scaleX: 1}, 100, createjs.Ease.circOut)
.to({alpha: 0, scaleY: 0, scaleX: 0}, 700, createjs.Ease.circIn)
.call =>
return if @destroyed
2014-03-12 16:49:36 -04:00
@options.groundLayer.removeChild circle
delete @handledAoEs[event]
2014-01-03 13:32:13 -05:00
cache: ->
bounds = @imageObject.getBounds()
@displayObject.cache 0, 0, bounds.width, bounds.height
#console.log "just cached",, "which was at", @imageObject.x, @imageObject.y, bounds.width, bounds.height, "with scale", Math.max(@imageObject.scaleX, @imageObject.scaleY)
2014-01-31 13:21:32 -05:00
getBobOffset: ->
return 0 unless @thang.bobHeight
@thang.bobHeight * (1 + Math.sin(@age * Math.PI / @thang.bobTime))
2014-03-05 22:39:14 -05:00
getWorldPosition: ->
p1 = if @possessed then @shadow.pos else @thang.pos
2014-03-05 22:39:14 -05:00
if bobOffset = @getBobOffset()
p1 = p1.copy?() or _.clone(p1)
p1.z += bobOffset
x: p1.x, y: p1.y, z: if @thang.isLand then 0 else p1.z - @thang.depth / 2
2014-01-03 13:32:13 -05:00
updatePosition: ->
return unless @thang?.pos and
wop = @getWorldPosition()
2014-01-03 13:32:13 -05:00
[p0, p1] = [@lastPos, @thang.pos]
return if p0 and p0.x is p1.x and p0.y is p1.y and p0.z is p1.z and not
sup = wop
[@displayObject.x, @displayObject.y] = [sup.x, sup.y]
2014-01-31 13:21:32 -05:00
@lastPos = p1.copy?() or _.clone(p1)
@hasMoved = true
2014-01-03 13:32:13 -05:00
updateScale: ->
if @thangType.get('matchWorldDimensions') and @thang
if @thang.width isnt @lastThangWidth or @thang.height isnt @lastThangHeight
[@lastThangWidth, @lastThangHeight] = [@thang.width, @thang.height]
bounds = @imageObject.getBounds()
@imageObject.scaleX = @thang.width * Camera.PPM / bounds.width
@imageObject.scaleY = @thang.height * Camera.PPM * / bounds.height
unless @thang.spriteName is 'Beam'
@imageObject.scaleX *= @thangType.get('scale') ? 1
@imageObject.scaleY *= @thangType.get('scale') ? 1
2014-01-03 13:32:13 -05:00
scaleX = if @getActionProp 'flipX' then -1 else 1
scaleY = if @getActionProp 'flipY' then -1 else 1
if @thang.maximizesArc and @thangType.get('name') in ['Arrow', 'Spear']
# Scales the arrow so it appears longer when flying parallel to horizon.
# To do that, we convert angle to [0, 90] (mirroring half-planes twice), then make linear function out of it:
# (a - x) / a: equals 1 when x = 0, equals 0 when x = a, monotonous in between. That gives us some sort of
# degenerative multiplier.
# For our puproses, a = 90 - the direction straight upwards.
# Then we use r + (1 - r) * x function with r = 0.5, so that
# maximal scale equals 1 (when x is at it's maximum) and minimal scale is 0.5.
# Notice that the value of r is empirical.
angle = @getRotation()
angle = -angle if angle < 0
angle = 180 - angle if angle > 90
scaleX = 0.5 + 0.5 * (90 - angle) / 90
2014-03-16 22:27:48 -04:00
scaleFactorX = @thang.scaleFactorX ? @scaleFactor
scaleFactorY = @thang.scaleFactorY ? @scaleFactor
@imageObject.scaleX = @originalScaleX * scaleX * scaleFactorX
@imageObject.scaleY = @originalScaleY * scaleY * scaleFactorY
2014-01-03 13:32:13 -05:00
2014-03-16 22:27:48 -04:00
if (@thang.scaleFactor or 1) isnt @targetScaleFactor
createjs.Tween.get(@).to({scaleFactor:@thang.scaleFactor or 1}, 2000, createjs.Ease.elasticOut)
@targetScaleFactor = @thang.scaleFactor
2014-01-03 13:32:13 -05:00
updateAlpha: ->
@imageObject.alpha = if @hiding then 0 else 1
2014-01-03 13:32:13 -05:00
return unless @thang?.alpha?
@imageObject.alpha = @thang.alpha
if @options.showInvisible
@imageObject.alpha = Math.max 0.5, @imageObject.alpha
2014-01-03 13:32:13 -05:00
updateRotation: (imageObject) ->
rotationType = @thangType.get('rotationType')
return if rotationType is 'fixed'
rotation = @getRotation()
if @thang.maximizesArc and @thangType.get('name') in ['Arrow', 'Spear']
# Rotates the arrow to see it arc based on velocity.z.
# At midair we must see the original angle (delta = 0), but at launch time
# and arrow must point upwards/downwards respectively.
# The curve must consider two variables: speed and angle to camera:
# higher angle -> higher steep
# higher speed -> higher steep (0 at midpoint).
# All constants are empirical. Notice that rotation here does not affect thang's state - it is just the effect.
# Thang's rotation is always pointing where it is heading.
2014-03-23 12:21:11 -04:00
velocity = @thang.velocity.z
factor = rotation
factor = -factor if factor < 0
flip = 1
if factor > 90
factor = 180 - factor
flip = -1 # when the arrow is on the left, 'up' means subtracting
factor = Math.max(factor / 90, 0.4) # between 0.4 and 1.0
rotation += flip * (velocity / 12) * factor * 45 # theoretically, 45 is the maximal delta we can make here
2014-01-03 13:32:13 -05:00
imageObject ?= @imageObject
return imageObject.rotation = rotation if not rotationType
@updateIsometricRotation(rotation, imageObject)
getRotation: ->
thang = if @possessed then @shadow else @thang
return @rotation if not thang?.rotation
rotation = thang?.rotation
2014-01-03 13:32:13 -05:00
rotation = (360 - (rotation * 180 / Math.PI) % 360) % 360
rotation -= 360 if rotation > 180
updateIsometricRotation: (rotation, imageObject) ->
return unless @currentAction
return if _.string.endsWith(, 'back')
return if _.string.endsWith(, 'fore')
imageObject.scaleX *= -1 if Math.abs(rotation) >= 90
2014-01-03 13:32:13 -05:00
updateAction: ->
action = @determineAction()
isDifferent = action isnt @currentRootAction or action is null
if not action and @thang?.actionActivated and not @stopLogging
console.error "action is", action, "for", @thang?.id, "from", @currentRootAction, @thang.action, @thang.getActionName?()
@stopLogging = true
2014-01-03 13:32:13 -05:00
@queueAction(action) if isDifferent or (@thang?.actionActivated and isnt 'move')
determineAction: ->
action = null
thang = if @possessed then @shadow else @thang
action = thang.action if thang?.acts
2014-01-03 13:32:13 -05:00
action ?= if @currentRootAction?
action ?= 'idle'
action = null unless @actions[action]?
return null unless action
action = 'break' if @actions.break? and @thang?.erroredOut
action = 'die' if @actions.die? and thang?.health? and <= 0
2014-01-03 13:32:13 -05:00
updateActionDirection: (@wallGrid=null) ->
# wallGrid is only needed for wall grid face updates; should refactor if this works
return unless action = @getActionDirection()
@playAction(action) if action isnt @currentAction
getActionDirection: (rootAction=null) ->
rootAction ?= @currentRootAction
return null unless relatedActions = rootAction?.relatedActions ? {}
rotation = @getRotation()
if relatedActions["111111111111"] # has grid-surrounding-wall-based actions
if @wallGrid
action = ''
tileSize = 4
[gx, gy] = [@thang.pos.x, @thang.pos.y]
for y in [gy + tileSize, gy, gy - tileSize, gy - tileSize * 2]
for x in [gx - tileSize, gx, gx + tileSize]
if x >= 0 and y >= 0 and x < @wallGrid.width and y < @wallGrid.height
wallThangs = @wallGrid.contents x, y
wallThangs = ['outside of the map yo']
if wallThangs.length is 0
if y is gy and x is gx
action += "1" # the center wall we're placing
action += "0"
else if wallThangs.length is 1
action += "1"
console.error "Overlapping walls at", x, y, "...", wallThangs
action += "1"
matchedAction = '111111111111'
for relatedAction of relatedActions
if action.match(relatedAction.replace(/\?/g, '.'))
matchedAction = relatedAction
#console.log "returning", matchedAction, "for",, "at", gx, gy
return relatedActions[matchedAction]
keys = _.keys relatedActions
index = Math.max 0, Math.floor((179 + rotation) / 360 * keys.length)
#console.log "Showing", relatedActions[keys[index]]
return relatedActions[keys[index]]
value = Math.abs(rotation)
direction = null
direction = 'side' if value <= 45 or value >= 135
direction = 'fore' if 135 > rotation > 45
direction = 'back' if -135 < rotation < -45
updateStats: ->
if bar = @healthBar
return if is @lastHealth
@lastHealth =
healthPct = Math.max( / @thang.maxHealth, 0)
bar.scaleX = healthPct / bar.baseScale
2014-01-03 13:32:13 -05:00
healthOffset = @getOffset 'aboveHead'
[bar.x, bar.y] = [healthOffset.x - bar.width / 2, healthOffset.y]
configureMouse: ->
@displayObject.cursor = 'pointer' if @thang?.isSelectable
@displayObject.mouseEnabled = @displayObject.mouseChildren = false unless @thang?.isSelectable or @thang?.isLand
if @displayObject.mouseEnabled
@displayObject.on 'mousedown', @onMouseEvent, @, false, 'sprite:mouse-down'
@displayObject.on 'click', @onMouseEvent, @, false, 'sprite:clicked'
@displayObject.on 'dblclick', @onMouseEvent, @, false, 'sprite:double-clicked'
@displayObject.on 'pressmove', @onMouseEvent, @, false, 'sprite:dragged'
@displayObject.on 'pressup', @onMouseEvent, @, false, 'sprite:mouse-up'
onSetLetterbox: (e) ->
@letterboxOn = e.on
onMouseEvent: (e, ourEventName) ->
return if @letterboxOn
Backbone.Mediator.publish ourEventName, sprite: @, thang: @thang, originalEvent: e
addHealthBar: ->
@displayObject.removeChild @healthBar if @healthBar?.parent
return unless @thang?.health? and "health" in (@thang?.hudProperties ? [])
healthColor = healthColors[@thang?.team] ? healthColors["neutral"]
healthOffset = @getOffset 'aboveHead'
bar = @healthBar = createProgressBar(healthColor, healthOffset.y)
bar.x = healthOffset.x - bar.width / 2 = 'health bar'
bar.cache 0, -bar.height * bar.baseScale / 2, bar.width * bar.baseScale, bar.height * bar.baseScale
2014-01-03 13:32:13 -05:00
@displayObject.addChild bar
getActionProp: (prop, subProp, def=null) ->
# Get a property or sub-property from an action, falling back to ThangType
for val in [@currentAction?[prop], @thangType.get(prop)]
val = val[subProp] if val? and subProp
return val if val?
getOffset: (prop) ->
# Get the proper offset from either the current action or the ThangType
def = x: 0, y: {registration: 0, torso: -50, mouth: -60, aboveHead: -100}[prop]
pos = @getActionProp 'positions', prop, def
pos = x: pos.x, y: pos.y
scale = @getActionProp 'scale', null, 1
scale *= @options.resolutionFactor if prop is 'registration'
pos.x *= scale
pos.y *= scale
if @thang and prop isnt 'registration'
scaleFactor = @thang.scaleFactor ? 1
pos.x *= @thang.scaleFactorX ? scaleFactor
pos.y *= @thang.scaleFactorY ? scaleFactor
2014-01-03 13:32:13 -05:00
createMarks: ->
return unless
if @thang
allProps = []
allProps = allProps.concat (@thang.hudProperties ? [])
allProps = allProps.concat (@thang.programmableProperties ? [])
allProps = allProps.concat (@thang.moreProgrammableProperties ? [])
for property in allProps
2014-03-19 20:16:48 -04:00
if m = property.match /.*Range$/
if @thang[m[0]]? and @thang[m[0]] < 9001
2014-03-19 20:16:48 -04:00
name: m[0]
radius: @thang[m[0]]
2014-03-19 20:16:48 -04:00
@ranges = _.sortBy @ranges, 'radius'
@addMark for range in @ranges
@addMark('bounds').toggle true if @thang?.drawsBounds
@addMark('shadow').toggle true unless @thangType.get('shadow') is 0
2014-01-03 13:32:13 -05:00
updateMarks: ->
return unless
@addMark 'repair', null, 'repair' if @thang?.errorsOut
2014-01-03 13:32:13 -05:00 @thang?.errorsOut
if @selected
@marks[range['name']].toggle true for range in @ranges
@marks[range['name']].toggle false for range in @ranges
2014-03-25 08:06:37 -04:00
if @thangType.get('name') is 'Arrow' and @thang.action is 'die'
2014-01-03 13:32:13 -05:00
mark.update() for name, mark of @marks
#@thang.effectNames = ['berserk', 'confuse', 'control', 'curse', 'fear', 'poison', 'paralyze', 'regen', 'sleep', 'slow', 'haste']
@updateEffectMarks() if @thang?.effectNames?.length or @previousEffectNames?.length
updateEffectMarks: ->
return if _.isEqual @thang.effectNames, @previousEffectNames
for effect in @thang.effectNames
mark = @addMark effect, @options.floatingLayer, effect
mark.statusEffect = true
mark.toggle 'on'
if @previousEffectNames
for effect in @previousEffectNames
continue if effect in @thang.effectNames
mark = @marks[effect]
mark.toggle false
if @thang.effectNames.length > 1 and not @effectInterval
@effectInterval = setInterval @rotateEffect, 1500
else if @effectInterval and @thang.effectNames.length <= 1
2014-03-06 20:25:40 -05:00
clearInterval @effectInterval
@effectInterval = null
@previousEffectNames = @thang.effectNames
rotateEffect: =>
effects = ( for m in _.values(@marks) when m.on and m.statusEffect and m.mark)
2014-03-06 20:25:40 -05:00
return unless effects.length
@effectIndex ?= 0
@effectIndex = (@effectIndex + 1) % effects.length
@marks[effect].hide() for effect in effects
2014-01-03 13:32:13 -05:00
setHighlight: (to, delay) ->
@addMark 'highlight', @options.floatingLayer, 'highlight' if to
2014-01-03 13:32:13 -05:00
@marks.highlight?.highlightDelay = delay
@marks.highlight?.toggle to and not @dimmed
setDimmed: (@dimmed) ->
@marks.highlight?.toggle @marks.highlight.on and not @dimmed
setThang: (@thang) ->
@options.thang = @thang
setDebug: (debug) ->
return unless @thang?.collides and
@addMark 'debug', @options.floatingLayer if debug
@marks.debug?.toggle debug
getAverageDimension: ->
bounds = @imageObject.getBounds()
averageDimension = (bounds.height + bounds.width) / 2
Math.min(80, averageDimension)
addLabel: (name, style) ->
@labels[name] ?= new Label sprite: @, camera:, layer: @options.textLayer, style: style
addMark: (name, layer, thangType=null) ->
@marks[name] ?= new Mark name: name, sprite: @, camera:, layer: layer ? @options.groundLayer, thangType: thangType
notifySpeechUpdated: (e) ->
e = _.clone(e)
e.sprite = @
e.blurb ?= '...'
2014-01-09 14:04:22 -05:00
e.thang = @thang
2014-01-03 13:32:13 -05:00
Backbone.Mediator.publish 'sprite:speech-updated', e
isTalking: ->
Boolean @labels.dialogue?.text or @labels.say?.text
onDialogue: (e) ->
return unless @thang?.id is e.spriteID
label = @addLabel 'dialogue', Label.STYLE_DIALOGUE
label.setText e.blurb or '...'
sound = e.sound ? AudioPlayer.soundForDialogue e.message, @thangType.get 'soundTriggers'
if @instance = @playSound sound, false
2014-02-12 15:41:41 -05:00
@instance.addEventListener "complete", -> Backbone.Mediator.publish 'dialogue-sound-completed'
2014-01-03 13:32:13 -05:00
@notifySpeechUpdated e
onClearDialogue: (e) ->
@labels.dialogue?.setText null
@notifySpeechUpdated {}
setNameLabel: (name) ->
label = @addLabel 'name', Label.STYLE_NAME
label.setText name
updateLabels: ->
return unless @thang
blurb = if <= 0 then null else @thang.sayMessage # Dead men tell no tales
@addLabel 'say', Label.STYLE_SAY if blurb
if @labels.say?.setText blurb
@notifySpeechUpdated blurb: blurb
label.update() for name, label of @labels
2014-02-11 15:02:27 -05:00
updateGold: ->
# TODO: eventually this should be moved into some sort of team-based update
# rather than an each-thang-that-shows-gold-per-team thing.
return if is @lastGold
gold = Math.floor
return if gold is @lastGold
@lastGold = gold
Backbone.Mediator.publish 'surface:gold-changed', {team:, gold: gold}
2014-01-03 13:32:13 -05:00
playSounds: (withDelay=true, volume=1.0) ->
for event in @thang.currentEvents ? []
@playSound event, withDelay, volume
2014-02-11 15:02:27 -05:00
if event is 'pay-bounty-gold' and @thang.bountyGold > 25 and isnt
AudioPlayer.playInterfaceSound 'coin_1', 0.25
2014-01-03 13:32:13 -05:00
if @thang.actionActivated and (action = @thang.getActionName()) isnt 'say'
@playSound action, withDelay, volume
if @thang.sayMessage and withDelay # don't play sayMessages while scrubbing, annoying
offsetFrames = Math.abs(@thang.sayStartTime - /
if offsetFrames <= 2 # or (not withDelay and offsetFrames < 30)
sound = AudioPlayer.soundForDialogue @thang.sayMessage, @thangType.get 'soundTriggers'
@playSound sound, false, volume
playSound: (sound, withDelay=true, volume=1.0) ->
if _.isString sound
sound = @thangType.get('soundTriggers')?[sound]
if _.isArray sound
sound = sound[Math.floor Math.random() * sound.length]
return null unless sound
delay = if withDelay and sound.delay then 1000 * sound.delay / createjs.Ticker.getFPS() else 0
name = AudioPlayer.nameForSoundReference sound
2014-03-05 22:39:14 -05:00
instance = AudioPlayer.playSound name, volume, delay, @getWorldPosition()
2014-01-09 14:04:22 -05:00
# console.log @thang?.id, "played sound", name, "with delay", delay, "volume", volume, "and got sound instance", instance
2014-01-30 19:36:36 -05:00
onMove: (e) ->
return unless e.spriteID is @thang?.id
pos = e.pos
if _.isArray pos
pos = new Vector pos...
else if _.isString pos
return console.warn "Couldn't find target sprite", pos, "from", @options.sprites unless pos of @options.sprites
target = @options.sprites[pos].thang
heading = Vector.subtract(target.pos, @thang.pos).normalize()
distance = @thang.pos.distance target.pos
offset = Math.max(target.width, target.height, 2) / 2 + 3
pos = Vector.add(@thang.pos, heading.multiply(distance - offset))
Backbone.Mediator.publish 'level-sprite-clear-dialogue', {}
args = [pos]
args.push(e.duration) if e.duration?
move: (pos, duration=2000, endAnimation='idle') =>
if not duration
createjs.Tween.removeTweens(@shadow.pos) if @lastTween
@lastTween = null
z = @shadow.pos.z
@shadow.pos = pos
@shadow.pos.z = z
@shadow.action = 'move'
@shadow.actionActivated = true
@possessed = true
@update true
ease = createjs.Ease.getPowInOut(2.2)
if @lastTween
ease = createjs.Ease.getPowOut(1.2)
endFunc = =>
@lastTween = null
@shadow.action = 'idle'
@update true
@possessed = false
@lastTween = createjs.Tween
.to({x:pos.x, y:pos.y}, duration, ease)
pointToward: (pos) ->
@shadow.rotation = Math.atan2(pos.y - @shadow.pos.y, pos.x - @shadow.pos.x)
if (@shadow.rotation * 180 / Math.PI) % 90 is 0
@shadow.rotation += 0.01
updateShadow: ->
@shadow = {} if not @shadow
@shadow.pos = @thang.pos
@shadow.rotation = @thang.rotation
@shadow.action = @thang.action
@shadow.actionActivated = @thang.actionActivated