873 lines
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873 lines
23 KiB
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Text;
using UnityEngine;
public class ObjectDeserializer
public static void ReadFile(GameObject obj, ObjectDeserializer.ObjectReader reader)
ObjectDeserializer.PropertyData propertyData = reader.ReadTypeAndName();
if (propertyData.type == "GameObject" && propertyData.name == obj.name)
ObjectDeserializer.ReadObject(obj, 1, reader);
private static void ReadObject(GameObject obj, int depth, ObjectDeserializer.ObjectReader reader)
while (reader.GetIndentation() == depth)
ObjectDeserializer.PropertyData propertyData = reader.ReadTypeAndName();
if (propertyData.type == "Component")
string text;
if (propertyData.name.Contains("."))
text = propertyData.name.Substring(propertyData.name.LastIndexOf(".") + 1);
text = propertyData.name;
Component component = obj.GetComponent(text);
if (component == null)
Type componentTypeByName = ComponentHelper.GetComponentTypeByName(text);
component = (componentTypeByName == null) ? null : obj.AddComponent(componentTypeByName);
if (component != null)
if (component is ParticleSystem)
ObjectDeserializer.ReadParticleSystem((ParticleSystem)component, depth + 1, reader);
ObjectDeserializer.ReadComponent(component, depth + 1, reader);
else if (propertyData.type == "GameObject")
GameObject gameObject = obj.transform.Find(propertyData.name).gameObject;
if (gameObject)
ObjectDeserializer.ReadObject(gameObject, depth + 1, reader);
private static void ReadComponent(object component, int depth, ObjectDeserializer.ObjectReader reader)
while (reader.GetIndentation() == depth)
ObjectDeserializer.PropertyData propertyData = reader.ReadProperty();
if (propertyData.type == "Integer")
ObjectDeserializer.SetProperty(component, propertyData.name, propertyData.IntegerValue);
else if (propertyData.type == "Float")
ObjectDeserializer.SetProperty(component, propertyData.name, propertyData.FloatValue);
else if (propertyData.type == "String")
ObjectDeserializer.SetProperty(component, propertyData.name, propertyData.StringValue);
else if (propertyData.type == "Boolean")
ObjectDeserializer.SetProperty(component, propertyData.name, propertyData.BoolValue);
else if (propertyData.type == "Enum")
ObjectDeserializer.SetProperty(component, propertyData.name, propertyData.IntegerValue);
else if (propertyData.type == "Bounds")
ObjectDeserializer.SetProperty(component, propertyData.name, ObjectDeserializer.ReadBounds(depth + 1, reader));
else if (propertyData.type == "ObjectReference")
UnityEngine.Object referencedObject = reader.GetReferencedObject(propertyData.IntegerValue);
if (referencedObject)
ObjectDeserializer.SetProperty(component, propertyData.name, referencedObject);
ObjectDeserializer.SetProperty(component, propertyData.name, null);
if (reader.GetIndentation() == depth + 1)
if (reader.GetIndentation() == depth + 1)
else if (propertyData.type == "Array")
ObjectDeserializer.ReadArray(component, propertyData.name, depth + 1, reader);
else if (propertyData.type == "AnimationCurve")
ObjectDeserializer.ReadAnimationCurve(component, propertyData.name, depth + 1, reader);
else if (propertyData.type == "Generic" || propertyData.type == "Color" || propertyData.type == "Vector2" || propertyData.type == "Vector3" || propertyData.type == "Rect" || propertyData.type == "16" || propertyData.type == "Quaternion")
FieldInfo field = component.GetType().GetField(propertyData.name, BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
if (field != null)
object value = field.GetValue(component);
ObjectDeserializer.ReadGeneric(value, depth + 1, reader);
if (field.FieldType.IsValueType)
field.SetValue(component, value);
else if (component is Camera && propertyData.name == "m_BackGroundColor")
object obj = default(Color);
ObjectDeserializer.ReadGeneric(obj, depth + 1, reader);
((Camera)component).backgroundColor = (Color)obj;
else if (component is BoxCollider && propertyData.name == "m_Center")
Vector3 center = ((BoxCollider)component).center;
object obj2 = new Vector3(center.x, center.y, center.z);
ObjectDeserializer.ReadGeneric(obj2, depth + 1, reader);
((BoxCollider)component).center = (Vector3)obj2;
else if (component is BoxCollider && propertyData.name == "m_Size")
Vector3 size = ((BoxCollider)component).size;
object obj3 = new Vector3(size.x, size.y, size.z);
ObjectDeserializer.ReadGeneric(obj3, depth + 1, reader);
((BoxCollider)component).size = (Vector3)obj3;
else if (component is Transform && propertyData.name == "m_LocalRotation")
Quaternion localRotation = ((Transform)component).localRotation;
object obj4 = new Quaternion(localRotation.x, localRotation.y, localRotation.z, localRotation.w);
ObjectDeserializer.ReadGeneric(obj4, depth + 1, reader);
((Transform)component).localRotation = (Quaternion)obj4;
else if (component is Transform && propertyData.name == "m_LocalPosition")
Vector3 localPosition = ((Transform)component).localPosition;
object obj5 = new Vector3(localPosition.x, localPosition.y, localPosition.z);
ObjectDeserializer.ReadGeneric(obj5, depth + 1, reader);
((Transform)component).localPosition = (Vector3)obj5;
else if (component is Transform && propertyData.name == "m_LocalScale")
Vector3 localScale = ((Transform)component).localScale;
object obj6 = new Vector3(localScale.x, localScale.y, localScale.z);
ObjectDeserializer.ReadGeneric(obj6, depth + 1, reader);
((Transform)component).localScale = (Vector3)obj6;
else if (component is HingeJoint)
private static void ReadParticleSystemModule(ParticleSystem particleSystem, string module, int depth, ObjectDeserializer.ObjectReader reader)
while (reader.GetIndentation() == depth)
ObjectDeserializer.PropertyData propertyData = reader.ReadProperty();
if (module == "InitialModule")
if (propertyData.type == "Generic" && propertyData.name == "startLifetime")
if (reader.GetIndentation() == depth + 1)
propertyData = reader.ReadProperty();
particleSystem.startLifetime = propertyData.FloatValue;
else if (propertyData.type == "Generic" && propertyData.name == "startSpeed" && reader.GetIndentation() == depth + 1)
propertyData = reader.ReadProperty();
particleSystem.startSpeed = propertyData.FloatValue;
else if (module == "EmissionModule")
if (propertyData.type == "Generic" && propertyData.name == "rate" && reader.GetIndentation() == depth + 1)
propertyData = reader.ReadProperty();
else if (!(module == "ShapeModule") || propertyData.type != "Boolean" || propertyData.name != "enabled" || !propertyData.BoolValue)
private static void ReadParticleSystem(ParticleSystem particleSystem, int depth, ObjectDeserializer.ObjectReader reader)
while (reader.GetIndentation() == depth)
ObjectDeserializer.PropertyData propertyData = reader.ReadProperty();
if (propertyData.type == "Generic" && (propertyData.name == "InitialModule" || propertyData.name == "EmissionModule" || propertyData.name == "ShapeModule"))
ObjectDeserializer.ReadParticleSystemModule(particleSystem, propertyData.name, depth + 1, reader);
private static void SetProperty(object obj, string name, object value)
if (obj is Keyframe && name == "time")
name = "m_Time";
FieldInfo field = obj.GetType().GetField(name, BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
if (field != null)
field.SetValue(obj, value);
if (obj is Rigidbody && name == "m_IsKinematic")
name = "isKinematic";
PropertyInfo property = obj.GetType().GetProperty(name, BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
if (property != null)
property.SetValue(obj, value, null);
else if (obj is Behaviour && name == "m_Enabled")
((Behaviour)obj).enabled = (bool)value;
else if (obj is Camera && name == "orthographic size")
((Camera)obj).orthographicSize = (float)value;
else if (obj is Keyframe && name == "inSlope")
field = obj.GetType().GetField("m_InTangent", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
field.SetValue(obj, value);
else if (obj is Keyframe && name == "outSlope")
field = obj.GetType().GetField("m_OutTangent", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
field.SetValue(obj, value);
else if (name == "m_ObjectHideFlags" || name == "m_EditorHideFlags" || name == "m_Name" || name == "m_PrefabParentObject" || name == "m_PrefabInternal" || name == "m_GameObject" || name == "m_EditorClassIdentifier" || name == "m_Script" || name == "m_Mesh" || name == "m_ConnectedBody" || name == "m_RootOrder" || name == "m_Mass")
private static Bounds ReadBounds(int depth, ObjectDeserializer.ObjectReader reader)
Bounds result = default(Bounds);
result.center = ObjectDeserializer.ReadVector3(depth + 1, reader);
result.extents = ObjectDeserializer.ReadVector3(depth + 1, reader);
return result;
private static Vector3 ReadVector3(int depth, ObjectDeserializer.ObjectReader reader)
Vector3 zero = Vector3.zero;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
if (reader.GetIndentation() == depth)
ObjectDeserializer.PropertyData propertyData = reader.ReadProperty();
if (propertyData.name == "x")
zero.x = propertyData.FloatValue;
else if (propertyData.name == "y")
zero.y = propertyData.FloatValue;
else if (propertyData.name == "z")
zero.z = propertyData.FloatValue;
return zero;
private static object GetDefaultValue(Type type)
object result = null;
if (type == typeof(int))
result = 0;
else if (type == typeof(float))
result = 0f;
else if (type == typeof(string))
result = string.Empty;
else if (type == typeof(bool))
result = false;
else if (type == typeof(Bounds))
result = default(Bounds);
else if (type == typeof(Color))
result = default(Color);
else if (type == typeof(Vector2))
result = default(Vector2);
else if (type == typeof(Vector3))
result = default(Vector3);
else if (type == typeof(Quaternion))
result = default(Quaternion);
else if (type == typeof(Rect))
result = default(Rect);
else if (type == typeof(Keyframe))
result = default(Keyframe);
return result;
private static object ReadValueType(int depth, ObjectDeserializer.ObjectReader reader)
while (reader.GetIndentation() == depth)
ObjectDeserializer.PropertyData propertyData = reader.ReadProperty();
if (propertyData.type == "Integer")
return propertyData.IntegerValue;
if (propertyData.type == "Float")
return propertyData.FloatValue;
if (propertyData.type == "String")
return propertyData.StringValue;
if (propertyData.type == "Boolean")
return propertyData.BoolValue;
if (propertyData.type == "Enum")
return propertyData.IntegerValue;
if (propertyData.type == "Bounds")
return ObjectDeserializer.ReadBounds(depth + 1, reader);
if (propertyData.type == "Color")
object obj = default(Color);
ObjectDeserializer.ReadGeneric(obj, depth, reader);
return obj;
if (propertyData.type == "Vector2")
object obj2 = default(Vector2);
ObjectDeserializer.ReadGeneric(obj2, depth, reader);
return obj2;
if (propertyData.type == "Vector3")
object obj3 = default(Vector3);
ObjectDeserializer.ReadGeneric(obj3, depth, reader);
return obj3;
if (propertyData.type == "Quaternion")
object obj4 = default(Quaternion);
ObjectDeserializer.ReadGeneric(obj4, depth, reader);
return obj4;
if (propertyData.type == "Rect")
object obj5 = default(Rect);
ObjectDeserializer.ReadGeneric(obj5, depth, reader);
return obj5;
if (propertyData.type == "Keyframe")
object obj6 = default(Keyframe);
ObjectDeserializer.ReadGeneric(obj6, depth, reader);
return obj6;
return null;
private static void ReadGeneric(object obj, int depth, ObjectDeserializer.ObjectReader reader)
while (reader.GetIndentation() == depth)
ObjectDeserializer.ReadComponent(obj, depth, reader);
private static Type FindListInterface(Type listType)
foreach (Type type in listType.GetInterfaces())
if (type.IsGenericType && type.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(IList<>))
return type;
return null;
private static void ReadAnimationCurve(object component, string fieldName, int depth, ObjectDeserializer.ObjectReader reader)
FieldInfo field = component.GetType().GetField(fieldName, BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
if (field == null)
object obj = field.GetValue(component);
if (obj == null)
obj = Activator.CreateInstance(field.FieldType);
field.SetValue(component, obj);
while (reader.GetIndentation() == depth)
ObjectDeserializer.PropertyData propertyData = reader.ReadProperty();
Type type = obj.GetType();
PropertyInfo property = type.GetProperty("keys", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
object value = property.GetValue(obj, null);
int length = 0;
if (reader.GetIndentation() == depth)
propertyData = reader.ReadProperty();
length = propertyData.IntegerValue;
IEnumerable enumerable = (IEnumerable)value;
Type type2 = null;
Array array = null;
int num = 0;
IEnumerator enumerator = enumerable.GetEnumerator();
while (enumerator.MoveNext())
object obj2 = enumerator.Current;
if (array == null)
type2 = obj2.GetType();
array = Array.CreateInstance(type2, length);
if (array.GetLength(0) <= num)
array.SetValue(obj2, num);
IDisposable disposable;
if ((disposable = (enumerator as IDisposable)) != null)
while (array.GetLength(0) > num)
if (array.GetValue(num) == null)
array.SetValue(Activator.CreateInstance(type2), num);
while (reader.GetIndentation() == depth)
propertyData = reader.ReadProperty();
if (propertyData.type == "Element")
num = int.Parse(propertyData.name);
while (reader.GetIndentation() == depth + 1)
propertyData = reader.ReadProperty();
if (propertyData.type == "Generic" || propertyData.type == "Keyframe")
object value2 = array.GetValue(num);
ObjectDeserializer.ReadGeneric(value2, depth + 1, reader);
array.SetValue(value2, num);
property.SetValue(obj, array, null);
field.SetValue(component, obj);
private static void ReadArray(object component, string fieldName, int depth, ObjectDeserializer.ObjectReader reader)
FieldInfo field = component.GetType().GetField(fieldName, BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
if (field == null)
object obj = field.GetValue(component);
if (obj == null)
obj = Activator.CreateInstance(field.FieldType);
field.SetValue(component, obj);
int num = 0;
if (reader.GetIndentation() == depth)
ObjectDeserializer.PropertyData propertyData = reader.ReadProperty();
num = propertyData.IntegerValue;
IList list = (IList)obj;
while (list.Count > num)
list.RemoveAt(list.Count - 1);
int num2 = 0;
while (reader.GetIndentation() == depth)
ObjectDeserializer.PropertyData propertyData2 = reader.ReadProperty();
if (propertyData2.type == "Element")
int num3 = int.Parse(propertyData2.name);
Type type = list.GetType().GetGenericArguments()[0];
if (type.IsValueType)
if (num3 > list.Count)
num3 -= num3 - list.Count;
if (num3 < list.Count)
list[num3] = ObjectDeserializer.ReadValueType(depth + 1, reader);
list.Insert(num3, ObjectDeserializer.ReadValueType(depth + 1, reader));
else if (type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(UnityEngine.Object)))
propertyData2 = reader.ReadProperty();
UnityEngine.Object referencedObject = reader.GetReferencedObject(propertyData2.IntegerValue);
if (referencedObject != null)
if (list.Count <= num3)
list.Insert(num3, referencedObject);
list[num3] = referencedObject;
propertyData2 = reader.ReadProperty();
if (list.Count <= num3)
list.Insert(num3, Activator.CreateInstance(type));
object obj2 = list[num3];
ObjectDeserializer.ReadGeneric(obj2, depth + 1, reader);
private static void PrintObjectInfo(object obj)
StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
PropertyInfo[] properties = obj.GetType().GetProperties(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
if (properties.Length < 1)
stringBuilder.Append("Object " + obj.ToString() + " doesn't have any properties");
stringBuilder.Append("Object " + obj.ToString() + " has properties:");
foreach (PropertyInfo propertyInfo in properties)
stringBuilder.Append("\n\tObject property: " + propertyInfo.ToString());
stringBuilder.Remove(0, stringBuilder.Length);
FieldInfo[] fields = obj.GetType().GetFields(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
if (fields.Length < 1)
stringBuilder.Append("Object " + obj.ToString() + " doesn't have any fields");
stringBuilder.Append("Object " + obj.ToString() + " has fields:");
foreach (FieldInfo fieldInfo in fields)
stringBuilder.Append("\n\tObject field: " + fieldInfo.ToString());
stringBuilder.Remove(0, stringBuilder.Length);
MemberInfo[] members = obj.GetType().GetMembers(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
if (members.Length < 1)
stringBuilder.Append("Object " + obj.ToString() + " doesn't have any members");
stringBuilder.Append("Object " + obj.ToString() + " has members:");
foreach (MemberInfo memberInfo in members)
stringBuilder.Append("\n\tObject member: " + memberInfo.ToString());
stringBuilder.Remove(0, stringBuilder.Length);
MethodInfo[] methods = obj.GetType().GetMethods(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
if (methods.Length < 1)
stringBuilder.Append("Object " + obj.ToString() + " doesn't have any methods");
stringBuilder.Append("Object " + obj.ToString() + " has methods");
foreach (MethodInfo methodInfo in methods)
stringBuilder.Append("\n\tObject method: " + methodInfo.ToString());
private const string GameObjectType = "GameObject";
private const string ComponentType = "Component";
private const string IntegerType = "Integer";
private const string FloatType = "Float";
private const string StringType = "String";
private const string BooleanType = "Boolean";
private const string EnumType = "Enum";
private const string Vector2Type = "Vector2";
private const string Vector3Type = "Vector3";
private const string QuaternionType = "Quaternion";
private const string AnimationCurveType = "AnimationCurve";
private const string ColorType = "Color";
private const string RectType = "Rect";
private const string BoundsType = "Bounds";
private const string ObjectReferenceType = "ObjectReference";
private const string GenericType = "Generic";
private const string ArrayType = "Array";
private const string ArrayElementType = "Element";
private const string KeyframeType = "Keyframe";
public class PropertyData
public PropertyData(string type, string name)
this.type = type;
this.name = name;
public PropertyData(string type, string name, string value)
this.type = type;
this.name = name;
this.value = value;
public int IntegerValue
return int.Parse(this.value);
public float FloatValue
return float.Parse(this.value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
public string StringValue
return this.value.Substring(1, this.value.Length - 2);
public bool BoolValue
return this.value == "True";
public string type;
public string name;
public string value;
public class ObjectReader
public ObjectReader(StreamReader reader, List<UnityEngine.Object> references)
this.m_reader = reader;
this.m_references = references;
public UnityEngine.Object GetReferencedObject(int index)
if (this.m_references != null)
return this.m_references[index];
return null;
private string ReadLine()
this.m_indentationRead = false;
return this.m_reader.ReadLine();
public ObjectDeserializer.PropertyData ReadProperty()
string text = this.ReadLine();
string[] array = text.Split(new char[]
' '
if (array.Length == 2)
return new ObjectDeserializer.PropertyData(array[0], array[1]);
if (array.Length == 4 && array[2] == "=")
return new ObjectDeserializer.PropertyData(array[0], array[1], array[3]);
if (array.Length > 4)
string text2 = string.Empty;
for (int i = 1; i < array.Length; i++)
if (!(array[i] != "="))
if (i > 1)
text2 += " ";
text2 += array[i];
return new ObjectDeserializer.PropertyData(array[0], text2, array[array.Length - 1]);
return null;
public ObjectDeserializer.PropertyData ReadTypeAndName()
string text = this.ReadLine();
string[] array = text.Split(this.Delimiters, 2);
if (array.Length == 2)
return new ObjectDeserializer.PropertyData(array[0], array[1]);
return null;
public int GetIndentation()
if (this.m_indentationRead)
return this.m_indentation;
int num = 0;
while (this.m_reader.Peek() == 9)
this.m_indentation = num;
this.m_indentationRead = true;
return num;
private StreamReader m_reader;
private int m_indentation;
private bool m_indentationRead;
private List<UnityEngine.Object> m_references;
private readonly char[] Delimiters = new char[]
' '