Chipmunk 372c794a84 Fix WebGL once and for all
* Refactored the assetbundle building script (and added a temporary workaround because for some reason the filenames are now lowercase).

* Changed the style used for preprocessor directives.

* Fixed PlayFab, and as such cake race should now work.

* Refactored NetworkManager

* Fixed integer overflows in `TimeManager.ConvertDateTime2Seconds(DateTime)` and `Spine.AnimationState.Update(Single)`. This fixes the instant crashes on development builds.

* Fixed `AnimationCurve`s in levels by telling unity not to strip the `AnimationCurve` class using a `link.xml` file. This should fix crashes in levels such as Little Pig Adventure.

* Updated README.md
2023-09-30 21:17:54 -04:00

135 lines
3.1 KiB

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