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synced 2025-03-15 21:59:48 -04:00
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Name | Description | Version |
IPTFreedom/TotalFreedomMod | A server modification for the TotalFreedom server. | 2022.06.08-IPT / TotalFreedomMod |
IPTFreedom/Minecraft-JDA | Minecraft plugin version of JDA (It's just a dependency plugin) | 5.0.0-beta.10-1 / Minecraft-JDA |
worldguard-bukkit-7.0.9-SNAPSHOT-dist.jar |
WorldGuard | URL |
FastAsynchronousIncompetence | Fixes some of the absolutely awful code behind FastAsyncWorldEdit. | latest / first |
BuildersUtilities | A curated bundle of tiny features that help builders do their thing. | usc9dcSx |
IPTFreedom/BukkitTelnet | A crafty telnet server | 4.9.3-IPT / bukkittelnet |
IPTFreedom/Addendum | 1.0.0 / Addendum |
Carz | Drive in Minecraft. | |
IPTFreedom/ESP | Approximated recreation of @VideoGameSmash12's ESP plugin | 1.1 / ESP |
IPTFreedom/TF-EssentialsX | EssentialsX - A maintained fork of Essentials 2.x. | 2.20.1 / EssentialsX |
IPTFreedom/TF-EssentialsX | EssentialsX - A maintained fork of Essentials 2.x. | 2.20.1 / EssentialsXSpawn |
IPTFreedom/EmotesTF | 1.1 / emotestf |
CrackShot-0.99.jar |
TODO: Decompile this one and clean up the code & make a release | URL |
IPTFreedom/MarriageMaster | Marriage Plugin for Bukkit/Spigot | / MarriageMaster |
PluginLib | PCGF PluginLib Used for all PCGF Minecraft plugins. | latest / first |
ItemizerX.jar |
TODO(mcman): change when hangar support | URL |
CoreProtect | CoreProtect is a fast, efficient, data logging and anti-griefing tool. Rollback and restore any amount of damage. Designed with large servers in mind, CoreProtect will record and manage data without impacting your server performance. | mvLpRWww |
ViaVersion/ViaVersion | Allows the connection of newer clients to older server versions for Minecraft servers. | 4.7.0 / ViaVersion |
ViaVersion/ViaBackwards | Allows the connection of older clients to newer server versions for Minecraft servers. | 4.7.0 / ViaBackwards |
Jikoo/OpenInv | Open anyone's inventory as a chest, real-time! | 4.3.1 / OpenInv.jar |
IPTFreedom/PlotSquared | PlotSquared - Reinventing the plotworld | 7.0.0-beta.3-IPT / plotsquared-bukkit |
Gecolay/GSit | GPlugin - GSit - Relax with other players on nice seats! | 1.4.7 / GSit |
filoghost/HolographicDisplays | Bukkit Dev Page: dev.bukkit.org/projects/holographic-displays | latest / first |
kikelkik/LiftReloaded | Simple and easy Lifts and Elevators for Bukkit | 2.4.3 / lift-reloaded |
aromaa/WorldGuardExtraFlags | Extension for the WorldGuard plugin. | v4.2.1 / WorldGuardExtraFlags.jar |
LibsDisguises | Worst disguise plugin available Disguise plugin created by libraryaddict, previously maintained by byteflux and NavidK0 | latest / first |
ayunami2000/LiberalDisguises | v1.0.0 / liberaldisguises |
ProtocolLib | Here you will find development versions of ProtocolLib. They aren't guaranteed to be stable (although they do pass over 100 unit tests). latest release.--> Currently maintained by dmulloy2. Spigot Resource: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/protocollib.1997/ Issue Tracker: https://github.com/dmulloy2/ProtocolLib/issues Recommended Versions 5.0.0 for 1.8-1.19.4 You may be able to find legacy versions in the old project | latest / first |
spark | ![]() spark-*-bukkit.jar and use the command /spark to control the plugin. Fabric: download spark-*-fabric.jar and use the commands /spark or /sparkc (client-side) to control the mod. Forge: download spark-*-forge.jar and use the commands /spark or /sparkc (client-side) to control the mod. Sponge (API 6/7): download spark-*-sponge7.jar and use the command /spark to control the plugin. Sponge (API 8): download spark-*-sponge8.jar and use the command /spark to control the plugin. Nukkit: download spark-*-nukkit.jar and use the command /spark to control the plugin. BungeeCord: download spark-*-bukkit.jar and use the command /sparkb to control the plugin. Velocity (v3.x): download spark-*-velocity.jar and use the command /sparkv to control the plugin. Velocity (v4.x): download spark-*-velocity4.jar and use the command /sparkv to control the plugin. Waterdog: download spark-*-waterdog.jar and use the command /sparkw to control the plugin. Minestom: download spark-*-minestom.jar and use the command /spark to control the plugin. The builds on this page are for the latest Minecraft versions supported by each platform. |
latest / bukkit |