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synced 2025-03-21 20:39:52 -04:00
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212 lines
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package animate;
// import animateAtlasPlayer.assets.AssetManager;
// import animateAtlasPlayer.core.Animation;
import animate.ParseAnimate.AnimJson;
import animate.ParseAnimate.Sprite;
import animate.ParseAnimate.Spritemap;
import flixel.FlxCamera;
import flixel.FlxSprite;
import flixel.graphics.FlxGraphic;
import flixel.graphics.frames.FlxAtlasFrames;
import flixel.graphics.frames.FlxFrame.FlxFrameAngle;
import flixel.math.FlxMatrix;
import flixel.math.FlxPoint;
import flixel.math.FlxRect;
import flixel.system.FlxAssets.FlxGraphicAsset;
import haxe.format.JsonParser;
import openfl.Assets;
import openfl.display.BitmapData;
import openfl.geom.Rectangle;
class FlxAnimate extends FlxSymbol
// var myAnim:Animation;
// var animBitmap:BitmapData;
var jsonAnim:AnimJson;
public function new(x:Float, y:Float)
super(x, y);
var folder:String = "tightBarsLol";
frames = FlxAnimate.fromAnimate(Paths.file('images/' + folder + "/spritemap1.png"), Paths.file('images/$folder/spritemap1.json'));
jsonAnim = cast CoolUtil.coolJSON(Assets.getText(Paths.file('images/$folder/Animation.json')));
ParseAnimate.parseTimeline(jsonAnim.AN.TL, 0, 0);
/* var folder:String = 'tightestBars';
coolParse = cast Json.parse(Assets.getText(Paths.file('images/' + folder + '/Animation.json')));
// reverses the layers, for proper rendering!
super(x, y, coolParse);
frames = FlxAnimate.fromAnimate(Paths.file('images/' + folder + '/spritemap1.png'), Paths.file('images/' + folder + '/spritemap1.json'));
// frames
override function draw()
// having this commented out fixes some wacky scaling bullshit?
// super.draw();
// renderFrame(coolParse.AN.TL, coolParse, true);
// fix render order of ALL layers!
// seperate frameList into layers
// go thru animate file to see how it should all be ordered
function actualFrameRender()
for (frameSorted in ParseAnimate.frameList)
for (i in frameSorted)
var spr:FlxSymbol = new FlxSymbol(0, 0); // redo this to recycle from a list later
spr.frames = frames;
spr.frame = spr.frames.getByName(i);
if (FlxG.keys.justPressed.I)
trace(ParseAnimate.theRoots.get(i) + ": " + i);
for (swagMatrix in ParseAnimate.matrixMap.get(i))
var alsoSwag:FlxMatrix = new FlxMatrix(swagMatrix[0], swagMatrix[1], swagMatrix[4], swagMatrix[5], swagMatrix[12], swagMatrix[13]);
spr.matrixExposed = true;
spr.alpha = 0.3;
spr.antialiasing = true;
// spr.alpha = 0.5;
/* if (i == "0225")
trace('FUNNY MATRIX!');
trace("\n\n MATRIX MAP");
for (m in ParseAnimate.matrixMap.get("0225"))
// notes to self
// account for different layers
var playingAnim:Bool = false;
var frameTickTypeShit:Float = 0;
var animFrameRate:Int = 24;
// redo all the matrix animation stuff
override function update(elapsed:Float)
if (FlxG.keys.justPressed.SPACE)
playingAnim = !playingAnim;
if (playingAnim)
frameTickTypeShit += elapsed;
// prob fix this framerate thing for higher framerates?
if (frameTickTypeShit >= 1 / 24)
frameTickTypeShit = 0;
ParseAnimate.parseTimeline(jsonAnim.AN.TL, 0, daFrame);
if (FlxG.keys.justPressed.RIGHT)
ParseAnimate.parseTimeline(jsonAnim.AN.TL, 0, daFrame);
if (FlxG.keys.justPressed.LEFT)
public static function fromAnimate(Source:FlxGraphicAsset, Description:String):FlxAtlasFrames
var graphic:FlxGraphic = FlxG.bitmap.add(Source);
if (graphic == null)
return null;
var frames:FlxAtlasFrames = FlxAtlasFrames.findFrame(graphic);
if (frames != null)
return frames;
if (graphic == null || Description == null)
return null;
frames = new FlxAtlasFrames(graphic);
var data:Spritemap;
var json:String = Description;
// trace(json);
var funnyJson:Dynamic = {};
if (Assets.exists(json))
funnyJson = JaySon.parseFile(json);
// trace(json);
// data = c
data = cast funnyJson;
for (sprite in data.ATLAS.SPRITES)
// probably nicer way to do this? Oh well
var swagSprite:Sprite = sprite.SPRITE;
var rect = FlxRect.get(swagSprite.x, swagSprite.y, swagSprite.w, swagSprite.h);
var size = new Rectangle(0, 0, rect.width, rect.height);
var offset = FlxPoint.get(-size.left, -size.top);
var sourceSize = FlxPoint.get(size.width, size.height);
frames.addAtlasFrame(rect, sourceSize, offset, swagSprite.name);
return frames;
class JaySon
public static function parseFile(name:String)
var cont = Assets.getText(name);
function is(n:Int, what:Int)
return cont.charCodeAt(n) == what;
return JsonParser.parse(cont.substr(if (is(0, 65279)) /// looks like a HL target, skipping only first character here:
1 else if (is(0, 239) && is(1, 187) && is(2, 191)) /// it seems to be Neko or PHP, start from position 3:
3 else /// all other targets, that prepare the UTF string correctly