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synced 2025-02-17 00:30:26 -05:00
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540 lines
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#pragma once
#include "Result.hpp"
#include "MiniFunction.hpp"
#include "../loader/Event.hpp"
#include "ranges.hpp"
namespace geode {
struct DefaultProgress {
std::string message;
std::optional<uint8_t> percentage;
DefaultProgress() = default;
DefaultProgress(std::string const& msg) : message(msg) {}
DefaultProgress(auto msg, uint8_t percentage) : message(msg), percentage(percentage) {}
namespace impl {
template <size_t Ty>
struct LogBug {
static inline size_t COUNT = 0;
static const char* ty() {
return Ty ? "Promise" : "Data";
LogBug() {
// log::info("created {} that holds {}, {}", ty(), fmt::ptr(this), ++COUNT);
LogBug& operator=(LogBug&&) {
// log::info("moved {} that holds {}, {}", ty(), fmt::ptr(this), ++COUNT);
return *this;
LogBug& operator=(LogBug const&) {
// log::info("copied {} that holds {}, {}", ty(), fmt::ptr(this), ++COUNT);
return *this;
LogBug(LogBug&&) {
// log::info("moved {} that holds {}, {}", ty(), fmt::ptr(this), ++COUNT);
LogBug(LogBug const&) {
// log::info("copied {} that holds {}, {}", ty(), fmt::ptr(this), ++COUNT);
~LogBug() {
// log::info("destroyed {} that holds {}, {}", ty(), fmt::ptr(this), --COUNT);
struct CancelledState final {};
template <class T = impl::DefaultValue, class E = impl::DefaultError, class P = DefaultProgress>
class PromiseEventFilter;
template <class T = impl::DefaultValue, class E = impl::DefaultError, class P = DefaultProgress>
class Promise final {
using Value = T;
using Error = E;
using Progress = P;
using OnResolved = utils::MiniFunction<void(Value)>;
using OnRejected = utils::MiniFunction<void(Error)>;
using OnProgress = utils::MiniFunction<void(Progress)>;
using OnFinished = utils::MiniFunction<void()>;
using OnCancelled = utils::MiniFunction<void()>;
class State final {
std::variant<Value, Error, Progress, CancelledState> m_value;
template <size_t Ix, class V>
State(std::in_place_index_t<Ix> index, V&& value) : m_value(index, std::forward<V>(value)) {}
static State make_value(Value&& value) {
return State(std::in_place_index<0>, std::move(value));
static State make_error(Error&& error) {
return State(std::in_place_index<1>, std::move(error));
static State make_progress(Progress&& progress) {
return State(std::in_place_index<2>, std::move(progress));
static State make_cancelled() {
return State(std::in_place_index<3>, CancelledState());
template <class T2, class E2, class P2>
typename Promise<T2, E2, P2>::State convert() && {
if (this->has_value()) {
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, T2>) {
return Promise<T2, E2, P2>::State::make_value(std::move(std::move(*this).take_value()));
if (this->has_error()) {
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<E, E2>) {
return Promise<T2, E2, P2>::State::make_error(std::move(std::move(*this).take_error()));
if (this->has_progress()) {
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<P, P2>) {
return Promise<T2, E2, P2>::State::make_progress(std::move(std::move(*this).take_progress()));
if (this->is_cancelled()) {
return Promise<T2, E2, P2>::State::make_cancelled();
"Promise::State::convert called on a State that isn't in a convertible state! "
"All code should verify before calling convert() that the State holds a value "
"which is trivially convertible (holds the same type)"
bool has_value() { return m_value.index() == 0; }
Value get_value() const { return std::get<0>(m_value); }
Value take_value() && { return std::get<0>(std::move(m_value)); }
bool has_error() { return m_value.index() == 1; }
Error get_error() const { return std::get<1>(m_value); }
Error take_error() && { return std::get<1>(std::move(m_value)); }
bool has_progress() { return m_value.index() == 2; }
Progress get_progress() const { return std::get<2>(m_value); }
Progress take_progress() && { return std::get<2>(std::move(m_value)); }
bool is_cancelled() { return m_value.index() == 3; }
using OnStateChange = utils::MiniFunction<void(State)>;
Promise() : m_data(nullptr) {}
Promise(utils::MiniFunction<void(OnResolved, OnRejected)> source)
: Promise([source](auto resolve, auto reject, auto, auto const&) {
source(resolve, reject);
}) {}
Promise(utils::MiniFunction<void(OnResolved, OnRejected, OnProgress, std::atomic_bool const&)> source)
: Promise([source](auto onStateChanged, auto const& cancelled) {
[onStateChanged](auto&& value) {
[onStateChanged](auto&& error) {
[onStateChanged](auto&& progress) {
}, std::monostate()) {}
Promise(utils::MiniFunction<void(OnStateChange, std::atomic_bool const&)> source, std::monostate tag)
: m_data(std::make_shared<Data>())
std::thread([source = std::move(source), data = m_data]() mutable {
log::info("start invoke_source");
[data = std::weak_ptr(data)](auto&& state) {
if (auto d = data.lock()) {
log::info("callback from invoke_source");
invoke_callback(std::move(state), d.get());
else {
log::info("tried to callback from invoke_source but deleted");
log::info("end invoke_source");
Promise then(utils::MiniFunction<void(Value)>&& callback) {
return make_fwd<T, E, P>(
[callback](typename Promise::State&& state) -> typename Promise::State {
if (state.has_value()) {
return std::move(state);
template <class T2>
requires (!std::is_void_v<T2>)
Promise<T2, E, P> then(utils::MiniFunction<T2(T)>&& callback) {
return make_fwd<T2, E, P>(
[callback](typename Promise::State&& state) -> typename Promise<T2, E, P>::State {
if (state.has_value()) {
return Promise<T2, E, P>::State::make_value(callback(std::move(state).take_value()));
return std::move(state).template convert<T2, E, P>();
template <class T2, class E2>
requires (!std::is_void_v<T2>)
Promise<T2, E2, P> then(utils::MiniFunction<Result<T2, E2>(Result<T, E>)>&& callback) {
return make_fwd<T2, E2, P>(
[callback](typename Promise::State&& state) -> typename Promise<T2, E2, P>::State {
if (state.has_value() || state.has_error()) {
auto current = state.has_value() ?
Result<T, E>(Ok(std::move(state).take_value())) :
Result<T, E>(Err(std::move(state).take_error()));
auto result = callback(std::move(current));
if (result.isOk()) {
return Promise<T2, E2, P>::State::make_value(std::move(std::move(result).unwrap()));
else {
return Promise<T2, E2, P>::State::make_error(std::move(std::move(result).unwrapErr()));
return std::move(state).template convert<T2, E2, P>();
Promise expect(utils::MiniFunction<void(Error)>&& callback) {
return make_fwd<T, E, P>(
[callback](typename Promise::State&& state) -> typename Promise::State {
if (state.has_error()) {
return std::move(state);
template <class E2>
requires (!std::is_void_v<E2>)
Promise<T, E2, P> expect(utils::MiniFunction<E2(E)>&& callback) {
return make_fwd<T, E2, P>(
[callback](typename Promise::State&& state) -> typename Promise<T, E2, P>::State {
if (state.has_error()) {
return Promise<T, E2, P>::State::make_error(callback(std::move(state).take_error()));
return std::move(state).template convert<T, E2, P>();
Promise progress(utils::MiniFunction<void(Progress)>&& callback) {
return make_fwd<T, E, P>(
[callback](typename Promise::State&& state) -> typename Promise::State {
if (state.has_progress()) {
return std::move(state);
template <class P2>
requires (!std::is_void_v<P2>)
Promise<T, E, P2> progress(utils::MiniFunction<P2(P)>&& callback) {
return make_fwd<T, E, P2>(
[callback](typename Promise::State&& state) -> typename Promise<T, E, P2>::State {
if (state.has_progress()) {
return Promise<T, E, P2>::State::make_progress(callback(std::move(state).take_progress()));
return std::move(state).template convert<T, E, P2>();
Promise finally(utils::MiniFunction<void()>&& callback) {
return make_fwd<T, E, P>(
[callback](typename Promise::State&& state) -> typename Promise::State {
if (state.has_value() || state.has_error()) {
return std::move(state);
Promise cancelled(utils::MiniFunction<void()>&& callback) {
return make_fwd<T, E, P>(
[callback](typename Promise::State&& state) -> typename Promise::State {
if (state.is_cancelled()) {
return std::move(state);
Promise forward() {
return make_fwd<T, E, P>([](auto state) { return std::move(state); }, m_data);
void resolve(Value&& value) {
if (!m_data) return;
invoke_callback(State::make_value(std::move(value)), m_data.get());
void reject(Error&& error) {
if (!m_data) return;
invoke_callback(State::make_error(std::move(error)), m_data.get());
void cancel() {
if (!m_data) return;
m_data->cancelled = true;
invoke_callback(State::make_cancelled(), m_data.get());
* Returns a filter for listening to this `Promise` through the Geode
* Events system. Useful for example for using `Promise`s on layers,
* which may be removed from the node tree before the `Promise`
* finishes and as such calling a `then` callback that captures the
* layer would then read undefined memory
PromiseEventFilter<T, E, P> listen();
// I'm pretty sure this has a memory leak somewhere in it too
// static Promise<std::vector<T>, E, P> all(std::vector<Promise>&& promises, bool own = true, bool threaded = true) {
// return Promise<std::vector<T>, E, P>([own, promises = std::move(promises)](auto resolve, auto reject, auto progress, auto const& cancelled) {
// struct All final {
// std::vector<T> results;
// std::vector<Promise> promises;
// };
// auto all = std::make_shared<All>(All {
// .results = {},
// .promises = std::move(promises),
// });
// for (auto& promise : all->promises) {
// // SAFETY: all of the accesses to `all` are safe since the Promise
// // callbacks are guaranteed to run in the same thread
// promise
// // Wait for all of them to finish
// .then([all, resolve](auto result) {
// all->results.push_back(result);
// if (all->results.size() >= all->promises.size()) {
// resolve(all->results);
// all->promises.clear();
// all->results.clear();
// }
// })
// // If some Promise fails, the whole `all` fails
// .expect([own, all, reject](auto error) {
// // Only cancel contained Promises if the `all` is considered to be
// // owning them, since cancelling shared Promises could have bad
// // consequences
// if (own) {
// for (auto& promise : all->promises) {
// promise.cancel();
// }
// }
// all->promises.clear();
// all->results.clear();
// reject(error);
// })
// // Check if the `Promise::all` has been cancelled
// .progress([&cancelled, own, all, progress](auto prog) {
// if (cancelled) {
// // Only cancel contained Promises if the `all` is considered to be
// // owning them, since cancelling shared Promises could have bad
// // consequences
// if (own) {
// for (auto& promise : all->promises) {
// promise.cancel();
// }
// }
// all->promises.clear();
// all->results.clear();
// }
// else {
// progress(prog);
// }
// })
// // Remove cancelled promises from the list
// .cancelled([promise, all] {
// utils::ranges::remove(all->promises, [promise](auto other) {
// return other.m_data == promise.m_data;
// });
// });
// }
// }, threaded);
// }
// I'm not sure just how un-performant this is, although then again you
// should not be using Promises in performance-sensitive code since the
// whole point of them is to wait for stuff that happens in the
// possibly distant future
struct Data final {
std::mutex mutex;
std::vector<OnStateChange> callbacks;
std::optional<std::variant<Value, Error>> result;
std::atomic_bool cancelled;
impl::LogBug<0> log;
std::shared_ptr<Data> m_data;
impl::LogBug<1> log;
template <class T2, class E2, class P2>
static Promise<T2, E2, P2> make_fwd(auto&& transformState, std::shared_ptr<Data> data) {
return Promise<T2, E2, P2>([data, transformState](auto fwdStateToNextPromise, auto const&) {
if (!data) return;
[fwdStateToNextPromise, transformState](auto&& state) {
// Map the state
auto mapped = transformState(std::move(state));
// Forward the value to the next Promise
}, std::monostate());
static void set_callback(OnStateChange&& callback, Data* data) {
std::unique_lock lock(data->mutex);
// Check if the callback should be immediately fired because
// the Promise is already resolved or cancelled
if (data->cancelled) {
invoke_callback_no_lock(State::make_cancelled(), data);
if (data->result) {
if (data->result->index() == 0) {
invoke_callback_no_lock(State::make_value(Value(std::get<0>(*data->result))), data);
else {
invoke_callback_no_lock(State::make_error(Error(std::get<1>(*data->result))), data);
static void invoke_callback(State&& state, Data* data) {
std::unique_lock lock(data->mutex);
invoke_callback_no_lock(std::move(state), data);
static void invoke_callback_no_lock(State&& state, Data* data) {
// Run callbacks in the main thread
Loader::get()->queueInMainThread([callbacks = data->callbacks, state = State(state)]() {
for (auto&& callback : std::move(callbacks)) {
// Store the state to let future installed callbacks be immediately resolved
if (state.has_value()) {
data->result = std::variant<Value, Error>(std::in_place_index<0>, std::move(state).take_value());
else if (state.has_error()) {
data->result = std::variant<Value, Error>(std::in_place_index<1>, std::move(state).take_error());
else if (state.is_cancelled()) {
data->cancelled = true;
* Wraps a `Promise` in the Geode Event system for easier consumption.
* Useful for example for layers, where just regularly waiting for the
* `Promise` could run into issues if the layer is freed from memory;
* whereas with event listeners being RAII, they are automatically
* removed from layers, avoiding use-after-free errors
template <class T = impl::DefaultValue, class E = impl::DefaultError, class P = DefaultProgress>
class PromiseEvent : public Event {
std::shared_ptr<void> m_handle;
std::variant<T, E, P> m_value;
PromiseEvent(std::shared_ptr<void> handle, std::variant<T, E, P>&& value)
: m_handle(handle), m_value(value) {}
friend class Promise<T, E, P>;
friend class PromiseEventFilter<T, E, P>;
T const* getResolve() const { return std::get_if<0>(&m_value); }
E const* getReject() const { return std::get_if<1>(&m_value); }
P const* getProgress() const { return std::get_if<2>(&m_value); }
bool isFinally() const { return m_value.index() != 2; }
template <class T, class E, class P>
class PromiseEventFilter : public EventFilter<PromiseEvent<T, E, P>> {
using Callback = void(PromiseEvent<T, E, P>*);
std::shared_ptr<void> m_handle;
friend class Promise<T, E, P>;
PromiseEventFilter(std::shared_ptr<void> handle) : m_handle(handle) {}
PromiseEventFilter() : m_handle(nullptr) {}
ListenerResult handle(utils::MiniFunction<Callback> fn, PromiseEvent<T, E, P>* event) {
// log::debug("Event mod filter: {}, {}, {}, {}", m_mod, static_cast<int>(m_type), event->getMod(), static_cast<int>(event->getType()));
if (m_handle == event->m_handle) {
return ListenerResult::Propagate;
template <class T, class E, class P>
PromiseEventFilter<T, E, P> Promise<T, E, P>::listen() {
->then([data = std::weak_ptr(m_data)](auto&& value) {
if (auto d = std::static_pointer_cast<void>(data.lock())) {
PromiseEvent<T, E, P>(d, std::variant<T, E, P> { std::in_place_index<0>, std::forward<T>(value) }).post();
.expect([data = std::weak_ptr(m_data)](auto&& error) {
if (auto d = std::static_pointer_cast<void>(data.lock())) {
PromiseEvent<T, E, P>(d, std::variant<T, E, P> { std::in_place_index<1>, std::forward<E>(error) }).post();
.progress([data = std::weak_ptr(m_data)](auto&& prog) {
if (auto d = std::static_pointer_cast<void>(data.lock())) {
PromiseEvent<T, E, P>(d, std::variant<T, E, P> { std::in_place_index<2>, std::forward<P>(prog) }).post();
return PromiseEventFilter<T, E, P>(m_data);