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synced 2024-12-04 13:11:09 -05:00
206 lines
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206 lines
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#include <Geode/Loader.hpp>
#include <Geode/modify/MenuLayer.hpp>
#include <Geode/loader/Dispatch.hpp>
#include <Geode/Bindings.hpp>
#include "main.hpp"
using namespace geode::prelude;
std::string TestEvent::getData() const {
return data;
TestEvent::TestEvent(std::string const& data) : data(data) {}
ListenerResult TestEventFilter::handle(std::function<Callback> fn, TestEvent* event) {
return ListenerResult::Propagate;
TestEventFilter::TestEventFilter() {}
enum class Icon {
constexpr Icon DEFAULT_ICON = Icon::Steve;
class MySettingValue;
// TODO: v4 (port to new settings)
// class MySettingValue : public SettingValue {
// protected:
// Icon m_icon;
// public:
// MySettingValue(std::string const& key, std::string const& modID, Icon icon)
// : SettingValue(key, modID), m_icon(icon) {}
// bool load(matjson::Value const& json) override {
// if (!json.is<int>()) return false;
// m_icon = static_cast<Icon>(json.as<int>());
// return true;
// }
// bool save(matjson::Value& json) const override {
// json = static_cast<int>(m_icon);
// return true;
// }
// SettingNode* createNode(float width) override;
// void setIcon(Icon icon) {
// m_icon = icon;
// }
// Icon getIcon() const {
// return m_icon;
// }
// };
// class MySettingNode : public SettingNode {
// protected:
// Icon m_currentIcon;
// std::vector<CCSprite*> m_sprites;
// bool init(MySettingValue* value, float width) {
// if (!SettingNode::init(value))
// return false;
// m_currentIcon = value->getIcon();
// this->setContentSize({ width, 40.f });
// auto menu = CCMenu::create();
// menu->setPosition(width / 2, 20.f);
// float x = -75.f;
// for (auto& [spr, icon] : {
// std::pair { "GJ_square01.png", Icon::Steve, },
// std::pair { "GJ_square02.png", Icon::Mike, },
// std::pair { "GJ_square03.png", Icon::LazarithTheDestroyerOfForsakenSouls, },
// std::pair { "GJ_square04.png", Icon::Geoff, },
// }) {
// auto btnSpr = CCSprite::create(spr);
// btnSpr->setScale(.7f);
// m_sprites.push_back(btnSpr);
// if (icon == m_currentIcon) {
// btnSpr->setColor({ 0, 255, 0 });
// } else {
// btnSpr->setColor({ 200, 200, 200 });
// }
// auto btn = CCMenuItemSpriteExtra::create(
// btnSpr, this, menu_selector(MySettingNode::onSelect)
// );
// btn->setTag(static_cast<int>(icon));
// btn->setPosition(x, 0);
// menu->addChild(btn);
// x += 50.f;
// }
// this->addChild(menu);
// return true;
// }
// void onSelect(CCObject* sender) {
// for (auto& spr : m_sprites) {
// spr->setColor({ 200, 200, 200 });
// }
// m_currentIcon = static_cast<Icon>(sender->getTag());
// static_cast<CCSprite*>(
// static_cast<CCMenuItemSpriteExtra*>(sender)->getNormalImage()
// )->setColor({ 0, 255, 0 });
// this->dispatchChanged();
// }
// public:
// void commit() override {
// static_cast<MySettingValue*>(m_value)->setIcon(m_currentIcon);
// this->dispatchCommitted();
// }
// bool hasUncommittedChanges() override {
// return m_currentIcon != static_cast<MySettingValue*>(m_value)->getIcon();
// }
// bool hasNonDefaultValue() override {
// return m_currentIcon != DEFAULT_ICON;
// }
// void resetToDefault() override {
// m_currentIcon = DEFAULT_ICON;
// }
// static MySettingNode* create(MySettingValue* value, float width) {
// auto ret = new MySettingNode;
// if (ret->init(value, width)) {
// ret->autorelease();
// return ret;
// }
// delete ret;
// return nullptr;
// }
// };
// SettingNode* MySettingValue::createNode(float width) {
// return MySettingNode::create(this, width);
// }
struct MyMenuLayer : Modify<MyMenuLayer, MenuLayer> {
void onMoreGames(CCObject*) {
TestEvent("Event system works!").post();
if (Mod::get()->getSettingValue<bool>("its-raining-after-all")) {
FLAlertLayer::create("Damn", ":(", "OK")->show();
else {
"The weather report said it wouldn't rain today :)",
struct AfterMenuLayer : Modify<AfterMenuLayer, MenuLayer> {
static void onModify(auto& self) {
if (self.setHookPriorityAfterPost("MenuLayer::init", "geode.test")) {
log::debug("priority set after test");
bool init() {
if (!MenuLayer::init()) return false;
log::debug("should run third!");
return true;
struct BeforeMenuLayer : Modify<BeforeMenuLayer, MenuLayer> {
static void onModify(auto& self) {
if (self.setHookPriorityBeforePost("MenuLayer::init", "geode.test")) {
log::debug("priority set before test");
bool init() {
if (!MenuLayer::init()) return false;
log::debug("should run first!");
return true;
$on_mod(Loaded) {
// Mod::get()->addCustomSetting<MySettingValue>("overcast-skies", DEFAULT_ICON);
(void)new EventListener(+[](GJGarageLayer* gl) {
auto label = CCLabelBMFont::create("Dispatcher works!", "bigFont.fnt");
label->setPosition(100, 80);
return ListenerResult::Propagate;
}, MyDispatchFilter("geode.test/test-garage-open"));
} |