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synced 2025-02-17 00:30:26 -05:00
258 lines
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258 lines
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#pragma once
#include "json.hpp"
struct json_check_failure : public std::exception {
std::string m_info;
const char* what() const throw() {
return m_info.c_str();
json_check_failure(std::string const& info) : m_info(info) {}
struct json_check {
nlohmann::json m_json;
bool m_continue = true;
bool m_branched = false;
bool m_hasBranch= false;
bool m_required = false;
std::string m_key = "";
std::string m_hierarchy = "";
std::string m_types = "";
std::set<std::string_view>& m_knownKeys;
nlohmann::json const& get_json() {
return m_key.size() ? m_json[m_key] : m_json;
std::set<std::string_view>& knownKeys,
nlohmann::json const& json
) : m_knownKeys(knownKeys), m_json(json) {}
std::set<std::string_view>& knownKeys,
json_check const& other
) : json_check(knownKeys, other.m_json) {}
json_check& has(std::string_view const& key) {
if (!m_continue) return *this;
m_continue = m_json.contains(key);
m_key = key;
return *this;
json_check& needs(std::string_view const& key) {
if (!m_continue) return *this;
if (!m_json.contains(key))
throw json_check_failure(
"[mod.json]" + m_hierarchy + " is missing required key \"" + std::string(key) + "\""
m_key = key;
m_required = true;
return *this;
template<typename T>
json_check& as() {
if (!m_continue) return *this;
auto json = get_json();
auto keyName = m_key.size() ? "[self]" : m_key;
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, std::string>) {
m_types += "string, ";
if (!json.is_string()) {
if (m_required) {
throw json_check_failure("[mod.json]" + m_hierarchy + "." + keyName + " is not a string");
} else {
if (json.is_null()) {
m_continue = false;
} else {
throw json_check_failure("[mod.json]" + m_hierarchy + "." + keyName + " is not a string nor null");
} else
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, int>) {
m_types += "int, ";
if (!json.is_number_integer()) {
if (m_required) {
throw json_check_failure("[mod.json]" + m_hierarchy + "." + keyName + " is not a int");
} else {
if (json.is_null()) {
m_continue = false;
} else {
throw json_check_failure("[mod.json]" + m_hierarchy + "." + keyName + " is not a int nor null");
} else
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, bool>) {
m_types += "bool, ";
if (!json.is_boolean()) {
if (m_required) {
throw json_check_failure("[mod.json]" + m_hierarchy + "." + keyName + " is not a boolean");
} else {
if (json.is_null()) {
m_continue = false;
} else {
throw json_check_failure("[mod.json]" + m_hierarchy + "." + keyName + " is not a boolean nor null");
} else
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, nlohmann::json::object_t>) {
m_types += "object, ";
if (!json.is_object()) {
if (m_required) {
throw json_check_failure("[mod.json]" + m_hierarchy + "." + keyName + " is not a object");
} else {
if (json.is_null()) {
m_continue = false;
} else {
throw json_check_failure("[mod.json]" + m_hierarchy + "." + keyName + " is not a object nor null");
} else
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, nlohmann::json::array_t>) {
m_types += "array, ";
if (!json.is_array()) {
if (m_required) {
throw json_check_failure("[mod.json]" + m_hierarchy + "." + keyName + " is not a array");
} else {
if (json.is_null()) {
m_continue = false;
} else {
throw json_check_failure("[mod.json]" + m_hierarchy + "." + keyName + " is not a array nor null");
} else
static_assert(!std::is_same_v<T, T>, "Unimplemented type for json_check");
return *this;
template<typename T>
json_check& is(std::function<void(nlohmann::json const&)> branch) {
if (!m_continue) return *this;
m_hasBranch = true;
try { this->as<T>(); } catch(json_check_failure&) { return *this; }
m_continue = false;
m_branched = true;
return *this;
json_check& is_ok() {
if (m_hasBranch && !m_branched) {
throw json_check_failure("[mod.json]" + m_hierarchy + "." + m_key + " is not one of " + m_types.substr(0, m_types.size() - 2));
return *this;
json_check& validate(std::function<bool(nlohmann::json const&)> predicate) {
if (!m_continue) return *this;
if (!predicate(get_json())) {
throw json_check_failure("[mod.json]" + m_hierarchy + "." + m_key + " is invalidly formatted");
return *this;
template<typename T>
json_check& into(T& var) {
if (!m_continue) return *this;
var = get_json().get<T>();
return *this;
template<typename T>
json_check& into_if(T& var) {
return this->is<T>([&var](nlohmann::json const& json) -> void {
std::set<std::string_view> knownKeys;
json_check(knownKeys, json).as<T>().into(var);
template<typename T>
json_check& into_as(T& var) {
return this->as<T>().into(var);
json_check& into(std::function<void(nlohmann::json const&)> var) {
if (!m_continue) return *this;
return *this;
json_check& each(std::function<void(std::string const&, json_check)> func) {
if (!m_continue) return *this;
for (auto const& [key, val] : get_json().items()) {
std::set<std::string_view> knownKeys;
auto c = json_check(knownKeys, *this);
c.m_key = key;
func(key, c);
return *this;
json_check& each(std::function<void(json_check)> func) {
if (!m_continue) return *this;
size_t ix = 0;
for (auto const& val : get_json()) {
std::set<std::string_view> knownKeys;
auto c = json_check(knownKeys, val);
c.m_hierarchy = m_hierarchy;
if (m_key.size()) c.m_hierarchy += "." + m_key;
c.m_hierarchy += "." + std::to_string(ix);
return *this;
json_check& step() {
if (!m_continue) return *this;
if (m_key.size()) {
this->m_hierarchy += "." + m_key;
this->m_json = get_json();
m_key = "";
return *this;
template<typename T>
T get() {
if (!m_continue) return T();
return this->get_json().get<T>();
template<typename T>
struct json_assign_required : json_check {
std::set<std::string_view>& knownKeys,
nlohmann::json& json,
std::string_view const& key,
T& var
) : json_check(knownKeys, json) {
this->needs(key).template as<T>().into(var);
template<typename T>
struct json_assign_optional : json_check {
std::set<std::string_view>& knownKeys,
nlohmann::json& json,
std::string_view const& key,
T& var
) : json_check(knownKeys, json) {
this->has(key).template as<T>().into(var);
struct json_check_unknown {
std::set<std::string_view>& knownKeys,
nlohmann::json& json,
std::string const& hierarchy
) {
for (auto& [key, _] : json.items()) {
if (!knownKeys.count(key)) {
throw json_check_failure(std::string("[mod.json] ") + hierarchy + " contains unknown key \"" + key + "\"");