mirror of
synced 2025-03-10 21:27:52 -04:00
128 lines
4.5 KiB
Executable file
128 lines
4.5 KiB
Executable file
#!/usr/bin/env osascript
on ExitWithMessage(message)
display dialog message
do shell script "sudo rm -rf \"" & binPath & "\""
error number -128
end ExitWithMessage
set installerChoices to {"Install Geode", "Uninstall Geode"}
set installerAnswer to choose from list installerChoices with title "Geode" with prompt "What do you want to do?" default items "Install Geode"
if installerAnswer is false then
ExitWithMessage ("Prompt cancelled.")
set installerAnswer to installerAnswer's item 1
end if
set tmpPath to POSIX path of "/tmp/"
set binPath to (tmpPath & "geode-install/")
tell application "System Events"
set libraryPath to POSIX path of (path to home folder from user domain)
set steamPath to (libraryPath & "/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/Geometry Dash/")
display dialog "Steam path: " & steamPath
if exists folder steamPath then
set gdPath to (the POSIX path of (choose file with prompt "Please choose the Geometry Dash application to install Geode to:" of type {"app"} default location steamPath))
set gdPath to (the POSIX path of (choose file with prompt "Please choose the Geometry Dash application to install Geode to:" of type {"app"}))
end if
set gdPath to (gdPath & "/")
on error
ExitWithMessage ("Prompt cancelled.")
end try
set execPath to (gdPath & "Contents/MacOS/Geometry Dash")
set frameworkPath to (gdPath & "Contents/Frameworks/")
set fmodPath to "libfmod.dylib"
set fmodOriginalPath to "restore_fmod.dylib"
set geodePath to "Geode.dylib"
set bootstrapperPath to "GeodeBootstrapper.dylib"
set resourcesPath to "resources/"
set newGeodePath to "Contents/geode/"
set newResourcesPath to (newGeodePath & "resources/geode.loader/")
if not exists file execPath then
ExitWithMessage ("Not a valid Geometry Dash installation (executable missing): " & gdPath)
end if
if not exists file (frameworkPath & fmodPath) then
ExitWithMessage ("Not a valid Geometry Dash installation (fmod missing): " & gdPath)
end if
on error
ExitWithMessage ("Not a valid Geometry Dash installation: " & gdPath)
end try
end tell
if installerAnswer is "Install Geode" then
do shell script "mv -n \"" & (frameworkPath & fmodPath) & "\" \"" & (frameworkPath & fmodOriginalPath) & "\""
on error
ExitWithMessage ("Saving original fmod failed: " & (frameworkPath & fmodPath))
end try
do shell script "mv \"" & (binPath & geodePath) & "\" \"" & (frameworkPath & geodePath) & "\""
do shell script "mv \"" & (binPath & bootstrapperPath) & "\" \"" & (frameworkPath & bootstrapperPath) & "\""
do shell script "mv \"" & (binPath & fmodPath) & "\" \"" & (frameworkPath & fmodPath) & "\""
do shell script "INSTALLER_USER=$(stat -f '%Su' $HOME) && chown -R $INSTALLER_USER \"" & frameworkPath & "\""
on error
ExitWithMessage ("Moving libraries failed: " & frameworkPath)
end try
do shell script "mkdir -p \"" & (gdPath & newResourcesPath) & "\""
do shell script "mv \"" & (binPath & resourcesPath) & "\"* \"" & (gdPath & newResourcesPath) & "\""
do shell script "INSTALLER_USER=$(stat -f '%Su' $HOME) && chown -R $INSTALLER_USER \"" & (gdPath & newGeodePath) & "\""
on error
ExitWithMessage ("Moving resources failed: " & (gdPath & newResourcesPath))
end try
do shell script "sudo xattr -dr com.apple.quarantine \"" & gdPath & "\""
on error
end try
else if installerAnswer is "Uninstall Geode" then
do shell script "rm \"" & (frameworkPath & geodePath) & "\""
do shell script "rm \"" & (frameworkPath & bootstrapperPath) & "\""
do shell script "rm \"" & (frameworkPath & fmodPath) & "\""
on error
ExitWithMessage ("Removing libraries failed: " & frameworkPath)
end try
do shell script "mv \"" & (frameworkPath & fmodOriginalPath) & "\" \"" & (frameworkPath & fmodPath) & "\""
on error
ExitWithMessage ("Restoring original fmod failed: " & (frameworkPath & fmodPath))
end try
do shell script "rm -r \"" & (gdPath & newGeodePath) & "\""
on error
ExitWithMessage ("Removing geode folder failed: " & (gdPath & newGeodePath))
end try
end if
do shell script "sudo rm -rf \"" & binPath & "\""
on error
end try