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synced 2025-03-27 05:11:11 -04:00
382 lines
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382 lines
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#pragma once
#include "general.hpp"
#include "MiniFunction.hpp"
#include "../loader/Event.hpp"
#include "../loader/Loader.hpp"
namespace geode {
template <std::move_constructible T, std::move_constructible P = std::monostate>
class [[nodiscard]] Task final {
struct [[nodiscard]] Cancel final {};
class Result final {
std::variant<T, Cancel> m_value;
std::optional<T> getValue() && {
if (m_value.index() == 0) {
return std::optional(std::move(std::get<0>(std::move(m_value))));
return std::nullopt;
bool isCancelled() const {
return m_value.index() == 1;
template <std::move_constructible T2, std::move_constructible P2>
friend class Task;
Result(Result&&) = default;
Result(Result const&) = delete;
Result(T&& value) : m_value(std::in_place_index<0>, std::forward<T>(value)) {}
Result(Cancel const&) : m_value(std::in_place_index<1>, Cancel()) {}
template <class V>
Result(V&& value) requires std::is_constructible_v<T, V&&>
: m_value(std::in_place_index<0>, std::forward<V>(value))
enum class Status {
class Handle final {
std::recursive_mutex m_mutex;
Status m_status = Status::Pending;
std::optional<T> m_resultValue;
bool m_finalEventPosted = false;
std::unique_ptr<void, void(*)(void*)> m_mapListener = { nullptr, +[](void*) {} };
std::string m_name;
class PrivateMarker final {};
static std::shared_ptr<Handle> create(std::string const& name) {
return std::make_shared<Handle>(PrivateMarker(), name);
bool is(Status status) {
std::unique_lock<std::recursive_mutex> lock(m_mutex);
return m_status == status;
template <std::move_constructible T2, std::move_constructible P2>
friend class Task;
Handle(PrivateMarker, std::string const& name) : m_name(name) {}
class Event final : public geode::Event {
std::shared_ptr<Handle> m_handle;
std::variant<T*, P*, Cancel> m_value;
EventListenerProtocol* m_for = nullptr;
Event(std::shared_ptr<Handle> handle, std::variant<T*, P*, Cancel>&& value)
: m_handle(handle), m_value(std::move(value)) {}
static Event createFinished(std::shared_ptr<Handle> handle, T* value) {
return Event(handle, std::variant<T*, P*, Cancel>(std::in_place_index<0>, value));
static Event createProgressed(std::shared_ptr<Handle> handle, P* value) {
return Event(handle, std::variant<T*, P*, Cancel>(std::in_place_index<1>, value));
static Event createCancelled(std::shared_ptr<Handle> handle) {
return Event(handle, std::variant<T*, P*, Cancel>(std::in_place_index<2>, Cancel()));
template <std::move_constructible T2, std::move_constructible P2>
friend class Task;
T* getValue() {
return m_value.index() == 0 ? std::get<0>(m_value) : nullptr;
T const* getValue() const {
return m_value.index() == 0 ? std::get<0>(m_value) : nullptr;
P* getProgress() {
return m_value.index() == 1 ? std::get<1>(m_value) : nullptr;
P const* getProgress() const {
return m_value.index() == 1 ? std::get<1>(m_value) : nullptr;
bool isCancelled() const {
return m_value.index() == 2;
void cancel() {
using Value = T;
using Progress = P;
using PostResult = utils::MiniFunction<void(Result)>;
using PostProgress = utils::MiniFunction<void(P)>;
using HasBeenCancelled = utils::MiniFunction<bool()>;
using Run = utils::MiniFunction<Result(PostProgress, HasBeenCancelled)>;
using RunWithCallback = utils::MiniFunction<void(PostResult, PostProgress, HasBeenCancelled)>;
using Callback = void(Event*);
EventListenerProtocol* m_listener = nullptr;
std::shared_ptr<Handle> m_handle;
Task(std::shared_ptr<Handle> handle) : m_handle(handle) {}
static void finish(std::shared_ptr<Handle> handle, T&& value) {
if (!handle) return;
std::unique_lock<std::recursive_mutex> lock(handle->m_mutex);
if (handle->m_status == Status::Pending) {
handle->m_status = Status::Finished;
Loader::get()->queueInMainThread([handle, value = &*handle->m_resultValue]() mutable {
Event::createFinished(handle, value).post();
std::unique_lock<std::recursive_mutex> lock(handle->m_mutex);
handle->m_finalEventPosted = true;
static void progress(std::shared_ptr<Handle> handle, P&& value) {
if (!handle) return;
std::unique_lock<std::recursive_mutex> lock(handle->m_mutex);
if (handle->m_status == Status::Pending) {
Loader::get()->queueInMainThread([handle, value = std::move(value)]() mutable {
Event::createProgressed(handle, &value).post();
static void cancel(std::shared_ptr<Handle> handle) {
if (!handle) return;
std::unique_lock<std::recursive_mutex> lock(handle->m_mutex);
if (handle->m_status == Status::Pending) {
handle->m_status = Status::Cancelled;
Loader::get()->queueInMainThread([handle]() mutable {
std::unique_lock<std::recursive_mutex> lock(handle->m_mutex);
handle->m_finalEventPosted = true;
template <std::move_constructible T2, std::move_constructible P2>
friend class Task;
Task() : m_handle(nullptr) {}
Task(Task const& other) : m_handle(other.m_handle) {}
Task(Task&& other) : m_handle(std::move(other.m_handle)) {}
Task& operator=(Task const& other) {
m_handle = other.m_handle;
return *this;
Task& operator=(Task&& other) {
m_handle = std::move(other.m_handle);
return *this;
bool operator==(Task const& other) const {
return m_handle == other.m_handle;
bool operator!=(Task const& other) const {
return m_handle != other.m_handle;
bool operator<(Task const& other) const {
return m_handle < other.m_handle;
bool operator<=(Task const& other) const {
return m_handle <= other.m_handle;
bool operator>(Task const& other) const {
return m_handle > other.m_handle;
bool operator>=(Task const& other) const {
return m_handle >= other.m_handle;
T* getFinishedValue() {
if (m_handle && m_handle->m_resultValue) {
return &*m_handle->m_resultValue;
return nullptr;
void cancel() {
bool isPending() const {
return m_handle && m_handle->is(Status::Pending);
bool isFinished() const {
return m_handle && m_handle->is(Status::Finished);
bool isCancelled() const {
return m_handle && m_handle->is(Status::Cancelled);
bool isNull() const {
return m_handle == nullptr;
static Task immediate(T value, std::string const& name = "<Immediate Task>") {
auto task = Task(Handle::create(name));
Task::finish(task.m_handle, std::move(value));
return task;
static Task run(Run&& body, std::string const& name = "<Task>") {
auto task = Task(Handle::create(name));
std::thread([handle = std::weak_ptr(task.m_handle), name, body = std::move(body)] {
utils::thread::setName(fmt::format("Task '{}'", name));
auto result = body(
[handle](P progress) {
Task::progress(handle.lock(), std::move(progress));
[handle]() -> bool {
// The task has been cancelled if the user has explicitly cancelled it,
// or if there is no one listening anymore
auto lock = handle.lock();
return !(lock && lock->is(Status::Pending));
if (result.isCancelled()) {
else {
Task::finish(handle.lock(), std::move(*std::move(result).getValue()));
return task;
static Task runWithCallback(RunWithCallback&& body, std::string const& name = "<Callback Task>") {
auto task = Task(Handle::create(name));
std::thread([handle = std::weak_ptr(task.m_handle), name, body = std::move(body)] {
utils::thread::setName(fmt::format("Task '{}'", name));
[handle](Result result) {
if (result.isCancelled()) {
else {
Task::finish(handle.lock(), std::move(*std::move(result).getValue()));
[handle](P progress) {
Task::progress(handle.lock(), std::move(progress));
[handle]() -> bool {
// The task has been cancelled if the user has explicitly cancelled it,
// or if there is no one listening anymore
auto lock = handle.lock();
return !(lock && lock->is(Status::Pending));
return task;
template <class ResultMapper, class ProgressMapper>
auto map(ResultMapper&& resultMapper, ProgressMapper&& progressMapper, std::string const& name = "<Mapping Task>") {
using T2 = decltype(resultMapper(std::declval<T*>()));
using P2 = decltype(progressMapper(std::declval<P*>()));
auto task = Task<T2, P2>(Task<T2, P2>::Handle::create(fmt::format("{} <= {}", name, m_handle->m_name)));
// Lock the current task until we have managed to create our new one
std::unique_lock<std::recursive_mutex> lock(m_handle->m_mutex);
// If the current task is cancelled, cancel the new one immediately
if (m_handle->m_status == Status::Cancelled) {
Task<T2, P2>::cancel(task.m_handle);
// If the current task is finished, immediately map the value and post that
else if (m_handle->m_status == Status::Finished) {
Task<T2, P2>::finish(task.m_handle, std::move(resultMapper(&*m_handle->m_resultValue)));
// Otherwise start listening and waiting for the current task to finish
else {
task.m_handle->m_mapListener = std::unique_ptr<void, void(*)(void*)>(
static_cast<void*>(new EventListener<Task>(
handle = std::weak_ptr(task.m_handle),
resultMapper = std::move(resultMapper),
progressMapper = std::move(progressMapper)
](Event* event) {
if (auto v = event->getValue()) {
Task<T2, P2>::finish(handle.lock(), std::move(resultMapper(v)));
else if (auto p = event->getProgress()) {
Task<T2, P2>::progress(handle.lock(), std::move(progressMapper(p)));
else if (event->isCancelled()) {
Task<T2, P2>::cancel(handle.lock());
+[](void* ptr) {
delete static_cast<EventListener<Task>*>(ptr);
return task;
template <class ResultMapper>
requires std::copy_constructible<P>
auto map(ResultMapper&& resultMapper, std::string const& name = "<Mapping Task>") {
return this->map(std::move(resultMapper), +[](P* p) -> P { return *p; }, name);
ListenerResult handle(utils::MiniFunction<Callback> fn, Event* e) {
if (e->m_handle == m_handle && (!e->m_for || e->m_for == m_listener)) {
return ListenerResult::Propagate;
// todo: i believe alk wanted tasks to be in their own pool
EventListenerPool* getPool() const {
return DefaultEventListenerPool::get();
void setListener(EventListenerProtocol* listener) {
m_listener = listener;
if (!m_handle) return;
// If this task has already been finished and the finish event
// isn't pending in the event queue, immediately queue up a
// finish event for this listener
std::unique_lock<std::recursive_mutex> lock(m_handle->m_mutex);
if (m_handle->m_finalEventPosted) {
if (m_handle->m_status == Status::Finished) {
Loader::get()->queueInMainThread([handle = m_handle, listener = m_listener, value = &*m_handle->m_resultValue]() {
auto ev = Event::createFinished(handle, value);
ev.m_for = listener;
else {
Loader::get()->queueInMainThread([handle = m_handle, listener = m_listener]() {
auto ev = Event::createCancelled(handle);
ev.m_for = listener;
EventListenerProtocol* getListener() const {
return m_listener;
static_assert(is_filter<Task<int>>, "The Task class must be a valid event filter!");