mirror of
synced 2025-03-10 21:27:52 -04:00
This is in attempt to make compile times better, as the old json library was quite slow to compile due to many template instantiations and such a large header. macOS tests have shown build times from 610s to ~390s, about a 1.5x speedup Co-authored-by: camila314 <47485054+camila314@users.noreply.github.com>
314 lines
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314 lines
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#pragma once
#include <json.hpp>
#include "../loader/Log.hpp"
#include <set>
#include <variant>
namespace geode {
template <class Json>
struct JsonChecker;
template <typename T, typename = void>
struct is_iterable : std::false_type {};
template <typename T>
struct is_iterable<
T, std::void_t<decltype(std::begin(std::declval<T>())), decltype(std::end(std::declval<T>()))>> :
std::true_type {};
template <typename T>
constexpr bool is_iterable_v = is_iterable<T>::value;
namespace {
using value_t = json::Type;
constexpr char const* jsonValueTypeToString(value_t type) {
switch (type) {
case value_t::Null: return "null";
case value_t::Object: return "object";
case value_t::Array: return "array";
case value_t::String: return "string";
case value_t::Bool: return "boolean";
case value_t::Number: return "number";
template <class T>
constexpr value_t getJsonType() {
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, bool>) {
return value_t::Bool;
else if constexpr (std::is_floating_point_v<T>) {
return value_t::Number;
else if constexpr (std::is_unsigned_v<T>) {
return value_t::Number;
else if constexpr (std::is_integral_v<T>) {
return value_t::Number;
else if constexpr (std::is_constructible_v<T, std::string>) {
return value_t::String;
else if constexpr (is_iterable_v<T>) {
return value_t::Array;
return value_t::Null;
bool jsonConvertibleTo(value_t value, value_t to) {
// if we don't know the type we're passing into,
// everything's valid
if (to == value_t::Null) return true;
if (value == value_t::Number) {
return to == value_t::Number;
return value == to;
template <class T>
using JsonValueValidator = std::function<bool(T const&)>;
template <class Json>
struct JsonMaybeObject;
template <class Json>
struct JsonMaybeValue;
template <class Json>
struct JsonMaybeSomething {
JsonChecker<Json>& m_checker;
Json& m_json;
std::string m_hierarchy;
bool m_hasValue;
friend struct JsonMaybeObject<Json>;
friend struct JsonMaybeValue<Json>;
GEODE_DLL void setError(std::string const& error);
GEODE_DLL Json& json();
GEODE_DLL JsonMaybeSomething(
JsonChecker<Json>& checker, Json& json, std::string const& hierarchy, bool hasValue
GEODE_DLL bool isError() const;
GEODE_DLL std::string getError() const;
GEODE_DLL operator bool() const;
template <class Json>
struct JsonMaybeValue : public JsonMaybeSomething<Json> {
bool m_inferType = true;
GEODE_DLL JsonMaybeValue(
JsonChecker<Json>& checker, Json& json, std::string const& hierarchy, bool hasValue
GEODE_DLL JsonMaybeSomething<Json>& self();
template <json::Type T>
JsonMaybeValue<Json>& as() {
if (this->isError()) return *this;
if (!jsonConvertibleTo(self().m_json.type(), T)) {
self().m_hierarchy + ": Invalid type \"" + jsonValueTypeToString(self().m_json.type()) +
"\", expected \"" + jsonValueTypeToString(T) + "\""
m_inferType = false;
return *this;
GEODE_DLL JsonMaybeValue<Json>& array();
template <json::Type... T>
JsonMaybeValue<Json>& asOneOf() {
if (this->isError()) return *this;
bool isOneOf = (... || jsonConvertibleTo(self().m_json.type(), T));
if (!isOneOf) {
self().m_hierarchy + ": Invalid type \"" + jsonValueTypeToString(self().m_json.type()) +
"\", expected one of \"" + (jsonValueTypeToString(T), ...) + "\""
m_inferType = false;
return *this;
template <json::Type T>
JsonMaybeValue<Json>& is() {
if (this->isError()) return *this;
self().m_hasValue = jsonConvertibleTo(self().m_json.type(), T);
m_inferType = false;
return *this;
template <class T>
JsonMaybeValue<Json>& validate(JsonValueValidator<T> validator) {
if (this->isError()) return *this;
try {
if (!validator(self().m_json.template as<T>())) {
this->setError(self().m_hierarchy + ": Invalid value format");
catch (...) {
self().m_hierarchy + ": Invalid type \"" +
std::string(jsonValueTypeToString(self().m_json.type())) + "\""
return *this;
template <class T>
JsonMaybeValue<Json>& validate(bool (*validator)(T const&)) {
return this->validate(std::function(validator));
template <class T>
JsonMaybeValue<Json>& inferType() {
if (this->isError() || !m_inferType) return *this;
return this->as<getJsonType<T>()>();
template <class T>
JsonMaybeValue<Json>& intoRaw(T& target) {
if (this->isError()) return *this;
target = self().m_json;
return *this;
template <class T>
JsonMaybeValue<Json>& into(T& target) {
return this->intoAs<T, T>(target);
template <class T>
JsonMaybeValue<Json>& into(std::optional<T>& target) {
return this->intoAs<T, std::optional<T>>(target);
template <class A, class T>
JsonMaybeValue<Json>& intoAs(T& target) {
if (this->isError()) return *this;
try {
target = self().m_json.template as<A>();
catch (...) {
self().m_hierarchy + ": Invalid type \"" +
jsonValueTypeToString(self().m_json.type()) + "\""
return *this;
template <class T>
T get() {
if (this->isError()) return T();
try {
constexpr auto type = getJsonType<T>();
if constexpr (type == value_t::Number) {
return self().m_json.as_double();
} else if constexpr (type == value_t::Bool) {
return self().m_json.as_bool();
} else if constexpr (type == value_t::String) {
return self().m_json.as_string();
catch (...) {
self().m_hierarchy + ": Invalid type to get \"" +
std::string(jsonValueTypeToString(self().m_json.type())) + "\""
return T();
GEODE_DLL JsonMaybeObject<Json> obj();
template <class T>
struct Iterator {
std::vector<T> m_values;
using iterator = typename std::vector<T>::iterator;
using const_iterator = typename std::vector<T>::const_iterator;
iterator begin() {
return m_values.begin();
iterator end() {
return m_values.end();
const_iterator begin() const {
return m_values.begin();
const_iterator end() const {
return m_values.end();
GEODE_DLL JsonMaybeValue<Json> at(size_t i);
GEODE_DLL Iterator<JsonMaybeValue<Json>> iterate();
GEODE_DLL Iterator<std::pair<std::string, JsonMaybeValue<Json>>> items();
template <class Json>
struct JsonMaybeObject : JsonMaybeSomething<Json> {
std::set<std::string> m_knownKeys;
GEODE_DLL JsonMaybeObject(
JsonChecker<Json>& checker, Json& json, std::string const& hierarchy, bool hasValue
GEODE_DLL JsonMaybeSomething<Json>& self();
GEODE_DLL void addKnownKey(std::string const& key);
GEODE_DLL Json& json();
GEODE_DLL JsonMaybeValue<Json> emptyValue();
GEODE_DLL JsonMaybeValue<Json> has(std::string const& key);
GEODE_DLL JsonMaybeValue<Json> needs(std::string const& key);
GEODE_DLL void checkUnknownKeys();
template <class Json = json::Value>
struct JsonChecker {
std::variant<std::monostate, std::string> m_result;
Json& m_json;
GEODE_DLL JsonChecker(Json& json);
GEODE_DLL bool isError() const;
GEODE_DLL std::string getError() const;
GEODE_DLL JsonMaybeValue<Json> root(std::string const& hierarchy);