
869 lines
16 KiB

#pragma once
struct TodoReturnPlaceholder;
using TodoReturn = void;
#pragma message("Reverting TodoReturn to void. This behavior is deprecated and will be removed in a later update.")
using TodoReturn = TodoReturnPlaceholder;
// thanks pie
enum class SearchType {
Search = 0,
Downloaded = 1,
MostLiked = 2,
Trending = 3,
Recent = 4,
UsersLevels = 5,
Featured = 6,
Magic = 7,
Sends = 8,
MapPack = 9,
MapPackOnClick = 10,
Awarded = 11,
Followed = 12,
Friends = 13,
Users = 14,
LikedGDW = 15,
HallOfFame = 16,
FeaturedGDW = 17,
Similar = 18,
Type19 = 19,
TopListsUnused = 20,
DailySafe = 21,
WeeklySafe = 22,
EventSafe = 23,
Reported = 24,
LevelListsOnClick = 25,
Type26 = 26,
Sent = 27,
MyLevels = 98,
SavedLevels = 99,
FavouriteLevels = 100,
SmartTemplates = 101,
MyLists = 102,
FavouriteLists = 103
enum class GameObjectType {
Solid = 0,
Hazard = 2,
InverseGravityPortal = 3,
NormalGravityPortal = 4,
ShipPortal = 5,
CubePortal = 6,
Decoration = 7,
YellowJumpPad = 8,
PinkJumpPad = 9,
GravityPad = 10,
YellowJumpRing = 11,
PinkJumpRing = 12,
GravityRing = 13,
InverseMirrorPortal = 14,
NormalMirrorPortal = 15,
BallPortal = 16,
RegularSizePortal = 17,
MiniSizePortal = 18,
UfoPortal = 19,
Modifier = 20,
Breakable = 21,
SecretCoin = 22,
DualPortal = 23,
SoloPortal = 24,
Slope = 25,
WavePortal = 26,
RobotPortal = 27,
TeleportPortal = 28,
GreenRing = 29,
Collectible = 30,
UserCoin = 31,
DropRing = 32,
SpiderPortal = 33,
RedJumpPad = 34,
RedJumpRing = 35,
CustomRing = 36,
DashRing = 37,
GravityDashRing = 38,
CollisionObject = 39,
Special = 40,
SwingPortal = 41,
GravityTogglePortal = 42,
SpiderOrb = 43,
SpiderPad = 44,
TeleportOrb = 46,
AnimatedHazard = 47,
enum class GJGameEvent {
None = 0,
TinyLanding = 1,
FeatherLanding = 2,
SoftLanding = 3,
NormalLanding = 4,
HardLanding = 5,
HitHead = 6,
OrbTouched = 7,
OrbActivated = 8,
PadActivated = 9,
GravityInverted = 10,
GravityRestored = 11,
NormalJump = 12,
RobotBoostStart = 13,
RobotBoostStop = 14,
UFOJump = 15,
ShipBoostStart = 16,
ShipBoostEnd = 17,
SpiderTeleport = 18,
BallSwitch = 19,
SwingSwitch = 20,
WavePush = 21,
WaveRelease = 22,
DashStart = 23,
DashStop = 24,
Teleported = 25,
PortalNormal = 26,
PortalShip = 27,
PortalBall = 28,
PortalUFO = 29,
PortalWave = 30,
PortalRobot = 31,
PortalSpider = 32,
PortalSwing = 33,
YellowOrb = 34,
PinkOrb = 35,
RedOrb = 36,
GravityOrb = 37,
GreenOrb = 38,
DropOrb = 39,
CustomOrb = 40,
DashOrb = 41,
GravityDashOrb = 42,
SpiderOrb = 43,
TeleportOrb = 44,
YellowPad = 45,
PinkPad = 46,
RedPad = 47,
GravityPad = 48,
SpiderPad = 49,
PortalGravityFlip = 50,
PortalGravityNormal = 51,
PortalGravityInvert = 52,
PortalFlip = 53,
PortalUnFlip = 54,
PortalNormalScale = 55,
PortalMiniScale = 56,
PortalDualOn = 57,
PortalDualOff = 58,
PortalTeleport = 59,
Checkpoint = 60,
DestroyBlock = 61,
UserCoin = 62,
PickupItem = 63,
CheckpointRespawn = 64,
FallLow = 65,
FallMed = 66,
FallHigh = 67,
FallVHigh = 68,
JumpPush = 69,
JumpRelease = 70,
LeftPush = 71,
LeftRelease = 72,
RightPush = 73,
RightRelease = 74,
PlayerReversed = 75,
FallSpeedLow = 76,
FallSpeedMed = 77,
FallSpeedHigh = 78
enum class PulseEffectType {
enum class TouchTriggerType {
enum class PlayerButton {
Jump = 1,
Left = 2,
Right = 3,
enum class GhostType {
enum class TableViewCellEditingStyle {
enum class UserListType {
Friends = 0,
Blocked = 1,
enum class GJErrorCode {
NotFound = -1,
UpdateApp = 3
enum class AccountError {
EmailsDoNotMatch = -99,
AlreadyLinkedToDifferentSteamAccount = -13,
AccountDisabled = -12,
AlreadyLinkedToDifferentAccount = -10,
TooShortLessThan3 = -9,
TooShortLessThan6 = -8,
PasswordsDoNotMatch = -7,
InvalidEmail = -6,
InvalidPassword = -5,
InvalidUsername = -4,
AlreadyUsedEmail = -3,
AlreadyUsedUsername = -2
enum class GJSongError {
DownloadSongFailed = 1,
DownloadSFXFailed = 2
enum class LikeItemType {
Unknown = 0,
Level = 1,
Comment = 2,
AccountComment = 3,
LevelList = 4
enum class CommentError {
enum class BackupAccountError {
BackupOrSyncFailed = -3,
LoginFailed = -2
enum class GJMusicAction {
DownloadOrUpdate = 2,
UpdateSFXLibrary = 4,
UpdateMusicLibrary = 6
enum class CellAction {};
enum class GJActionCommand {};
enum class DifficultyIconType {
ShortText = 0,
DefaultText = 1,
NoText = 2
enum class GauntletType {
Fire = 0,
Ice = 2,
Poison = 3,
Shadow = 4,
Lava = 5,
Bonus = 6,
Chaos = 7,
Demon = 8,
Time = 9,
Crystal = 0xA,
Magic = 0xB,
Spike = 0xC,
Monster = 0xD,
Doom = 0xE,
Death = 0xF,
Forest = 0x10,
Rune = 0x11,
Force = 0x12,
Spooky = 0x13,
Dragon = 0x14,
Water = 0x15,
Haunted = 0x16,
Acid = 0x17,
Witch = 0x18,
Power = 0x19,
Potion = 0x1A,
Snake = 0x1B,
Toxic = 0x1C,
Halloween = 0x1D,
Treasure = 0x1E,
Ghost = 0x1F,
Spider = 0x20,
Gem = 0x21,
Inferno = 0x22,
Portal = 0x23,
Strange = 0x24,
Fantasy = 0x25,
Christmas = 0x26,
Surprise = 0x27,
Mystery = 0x28,
Cursed = 0x29,
Cyborg = 0x2A,
Castle = 0x2B,
Grave = 0x2C,
Temple = 0x2D,
World = 0x2E,
Galaxy = 0x2F,
Universe = 0x30,
Discord = 0x31,
Split = 0x32
enum class GJMPErrorCode {};
enum class GJTimedLevelType {
Daily = 0,
Weekly = 1,
Event = 2
enum class SongSelectType {
Default = 0,
Custom = 1
enum class AudioTargetType {};
enum class FMODReverbPreset {
Generic = 0,
PaddedCell = 1,
Room = 2,
Bathroom = 3,
Livingroom = 4,
Stoneroom = 5,
Auditorium = 6,
ConvertHall = 7,
Cave = 8,
Arena = 9,
Hangar = 0xA,
CarpettedHallway = 0xB,
Hallway = 0xC,
StoneCorridor = 0xD,
Alley = 0xE,
Forest = 0xF,
City = 0x10,
Mountains = 0x11,
Quarry = 0x12,
Plain = 0x13,
ParkingLot = 0x14,
SewerPipe = 0x15,
Underwater = 0x16
enum class DemonDifficultyType {
HardDemon = 0,
EasyDemon = 3,
MediumDemon = 4,
InsaneDemon = 5,
ExtremeDemon = 6
enum class PlayerCollisionDirection {
Top = 0,
Bottom = 1,
Left = 2,
Right = 3
enum class ChestSpriteState {};
enum class FormatterType {};
enum class AudioModType {};
enum class GJAreaActionType {};
enum class GJSmartDirection {};
enum class SmartBlockType {};
enum class TouchTriggerControl {};
enum class SmartPrefabResult {};
enum class AudioSortType {};
enum class spriteMode {};
enum class GJAssetType {};
enum class CommentKeyType {
Level = 0,
User = 1,
LevelList = 2
enum class LevelLeaderboardMode {
Time = 0,
Points = 1
enum class StatKey {};
enum class TextStyleType {
Colored = 1,
Instant = 2,
Shake = 3,
Delayed = 4
enum class InputValueType {};
enum class GJInputStyle {};
enum class GJDifficultyName {
Short = 0,
Long = 1
enum class GJFeatureState {
None = 0,
Featured = 1,
Epic = 2,
Legendary = 3,
Mythic = 4
enum class GJKeyGroup {};
enum class GJKeyCommand {};
enum class SelectSettingType {};
enum class gjParticleValue {
MaxParticles = 1,
Duration = 2,
Lifetime = 3,
PlusMinus1 = 4,
Emission = 5,
Angle = 6,
PlusMinus2 = 7,
Speed = 8,
PlusMinus3 = 9,
PosVarX = 0xA,
PosVarY = 0xB,
GravityX = 0xC,
GravityY = 0xD,
AccelRad = 0xE,
PlusMinus4 = 0xF,
AccelTan = 0x10,
PlusMinus5 = 0x11,
StartSize = 0x12,
PlusMinus6 = 0x13,
EndSize = 0x14,
PlusMinus7 = 0x15,
StartSpin = 0x16,
PlusMinus8 = 0x17,
EndSpin = 0x18,
PlusMinus9 = 0x19,
StartR = 0x1A,
PlusMinus10 = 0x1B,
StartG = 0x1C,
PlusMinus11 = 0x1D,
StartB = 0x1E,
PlusMinus12 = 0x1F,
StartA = 0x20,
PlusMinus13 = 0x21,
EndR = 0x22,
PlusMinus14 = 0x23,
EndG = 0x24,
PlusMinus15 = 0x25,
EndB = 0x26,
PlusMinus16 = 0x27,
EndA = 0x28,
PlusMinus17 = 0x29,
FadeIn = 0x2A,
PlusMinus18 = 0x2B,
FadeOut = 0x2C,
PlusMinus19 = 0x2D,
FrictionP = 0x2E,
PlusMinus20 = 0x2F,
Respawn = 0x30,
PlusMinus21 = 0x31,
StartRad = 0x32,
PlusMinus22 = 0x33,
EndRad = 0x34,
PlusMinus23 = 0x35,
RotSec = 0x36,
PlusMinus24 = 0x37,
FrictionS = 0x45,
PlusMinus25 = 0x46,
FrictionR = 0x47,
PlusMinus26 = 0x48
enum class ColorSelectType {};
enum class AudioGuidelinesType {
GuidelineCreator = 0,
BPMFinder = 1
enum class SmartBrowseFilter {};
enum class GJUITouchEvent {};
enum class ObjectScaleType {
XY = 0,
X = 1,
Y = 2
enum class SavedActiveObjectState {};
enum class SavedSpecialObjectState {};
enum class SavedObjectStateRef {};
// Thanks cocoa!
#undef CommentType
enum class CommentType {
Level = 0,
Account = 1,
FriendRequest = 2,
ListDescription = 4,
enum class BoomListType {
Default = 0x0,
User = 0x2,
Stats = 0x3,
Achievement = 0x4,
Level = 0x5,
Level2 = 0x6,
Comment = 0x7,
Comment2 = 0x8,
Comment3 = 0x9,
Song = 0xc,
Score = 0xd,
MapPack = 0xe,
CustomSong = 0xf,
Comment4 = 0x10,
User2 = 0x11,
Request = 0x12,
Message = 0x13,
LevelScore = 0x14,
Artist = 0x15,
SmartTemplate = 0x16,
SFX = 0x17,
SFX2 = 0x18,
CustomMusic = 0x19,
Options = 0x1a,
LevelList = 0x1b,
Level3 = 0x1c,
LevelList2 = 0x1d,
LevelList3 = 0x1e,
Level4 = 0x1f,
LocalLevelScore = 0x21,
URL = 0x22,
enum class CurrencySpriteType {
Orb = 1,
Star = 2,
Diamond = 3,
FireShard = 4,
IceShard = 5,
PoisonShard = 6,
ShadowShard = 7,
LavaShard = 8,
DemonKey = 9,
EarthShard = 10,
BloodShard = 11,
MetalShard = 12,
LightShard = 13,
SoulShard = 14,
Moon = 15
enum class CurrencyRewardType {
// todo
enum class MenuAnimationType {
Scale = 0,
Move = 1,
enum class ShopType {
// Geode Addition
enum class ZLayer {
B5 = -5,
B4 = -3,
B3 = -1,
B2 = 1,
B1 = 3,
Default = 0,
T1 = 5,
T2 = 7,
T3 = 9,
T4 = 11,
enum class UpdateResponse {
enum class UnlockType {
Cube = 0x1,
Col1 = 0x2,
Col2 = 0x3,
Ship = 0x4,
Ball = 0x5,
Bird = 0x6,
Dart = 0x7,
Robot = 0x8,
Spider = 0x9,
Streak = 0xA,
Death = 0xB,
GJItem = 0xC,
Swing = 0xD,
Jetpack = 0xE,
ShipFire = 0xF
enum class SpecialRewardItem {
FireShard = 0x1,
IceShard = 0x2,
PoisonShard = 0x3,
ShadowShard = 0x4,
LavaShard = 0x5,
BonusKey = 0x6,
Orbs = 0x7,
Diamonds = 0x8,
CustomItem = 0x9,
EarthShard = 0xA,
BloodShard = 0xB,
MetalShard = 0xC,
LightShard = 0xD,
SoulShard = 0xE
enum class EditCommand {
SmallLeft = 1,
SmallRight = 2,
SmallUp = 3,
SmallDown = 4,
Left = 5,
Right = 6,
Up = 7,
Down = 8,
BigLeft = 9,
BigRight = 10,
BigUp = 11,
BigDown = 12,
TinyLeft = 13,
TinyRight = 14,
TinyUp = 15,
TinyDown = 16,
HalfLeft = 17,
HalfRight = 18,
HalfUp = 19,
HalfDown = 20,
FlipX = 21,
FlipY = 22,
RotateCW = 23,
RotateCCW = 24,
RotateCW45 = 25,
RotateCCW45 = 26,
RotateFree = 27,
RotateSnap = 28,
Scale = 29,
ScaleXY = 30,
Skew = 31
// Geode Addition
enum class PlaybackMode {
Not = 0,
Playing = 1,
Paused = 2,
enum class SelectArtType {
Background = 0,
Ground = 1,
enum class UndoCommand {
Delete = 1,
New = 2,
Paste = 3,
DeleteMulti = 4,
Transform = 5,
Select = 6,
enum class EasingType {
None = 0,
EaseInOut = 1,
EaseIn = 2,
EaseOut = 3,
ElasticInOut = 4,
ElasticIn = 5,
ElasticOut = 6,
BounceInOut = 7,
BounceIn = 8,
BounceOut = 9,
ExponentialInOut = 10,
ExponentialIn = 11,
ExponentialOut = 12,
SineInOut = 13,
SineIn = 14,
SineOut = 15,
BackInOut = 16,
BackIn = 17,
BackOut = 18,
enum class GJDifficulty {
Auto = 0,
Easy = 1,
Normal = 2,
Hard = 3,
Harder = 4,
Insane = 5,
Demon = 6,
DemonEasy = 7,
DemonMedium = 8,
DemonInsane = 9,
DemonExtreme = 10
enum class GJLevelType {
Local = 1,
Editor = 2,
Saved = 3
enum class GJRewardType
Unknown = 0x0,
Small = 0x1,
Large = 0x2,
SmallTreasure = 0x3,
LargeTreasure = 0x4,
Key10Treasure = 0x5,
Key25Treasure = 0x6,
Key50Treasure = 0x7,
Key100Treasure = 0x8
enum class IconType {
Cube = 0,
Ship = 1,
Ball = 2,
Ufo = 3,
Wave = 4,
Robot = 5,
Spider = 6,
Swing = 7,
Jetpack = 8,
DeathEffect = 98,
Special = 99,
ShipFire = 101,
enum class GJChallengeType {
Unknown = 0,
Orbs = 1,
UserCoins = 2,
Stars = 3,
Moons = 4,
enum class GJScoreType {
Unknown = 0,
Creator = 1
enum class LevelLeaderboardType {
Friends = 0,
Global = 1,
Weekly = 2
enum class GJHttpType {
UploadLevel = 0x1,
GetOnlineLevels = 0x2,
GetMapPacks = 0x3,
DownloadLevel = 0x4,
UpdateLevel = 0x5,
RateStars = 0x6,
DeleteServerLevel = 0x7,
SetLevelStars = 0x8,
SetLevelFeatured = 0x9,
UpdateUserScore = 0xA,
GetLeaderboardScores = 0xB,
GetLevelComments = 0xC,
UploadComment = 0xD,
DeleteComment = 0xE,
LikeItem = 0xF,
RestoreItems = 0x10,
SubmitUserInfo = 0x11,
ReportLevel = 0x12,
GetSongInfo = 0x13,
BackupAccount = 0x14,
SyncAccount = 0x15,
RegisterAccount = 0x16,
LoginAccount = 0x17,
UpdateDescription = 0x18,
GetAccountComments = 0x19,
UpdateAccountSettings = 0x1A,
GetGJUserInfo = 0x1B,
GetFriendRequests = 0x1C,
UploadFriendRequest = 0x1D,
DeleteFriendRequest = 0x1E,
AcceptFriendRequest = 0x1F,
ReadFriendRequest = 0x20,
RemoveFriend = 0x21,
BlockUser = 0x22,
UnblockUser = 0x23,
GetUserList = 0x24,
GetUserMessages = 0x25,
DownloadUserMessage = 0x26,
DeleteUserMessages = 0x27,
UploadUserMessage = 0x28,
GetUsers = 0x29,
BanUser = 0x2A,
RequestUserAccess = 0x2B,
GetLevelSaveData = 0x2C,
SuggestLevelStars = 0x2D,
GetGJRewards = 0x2E,
GetGJChallenges = 0x2F,
GetGJDailyLevelState = 0x30,
Unknown49 = 0x31,
RateDemon = 0x32,
GetLevelLeaderboard = 0x33,
GetGauntlets = 0x34,
GetTopArtists = 0x35,
GetAccountBackupURL = 0x36,
GetAccountSyncURL = 0x37,
// Yet to be added by Robtop in 2.21
// joinLobby = 0x39,
// ExitMPLobby = 0x3a,
DeleteServerLevelList = 0x3e,
enum class DialogChatPlacement {
Center = 0,
Top = 1,
Bottom = 2,
enum class DialogAnimationType {
Instant = 0,
FromCenter = 1,
FromLeft = 2,
FromRight = 3,
FromTop = 4,
// a 5th type is defined which acts exactly the same as FromTop
// Geode Addition
enum class ComparisonType {
Equals = 0,
Larger = 1,
Smaller = 2,
// Geode Addition
enum class MoveTargetType {
Both = 0,
XOnly = 1,
YOnly = 2,
// Geode Addition
enum class TouchToggleMode {
Normal = 0,
ToggleOn = 1,
ToggleOff = 2,
// Geode Addition
enum class LeaderboardState {
Default = 0,
Top100 = 1,
Global = 2,
Creator = 3,
Friends = 4,
// Wylie Addition (
enum class Speed {
Normal = 0,
Slow = 1,
Fast = 2,
Faster = 3,
Fastest = 4,