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#include "callconv.hpp"
#include "tuple.hpp"
#include "x86.hpp"
namespace geode::core::meta::x86 {
template <class Ret, class... Args>
class Optcall : public CallConv<Ret, Args...> {
// Metaprogramming / typedefs we need for the rest of the class.
using MyConv = CallConv<Ret, Args...>;
// These go in a class to not pollute the namespace.
class Sequences {
// These are required for proper reordering.
static constexpr size_t length = sizeof...(Args);
static constexpr size_t SSES = 4;
static constexpr bool is_sse[length] = { sse_passable<Args>... };
static constexpr size_t GPRS = 2;
static constexpr bool is_gpr[length] = { gpr_passable<Args>... };
static constexpr auto reordered_arr = reorder_pack<Args...>();
// Setup call from our caller, to "foreign" function
static constexpr auto filter_to() {
/* The size of our output may be longer than the input.
* Also, annoyingly, we must make a lambda to calculate this.
constexpr auto arr_size = []() -> size_t {
// Magic constant 2 is to pad XMM4 and XMM5: can't be used.
size_t size = length + SSES + 2;
/* We assume there are no SSES initially.
* Any SSES we encounter, we have to remove a "duplicate".
for (size_t i = 0; i < SSES; ++i) {
if (i < length && is_sse[reordered_arr[i]]) {
return size;
std::array<size_t, arr_size()> to = {};
// This is the index of the placeholder float, for clobbering SSEs.
constexpr size_t CLOBBER_SSE = length;
// Put the SSEs into the right XMM registers, if they exist.
for (size_t i = 0; i < SSES; ++i) {
if (i < length && is_sse[reordered_arr[i]]) {
to[i] = reordered_arr[i];
else {
to[i] = CLOBBER_SSE;
// Clobber XMM4 and XMM5.
to[4] = CLOBBER_SSE;
to[5] = CLOBBER_SSE;
for (size_t in = 0, out = SSES + 2; in < length; ++in) {
// Put all the non SSEs in their correct places. Skip SSEs.
size_t current = reordered_arr[in];
if (!(is_sse[current] && in < SSES)) {
to[out] = current;
return to;
// Setup call from "foreign" function, to one of ours.
static constexpr auto filter_from() {
std::array<size_t, length> from = {};
for (size_t i = 0, gprs = 0, offset = 0; i < length; ++i) {
size_t current = reordered_arr[i];
if (is_sse[current] && i < SSES) {
// If in SSE, retain index
from[current] = i;
else if (is_gpr[current] && gprs < GPRS) {
// If in GPR, offset by 4 (4 SSE registers available)
from[current] = gprs + SSES;
else {
// If on stack, offset by 6 (4 SSE + 2 GPR registers available)
from[current] = offset + SSES + GPRS;
return from;
// Grab only the stack values. For determining stack fixup.
static constexpr auto filter_stack() {
/* The size of our output may be shorter than the input.
* Again, annoyingly, we must make a lambda to calculate this.
constexpr auto arr_size = []() -> size_t {
size_t size = length;
for (size_t i = 0, gprs = 0; i < length; ++i) {
size_t current = reordered_arr[i];
if (is_sse[current] && i < SSES) {
else if (is_gpr[current] && gprs < GPRS) {
return size;
std::array<size_t, arr_size()> stack = {};
for (size_t in = 0, out = 0, gprs = 0; in < length; ++in) {
size_t current = reordered_arr[in];
if ((!is_sse[current] || in >= SSES) && (!is_gpr[current] || gprs >= GPRS)) {
stack[out] = current;
if (is_gpr[current]) {
return stack;
// Annoyingly, unless we're using C++20, we can't eliminate these intermediates. (afaik)
static constexpr auto to_arr = filter_to();
static constexpr auto from_arr = filter_from();
static constexpr auto stack_arr = filter_stack();
using to = typename MyConv::template arr_to_seq<to_arr>;
using from = typename MyConv::template arr_to_seq<from_arr>;
using stack = typename MyConv::template arr_to_seq<stack_arr>;
// Where all the logic is actually implemented.
template <class Class, class, class>
class Impl {
"Please report a bug to the Geode developers! This should never be reached.\n"
"SFINAE didn't reach the right overload!"
template <size_t... to, size_t... from, size_t... stack>
class Impl<
std::index_sequence<to...>, std::index_sequence<from...>,
std::index_sequence<stack...>> {
static constexpr size_t fix = (std::is_class_v<Ret> ? stack_fix<Ret> : 0)
+ stack_fix<typename Tuple<Args...>::template type_at<stack>...>;
static Ret invoke(void* address, const Tuple<Args..., float>& all) {
if constexpr (!std::is_same_v<Ret, void>) {
Ret ret =
reinterpret_cast<Ret(__vectorcall*)(decltype(all.template at<to>())...)>(
)(all.template at<to>()...);
if constexpr (fix != 0) {
__asm add esp, [fix]
return ret;
else {
reinterpret_cast<Ret(__vectorcall*)(decltype(all.template at<to>())...)>(address
)(all.template at<to>()...);
if constexpr (fix != 0) {
__asm add esp, [fix]
template <Ret (*detour)(Args...)>
static Ret __cdecl wrapper(
/* It's wrapped to stop MSVC from giving me error messages with internal compiler
* info. WTF.
typename Tuple<Args...>::template type_at_wrap<stack>... rest
) {
Register<double> f0, f1, f2, f3;
Register<void*> i0, i1;
__asm {
movlpd f0, xmm0
movlpd f1, xmm1
movlpd f2, xmm2
movlpd f3, xmm3
mov i0, ecx
mov i1, edx
auto all = Tuple<>::make(f0, f1, f2, f3, i0, i1, rest...);
// Register<Type> has a explicit conversion operator we can take advantage of.
return detour(static_cast<Args>(all.template at<from>())...);
// Putting it all together: instantiating Impl with our filters.
using MyImpl =
Impl<typename Sequences::to, typename Sequences::from, typename Sequences::stack>;
// Just wrapping MyImpl.
static Ret invoke(void* address, Args... all) {
/* The extra float here is so that we can grab placeholders.
* If we don't have anything in XMM0 - 5, we will use
* this placeholder instead. The value is 314 to avoid unintentional
* bugs (since 0 may work coincidentally).
return MyImpl::invoke(address, { all..., 314.0f });
template <Ret (*detour)(Args...)>
static constexpr decltype(auto) get_wrapper() {
return &MyImpl::template wrapper<detour>;
template <class Ret>
class Optcall<Ret> : public Cdecl<Ret> {
using Cdecl<Ret>::invoke;
using Cdecl<Ret>::get_wrapper;