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class cocos2d::CCActionTween {
static cocos2d::CCActionTween* create(float, char const*, float, float) = mac 0x447590;
class cocos2d::CCActionManager {
CCActionManager() {
m_pTargets = nullptr;
m_pCurrentTarget = nullptr;
m_bCurrentTargetSalvaged = false;
~CCActionManager() {}
virtual auto update(float) = mac 0x10c9a0;
auto addAction(cocos2d::CCAction*, cocos2d::CCNode*, bool) = mac 0x10bed0;
auto pauseTarget(cocos2d::CCObject*) = mac 0x10bc50;
auto resumeTargets(cocos2d::CCSet*) = mac 0x10be80;
auto resumeTarget(cocos2d::CCObject*) = mac 0x10bd20;
class cocos2d::CCAnimate {
static cocos2d::CCAnimate* create(cocos2d::CCAnimation*) = mac 0x1f8fc0;
class cocos2d::CCAnimation {
static auto createWithSpriteFrames(cocos2d::CCArray*, float) = mac 0x140df0;
class cocos2d::CCApplication {
virtual auto run();
virtual auto getCurrentLanguage() = mac 0x1a3f40, ios 0x10e508;
virtual auto getTargetPlatform() = mac 0x1a3f20, ios 0x10e57c;
virtual auto openURL(char const*) = mac 0x1a4550, ios 0x10e7a4;
virtual auto setAnimationInterval(double) = mac 0x1a3ee0, ios 0x10e494;
static auto sharedApplication() = mac 0x1a3f30;
bool getControllerConnected() const = mac 0x27d1b0;
// ~CCApplication() = mac 0x1a3d10, ios 0x10e384;
CCApplication() {}
~CCApplication() {}
class cocos2d::CCArray {
// auto addObject(cocos2d::CCObject*) = mac 0x419f90, ios 0x16504c;
auto addObjectNew(cocos2d::CCObject*) = mac 0x41a450;
// auto addObjectsFromArray(cocos2d::CCArray*) = mac 0x41a2d0;
// auto containsObject(cocos2d::CCObject*) const = mac 0x41a3e0;
// auto count() const = mac 0x41a2f0, ios 0x1650e8;
// static cocos2d::CCArray* create() = mac 0x419cb0, ios 0x164ec8;
// static auto createWithObject(cocos2d::CCObject*) = mac 0x419d50;
// auto fastRemoveObject(cocos2d::CCObject*) = mac 0x41a520;
// auto fastRemoveObjectAtIndex(unsigned int) = mac 0x41a500;
auto fastRemoveObjectAtIndexNew(unsigned int) = mac 0x41a510;
// auto insertObject(cocos2d::CCObject*, unsigned int) = mac 0x41a460;
// auto lastObject() = mac 0x41a360;
// auto objectAtIndex(unsigned int) = mac 0x41a340, ios 0x16510c;
// auto removeAllObjects() = mac 0x41a4f0, ios 0x1651f0;
// auto removeLastObject(bool) = mac 0x41a470;
// auto removeObject(cocos2d::CCObject*, bool) = mac 0x41a490;
// auto removeObjectAtIndex(unsigned int, bool) = mac 0x41a4b0;
// auto stringAtIndex(unsigned int) = mac 0x41a320;
class cocos2d::CCBezierTo {
static cocos2d::CCBezierTo* create(float, cocos2d::_ccBezierConfig const&) = mac 0x1f6c10;
class cocos2d::CCBMFontConfiguration {
static cocos2d::CCBMFontConfiguration* create(char const*) = mac 0x3450f0;
class cocos2d::CCCallFunc {
static auto create(cocos2d::CCObject*, cocos2d::SEL_CallFunc) = mac 0x454d90;
class cocos2d::CCCallFuncO {
static auto create(cocos2d::CCObject*, cocos2d::SEL_CallFuncO, cocos2d::CCObject*) = mac 0x455940;
class cocos2d::CCClippingNode {
CCClippingNode() {
m_pStencil = nullptr;
m_fAlphaThreshold = 1.f;
m_bInverted = false;
~CCClippingNode() = mac 0x4191e0, win 0xadae0;
static cocos2d::CCClippingNode* create() = mac 0x4192a0;
static cocos2d::CCClippingNode* create(cocos2d::CCNode*) = mac 0x419330;
// Inlined in create() call
auto init() = mac 0x4193e0;
// Inlined in create() call
auto init(cocos2d::CCNode* stencil) = mac 0x419400;
auto getAlphaThreshold() const = mac 0x419a10;
auto getStencil() const = mac 0x4199c0;
auto isInverted() const = mac 0x419a30;
auto onEnter() = mac 0x419470;
auto onEnterTransitionDidFinish() = mac 0x4194a0;
auto onExit() = mac 0x419500;
auto onExitTransitionDidStart() = mac 0x4194d0;
auto setAlphaThreshold(float) = mac 0x419a20;
auto setInverted(bool) = mac 0x419a40;
auto setStencil(cocos2d::CCNode*) = mac 0x4199d0;
auto visit() = mac 0x419530;
// not sure how the entire class is supposed to be added to only windows cuz idk if it even exists on mac
// class cocos2d::CCControllerHandler {
// CCControllerHandler(int userIndex) = win 0xc7f50;
// cocos2d::CCControllerState getState() = win 0xc7f80;
// void updateConnected() = win 0xc7fb0;
class cocos2d::CCConfiguration {
void gatherGPUInfo() = mac 0x2a6e10;
class cocos2d::CCDelayTime {
static cocos2d::CCDelayTime* create(float) = mac 0x1f4380;
class cocos2d::CCDictionary {
auto allKeys() = mac 0x190450, ios 0x2de774;
auto count() = mac 0x190430;
static cocos2d::CCDictionary* create() = mac 0x192650;
auto objectForKey(intptr_t) = mac 0x190bb0, ios 0x2decc0;
auto objectForKey(gd::string const&) = mac 0x190870, ios 0x2de988;
auto removeAllObjects() = mac 0x190220;
auto removeObjectForKey(intptr_t) = mac 0x1921d0;
auto removeObjectForKey(gd::string const&) = mac 0x191d40;
auto setObject(cocos2d::CCObject*, intptr_t) = mac 0x191790, ios 0x2df734;
auto setObject(cocos2d::CCObject*, gd::string const&) = mac 0x190dc0, ios 0x2dee7c;
auto valueForKey(intptr_t) = mac 0x190cf0;
auto valueForKey(gd::string const&) = mac 0x1907a0;
class cocos2d::CCDirector {
CCDirector() {}
~CCDirector() {}
// virtual ~CCDirector() = mac 0x2493a0;
virtual auto init() = mac 0x248df0;
virtual auto getScheduler() = mac 0x24af00;
virtual auto setScheduler(cocos2d::CCScheduler*) = mac 0x24aec0;
virtual auto getActionManager() = mac 0x24af50;
virtual auto setActionManager(cocos2d::CCActionManager*) = mac 0x24af10;
virtual auto getTouchDispatcher() = mac 0x24afa0;
virtual auto setTouchDispatcher(cocos2d::CCTouchDispatcher*) = mac 0x24af60;
virtual auto getKeypadDispatcher() = mac 0x24b090;
virtual auto setKeypadDispatcher(cocos2d::CCKeypadDispatcher*) = mac 0x24b050;
virtual auto getKeyboardDispatcher() = mac 0x24aff0;
virtual auto setKeyboardDispatcher(cocos2d::CCKeyboardDispatcher*) = mac 0x24afb0;
virtual auto getMouseDispatcher() = mac 0x24b040;
virtual auto setMouseDispatcher(cocos2d::CCMouseDispatcher*) = mac 0x24b000;
virtual auto getAccelerometer() = mac 0x24b0e0;
virtual auto setAccelerometer(cocos2d::CCAccelerometer*) = mac 0x24b0a0;
virtual auto getDeltaTime() = mac 0x249bd0;
auto getWinSize() = mac 0x24a0f0, ios 0xece34;
auto pushScene(cocos2d::CCScene*) = mac 0x24a620;
auto replaceScene(cocos2d::CCScene*) = mac 0x24a6d0, ios 0xed08c;
auto resetSmoothFixCounter() = mac 0x249bc0;
static auto sharedDirector() = mac 0x248cb0, ios 0xebf84;
auto calculateDeltaTime() = mac 0x2497a0;
auto calculateMPF() = mac 0x19eac0;
auto convertToGL(cocos2d::CCPoint const&) = mac 0x24a210;
auto convertToUI(cocos2d::CCPoint const&) = mac 0x24a340;
auto drawScene() = mac 0x249690;
auto willSwitchToScene(cocos2d::CCScene* scene) = mac 0x24a520;
auto setOpenGLView(cocos2d::CCEGLView *pobOpenGLView) = mac 0x249be0;
auto updateScreenScale(cocos2d::CCSize) = mac 0x249f10;
auto setContentScaleFactor(float);
auto setNextScene() = mac 0x2498d0;
auto showStats() = mac 0x2499e0;
auto updateContentScale(cocos2d::TextureQuality) = mac 0x249ff0;
auto popSceneWithTransition(float, cocos2d::PopTransition) = mac 0x24a8b0;
class cocos2d::CCDrawNode {
CCDrawNode() = mac 0x378b40, win 0x6b9f0;
auto clear() = mac 0x379e80;
static cocos2d::CCDrawNode* create() = mac 0x378d00;
auto drawPolygon(cocos2d::CCPoint*, unsigned int, cocos2d::_ccColor4F const&, float, cocos2d::_ccColor4F const&) = mac 0x3797f0;
auto drawSegment(cocos2d::CCPoint const&, cocos2d::CCPoint const&, float, cocos2d::_ccColor4F const&) = mac 0x3792d0;
auto drawDot(cocos2d::CCPoint const&, float, cocos2d::_ccColor4F const&) = mac 0x379100;
auto getBlendFunc() const = mac 0x379ea0;
virtual auto init() = mac 0x378e00;
auto setBlendFunc(cocos2d::_ccBlendFunc const&) = mac 0x379eb0;
virtual auto draw() = mac 0x379020;
virtual ~CCDrawNode() = mac 0x378cc0, win 0x6ba60;
class cocos2d::CCAction {
CCAction() = mac 0x35b610, win 0x7a6d0;
virtual ~CCAction() = mac 0x35b6b0, win 0x7a7f0;
auto stop() = mac 0x35b860;
auto copyWithZone(cocos2d::CCZone* zone) = mac 0x35b7a0;
auto startWithTarget(cocos2d::CCNode* target) = mac 0x35b850;
auto step(float dt) = mac 0x35b880;
auto isDone() = mac 0x35b870;
auto update(float time) = mac 0x35b890;
class cocos2d::CCFiniteTimeAction {
// same as CCActionInterval::reverse i think
auto reverse() = mac 0x1f2720;
class cocos2d::CCActionInterval {
auto copyWithZone(cocos2d::CCZone* zone) = mac 0x1f2550;
auto isDone() = mac 0x1f2640;
auto startWithTarget(cocos2d::CCNode* pTarget) = mac 0x1f2700;
auto step(float dt) = mac 0x1f2660;
auto reverse() = mac 0x1f2720;
bool initWithDuration(float d) = mac 0x1f2510;
class cocos2d::CCEaseBackIn {
static cocos2d::CCEaseBackIn* create(cocos2d::CCActionInterval*) = mac 0x2a41b0;
class cocos2d::CCEaseElasticIn {
static cocos2d::CCEaseElasticIn* create(cocos2d::CCActionInterval*, float) = mac 0x2a2e00;
class cocos2d::CCEaseElasticOut {
static cocos2d::CCEaseElasticOut* create(cocos2d::CCActionInterval*, float) = mac 0x2a3080;
class cocos2d::CCEaseIn {
static cocos2d::CCEaseIn* create(cocos2d::CCActionInterval*, float) = mac 0x2a1960;
class cocos2d::CCEaseInOut {
static cocos2d::CCEaseInOut* create(cocos2d::CCActionInterval*, float) = mac 0x2a1d80;
class cocos2d::CCEaseOut {
static cocos2d::CCEaseOut* create(cocos2d::CCActionInterval*, float) = mac 0x2a1b70;
class cocos2d::CCEGLView {
static cocos2d::CCEGLView* sharedOpenGLView() = mac 0x295320;
virtual void swapBuffers() = mac 0x295510;
void updateWindow(int width, int height);
void setupWindow(cocos2d::CCRect);
bool initGlew();
void toggleFullScreen(bool fullscreen);
void pollEvents();
void onGLFWCharCallback(GLFWwindow* window, unsigned int entered);
void onGLFWCursorEnterFunCallback(GLFWwindow* window, int entered);
void onGLFWDeviceChangeFunCallback(GLFWwindow* window);
void onGLFWError(int code, const char* description);
void onGLFWframebuffersize(GLFWwindow* window, int width, int height);
void onGLFWMouseMoveCallBack(GLFWwindow* window, double x, double y);
void onGLFWMouseCallBack(GLFWwindow* window, int button, int action, int mods);
void onGLFWKeyCallback(GLFWwindow* window, int key, int scancode, int action, int mods);
void onGLFWMouseScrollCallback(GLFWwindow* window, double xoffset, double yoffset);
void onGLFWWindowIconifyFunCallback(GLFWwindow* window, int iconified);
void onGLFWWindowPosCallback(GLFWwindow* window, int x, int y);
void onGLFWWindowSizeFunCallback(GLFWwindow* window, int width, int height);
class cocos2d::CCEGLViewProtocol {
CCEGLViewProtocol() = win 0xbac00;
virtual ~CCEGLViewProtocol() = win 0xbacc0;
auto getViewPortRect() const = mac 0x29e2f0;
auto getScaleX() const = mac 0x29e300;
auto getScaleY() const = mac 0x29e310;
virtual auto setDesignResolutionSize(float, float, ResolutionPolicy);
virtual void setFrameSize(float, float) = mac 0x29d960;
class cocos2d::CCFadeOut {
static cocos2d::CCFadeOut* create(float) = mac 0x1f7d80;
class cocos2d::CCFadeTo {
static cocos2d::CCFadeTo* create(float, unsigned char) = mac 0x1f7ff0;
class cocos2d::CCFileUtils : cocos2d::TypeInfo {
static cocos2d::CCFileUtils* sharedFileUtils() = mac 0x377030, ios 0x159450;
static void purgeFileUtils();
virtual void addSearchPath(const char* path);
virtual void removeSearchPath(const char *path);
virtual gd::string fullPathForFilename(const char* filename, bool unk) = mac 0x23f940;
void removeAllPaths() = mac 0x241600;
class cocos2d::CCGLProgram {
auto setUniformsForBuiltins() = mac 0x232c70;
auto use() = mac 0x231d70;
bool compileShader(unsigned int* shader, unsigned int type, const char* source) = mac 0x231a30;
class cocos2d::CCHide {
static cocos2d::CCHide* create() = mac 0x4543e0;
class cocos2d::CCIMEDelegate {
~CCIMEDelegate() {
virtual auto attachWithIME() = mac 0x2776a0, ios 0x12d3d4;
virtual auto detachWithIME() = mac 0x277880, ios 0x12d4e8;
CCIMEDelegate() {
class cocos2d::CCIMEDispatcher {
static auto sharedDispatcher() = mac 0x2773f0, ios 0x12d170;
auto addDelegate(cocos2d::CCIMEDelegate*) = mac 0x277480, ios 0x12d204;
auto removeDelegate(cocos2d::CCIMEDelegate*) = mac 0x2775f0, ios 0x12d2c4;
void dispatchInsertText(const char* text, int len) = mac 0x277ac0;
void dispatchDeleteBackward() = mac 0x277af0;
class cocos2d::CCImage {
CCImage() = mac 0x24fa00, win 0xc5fd0;
virtual ~CCImage() = mac 0x24fa80, win 0xc6100;
auto initWithImageFile(const char*, cocos2d::CCImage::EImageFormat imageType);
auto initWithImageFileThreadSafe(const char*, cocos2d::CCImage::EImageFormat imageType);
auto initWithImageData(void*, int, cocos2d::CCImage::EImageFormat, int, int, int) = mac 0x24fcb0;
class cocos2d::CCKeyboardDispatcher {
bool dispatchKeyboardMSG(cocos2d::enumKeyCodes, bool) = mac 0xe8190;
const char* keyToString(cocos2d::enumKeyCodes) = mac 0xe8450;
void updateModifierKeys(bool shft, bool ctrl, bool alt, bool cmd) = mac 0xe8430;
class cocos2d::CCKeyboardHandler {
static cocos2d::CCKeyboardHandler* handlerWithDelegate(cocos2d::CCKeyboardDelegate*) = mac 0x242030;
virtual auto initWithDelegate(cocos2d::CCKeyboardDelegate*) = mac 0x241ff0, ios 0x13f8b8;
~CCKeyboardHandler() = mac 0x241e90, ios 0x13f87c, win 0x99a10;
class cocos2d::CCKeypadHandler {
static cocos2d::CCKeypadHandler* handlerWithDelegate(cocos2d::CCKeypadDelegate*) = mac 0x1ff2d0;
virtual auto initWithDelegate(cocos2d::CCKeypadDelegate*) = mac 0x1ff290, ios 0x69; // iOS stub
virtual ~CCKeypadHandler() = mac 0x1ff130, ios 0x2c530, win 0xf5f50;
cocos2d::CCKeypadDelegate* getDelegate() = mac 0x1ff0b0;
class cocos2d::CCLabelBMFont {
CCLabelBMFont() = mac 0x347b60;
static cocos2d::CCLabelBMFont* create(char const*, char const*) = mac 0x347660;
auto limitLabelWidth(float, float, float) = mac 0x34a6e0, ios 0x21b740;
auto setFntFile(char const*) = mac 0x34a5f0;
auto createFontChars() = mac 0x347fc0;
static auto create() = mac 0x3473f0;
virtual auto init() = mac 0x347b10, ios 0x2198e0;
bool initWithString(const char* str, const char* fnt, float width, cocos2d::CCTextAlignment align, cocos2d::CCPoint offset) = mac 0x347710;
virtual auto setScaleX(float) = mac 0x34a5b0, ios 0x21b6e8;
virtual auto setScaleY(float) = mac 0x34a5d0, ios 0x21b714;
virtual auto setScale(float) = mac 0x34a590, ios 0x21b6bc;
virtual auto setAnchorPoint(cocos2d::CCPoint const&) = mac 0x349440, ios 0x21aa7c;
virtual auto setString(char const*) = mac 0x348990, ios 0x21a408;
virtual auto setString(char const*, bool) = mac 0x3489e0, ios 0x21a42c;
virtual auto getString() = mac 0x348bf0, ios 0x21a60c;
virtual auto setCString(char const*) = mac 0x348c10, ios 0x21a63c;
virtual auto updateLabel() = mac 0x349480, ios 0x21aad0;
virtual auto setAlignment(cocos2d::CCTextAlignment) = mac 0x34a530, ios 0x21b68c;
virtual auto setWidth(float) = mac 0x34a550, ios 0x21b69c;
virtual auto setLineBreakWithoutSpace(bool) = mac 0x34a570, ios 0x21b6ac;
virtual auto isOpacityModifyRGB() = mac 0x3490e0, ios 0x21a8c4;
virtual auto setOpacityModifyRGB(bool) = mac 0x348f70, ios 0x21a80c;
virtual auto getOpacity() = mac 0x348df0, ios 0x21a748;
virtual auto getDisplayedOpacity() = mac 0x348e10, ios 0x21a758;
virtual auto setOpacity(unsigned char) = mac 0x348e30, ios 0x21a768;
virtual auto updateDisplayedOpacity(unsigned char) = mac 0x349100, ios 0x21a8d4;
virtual auto isCascadeOpacityEnabled() = mac 0x349400, ios 0x21aa5c;
virtual auto setCascadeOpacityEnabled(bool) = mac 0x349420, ios 0x21aa6c;
virtual auto getColor() = mac 0x348c30, ios 0x21a648;
virtual auto getDisplayedColor() = mac 0x348c50, ios 0x21a658;
virtual auto setColor(cocos2d::ccColor3B const&) = mac 0x348c70, ios 0x21a668;
virtual auto updateDisplayedColor(cocos2d::ccColor3B const&) = mac 0x349210, ios 0x21a968;
virtual auto isCascadeColorEnabled() = mac 0x3493c0, ios 0x21aa3c;
virtual auto setCascadeColorEnabled(bool) = mac 0x3493e0, ios 0x21aa4c;
virtual auto setString(unsigned short*, bool) = mac 0x348a60, ios 0x21a4b4;
virtual ~CCLabelBMFont() = mac 0x347e80, win 0x9be70;
class cocos2d::CCLabelTTF {
static cocos2d::CCLabelTTF* create() = mac 0x1fa7e0;
static cocos2d::CCLabelTTF* create(char const*, char const*, float) = mac 0x1fa840;
auto updateTexture() = mac 0x1fadc0;
virtual auto setString(char const*) = mac 0x1fad70;
class cocos2d::CCLayer {
CCLayer() = mac 0x2725b0, ios 0xc7708, win 0xa15e0;
virtual auto ccTouchBegan(cocos2d::CCTouch*, cocos2d::CCEvent*) = mac 0x2734d0, ios 0xc810c;
virtual auto ccTouchCancelled(cocos2d::CCTouch*, cocos2d::CCEvent*) = mac 0x273650, ios 0xc82ac;
virtual auto ccTouchEnded(cocos2d::CCTouch*, cocos2d::CCEvent*) = mac 0x2735d0, ios 0xc820c;
virtual auto ccTouchMoved(cocos2d::CCTouch*, cocos2d::CCEvent*) = mac 0x273550, ios 0xc816c;
virtual auto ccTouchesBegan(cocos2d::CCSet*, cocos2d::CCEvent*) = mac 0x2736d0, ios 0xc834c;
virtual auto ccTouchesCancelled(cocos2d::CCSet*, cocos2d::CCEvent*) = mac 0x273850, ios 0xc852c;
virtual auto ccTouchesEnded(cocos2d::CCSet*, cocos2d::CCEvent*) = mac 0x2737d0, ios 0xc848c;
virtual auto ccTouchesMoved(cocos2d::CCSet*, cocos2d::CCEvent*) = mac 0x273750, ios 0xc83ec;
static cocos2d::CCLayer* create() = mac 0x272a00;
virtual auto didAccelerate(cocos2d::CCAcceleration*) = mac 0x272ea0, ios 0xc7c5c;
virtual auto getTouchMode() = mac 0x272e10, ios 0xc7b9c;
virtual auto getTouchPriority() = mac 0x272e00, ios 0xc7b94;
virtual auto init() = mac 0x2729a0, ios 0xc7894;
virtual auto isAccelerometerEnabled() = mac 0x272e20, ios 0xc7ba4;
virtual auto isKeyboardEnabled() = mac 0x273010, ios 0xc7d70;
virtual auto isKeypadEnabled() = mac 0x272f70, ios 0xc7cf4;
virtual auto isMouseEnabled() = mac 0x273090, ios 0xc7de0;
virtual auto isTouchEnabled() = mac 0x272ce0, ios 0xc7a54;
virtual auto keyBackClicked() = mac 0x273160, ios 0xc7e50;
virtual auto keyDown(cocos2d::enumKeyCodes) = mac 0x273280, ios 0xc7efc;
virtual auto keyMenuClicked() = mac 0x273200, ios 0xc7eac;
virtual auto onEnter() = mac 0x273300, ios 0xc7f38;
virtual auto onEnterTransitionDidFinish() = mac 0x273490, ios 0xc80cc;
virtual auto onExit() = mac 0x2733c0, ios 0xc8004;
virtual auto registerScriptTouchHandler(int, bool, int, bool) = mac 0x272bd0, ios 0xc79c8;
virtual auto registerWithTouchDispatcher() = mac 0x272b40, ios 0xc7958;
virtual auto setAccelerometerEnabled(bool) = mac 0x272e30, ios 0xc7bac;
virtual auto setAccelerometerInterval(double) = mac 0x272e70, ios 0xc7c10;
virtual auto setKeyboardEnabled(bool) = mac 0x273020, ios 0xc7d78;
virtual auto setKeypadEnabled(bool) = mac 0x272f80, ios 0xc7cfc;
virtual auto setMouseEnabled(bool) = mac 0x2730a0, ios 0xc7de8;
virtual auto setTouchEnabled(bool) = mac 0x272cf0, ios 0xc7a5c;
virtual auto setTouchMode(cocos2d::ccTouchesMode) = mac 0x272d60, ios 0xc7acc;
virtual auto setTouchPriority(int) = mac 0x272db0, ios 0xc7b30;
virtual auto unregisterScriptTouchHandler() = mac 0x272c30, ios 0xc7a28;
virtual ~CCLayer() = mac 0x2727b0, ios 0xc7848, win 0xa1940;
class cocos2d::CCLayerColor {
CCLayerColor() = mac 0x274320, ios 0xc8aec, win 0xa1710;
static cocos2d::CCLayerColor* create(cocos2d::_ccColor4B const&, float, float) = mac 0x2745e0;
static cocos2d::CCLayerColor* create(cocos2d::_ccColor4B const&) = mac 0x2744c0;
virtual auto draw() = mac 0x274b50, ios 0xc8fe0;
virtual auto getBlendFunc() = mac 0x274480, ios 0xc8bcc;
virtual auto init() = mac 0x274800, ios 0xc8de8;
virtual auto initWithColor(cocos2d::_ccColor4B const&) = mac 0x2749a0, ios 0xc8f14;
virtual auto initWithColor(cocos2d::_ccColor4B const&, float, float) = mac 0x274850, ios 0xc8e34;
virtual auto setBlendFunc(cocos2d::_ccBlendFunc) = mac 0x2744a0, ios 0xc8bdc;
virtual auto setColor(cocos2d::_ccColor3B const&) = mac 0x274c20, ios 0xc90ac;
virtual auto setContentSize(cocos2d::CCSize const&) = mac 0x2749f0, ios 0xc8f64;
virtual auto setOpacity(unsigned char) = mac 0x274db0, ios 0xc9108;
virtual auto updateColor() = mac 0x274ae0, ios 0xc8f80;
virtual ~CCLayerColor() = mac 0x2743d0, ios 0x2743e0, win 0xa1a20;
class cocos2d::CCLayerRGBA {
CCLayerRGBA() = mac 0x2738d0, ios 0xc85cc, win 0xa1890;
virtual auto init() = mac 0x273b40, ios 0xc8de8;
virtual auto getOpacity() = mac 0x273be0, ios 0xc8698;
virtual auto getDisplayedOpacity() = mac 0x273c00, ios 0xc8724;
virtual auto setOpacity(unsigned char) = mac 0x273c20, ios 0xc8734;
virtual auto updateDisplayedOpacity(unsigned char) = mac 0x273f20, ios 0xc88d8;
virtual auto isCascadeOpacityEnabled() = mac 0x2741f0, ios 0xc8aac;
virtual auto setCascadeOpacityEnabled(bool) = mac 0x274210, ios 0xc8abc;
virtual auto getColor() = mac 0x273d60, ios 0xc87d8;
virtual auto getDisplayedColor() = mac 0x273d80, ios 0xc87e8;
virtual auto setColor(cocos2d::_ccColor3B const&) = mac 0x273da0, ios 0xc87f8;
virtual auto updateDisplayedColor(cocos2d::_ccColor3B const&) = mac 0x2740b0, ios 0xc89a4;
virtual auto isCascadeColorEnabled() = mac 0x274230, ios 0xc8acc;
virtual auto setCascadeColorEnabled(bool) = mac 0x274250, ios 0xc8adc;
// virtual auto setOpacityModifyRGB(bool) = mac 0x6180, ios 0x68e8;
// virtual auto isOpacityModifyRGB() = mac 0x6190, ios 0x68ec;
virtual ~CCLayerRGBA() = mac 0x273aa0, ios 0xc77b0, win 0xa1b20;
class cocos2d::CCMenu {
auto alignItemsHorizontallyWithPadding(float) = mac 0x4393e0, ios 0x132508;
auto alignItemsVerticallyWithPadding(float) = mac 0x439190;
static cocos2d::CCMenu* create() = mac 0x438720, ios 0x131ba4;
static cocos2d::CCMenu* createWithArray(cocos2d::CCArray*) = mac 0x4387e0;
static cocos2d::CCMenu* createWithItem(cocos2d::CCMenuItem*) = mac 0x438b80;
virtual auto addChild(cocos2d::CCNode*) = mac 0x438ba0, ios 0x131ec8;
virtual auto addChild(cocos2d::CCNode*, int) = mac 0x438bb0, ios 0x131ecc;
virtual auto addChild(cocos2d::CCNode*, int, int) = mac 0x438bc0, ios 0x131ed0;
virtual auto ccTouchBegan(cocos2d::CCTouch*, cocos2d::CCEvent*) = mac 0x438d20, ios 0x131fe8;
virtual auto ccTouchMoved(cocos2d::CCTouch*, cocos2d::CCEvent*) = mac 0x4390b0, ios 0x1322ac;
virtual auto ccTouchEnded(cocos2d::CCTouch*, cocos2d::CCEvent*) = mac 0x438fd0, ios 0x1321bc;
virtual auto ccTouchCancelled(cocos2d::CCTouch*, cocos2d::CCEvent*) = mac 0x439050, ios 0x132244;
virtual auto init() = mac 0x438b90, ios 0x131ec0;
virtual auto registerWithTouchDispatcher() = mac 0x438cd0, ios 0x131f8c;
virtual auto onExit() = mac 0x438bd0, ios 0x131ed4;
virtual auto removeChild(cocos2d::CCNode*, bool) = mac 0x438c20, ios 0x15e630;
bool initWithArray(cocos2d::CCArray*) = mac 0x4389f0, ios 0x131d04;
cocos2d::CCMenuItem* itemForTouch(cocos2d::CCTouch*) = mac 0x438dd0;
class cocos2d::CCMenuItem {
bool initWithTarget(cocos2d::CCObject*, cocos2d::SEL_MenuHandler) = mac 0x1fb7f0;
virtual ~CCMenuItem() = mac 0x1fb8e0, ios 0x2cdf4, win 0xab9c0;
virtual auto activate() = mac 0x1fba70, ios 0x2ceb0;
virtual auto selected() = mac 0x1fb9e0, ios 0x2ce2e;
virtual auto unselected() = mac 0x1fb9f0, ios 0x2ce38;
virtual auto registerScriptTapHandler(int) = mac 0x1fba00, ios 0x2ce40;
virtual auto unregisterScriptTapHandler() = mac 0x1fba30, ios 0x2ce70;
virtual auto isEnabled() = mac 0x1fbaf0, ios 0x2cf34;
virtual auto setEnabled(bool) = mac 0x1fbae0, ios 0x2cf2c;
virtual auto isSelected() = mac 0x1fbb50, ios 0x2cf60;
auto setTarget(cocos2d::CCObject*, cocos2d::SEL_MenuHandler) = mac 0x1fbb60;
auto rect() = mac 0x1fbb00, ios 0x2cf3c;
class cocos2d::CCMenuItemImage {
// virtual ~CCMenuItemImage() = mac 0x1febb0;
virtual auto init() = mac 0x1fd750;
class cocos2d::CCMenuItemLabel {
virtual ~CCMenuItemLabel() = mac 0x1fc0d0;
virtual auto activate() = mac 0x1fc240;
virtual auto selected() = mac 0x1fc2e0;
virtual auto unselected() = mac 0x1fc380;
virtual auto setEnabled(bool) = mac 0x1fc3f0;
virtual auto getDisabledColor() = mac 0x1fbb80;
virtual auto setDisabledColor(cocos2d::_ccColor3B const&) = mac 0x1fbb90;
virtual auto getLabel() = mac 0x1fbbb0;
virtual auto setLabel(cocos2d::CCNode*) = mac 0x1fbbc0;
class cocos2d::CCMenuItemSprite {
// virtual ~CCMenuItemSprite() = mac 0x1feab0;
virtual auto selected() = mac 0x1fd3f0, ios 0x2d2cc;
virtual auto unselected() = mac 0x1fd470, ios 0x2d34c;
virtual auto setEnabled(bool) = mac 0x1fd4e0, ios 0x2d3bc;
virtual auto getNormalImage() = mac 0x1fcee0, ios 0x2cf68;
virtual auto setNormalImage(cocos2d::CCNode*) = mac 0x1fcef0, ios 0x2cf70;
virtual auto getSelectedImage() = mac 0x1fcfc0, ios 0x2d044;
virtual auto setSelectedImage(cocos2d::CCNode*) = mac 0x1fcfd0, ios 0x2d04;
virtual auto getDisabledImage() = mac 0x1fd070, ios 0x2d0fc;
virtual auto setDisabledImage(cocos2d::CCNode*) = mac 0x1fd080, ios 0x2d104;
virtual auto updateImagesVisibility() = mac 0x1fd510, ios 0x2d3dc;
bool initWithNormalSprite(cocos2d::CCNode*, cocos2d::CCNode*, cocos2d::CCNode*, cocos2d::CCObject*, cocos2d::SEL_MenuHandler) = mac 0x1fd2f0;
static auto create(cocos2d::CCNode*, cocos2d::CCNode*, cocos2d::CCNode*) = mac 0x1fd120;
static auto create(cocos2d::CCNode*, cocos2d::CCNode*, cocos2d::CCNode*, cocos2d::CCObject*, cocos2d::SEL_MenuHandler) = mac 0x1fd140;
static auto create(cocos2d::CCNode*, cocos2d::CCNode*, cocos2d::CCObject*, cocos2d::SEL_MenuHandler) = mac 0x1fd2d0;
class cocos2d::CCMotionStreak {
CCMotionStreak() = win 0xae310;
virtual ~CCMotionStreak() = win 0xae450;
auto reset() = mac 0x2ee190;
auto resumeStroke() = mac 0x2edb30;
auto stopStroke() = mac 0x2edb20;
bool initWithFade(float fade, float minSeg, float stroke, cocos2d::ccColor3B const& color, cocos2d::CCTexture2D* texture) = mac 0x2ed6f0;
virtual auto draw();
class cocos2d::CCMouseDispatcher {
bool dispatchScrollMSG(float x, float y) = mac 0x2e8f40;
void removeDelegate(cocos2d::CCMouseDelegate* delegate);
class cocos2d::CCMouseHandler {
static cocos2d::CCMouseHandler* handlerWithDelegate(cocos2d::CCMouseDelegate*) = mac 0x12ef80;
virtual auto initWithDelegate(cocos2d::CCMouseDelegate*) = mac 0x12ef40, ios 0x43798;
~CCMouseHandler() = mac 0x12ede0, ios 0x4375c, win 0xb1fd0;
class cocos2d::CCMoveBy {
static cocos2d::CCMoveBy* create(float, cocos2d::CCPoint const&) = mac 0x1f50e0;
class cocos2d::CCMoveTo {
static cocos2d::CCMoveTo* create(float, cocos2d::CCPoint const&) = mac 0x1f54d0;
class cocos2d::CCNode {
CCNode() = mac 0x122550, win 0x5e7d0;
auto boundingBox() = mac 0x123030;
virtual auto _setZOrder(int) = mac 0x122990, ios 0x15dd7c;
virtual auto addChild(cocos2d::CCNode*) = mac 0x1233d0, ios 0x15e5d4;
virtual auto addChild(cocos2d::CCNode*, int) = mac 0x1233b0, ios 0x15e5c4;
virtual auto addChild(cocos2d::CCNode*, int, int) = mac 0x1232a0, ios 0x15e4e4;
virtual auto addComponent(cocos2d::CCComponent*) = mac 0x124a40, ios 0x15f6a4;
virtual auto cleanup() = mac 0x123100, ios 0x15e3a4;
auto convertToNodeSpace(cocos2d::CCPoint const&) = mac 0x124750, ios 0x15f55c;
auto convertToWorldSpace(cocos2d::CCPoint const&) = mac 0x124790;
cocos2d::CCPoint convertToNodeSpaceAR(cocos2d::CCPoint const& worldPoint) {
return convertToNodeSpace(worldPoint) - getAnchorPointInPoints();
cocos2d::CCPoint convertToWorldSpaceAR(cocos2d::CCPoint const& nodePoint) {
return convertToWorldSpace(nodePoint + getAnchorPointInPoints());
static cocos2d::CCNode* create() = mac 0x1230a0;
virtual auto draw() = mac 0x123840, ios 0x15e974;
auto getActionByTag(int) = mac 0x123ee0;
virtual auto getActionManager() = mac 0x123e50, ios 0x15ef54;
virtual auto getAnchorPoint() = mac 0x122d80, ios 0x15e090;
virtual auto getAnchorPointInPoints() = mac 0x122d70, ios 0x15e088;
virtual auto getCamera() = mac 0x122cb0, ios 0x15dfe4;
virtual auto getChildByTag(int) = mac 0x123220, ios 0x15e460;
virtual auto getChildren() = mac 0x122c80, ios 0x15dfcc;
virtual auto getChildrenCount() const = mac 0x122c90, ios 0x15dfd4;
virtual auto getContentSize() const = mac 0x122e00, ios 0x15e118;
virtual auto getGLServerState() = mac 0x122f90, ios 0x15e248;
virtual auto getGrid() = mac 0x122d00, ios 0x15e034;
virtual auto getOrderOfArrival() = mac 0x122f50, ios 0x15e228;
virtual auto getParent() = mac 0x122ed0, ios 0x15e1e0;
virtual auto getPosition() = mac 0x122b60, ios 0x15debc;
virtual auto getPosition(float*, float*) = mac 0x122b90, ios 0x15dedc;
virtual auto getPositionX() = mac 0x122be0, ios 0x15df30;
virtual auto getPositionY() = mac 0x122bf0, ios 0x15df38;
virtual auto getRotation() = mac 0x122a00, ios 0x15dde4;
virtual auto getRotationX() = mac 0x122a50, ios 0x15de1c;
virtual auto getRotationY() = mac 0x122a80, ios 0x15de38;
virtual auto getScale() = mac 0x122ab0, ios 0x15de54;
virtual auto getScaleX() = mac 0x122b00, ios 0x15de84;
virtual auto getScaleY() = mac 0x122b30, ios 0x15dea0;
virtual auto getScaledContentSize() = mac 0x122e10, ios 0x15e120;
virtual auto getScheduler() = mac 0x123f70, ios 0x15f008;
virtual auto getShaderProgram() = mac 0x122f70, ios 0x15e238;
virtual auto getSkewX() = mac 0x122920, ios 0x15dd3c;
virtual auto getSkewY() = mac 0x122950, ios 0x15dd58;
virtual auto getUserData() = mac 0x122f30, ios 0x15e218;
virtual auto getUserObject() = mac 0x122f80, ios 0x15e240;
virtual auto getVertexZ() = mac 0x1229e0, ios 0x15ddd4;
virtual auto getZOrder() = mac 0x122980, ios 0x15dd74;
virtual auto ignoreAnchorPointForPosition(bool) = mac 0x122f00, ios 0x15e1f8;
virtual auto init() = mac 0x122910, ios 0x15dd34;
virtual auto isIgnoreAnchorPointForPosition() = mac 0x122ef0, ios 0x15e1f0;
virtual auto isRunning() = mac 0x122ec0, ios 0x15e1d8;
virtual auto isVisible() = mac 0x122d50, ios 0x15e078;
virtual auto nodeToParentTransform() = mac 0x124210, ios 0x15f1a4;
virtual auto nodeToWorldTransform() = mac 0x124670, ios 0x15f490;
virtual auto onEnter() = mac 0x123a90, ios 0x15eb94;
virtual auto onEnterTransitionDidFinish() = mac 0x123b90, ios 0x15ec94;
virtual auto onExit() = mac 0x123ca0, ios 0x15edb0;
virtual auto onExitTransitionDidStart() = mac 0x123c00, ios 0x15ed18;
virtual auto parentToNodeTransform() = mac 0x1245d0, ios 0x15f410;
auto pauseSchedulerAndActions() = mac 0x123d60;
virtual auto registerScriptHandler(int) = mac 0x123d90, ios 0x15ee94;
virtual auto removeAllChildren() = mac 0x123600, ios 0x15e788;
virtual auto removeAllChildrenWithCleanup(bool) = mac 0x123620, ios 0x15e798;
virtual auto removeAllComponents() = mac 0x124aa0, ios 0x15f6d4;
virtual auto removeChild(cocos2d::CCNode*) = mac 0x123460, ios 0x15e630;
virtual auto removeChild(cocos2d::CCNode*, bool) = mac 0x123480, ios 0x15e640;
virtual auto removeChildByTag(int) = mac 0x1235a0, ios 0x15e724;
virtual auto removeChildByTag(int, bool) = mac 0x1235c0, ios 0x15e734;
virtual auto removeComponent(char const*) = mac 0x124a60, ios 0x15f6b4;
virtual auto removeComponent(cocos2d::CCComponent*) = mac 0x124a80, ios 0x15f6c4;
virtual auto removeFromParent() = mac 0x1233f0, ios 0x15e5e8;
virtual auto removeFromParentAndCleanup(bool) = mac 0x123410, ios 0x15e5f8;
virtual auto removeMeAndCleanup() = mac 0x123440, ios 0x15e620;
virtual auto reorderChild(cocos2d::CCNode*, int) = mac 0x123760, ios 0x15e87c;
auto resumeSchedulerAndActions() = mac 0x123b60;
auto runAction(cocos2d::CCAction*) = mac 0x123e60;
auto schedule(cocos2d::SEL_SCHEDULE) = mac 0x1240b0;
auto schedule(cocos2d::SEL_SCHEDULE, float) = mac 0x124120;
auto scheduleUpdate() = mac 0x123f80;
virtual auto setActionManager(cocos2d::CCActionManager*) = mac 0x123e00, ios 0x15ef04;
virtual auto setAnchorPoint(cocos2d::CCPoint const&) = mac 0x122d90, ios 0x15e098;
virtual auto setContentSize(cocos2d::CCSize const&) = mac 0x122e50, ios 0x15e158;
virtual auto setGLServerState(cocos2d::ccGLServerState) = mac 0x122fa0, ios 0x15e250;
virtual auto setGrid(cocos2d::CCGridBase*) = mac 0x122d10, ios 0x15e03c;
virtual auto setOrderOfArrival(unsigned int) = mac 0x122f60, ios 0x15e230;
virtual auto setParent(cocos2d::CCNode*) = mac 0x122ee0, ios 0x15e1e8;
virtual auto setPosition(cocos2d::CCPoint const&) = mac 0x122b70, ios 0x15dec4;
virtual auto setPosition(float, float) = mac 0x122ba0, ios 0x15def0;
virtual auto setPositionX(float) = mac 0x122c00, ios 0x15df40;
virtual auto setPositionY(float) = mac 0x122c40, ios 0x15df84;
virtual auto setRotation(float) = mac 0x122a10, ios 0x15ddec;
virtual auto setRotationX(float) = mac 0x122a60, ios 0x15de24;
virtual auto setRotationY(float) = mac 0x122a90, ios 0x15de40;
virtual auto setScale(float) = mac 0x122ac0, ios 0x15de5c;
virtual auto setScale(float, float) = mac 0x122ae0, ios 0x15de70;
virtual auto setScaleX(float) = mac 0x122b10, ios 0x15de8c;
virtual auto setScaleY(float) = mac 0x122b40, ios 0x15dea8;
virtual auto setScheduler(cocos2d::CCScheduler*) = mac 0x123f20, ios 0x15efb8;
virtual auto setShaderProgram(cocos2d::CCGLProgram*) = mac 0x122ff0, ios 0x15e294;
virtual auto setSkewX(float) = mac 0x122930, ios 0x15dd44;
virtual auto setSkewY(float) = mac 0x122960, ios 0x15dd60;
virtual auto setUserData(void*) = mac 0x122f40, ios 0x15e220;
virtual auto setUserObject(cocos2d::CCObject*) = mac 0x122fb0, ios 0x15e258;
virtual auto setVertexZ(float) = mac 0x1229f0, ios 0x15dddc;
virtual auto setVisible(bool) = mac 0x122d60, ios 0x15e080;
virtual auto setZOrder(int) = mac 0x1229a0, ios 0x15dd84;
virtual auto sortAllChildren() = mac 0x1237b0, ios 0x15e8d4;
auto stopActionByTag(int) = mac 0x123ec0;
auto stopAllActions() = mac 0x123190;
virtual auto unregisterScriptHandler() = mac 0x123dc0, ios 0x15eec4;
auto unschedule(cocos2d::SEL_SCHEDULE) = mac 0x124180;
auto unscheduleAllSelectors() = mac 0x1231b0;
auto unscheduleUpdate() = mac 0x124060;
virtual auto update(float) = mac 0x1241a0, ios 0x15f124;
virtual auto updateTransform() = mac 0x1249d0, ios 0x15f648;
virtual auto updateTweenAction(float, char const*) = mac 0x1249c0, ios 0x15f644;
virtual auto visit() = mac 0x123850, ios 0x15e978;
virtual auto worldToNodeTransform() = mac 0x124710, ios 0x15f51c;
virtual ~CCNode() = mac 0x122750, ios 0x6c98, win 0x5ea40;
class cocos2d::CCNodeRGBA {
CCNodeRGBA() = mac 0x124b30, win 0x5e9d0;
virtual ~CCNodeRGBA() = mac 0x124bb0, ios 0x15f748, win 0x5ebb0;
virtual auto init() = mac 0x124bf0, ios 0x15f780;
virtual auto getOpacity() = mac 0x124cd0, ios 0x15f7b8;
virtual auto getDisplayedOpacity() = mac 0x124cf0, ios 0x15f7c8;
virtual auto setOpacity(GLubyte) = mac 0x124d10, ios 0x15f7d8;
virtual auto updateDisplayedOpacity(GLubyte) = mac 0x124e50, ios 0x15f87c;
virtual auto isCascadeOpacityEnabled() = mac 0x124fe0, ios 0x15f948;
virtual auto setCascadeOpacityEnabled(bool) = mac 0x125000, ios 0x15f958;
virtual auto getColor() = mac 0x125020, ios 0x15f968;
virtual auto getDisplayedColor() = mac 0x125040, ios 0x15f978;
virtual auto setColor(cocos2d::_ccColor3B const&) = mac 0x125060, ios 0x15f9888;
virtual auto updateDisplayedColor(cocos2d::_ccColor3B const&) = mac 0x1251e0, ios 0x15fa68;
virtual auto isCascadeColorEnabled() = mac 0x125320, ios 0x15fb70;
virtual auto setCascadeColorEnabled(bool) = mac 0x125340, ios 0x15fb80;
class cocos2d::CCObject {
CCObject() = mac 0x250ca0, ios 0x43864, win 0x69230;
auto acceptVisitor(cocos2d::CCDataVisitor&) = mac 0x250f30, ios 0x439f0;
auto autorelease() = mac 0x250ed0, ios 0x439b8;
auto canEncode() = mac 0x250f90, ios 0x43a24;
auto encodeWithCoder(DS_Dictionary*) = mac 0x250f70, ios 0x43a18;
virtual auto getTag() const = mac 0x250f50, ios 0x43a08;
auto isEqual(cocos2d::CCObject const*) = mac 0x250f20, ios 0x439e4;
auto release() = mac 0x250ea0, ios 0x43984;
auto retain() = mac 0x250ec0, ios 0x439a8;
virtual auto setTag(int) = mac 0x250f60, ios 0x43a10;
~CCObject() = mac 0x250d20, ios 0x6ac0, win 0x69270;
class cocos2d::CCParticleSystem {
CCParticleSystem() = win 0xb6650;
virtual ~CCParticleSystem() = win 0xb68e0;
virtual auto update(float);
auto initParticle(cocos2d::tCCParticle*);
auto resetSystem() = mac 0x46bd50;
auto resumeSystem() = mac 0x46bd40;
auto stopSystem() = mac 0x46bd10;
class cocos2d::CCParticleSystemQuad {
CCParticleSystemQuad() = win 0xb9bd0;
virtual ~CCParticleSystemQuad() = win 0xb9c10;
static cocos2d::CCParticleSystemQuad* create(char const*) = mac 0x36b000;
virtual auto draw();
auto setupVBO();
class cocos2d::CCPoolManager {
auto pop() = mac 0x214620;
static cocos2d::CCPoolManager* sharedPoolManager() = mac 0x2142c0;
class cocos2d::CCRemoveSelf {
static cocos2d::CCRemoveSelf* create(bool) = mac 0x454700;
class cocos2d::CCRenderTexture {
auto begin() = mac 0x35ce10;
auto end() = mac 0x35d2c0;
static cocos2d::CCRenderTexture* create(int, int, cocos2d::CCTexture2DPixelFormat) = mac 0x35c720;
auto newCCImage(bool) = mac 0x35d7d0;
auto saveToFile(char const*) = mac 0x35dab0;
auto beginWithClear(float r, float g, float b, float a) = mac 0x35d010;
class cocos2d::CCRepeat {
static cocos2d::CCRepeat* create(cocos2d::CCFiniteTimeAction*, unsigned int) = mac 0x1f3230;
class cocos2d::CCRepeatForever {
static cocos2d::CCRepeatForever* create(cocos2d::CCActionInterval*) = mac 0x1f3920;
class cocos2d::CCRotateBy {
static cocos2d::CCRotateBy* create(float, float) = mac 0x1f4c50;
class cocos2d::CCRotateTo {
static cocos2d::CCRotateTo* create(float, float) = mac 0x1f47b0;
class cocos2d::CCScaleTo {
static cocos2d::CCScaleTo* create(float, float) = mac 0x1f6ff0;
static cocos2d::CCScaleTo* create(float, float, float) = mac 0x1f70f0;
class cocos2d::CCScaleBy {
static cocos2d::CCScaleTo* create(float, float) = mac 0x1f73c0;
static cocos2d::CCScaleTo* create(float, float, float) = mac 0x1f7480;
class cocos2d::CCScene {
static cocos2d::CCScene* create() = mac 0x13c140, ios 0x163070;
auto getHighestChildZ() = mac 0x13c200, ios 0x1630e4;
class cocos2d::CCScheduler {
auto scheduleSelector(cocos2d::SEL_SCHEDULE, cocos2d::CCObject*, float, unsigned int, float, bool) = mac 0x242b20;
void scheduleSelector(cocos2d::SEL_SCHEDULE selector, cocos2d::CCObject* target, float interval, bool paused) {
this->scheduleSelector(selector, target, interval, kCCRepeatForever, 0, paused);
void unscheduleSelector(cocos2d::SEL_SCHEDULE pfnSelector, cocos2d::CCObject *pTarget) = mac 0x2425f0;
auto scheduleUpdateForTarget(cocos2d::CCObject*, int, bool) = mac 0x2438d0;
auto unscheduleAllForTarget(cocos2d::CCObject*) = mac 0x243e40;
auto unscheduleUpdateForTarget(cocos2d::CCObject const*) = mac 0x243c60;
auto resumeTargets(cocos2d::CCSet*) = mac 0x244680;
auto pauseAllTargets() = mac 0x244550;
virtual void update(float delta) = mac 0x2446d0;
class cocos2d::CCSequence {
static auto createWithVariableList(cocos2d::CCFiniteTimeAction*, va_list) = mac 0x1f2910;
class cocos2d::CCSet {
CCSet() = mac 0x45ad80, ios 0x10e870, win 0x699e0;
static auto create() = mac 0x45b0b0;
auto addObject(cocos2d::CCObject*) = mac 0x45b1f0;
virtual ~CCSet() = mac 0x45b050, ios 0x10ebcc, win 0x69a80;
virtual auto acceptVisitor(cocos2d::CCDataVisitor&) = mac 0x45b090, ios 0x10ec04;
auto anyObject() = mac 0x45b410;
void removeObject(cocos2d::CCObject* obj) {
class cocos2d::CCShaderCache {
static auto sharedShaderCache() = mac 0xe6d10;
auto programForKey(const char*) = mac 0xe7d40;
void reloadDefaultShaders();
class cocos2d::CCSprite {
virtual ~CCSprite() = mac 0x133430, ios 0x15b92c, win 0xd2f90;
virtual auto init() = mac 0x132ef0, ios 0x15b488;
virtual auto setVertexZ(float) = mac 0x134a80, ios 0x15ccc8;
virtual auto setScaleX(float) = mac 0x134900, ios 0x15cb3c;
virtual auto setScaleY(float) = mac 0x134980, ios 0x15cbbc;
virtual auto setScale(float) = mac 0x134a00, ios 0x15cc3c;
virtual auto setPosition(cocos2d::CCPoint const&) = mac 0x134650, ios 0x15c878;
virtual auto setSkewX(float) = mac 0x134820, ios 0x15ca5c;
virtual auto setSkewY(float) = mac 0x134890, ios 0x15cacc;
virtual auto setAnchorPoint(cocos2d::CCPoint const&) = mac 0x134af0, ios 0x15cd38;
virtual auto setVisible(bool) = mac 0x134b70, ios 0x15cdac;
virtual auto setRotation(float) = mac 0x1346d0, ios 0x15c90c;
virtual auto setRotationX(float) = mac 0x134740, ios 0x15c97c;
virtual auto setRotationY(float) = mac 0x1347b0, ios 0x15c9ec;
virtual auto ignoreAnchorPointForPosition(bool) = mac 0x134b60, ios 0x15cda8;
virtual auto addChild(cocos2d::CCNode*) = mac 0x134190, ios 0x15c34c;
virtual auto addChild(cocos2d::CCNode*, int) = mac 0x1341a0, ios 0x15c350;
virtual auto addChild(cocos2d::CCNode*, int, int) = mac 0x1341b0, ios 0x15c354;
virtual auto removeChild(cocos2d::CCNode*, bool) = mac 0x134300, ios 0x15c4cc;
virtual auto removeAllChildrenWithCleanup(bool) = mac 0x134340, ios 0x15c514;
virtual auto reorderChild(cocos2d::CCNode*, int) = mac 0x134270, ios 0x15c438;
virtual auto sortAllChildren() = mac 0x1343f0, ios 0x15c5cc;
virtual auto draw() = mac 0x134070, ios 0x15c240;
virtual auto updateTransform() = mac 0x133b70, ios 0x15be0c;
virtual auto setOpacity(unsigned char) = mac 0x134da0, ios 0x15cf48;
virtual auto updateDisplayedOpacity(unsigned char) = mac 0x1354c0, ios 0x15d228;
virtual auto setColor(cocos2d::_ccColor3B const&) = mac 0x134ff0, ios 0x15d088;
virtual auto updateDisplayedColor(cocos2d::_ccColor3B const&) = mac 0x135370, ios 0x15d1dc;
virtual auto setOpacityModifyRGB(bool) = mac 0x135200, ios 0x15d198;
virtual auto isOpacityModifyRGB() = mac 0x135350, ios 0x15d1cc;
virtual auto initWithTexture(cocos2d::CCTexture2D*) = mac 0x133110, ios 0x15b608;
virtual auto initWithTexture(cocos2d::CCTexture2D*, cocos2d::CCRect const&) = mac 0x1330f0, ios 0x15b5f8;
virtual auto initWithTexture(cocos2d::CCTexture2D*, cocos2d::CCRect const&, bool) = mac 0x132f10, ios 0x15b4a0;
virtual auto initWithSpriteFrame(cocos2d::CCSpriteFrame*) = mac 0x133270, ios 0x15b78c;
virtual auto initWithSpriteFrameName(char const*) = mac 0x1332c0, ios 0x15b7f0;
virtual auto initWithFile(char const*) = mac 0x133180, ios 0x15b684;
virtual auto initWithFile(char const*, cocos2d::CCRect const&) = mac 0x133210, ios 0x15b720;
virtual auto setTexture(cocos2d::CCTexture2D*) = mac 0x135a90, ios 0x15d610;
virtual auto getTexture() = mac 0x135c00, ios 0x15d748;
// virtual auto setBlendFunc(cocos2d::_ccBlendFunc) = mac 0x50590, ios 0x14c7c;
// virtual cocos2d::_ccBlendFunc getBlendFunc() = mac 0x505a0, ios 0x14c88;
virtual auto setChildColor(cocos2d::_ccColor3B const&) = mac 0x135160, ios 0x15d0f4;
virtual auto setChildOpacity(unsigned char) = mac 0x134f50, ios 0x15cfe4;
virtual auto getBatchNode() = mac 0x135910, ios 0x15d4e0;
virtual auto setBatchNode(cocos2d::CCSpriteBatchNode*) = mac 0x135920, ios 0x15d4e8;
virtual auto refreshTextureRect() = mac 0x133520, ios 0x15b964;
virtual auto setTextureRect(cocos2d::CCRect const&) = mac 0x133560, ios 0x15b9a8;
virtual auto setTextureRect(cocos2d::CCRect const&, bool, cocos2d::CCSize const&) = mac 0x133580, ios 0x15b9bc;
virtual auto setVertexRect(cocos2d::CCRect const&) = mac 0x1338f0, ios 0x15bc5c;
virtual auto setDisplayFrame(cocos2d::CCSpriteFrame*) = mac 0x135610, ios 0x15d274;
virtual auto isFrameDisplayed(cocos2d::CCSpriteFrame*) = mac 0x1356d0, ios 0x15d344;
virtual auto displayFrame() = mac 0x135760, ios 0x15d3d8;
virtual auto setDisplayFrameWithAnimationName(char const*, int) = mac 0x135680, ios 0x15d2f0;
// virtual auto isDirty() = mac 0x505b0, ios 0x14c94;
// virtual auto setDirty(bool) = mac 0x505c0, ios 0x14c9c;
virtual auto setTextureCoords(cocos2d::CCRect const&) = mac 0x133910, ios 0x15bc64;
virtual auto updateBlendFunc() = mac 0x135a20, ios 0x15d5a0;
virtual auto setReorderChildDirtyRecursively() = mac 0x134550, ios 0x15c764;
virtual auto setDirtyRecursively(bool) = mac 0x1345b0, ios 0x15c7cc;
CCSprite() = mac 0x133300, ios 0x15b82c, win 0xd2eb0;
static cocos2d::CCSprite* create() = mac 0x132df0;
static cocos2d::CCSprite* create(char const*) = mac 0x132a80;
static cocos2d::CCSprite* createWithSpriteFrame(cocos2d::CCSpriteFrame*) = mac 0x132cb0;
static cocos2d::CCSprite* createWithSpriteFrameName(char const*) = mac 0x132dc0, ios 0x15b3ec;
static cocos2d::CCSprite* createWithTexture(cocos2d::CCTexture2D*) = mac 0x132790;
static cocos2d::CCSprite* createWithTexture(cocos2d::CCTexture2D*, cocos2d::CCRect const&) = mac 0x132960;
void setFlipX(bool) = mac 0x134be0;
void setFlipY(bool) = mac 0x134c30;
class cocos2d::CCSpriteBatchNode {
static cocos2d::CCSpriteBatchNode* create(char const*, unsigned int) = mac 0xbb540;
static auto createWithTexture(cocos2d::CCTexture2D*, unsigned int) = mac 0xbb310;
auto getUsedAtlasCapacity() = mac 0xbc6b0;
auto increaseAtlasCapacity(unsigned int) = mac 0xbc670;
virtual ~CCSpriteBatchNode() = mac 0xbb790, ios 0x130d18, win 0xd5580;
virtual auto init() = mac 0xbb680, ios 0x130c20;
virtual auto addChild(cocos2d::CCNode*) = mac 0xbbb40, ios 0x131034;
virtual auto addChild(cocos2d::CCNode*, int) = mac 0xbbb50, ios 0x131038;
virtual auto addChild(cocos2d::CCNode*, int, int) = mac 0xbb930, ios 0x130e0c;
virtual auto removeChild(cocos2d::CCNode*, bool) = mac 0xbbbb0, ios 0x1310a4;
virtual auto removeAllChildrenWithCleanup(bool) = mac 0xbbe30, ios 0x1312d8;
virtual auto reorderChild(cocos2d::CCNode*, int) = mac 0xbbb60, ios 0x13103c;
virtual auto sortAllChildren() = mac 0xbbee0, ios 0x13137c;
virtual auto draw() = mac 0xbc540, ios 0x13191c;
virtual auto visit() = mac 0xbb880, ios 0x130d54;
virtual auto getTexture() = mac 0xbcd70, ios 0x131a70;
virtual auto setTexture(cocos2d::CCTexture2D*) = mac 0xbcda0, ios 0x131a90;
virtual auto setBlendFunc(cocos2d::ccBlendFunc) = mac 0xbcd30, ios 0x131a50;
virtual auto getBlendFunc() = mac 0xbcd50, ios 0x131a60;
class cocos2d::CCSpriteFrame {
static auto createWithTexture(cocos2d::CCTexture2D*, cocos2d::CCRect const&, bool, cocos2d::CCPoint const&, cocos2d::CCSize const&) = mac 0x1ac7f0;
static auto createWithTexture(cocos2d::CCTexture2D*, cocos2d::CCRect const&) = mac 0x1ac5c0;
auto getTexture() = mac 0x1ad250;
class cocos2d::CCSpriteFrameCache {
auto addSpriteFramesWithFile(char const*) = mac 0x199a10, ios 0x29e818;
static cocos2d::CCSpriteFrameCache* sharedSpriteFrameCache() = mac 0x198970, ios 0x29dc4c;
auto spriteFrameByName(char const*) = mac 0x19a7e0;
class cocos2d::CCStandardTouchHandler {
static cocos2d::CCStandardTouchHandler* handlerWithDelegate(cocos2d::CCTouchDelegate*, int) = mac 0x247f30;
virtual auto initWithDelegate(cocos2d::CCTouchDelegate*, int) = mac 0x247ed0, ios 0x69; // iOS stub
~CCStandardTouchHandler() = mac 0x2482a0, ios 0x6d28, win 0xf5a40;
class cocos2d::CCString {
// virtual ~CCString() = mac 0x44c590;
virtual auto isEqual(cocos2d::CCObject const*) = mac 0x44c8f0, ios 0x1a1e6c;
virtual auto acceptVisitor(cocos2d::CCDataVisitor&) = mac 0x44ccb0, ios 0x1a2168;
virtual cocos2d::CCObject* copyWithZone(cocos2d::CCZone*) = mac 0x44c870, ios 0x1a1e14;
static cocos2d::CCString* createWithData(unsigned char const*, unsigned long) = mac 0x44c9d0;
// cocos2d::CCString::create(gd::string const&) = mac 0x44c960;
// CCString(gd::string const&) = mac 0x44c310;
auto boolValue() const = mac 0x44c810, ios 0x1a1d88;
auto doubleValue() const = mac 0x44c7f0;
auto floatValue() const = mac 0x44c7d0;
auto getCString() const = mac 0x44c470, ios 0x1a1b7c;
auto intValue() const = mac 0x44c780, ios 0x1a1ca8;
class cocos2d::CCTargetedTouchHandler {
static cocos2d::CCTargetedTouchHandler* handlerWithDelegate(cocos2d::CCTouchDelegate*, int, bool) = mac 0x248010;
auto initWithDelegate(cocos2d::CCTouchDelegate*, int, bool) = mac 0x2480f0, ios 0x69; // iOS stub
~CCTargetedTouchHandler() = mac 0x248180, ios 0x6cec, win 0xf59a0;
class cocos2d::CCTexture2D {
CCTexture2D() = mac 0x246280, win 0xe9300;
~CCTexture2D() = mac 0x246350, win 0xe93f0;
auto getContentSize() = mac 0x246460;
auto getMaxS() = mac 0x2464e0;
auto getMaxT() = mac 0x246500;
auto getName() = mac 0x246450;
auto getPixelFormat() = mac 0x246420;
auto getPixelsHigh() = mac 0x246440;
auto getPixelsWide() = mac 0x246430;
auto getShaderProgram() = mac 0x246520;
auto initPremultipliedATextureWithImage(cocos2d::CCImage*, unsigned int, unsigned int) = mac 0x2469a0;
auto initWithData(void const*, cocos2d::CCTexture2DPixelFormat, unsigned int, unsigned int, cocos2d::CCSize const&) = mac 0x2465d0;
auto setAliasTexParameters() = mac 0x247a20;
auto setAntiAliasTexParameters() = mac 0x247a80;
static void setDefaultAlphaPixelFormat(cocos2d::CCTexture2DPixelFormat);
static cocos2d::CCTexture2DPixelFormat defaultAlphaPixelFormat();
auto setMaxS(float) = mac 0x2464f0;
auto setMaxT(float) = mac 0x246510;
auto setShaderProgram(cocos2d::CCGLProgram*) = mac 0x246530;
auto initWithImage(cocos2d::CCImage*) = mac 0x246940;
auto setTexParameters(cocos2d::_ccTexParams*) = mac 0x247980;
class cocos2d::CCTextureAtlas {
CCTextureAtlas() = win 0xea680;
virtual ~CCTextureAtlas() = win 0xea6c0;
auto drawNumberOfQuads(unsigned int, unsigned int);
auto mapBuffers();
class cocos2d::CCTextFieldTTF {
static auto textFieldWithPlaceHolder(char const*, char const*, float) = mac 0x126220;
class cocos2d::CCTextureCache {
auto addImage(char const*, bool) = mac 0x358120, ios 0xa8388;
auto textureForKey(char const*) = mac 0x359050;
static cocos2d::CCTextureCache* sharedTextureCache() = mac 0x356e00, ios 0xa81ec;
class cocos2d::CCTime {
static auto gettimeofdayCocos2d(cocos2d::cc_timeval*, void*) = mac 0x19eac0;
class cocos2d::CCTintTo {
static cocos2d::CCTintTo* create(float, unsigned char, unsigned char, unsigned char) = mac 0x1f82a0;
class cocos2d::CCTouch {
auto getDelta() const = mac 0x38340;
auto getLocationInView() const = mac 0x38250;
auto getPreviousLocationInView() const = mac 0x38270;
auto getLocation() const = mac 0x382b0, ios 0x21ce78;
auto getPreviousLocation() const = mac 0x382e0;
auto getStartLocation() const = mac 0x38310;
class cocos2d::CCTouchDispatcher {
auto addTargetedDelegate(cocos2d::CCTouchDelegate*, int, bool) = mac 0x281180;
auto addStandardDelegate(cocos2d::CCTouchDelegate*, int) = mac 0x281060;
auto removeDelegate(cocos2d::CCTouchDelegate* delegate) = mac 0x2813b0;
auto decrementForcePrio(int) = mac 0x280f70, ios 0xcc280;
auto incrementForcePrio(int) = mac 0x280f60, ios 0xcc268;
void touches(cocos2d::CCSet*, cocos2d::CCEvent*, unsigned int) = mac 0x281a60;
class cocos2d::CCTouchHandler {
virtual auto initWithDelegate(cocos2d::CCTouchDelegate*, int) = mac 0x247d10, ios 0x69f8;
auto getPriority() = mac 0x247c20;
cocos2d::CCTouchDelegate* getDelegate() {
return m_pDelegate;
~CCTouchHandler() = mac 0x247de0, ios 0x6ac0;
class cocos2d::CCTransitionFade {
static cocos2d::CCTransitionFade* create(float, cocos2d::CCScene*) = mac 0x8ea30, ios 0x12c244;
virtual bool initWithDuration(float t, cocos2d::CCScene* scene, cocos2d::ccColor3B const& color) = mac 0x8e930;
class cocos2d::ZipUtils {
static auto compressString(gd::string, bool, int) = mac 0xe9a50;
static auto decompressString(gd::string, bool, int) = mac 0xea380;
static int ccDeflateMemory(unsigned char*, unsigned int, unsigned char**) = mac 0xe9cf0;
class cocos2d::extension::CCControl {
CCControl() {}
virtual bool init() = mac 0x1a71c0;
virtual ~CCControl() = mac 0x1a7380;
auto sendActionsForControlEvents(cocos2d::extension::CCControlEvent) = mac 0x1a7490;
auto registerWithTouchDispatcher() = mac 0x1a7420;
auto setOpacityModifyRGB(bool) = mac 0x1a7c10;
auto onExit() = mac 0x1a7480;
auto isTouchInside(cocos2d::CCTouch*) = mac 0x1a7de0;
auto setEnabled(bool) = mac 0x1a7e60;
auto onEnter() = mac 0x1a7470;
auto isEnabled() = mac 0x1a7e90;
auto setSelected(bool) = mac 0x1a7ea0;
auto isOpacityModifyRGB() = mac 0x1a7d70;
auto setHighlighted(bool) = mac 0x1a7ed0;
auto needsLayout() = mac 0x1a7e50;
auto getTouchLocation(cocos2d::CCTouch*) = mac 0x1a7d90;
auto isHighlighted() = mac 0x1a7ef0;
auto addTargetWithActionForControlEvents(cocos2d::CCObject*, cocos2d::extension::SEL_CCControlHandler, cocos2d::extension::CCControlEvent) = mac 0x1a7820;
auto removeTargetWithActionForControlEvents(cocos2d::CCObject*, cocos2d::extension::SEL_CCControlHandler, cocos2d::extension::CCControlEvent) = mac 0x1a7950;
auto isSelected() = mac 0x1a7ec0;
class cocos2d::extension::CCControlColourPicker {
CCControlColourPicker() {}
~CCControlColourPicker() = mac 0x1aae30;
auto setColorValue(cocos2d::_ccColor3B const&) = mac 0x1aac10;
auto ccTouchBegan(cocos2d::CCTouch*, cocos2d::CCEvent*) = mac 0x1aae10;
auto init() = mac 0x1aa400;
static auto colourPicker() = mac 0x1aaa30;
cocos2d::ccColor3B const& getColorValue() const {
return m_rgb;
class cocos2d::extension::CCControlUtils {
static cocos2d::extension::HSV HSVfromRGB(cocos2d::extension::RGBA) = mac 0x1e6750;
static cocos2d::extension::RGBA RGBfromHSV(cocos2d::extension::HSV) = mac 0x1e6850;
class cocos2d::extension::CCScale9Sprite {
CCScale9Sprite() = mac 0x211330;
static cocos2d::extension::CCScale9Sprite* create(char const*) = mac 0x2130d0;
static cocos2d::extension::CCScale9Sprite* create(char const*, cocos2d::CCRect) = mac 0x212ef0;
static cocos2d::extension::CCScale9Sprite* create(char const*, cocos2d::CCRect, cocos2d::CCRect) = mac 0x212dd0;
static cocos2d::extension::CCScale9Sprite* createWithSpriteFrameName(char const*, cocos2d::CCRect) = mac 0x213380;
static cocos2d::extension::CCScale9Sprite* createWithSpriteFrameName(char const*) = mac 0x213460;
virtual ~CCScale9Sprite() = mac 0x211590;
virtual auto init() = mac 0x2115d0;
virtual auto setContentSize(cocos2d::CCSize const&) = mac 0x2127c0, ios 0x13e400;
virtual auto visit() = mac 0x213bf0;
virtual auto getOpacity() = mac 0x213f30;
virtual auto setOpacity(unsigned char) = mac 0x213dd0;
virtual auto updateDisplayedOpacity(unsigned char) = mac 0x2139b0;
virtual auto getColor() = mac 0x213db0;
virtual auto setColor(cocos2d::_ccColor3B const&) = mac 0x213c20;
virtual auto updateDisplayedColor(cocos2d::_ccColor3B const&) = mac 0x213a20;
virtual auto setOpacityModifyRGB(bool) = mac 0x213830;
virtual auto isOpacityModifyRGB() = mac 0x213990;
virtual auto getPreferredSize() = mac 0x213620;
virtual auto setPreferredSize(cocos2d::CCSize) = mac 0x2135f0;
virtual auto getCapInsets() = mac 0x2136e0;
virtual auto setCapInsets(cocos2d::CCRect) = mac 0x213640;
virtual auto getInsetLeft() = mac 0x213b30;
virtual auto setInsetLeft(float) = mac 0x213b70;
virtual auto getInsetTop() = mac 0x213b40;
virtual auto setInsetTop(float) = mac 0x213b90;
virtual auto getInsetRight() = mac 0x213b50;
virtual auto setInsetRight(float) = mac 0x213bb0;
virtual auto getInsetBottom() = mac 0x213b60;
virtual auto setInsetBottom(float) = mac 0x213bd0;
virtual auto initWithBatchNode(cocos2d::CCSpriteBatchNode*, cocos2d::CCRect, bool, cocos2d::CCRect) = mac 0x211690;
virtual auto initWithBatchNode(cocos2d::CCSpriteBatchNode*, cocos2d::CCRect, cocos2d::CCRect) = mac 0x211630;
virtual auto initWithFile(char const*, cocos2d::CCRect, cocos2d::CCRect) = mac 0x212d50;
virtual auto initWithFile(char const*, cocos2d::CCRect) = mac 0x212e80;
virtual auto initWithFile(cocos2d::CCRect, char const*) = mac 0x212f80;
virtual auto initWithFile(char const*) = mac 0x213080;
virtual auto initWithSpriteFrame(cocos2d::CCSpriteFrame*, cocos2d::CCRect) = mac 0x213140;
virtual auto initWithSpriteFrame(cocos2d::CCSpriteFrame*) = mac 0x213250;
virtual auto initWithSpriteFrameName(char const*, cocos2d::CCRect) = mac 0x213310;
virtual auto initWithSpriteFrameName(char const*) = mac 0x213410;
virtual auto updateWithBatchNode(cocos2d::CCSpriteBatchNode*, cocos2d::CCRect, bool, cocos2d::CCRect) = mac 0x211730;
virtual auto setSpriteFrame(cocos2d::CCSpriteFrame*) = mac 0x213a90;
class cocos2d::extension::CCScrollView {
CCScrollView() = mac 0x214800;
virtual ~CCScrollView() = mac 0x214c30;
virtual auto init() = mac 0x214fb0;
virtual auto setContentSize(cocos2d::CCSize const&) = mac 0x215eb0;
virtual auto getContentSize() const = mac 0x215e90;
virtual auto addChild(cocos2d::CCNode*) = mac 0x216160;
virtual auto addChild(cocos2d::CCNode*, int) = mac 0x216120;
virtual auto addChild(cocos2d::CCNode*, int, int) = mac 0x216080;
virtual auto visit() = mac 0x2164a0;
virtual auto ccTouchBegan(cocos2d::CCTouch*, cocos2d::CCEvent*) = mac 0x216620;
virtual auto ccTouchMoved(cocos2d::CCTouch*, cocos2d::CCEvent*) = mac 0x216890;
virtual auto ccTouchEnded(cocos2d::CCTouch*, cocos2d::CCEvent*) = mac 0x216c70;
virtual auto ccTouchCancelled(cocos2d::CCTouch*, cocos2d::CCEvent*) = mac 0x216d30;
virtual auto registerWithTouchDispatcher() = mac 0x214ff0;
virtual auto setTouchEnabled(bool) = mac 0x215250;
class cocos2d {
static auto FNTConfigLoadFile(char const*) = mac 0x344f10;
static auto ccGLUseProgram(GLuint) = mac 0x1ae540;
static auto ccGLBlendFunc(GLenum, GLenum) = mac 0x1ae560;
static auto ccDrawSolidRect(cocos2d::CCPoint, cocos2d::CCPoint, cocos2d::_ccColor4F) = mac 0xecf00;
static auto ccGLEnableVertexAttribs(unsigned int) = mac 0x1ae740;
static auto ccGLBindTexture2D(GLuint) = mac 0x1ae610;
static auto ccGLBindTexture2DN(GLuint, GLuint) = mac 0x1ae650;
static float ccpDistance(cocos2d::CCPoint const&, cocos2d::CCPoint const&) = mac 0x1aaf90;
static auto ccDrawLine(cocos2d::CCPoint const&, cocos2d::CCPoint const&) = mac 0xeccc0;
static void ccDrawPoly(cocos2d::CCPoint const*, unsigned int, bool) = mac 0xed0a0;
static void ccDrawColor4B(GLubyte, GLubyte, GLubyte, GLubyte) = mac 0xeddd0;
static void CCMessageBox(const char* msg, const char* title) = mac 0xbabc0;
//uintptr_t macNumberOfDraws() {
// return geode::base::get() + 0x69ae90;
//void ccIncrementGLDraws(int n) {
// *reinterpret_cast<int*>(macNumberOfDraws()) += n;
class DS_Dictionary {
DS_Dictionary() = mac 0xbe9a0;
~DS_Dictionary() = mac 0x393c30;
bool saveRootSubDictToString() = mac 0xc09c0;
bool loadRootSubDictFromString(gd::string) = mac 0xbfd80;
bool stepIntoSubDictWithKey(char const*) = mac 0xc0cd0;
int getIntegerForKey(char const*) = mac 0xc1610;
void setIntegerForKey(char const*, int) = mac 0xc26b0;
void setDictForKey(char const*, cocos2d::CCDictionary*) = mac 0xC4EA0;
auto getObjectForKey(char const*) = mac 0xC4BB0;
class pugi::xml_document {
xml_document() = mac 0x393a80;
~xml_document() = mac 0x393b50;
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