mirror of
synced 2025-03-19 17:39:50 -04:00
Merge branch 'main' into new-index-but-better
This commit is contained in:
16 changed files with 3042 additions and 47 deletions
@ -267,6 +267,9 @@ target_include_directories(GeodeBindings PUBLIC
target_link_directories(GeodeBindings PUBLIC ${GEODE_LOADER_PATH}/include/link)
target_link_libraries(GeodeBindings PUBLIC ghc_filesystem fmt TulipHookInclude mat-json GeodeFilesystemImpl)
target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} INTERFACE GeodeBindings)
target_compile_definitions(GeodeBindings PUBLIC GEODE_REVERT_TODO_RETURN)
@ -1,6 +1,14 @@
#pragma once
using TodoReturn = void;
struct TodoReturnPlaceholder;
using TodoReturn = void;
#warning "Reverting TodoReturn to void. This behavior is deprecated and will be removed in a later update."
using TodoReturn = TodoReturnPlaceholder;
// thanks pie
enum class SearchType {
@ -89,6 +97,88 @@ enum class GameObjectType {
AnimatedHazard = 47,
enum class GJGameEvent {
None = 0,
TinyLanding = 1,
FeatherLanding = 2,
SoftLanding = 3,
NormalLanding = 4,
HardLanding = 5,
HitHead = 6,
OrbTouched = 7,
OrbActivated = 8,
PadActivated = 9,
GravityInverted = 10,
GravityRestored = 11,
NormalJump = 12,
RobotBoostStart = 13,
RobotBoostStop = 14,
UFOJump = 15,
ShipBoostStart = 16,
ShipBoostEnd = 17,
SpiderTeleport = 18,
BallSwitch = 19,
SwingSwitch = 20,
WavePush = 21,
WaveRelease = 22,
DashStart = 23,
DashStop = 24,
Teleported = 25,
PortalNormal = 26,
PortalShip = 27,
PortalBall = 28,
PortalUFO = 29,
PortalWave = 30,
PortalRobot = 31,
PortalSpider = 32,
PortalSwing = 33,
YellowOrb = 34,
PinkOrb = 35,
RedOrb = 36,
GravityOrb = 37,
GreenOrb = 38,
DropOrb = 39,
CustomOrb = 40,
DashOrb = 41,
GravityDashOrb = 42,
SpiderOrb = 43,
TeleportOrb = 44,
YellowPad = 45,
PinkPad = 46,
RedPad = 47,
GravityPad = 48,
SpiderPad = 49,
PortalGravityFlip = 50,
PortalGravityNormal = 51,
PortalGravityInvert = 52,
PortalFlip = 53,
PortalUnFlip = 54,
PortalNormalScale = 55,
PortalMiniScale = 56,
PortalDualOn = 57,
PortalDualOff = 58,
PortalTeleport = 59,
Checkpoint = 60,
DestroyBlock = 61,
UserCoin = 62,
PickupItem = 63,
CheckpointRespawn = 64,
FallLow = 65,
FallMed = 66,
FallHigh = 67,
FallVHigh = 68,
JumpPush = 69,
JumpRelease = 70,
LeftPush = 71,
LeftRelease = 72,
RightPush = 73,
RightRelease = 74,
PlayerReversed = 75,
FallSpeedLow = 76,
FallSpeedMed = 77,
FallSpeedHigh = 78
enum class PulseEffectType {
enum class TouchTriggerType {
@ -147,7 +237,6 @@ enum class FMODQueuedMusic {};
enum class GJAreaActionType {};
enum class SFXTriggerState {};
enum class SongTriggerState {};
enum class GJGameEvent {};
enum class GJSmartDirection {};
enum class SmartBlockType {};
enum class TouchTriggerControl {};
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
#pragma once
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <set>
namespace gd {
template <class T>
using vector = std::vector<T>;
template <class K, class V>
using map = std::map<K, V>;
template <class K, class V>
using unordered_map = std::unordered_map<K, V>;
template <class K>
using set = std::set<K>;
template <class K>
using unordered_set = std::unordered_set<K>;
@ -6,7 +6,8 @@
#if defined(GEODE_IS_ANDROID)
#include "gnustl.hpp"
// this is quite funny but msvcstl is just all aliases
#elif defined(GEODE_IS_WINDOWS)
#include "msvcstl.hpp"
#include "aliastl.hpp"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
#pragma once
#include <Geode/platform/platform.hpp>
#include <cstddef>
#include <type_traits>
namespace geode::stl {
GEODE_DLL void* operatorNew(std::size_t size);
GEODE_DLL void operatorDelete(void* ptr);
template <class T>
struct allocator {
using value_type = T;
using size_type = std::size_t;
using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t;
using propagate_on_container_move_assignment = std::true_type;
constexpr allocator() noexcept {}
constexpr allocator(const allocator& other) noexcept {}
template<class U>
constexpr allocator(const allocator<U>& other) noexcept {}
constexpr ~allocator() {}
[[nodiscard]] T* allocate(std::size_t n) {
return reinterpret_cast<T*>(operatorNew(n * sizeof(T)));
void deallocate(T* p, std::size_t n) {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,562 @@
// unordered_map standard header
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// Per Apache License, Version 2.0, Section 4, Point b: I (kynex7510) changed this file.
#include <yvals_core.h>
#include "xhash.hpp"
#if _HAS_CXX17
#include <xpolymorphic_allocator.h>
#endif // _HAS_CXX17
#pragma pack(push, _CRT_PACKING)
#pragma warning(push, _STL_WARNING_LEVEL)
#pragma warning(disable : _STL_DISABLED_WARNINGS)
#pragma push_macro("new")
#undef new
namespace geode::stl {
template <class _Kty, // key type
class _Ty, // mapped type
class _Tr, // comparator predicate type
class _Alloc, // actual _STD allocator type (should be value _STD allocator)
bool _Mfl> // true if multiple equivalent keys are permitted
class _Umap_traits : public _Tr { // traits required to make _Hash behave like a map
using key_type = _Kty;
using value_type = _STD pair<const _Kty, _Ty>;
using _Mutable_value_type = _STD pair<_Kty, _Ty>;
using key_compare = _Tr;
using allocator_type = _Alloc;
#if _HAS_CXX17
using node_type = _STD _Node_handle<_STD _List_node<value_type, typename _STD allocator_traits<_Alloc>::void_pointer>, _Alloc,
_STD _Node_handle_map_base, _Kty, _Ty>;
#endif // _HAS_CXX17
static constexpr bool _Multi = _Mfl;
static constexpr bool _Standard = true;
template <class... _Args>
using _In_place_key_extractor = _STD _In_place_key_extract_map<_Kty, _Args...>;
_Umap_traits() = default;
explicit _Umap_traits(const _Tr& _Traits) noexcept(_STD is_nothrow_copy_constructible_v<_Tr>) : _Tr(_Traits) {}
using value_compare = void; // TRANSITION, remove when _Standard becomes unconditionally true
template <class _Ty1, class _Ty2>
static const _Kty& _Kfn(const _STD pair<_Ty1, _Ty2>& _Val) noexcept { // extract key from element value
return _Val.first;
template <class _Ty1, class _Ty2>
static const _Ty2& _Nonkfn(const _STD pair<_Ty1, _Ty2>& _Val) noexcept { // extract non-key from element value
return _Val.second;
/*_EXPORT_STD*/ template <class _Kty, class _Ty, class _Hasher = _STD hash<_Kty>, class _Keyeq = _STD equal_to<_Kty>,
class _Alloc = _STD allocator<_STD pair<const _Kty, _Ty>>>
class unordered_map : public _Hash<_Umap_traits<_Kty, _Ty, _STD _Uhash_compare<_Kty, _Hasher, _Keyeq>, _Alloc, false>> {
// hash table of {key, mapped} values, unique keys
static_assert(!_ENFORCE_MATCHING_ALLOCATORS || _STD is_same_v<_STD pair<const _Kty, _Ty>, typename _Alloc::value_type>,
_MISMATCHED_ALLOCATOR_MESSAGE("unordered_map<Key, Value, Hasher, Eq, Allocator>", "_STD pair<const Key, Value>"));
static_assert(_STD is_object_v<_Kty>, "The C++ Standard forbids containers of non-object types "
"because of [container.requirements].");
using _Mytraits = _STD _Uhash_compare<_Kty, _Hasher, _Keyeq>;
using _Mybase = _Hash<_Umap_traits<_Kty, _Ty, _Mytraits, _Alloc, false>>;
using _Alnode = typename _Mybase::_Alnode;
using _Alnode_traits = typename _Mybase::_Alnode_traits;
using _Nodeptr = typename _Mybase::_Nodeptr;
using _Key_compare = typename _Mybase::_Key_compare;
using hasher = _Hasher;
using key_type = _Kty;
using mapped_type = _Ty;
using key_equal = _Keyeq;
using value_type = _STD pair<const _Kty, _Ty>;
using allocator_type = typename _Mybase::allocator_type;
using size_type = typename _Mybase::size_type;
using difference_type = typename _Mybase::difference_type;
using pointer = typename _Mybase::pointer;
using const_pointer = typename _Mybase::const_pointer;
using reference = value_type&;
using const_reference = const value_type&;
using iterator = typename _Mybase::iterator;
using const_iterator = typename _Mybase::const_iterator;
using local_iterator = typename _Mybase::iterator;
using const_local_iterator = typename _Mybase::const_iterator;
#if _HAS_CXX17
using insert_return_type = _STD _Insert_return_type<iterator, typename _Mybase::node_type>;
#endif // _HAS_CXX17
unordered_map() : _Mybase(_Key_compare(), allocator_type()) {}
explicit unordered_map(const allocator_type& _Al) : _Mybase(_Key_compare(), _Al) {}
unordered_map(const unordered_map& _Right)
: _Mybase(_Right, _Alnode_traits::select_on_container_copy_construction(_Right._Getal())) {}
unordered_map(const unordered_map& _Right, const allocator_type& _Al) : _Mybase(_Right, _Al) {}
explicit unordered_map(size_type _Buckets) : _Mybase(_Key_compare(), allocator_type()) {
unordered_map(size_type _Buckets, const allocator_type& _Al) : _Mybase(_Key_compare(), _Al) {
unordered_map(size_type _Buckets, const hasher& _Hasharg) : _Mybase(_Key_compare(_Hasharg), allocator_type()) {
unordered_map(size_type _Buckets, const hasher& _Hasharg, const allocator_type& _Al)
: _Mybase(_Key_compare(_Hasharg), _Al) {
unordered_map(size_type _Buckets, const hasher& _Hasharg, const _Keyeq& _Keyeqarg)
: _Mybase(_Key_compare(_Hasharg, _Keyeqarg), allocator_type()) {
unordered_map(size_type _Buckets, const hasher& _Hasharg, const _Keyeq& _Keyeqarg, const allocator_type& _Al)
: _Mybase(_Key_compare(_Hasharg, _Keyeqarg), _Al) {
template <class _Iter>
unordered_map(_Iter _First, _Iter _Last) : _Mybase(_Key_compare(), allocator_type()) {
insert(_First, _Last);
template <class _Iter>
unordered_map(_Iter _First, _Iter _Last, const allocator_type& _Al) : _Mybase(_Key_compare(), _Al) {
insert(_First, _Last);
template <class _Iter>
unordered_map(_Iter _First, _Iter _Last, size_type _Buckets) : _Mybase(_Key_compare(), allocator_type()) {
insert(_First, _Last);
template <class _Iter>
unordered_map(_Iter _First, _Iter _Last, size_type _Buckets, const allocator_type& _Al)
: _Mybase(_Key_compare(), _Al) {
insert(_First, _Last);
template <class _Iter>
unordered_map(_Iter _First, _Iter _Last, size_type _Buckets, const hasher& _Hasharg)
: _Mybase(_Key_compare(_Hasharg), allocator_type()) {
insert(_First, _Last);
template <class _Iter>
unordered_map(_Iter _First, _Iter _Last, size_type _Buckets, const hasher& _Hasharg, const allocator_type& _Al)
: _Mybase(_Key_compare(_Hasharg), _Al) {
insert(_First, _Last);
template <class _Iter>
unordered_map(_Iter _First, _Iter _Last, size_type _Buckets, const hasher& _Hasharg, const _Keyeq& _Keyeqarg)
: _Mybase(_Key_compare(_Hasharg, _Keyeqarg), allocator_type()) {
insert(_First, _Last);
template <class _Iter>
unordered_map(_Iter _First, _Iter _Last, size_type _Buckets, const hasher& _Hasharg, const _Keyeq& _Keyeqarg,
const allocator_type& _Al)
: _Mybase(_Key_compare(_Hasharg, _Keyeqarg), _Al) {
insert(_First, _Last);
#if _HAS_CXX23 && defined(__cpp_lib_concepts) // TRANSITION, GH-395
template <_STD _Container_compatible_range<value_type> _Rng>
unordered_map(_STD from_range_t, _Rng&& _Range) : _Mybase(_Key_compare(), allocator_type()) {
this->_Insert_range_unchecked(_RANGES _Ubegin(_Range), _RANGES _Uend(_Range));
template <_STD _Container_compatible_range<value_type> _Rng>
unordered_map(_STD from_range_t, _Rng&& _Range, const allocator_type& _Al) : _Mybase(_Key_compare(), _Al) {
this->_Insert_range_unchecked(_RANGES _Ubegin(_Range), _RANGES _Uend(_Range));
template <_STD _Container_compatible_range<value_type> _Rng>
unordered_map(_STD from_range_t, _Rng&& _Range, size_type _Buckets) : _Mybase(_Key_compare(), allocator_type()) {
this->_Insert_range_unchecked(_RANGES _Ubegin(_Range), _RANGES _Uend(_Range));
template <_STD _Container_compatible_range<value_type> _Rng>
unordered_map(_STD from_range_t, _Rng&& _Range, size_type _Buckets, const allocator_type& _Al)
: _Mybase(_Key_compare(), _Al) {
this->_Insert_range_unchecked(_RANGES _Ubegin(_Range), _RANGES _Uend(_Range));
template <_STD _Container_compatible_range<value_type> _Rng>
unordered_map(_STD from_range_t, _Rng&& _Range, size_type _Buckets, const hasher& _Hasharg)
: _Mybase(_Key_compare(_Hasharg), allocator_type()) {
this->_Insert_range_unchecked(_RANGES _Ubegin(_Range), _RANGES _Uend(_Range));
template <_STD _Container_compatible_range<value_type> _Rng>
unordered_map(_STD from_range_t, _Rng&& _Range, size_type _Buckets, const hasher& _Hasharg, const allocator_type& _Al)
: _Mybase(_Key_compare(_Hasharg), _Al) {
this->_Insert_range_unchecked(_RANGES _Ubegin(_Range), _RANGES _Uend(_Range));
template <_STD _Container_compatible_range<value_type> _Rng>
unordered_map(_STD from_range_t, _Rng&& _Range, size_type _Buckets, const hasher& _Hasharg, const _Keyeq& _Keyeqarg)
: _Mybase(_Key_compare(_Hasharg, _Keyeqarg), allocator_type()) {
this->_Insert_range_unchecked(_RANGES _Ubegin(_Range), _RANGES _Uend(_Range));
template <_STD _Container_compatible_range<value_type> _Rng>
unordered_map(_STD from_range_t, _Rng&& _Range, size_type _Buckets, const hasher& _Hasharg, const _Keyeq& _Keyeqarg,
const allocator_type& _Al)
: _Mybase(_Key_compare(_Hasharg, _Keyeqarg), _Al) {
this->_Insert_range_unchecked(_RANGES _Ubegin(_Range), _RANGES _Uend(_Range));
#endif // _HAS_CXX23 && defined(__cpp_lib_concepts)
unordered_map& operator=(const unordered_map& _Right) {
return *this;
unordered_map(unordered_map&& _Right) : _Mybase(_STD move(_Right)) {}
unordered_map(unordered_map&& _Right, const allocator_type& _Al) : _Mybase(_STD move(_Right), _Al) {}
unordered_map& operator=(unordered_map&& _Right) noexcept(_Alnode_traits::is_always_equal::value&&
_STD is_nothrow_move_assignable_v<_Hasher>&& _STD is_nothrow_move_assignable_v<_Keyeq>) {
_Mybase::operator=(_STD move(_Right));
return *this;
mapped_type& operator[](key_type&& _Keyval) {
return this->_Try_emplace(_STD move(_Keyval)).first->_Myval.second;
void swap(unordered_map& _Right) noexcept(noexcept(_Mybase::swap(_Right))) {
using _Mybase::insert;
template <class _Valty, _STD enable_if_t<_STD is_constructible_v<value_type, _Valty>, int> = 0>
_STD pair<iterator, bool> insert(_Valty&& _Val) {
return this->emplace(_STD forward<_Valty>(_Val));
template <class _Valty, _STD enable_if_t<_STD is_constructible_v<value_type, _Valty>, int> = 0>
iterator insert(const_iterator _Where, _Valty&& _Val) {
return this->emplace_hint(_Where, _STD forward<_Valty>(_Val));
template <class... _Mappedty>
_STD pair<iterator, bool> try_emplace(const key_type& _Keyval, _Mappedty&&... _Mapval) {
const auto _Result = this->_Try_emplace(_Keyval, _STD forward<_Mappedty>(_Mapval)...);
return {this->_List._Make_iter(_Result.first), _Result.second};
template <class... _Mappedty>
_STD pair<iterator, bool> try_emplace(key_type&& _Keyval, _Mappedty&&... _Mapval) {
const auto _Result = this->_Try_emplace(_STD move(_Keyval), _STD forward<_Mappedty>(_Mapval)...);
return {this->_List._Make_iter(_Result.first), _Result.second};
template <class... _Mappedty>
iterator try_emplace(const const_iterator _Hint, const key_type& _Keyval, _Mappedty&&... _Mapval) {
return this->_List._Make_iter(
this->_Try_emplace_hint(_Hint._Ptr, _Keyval, _STD forward<_Mappedty>(_Mapval)...));
template <class... _Mappedty>
iterator try_emplace(const const_iterator _Hint, key_type&& _Keyval, _Mappedty&&... _Mapval) {
return this->_List._Make_iter(
this->_Try_emplace_hint(_Hint._Ptr, _STD move(_Keyval), _STD forward<_Mappedty>(_Mapval)...));
template <class _Keyty, class _Mappedty>
_STD pair<iterator, bool> _Insert_or_assign(_Keyty&& _Keyval_arg, _Mappedty&& _Mapval) {
const auto& _Keyval = _Keyval_arg;
const size_t _Hashval = this->_Traitsobj(_Keyval);
auto _Target = this->_Find_last(_Keyval, _Hashval);
if (_Target._Duplicate) {
_Target._Duplicate->_Myval.second = _STD forward<_Mappedty>(_Mapval);
return {this->_List._Make_iter(_Target._Duplicate), false};
// invalidates _Keyval:
_STD _List_node_emplace_op2<_Alnode> _Newnode(
this->_Getal(), _STD forward<_Keyty>(_Keyval_arg), _STD forward<_Mappedty>(_Mapval));
if (this->_Check_rehash_required_1()) {
_Target = this->_Find_last(_Newnode._Ptr->_Myval.first, _Hashval);
return {this->_List._Make_iter(
this->_Insert_new_node_before(_Hashval, _Target._Insert_before, _Newnode._Release())),
template <class _Keyty, class _Mappedty>
iterator _Insert_or_assign(const _Nodeptr _Hint, _Keyty&& _Keyval_arg, _Mappedty&& _Mapval) {
const auto& _Keyval = _Keyval_arg;
const size_t _Hashval = this->_Traitsobj(_Keyval);
auto _Target = this->_Find_hint(_Hint, _Keyval, _Hashval);
if (_Target._Duplicate) {
_Target._Duplicate->_Myval.second = _STD forward<_Mappedty>(_Mapval);
return this->_List._Make_iter(_Target._Duplicate);
// invalidates _Keyval:
_STD _List_node_emplace_op2<_Alnode> _Newnode(
this->_Getal(), _STD forward<_Keyty>(_Keyval_arg), _STD forward<_Mappedty>(_Mapval));
if (this->_Check_rehash_required_1()) {
_Target = this->_Find_hint(_Hint, _Newnode._Ptr->_Myval.first, _Hashval);
return this->_List._Make_iter(
this->_Insert_new_node_before(_Hashval, _Target._Insert_before, _Newnode._Release()));
template <class _Mappedty>
_STD pair<iterator, bool> insert_or_assign(const key_type& _Keyval, _Mappedty&& _Mapval) {
return _Insert_or_assign(_Keyval, _STD forward<_Mappedty>(_Mapval));
template <class _Mappedty>
_STD pair<iterator, bool> insert_or_assign(key_type&& _Keyval, _Mappedty&& _Mapval) {
return _Insert_or_assign(_STD move(_Keyval), _STD forward<_Mappedty>(_Mapval));
template <class _Mappedty>
iterator insert_or_assign(const_iterator _Hint, const key_type& _Keyval, _Mappedty&& _Mapval) {
return _Insert_or_assign(_Hint._Ptr, _Keyval, _STD forward<_Mappedty>(_Mapval));
template <class _Mappedty>
iterator insert_or_assign(const_iterator _Hint, key_type&& _Keyval, _Mappedty&& _Mapval) {
return _Insert_or_assign(_Hint._Ptr, _STD move(_Keyval), _STD forward<_Mappedty>(_Mapval));
unordered_map(_STD initializer_list<value_type> _Ilist) : _Mybase(_Key_compare(), allocator_type()) {
unordered_map(_STD initializer_list<value_type> _Ilist, const allocator_type& _Al) : _Mybase(_Key_compare(), _Al) {
unordered_map(_STD initializer_list<value_type> _Ilist, size_type _Buckets) : _Mybase(_Key_compare(), allocator_type()) {
unordered_map(_STD initializer_list<value_type> _Ilist, size_type _Buckets, const allocator_type& _Al)
: _Mybase(_Key_compare(), _Al) {
unordered_map(_STD initializer_list<value_type> _Ilist, size_type _Buckets, const hasher& _Hasharg)
: _Mybase(_Key_compare(_Hasharg), allocator_type()) {
_STD initializer_list<value_type> _Ilist, size_type _Buckets, const hasher& _Hasharg, const allocator_type& _Al)
: _Mybase(_Key_compare(_Hasharg), _Al) {
_STD initializer_list<value_type> _Ilist, size_type _Buckets, const hasher& _Hasharg, const _Keyeq& _Keyeqarg)
: _Mybase(_Key_compare(_Hasharg, _Keyeqarg), allocator_type()) {
unordered_map(_STD initializer_list<value_type> _Ilist, size_type _Buckets, const hasher& _Hasharg,
const _Keyeq& _Keyeqarg, const allocator_type& _Al)
: _Mybase(_Key_compare(_Hasharg, _Keyeqarg), _Al) {
unordered_map& operator=(_STD initializer_list<value_type> _Ilist) {
return *this;
_NODISCARD hasher hash_function() const {
return _Mybase::_Traitsobj._Mypair._Get_first();
_NODISCARD key_equal key_eq() const {
return _Mybase::_Traitsobj._Mypair._Myval2._Get_first();
mapped_type& operator[](const key_type& _Keyval) {
return this->_Try_emplace(_Keyval).first->_Myval.second;
_NODISCARD mapped_type& at(const key_type& _Keyval) {
const auto _Target = this->_Find_last(_Keyval, this->_Traitsobj(_Keyval));
if (_Target._Duplicate) {
return _Target._Duplicate->_Myval.second;
_STD _Xout_of_range("invalid unordered_map<K, T> key");
_NODISCARD const mapped_type& at(const key_type& _Keyval) const {
const auto _Target = this->_Find_last(_Keyval, this->_Traitsobj(_Keyval));
if (_Target._Duplicate) {
return _Target._Duplicate->_Myval.second;
_STD _Xout_of_range("invalid unordered_map<K, T> key");
using _Mybase::_Unchecked_begin;
using _Mybase::_Unchecked_end;
#if _HAS_CXX17
template <class _Iter, class _Hasher = _STD hash<_STD _Guide_key_t<_Iter>>, class _Keyeq = _STD equal_to<_STD _Guide_key_t<_Iter>>,
class _Alloc = _STD allocator<_STD _Guide_pair_t<_Iter>>,
_STD enable_if_t<
_STD conjunction_v<_STD _Is_iterator<_Iter>, _Is_hasher<_Hasher>, _STD negation<_STD _Is_allocator<_Keyeq>>, _STD _Is_allocator<_Alloc>>,
int> = 0>
unordered_map(_Iter, _Iter, _STD _Guide_size_type_t<_Alloc> = 0, _Hasher = _Hasher(), _Keyeq = _Keyeq(), _Alloc = _Alloc())
-> unordered_map<_STD _Guide_key_t<_Iter>, _STD _Guide_val_t<_Iter>, _Hasher, _Keyeq, _Alloc>;
template <class _Kty, class _Ty, class _Hasher = _STD hash<_Kty>, class _Keyeq = _STD equal_to<_Kty>,
class _Alloc = _STD allocator<_STD pair<const _Kty, _Ty>>,
_STD enable_if_t<_STD conjunction_v<_Is_hasher<_Hasher>, _STD negation<_STD _Is_allocator<_Keyeq>>, _STD _Is_allocator<_Alloc>>, int> = 0>
unordered_map(_STD initializer_list<_STD pair<_Kty, _Ty>>, _STD _Guide_size_type_t<_Alloc> = 0, _Hasher = _Hasher(), _Keyeq = _Keyeq(),
_Alloc = _Alloc()) -> unordered_map<_Kty, _Ty, _Hasher, _Keyeq, _Alloc>;
template <class _Iter, class _Alloc, _STD enable_if_t<_STD conjunction_v<_STD _Is_iterator<_Iter>, _STD _Is_allocator<_Alloc>>, int> = 0>
unordered_map(_Iter, _Iter, _Alloc) -> unordered_map<_STD _Guide_key_t<_Iter>, _STD _Guide_val_t<_Iter>,
_STD hash<_STD _Guide_key_t<_Iter>>, _STD equal_to<_STD _Guide_key_t<_Iter>>, _Alloc>;
template <class _Iter, class _Alloc, _STD enable_if_t<_STD conjunction_v<_STD _Is_iterator<_Iter>, _STD _Is_allocator<_Alloc>>, int> = 0>
unordered_map(_Iter, _Iter, _STD _Guide_size_type_t<_Alloc>, _Alloc) -> unordered_map<_STD _Guide_key_t<_Iter>,
_STD _Guide_val_t<_Iter>, _STD hash<_STD _Guide_key_t<_Iter>>, _STD equal_to<_STD _Guide_key_t<_Iter>>, _Alloc>;
template <class _Iter, class _Hasher, class _Alloc,
_STD enable_if_t<_STD conjunction_v<_STD _Is_iterator<_Iter>, _Is_hasher<_Hasher>, _STD _Is_allocator<_Alloc>>, int> = 0>
unordered_map(_Iter, _Iter, _STD _Guide_size_type_t<_Alloc>, _Hasher, _Alloc)
-> unordered_map<_STD _Guide_key_t<_Iter>, _STD _Guide_val_t<_Iter>, _Hasher, _STD equal_to<_STD _Guide_key_t<_Iter>>, _Alloc>;
template <class _Kty, class _Ty, class _Alloc, _STD enable_if_t<_STD _Is_allocator<_Alloc>::value, int> = 0>
unordered_map(_STD initializer_list<_STD pair<_Kty, _Ty>>, _Alloc)
-> unordered_map<_Kty, _Ty, _STD hash<_Kty>, _STD equal_to<_Kty>, _Alloc>;
template <class _Kty, class _Ty, class _Alloc, _STD enable_if_t<_STD _Is_allocator<_Alloc>::value, int> = 0>
unordered_map(_STD initializer_list<_STD pair<_Kty, _Ty>>, _STD _Guide_size_type_t<_Alloc>, _Alloc)
-> unordered_map<_Kty, _Ty, _STD hash<_Kty>, _STD equal_to<_Kty>, _Alloc>;
template <class _Kty, class _Ty, class _Hasher, class _Alloc,
_STD enable_if_t<_STD conjunction_v<_Is_hasher<_Hasher>, _STD _Is_allocator<_Alloc>>, int> = 0>
unordered_map(_STD initializer_list<_STD pair<_Kty, _Ty>>, _STD _Guide_size_type_t<_Alloc>, _Hasher, _Alloc)
-> unordered_map<_Kty, _Ty, _Hasher, _STD equal_to<_Kty>, _Alloc>;
#if _HAS_CXX23 && defined(__cpp_lib_concepts) // TRANSITION, GH-395
template <_RANGES input_range _Rng, class _Hasher = _STD hash<_STD _Range_key_type<_Rng>>,
class _Keyeq = _STD equal_to<_STD _Range_key_type<_Rng>>, class _Alloc = _STD allocator<_STD _Range_to_alloc_type<_Rng>>,
_STD enable_if_t<_STD conjunction_v<_Is_hasher<_Hasher>, _STD negation<_STD _Is_allocator<_Keyeq>>, _STD _Is_allocator<_Alloc>>, int> = 0>
unordered_map(_STD from_range_t, _Rng&&, _STD _Guide_size_type_t<_Alloc> = 0, _Hasher = _Hasher(), _Keyeq = _Keyeq(),
_Alloc = _Alloc()) -> unordered_map<_STD _Range_key_type<_Rng>, _STD _Range_mapped_type<_Rng>, _Hasher, _Keyeq, _Alloc>;
template <_RANGES input_range _Rng, class _Alloc, _STD enable_if_t<_STD _Is_allocator<_Alloc>::value, int> = 0>
unordered_map(_STD from_range_t, _Rng&&, _STD _Guide_size_type_t<_Alloc>, _Alloc) -> unordered_map<_STD _Range_key_type<_Rng>,
_STD _Range_mapped_type<_Rng>, _STD hash<_STD _Range_key_type<_Rng>>, _STD equal_to<_STD _Range_key_type<_Rng>>, _Alloc>;
template <_RANGES input_range _Rng, class _Alloc, _STD enable_if_t<_STD _Is_allocator<_Alloc>::value, int> = 0>
unordered_map(_STD from_range_t, _Rng&&, _Alloc) -> unordered_map<_STD _Range_key_type<_Rng>, _STD _Range_mapped_type<_Rng>,
_STD hash<_STD _Range_key_type<_Rng>>, _STD equal_to<_STD _Range_key_type<_Rng>>, _Alloc>;
template <_RANGES input_range _Rng, class _Hasher, class _Alloc,
_STD enable_if_t<_STD conjunction_v<_Is_hasher<_Hasher>, _STD _Is_allocator<_Alloc>>, int> = 0>
unordered_map(_STD from_range_t, _Rng&&, _STD _Guide_size_type_t<_Alloc>, _Hasher, _Alloc)
-> unordered_map<_STD _Range_key_type<_Rng>, _STD _Range_mapped_type<_Rng>, _Hasher, _STD equal_to<_STD _Range_key_type<_Rng>>, _Alloc>;
#endif // _HAS_CXX23 && defined(__cpp_lib_concepts)
#endif // _HAS_CXX17
/*_EXPORT_STD*/ template <class _Kty, class _Ty, class _Hasher, class _Keyeq, class _Alloc>
void swap(unordered_map<_Kty, _Ty, _Hasher, _Keyeq, _Alloc>& _Left,
unordered_map<_Kty, _Ty, _Hasher, _Keyeq, _Alloc>& _Right) noexcept(noexcept(_Left.swap(_Right))) {
#if _HAS_CXX20
/*_EXPORT_STD*/ template <class _Kty, class _Ty, class _Hasher, class _Keyeq, class _Alloc, class _Pr>
unordered_map<_Kty, _Ty, _Hasher, _Keyeq, _Alloc>::size_type erase_if(
unordered_map<_Kty, _Ty, _Hasher, _Keyeq, _Alloc>& _Cont, _Pr _Pred) {
return _STD _Erase_nodes_if(_Cont, _STD _Pass_fn(_Pred));
#endif // _HAS_CXX20
/*_EXPORT_STD*/ template <class _Kty, class _Ty, class _Hasher, class _Keyeq, class _Alloc>
_NODISCARD bool operator==(const unordered_map<_Kty, _Ty, _Hasher, _Keyeq, _Alloc>& _Left,
const unordered_map<_Kty, _Ty, _Hasher, _Keyeq, _Alloc>& _Right) {
return ::geode::stl:: _Hash_equal(_Left, _Right);
#if !_HAS_CXX20
template <class _Kty, class _Ty, class _Hasher, class _Keyeq, class _Alloc>
_NODISCARD bool operator!=(const unordered_map<_Kty, _Ty, _Hasher, _Keyeq, _Alloc>& _Left,
const unordered_map<_Kty, _Ty, _Hasher, _Keyeq, _Alloc>& _Right) {
return !(_Left == _Right);
#endif // !_HAS_CXX20
#pragma pop_macro("new")
#pragma warning(pop)
#pragma pack(pop)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,417 @@
// unordered_set standard header
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// Per Apache License, Version 2.0, Section 4, Point b: I (kynex7510) changed this file.
#include <yvals_core.h>
#include "xhash.hpp"
#if _HAS_CXX17
#include <xpolymorphic_allocator.h>
#endif // _HAS_CXX17
#pragma pack(push, _CRT_PACKING)
#pragma warning(push, _STL_WARNING_LEVEL)
#pragma warning(disable : _STL_DISABLED_WARNINGS)
#pragma push_macro("new")
#undef new
namespace geode::stl {
template <class _Kty, // key type (same as value type)
class _Tr, // comparator predicate type
class _Alloc, // actual allocator type (should be value allocator)
bool _Mfl> // true if multiple equivalent keys are permitted
class _Uset_traits : public _Tr { // traits required to make _Hash behave like a set
using key_type = _Kty;
using value_type = _Kty;
using _Mutable_value_type = _Kty;
using key_compare = _Tr;
using allocator_type = _Alloc;
#if _HAS_CXX17
using node_type = _STD _Node_handle<_STD _List_node<value_type, typename _STD allocator_traits<_Alloc>::void_pointer>, _Alloc,
_STD _Node_handle_set_base, _Kty>;
#endif // _HAS_CXX17
static constexpr bool _Multi = _Mfl;
static constexpr bool _Standard = true;
template <class... _Args>
using _In_place_key_extractor = _STD _In_place_key_extract_set<_Kty, _Args...>;
_Uset_traits() = default;
explicit _Uset_traits(const _Tr& _Traits) noexcept(_STD is_nothrow_copy_constructible_v<_Tr>) : _Tr(_Traits) {}
using value_compare = void; // TRANSITION, remove when _Standard becomes unconditionally true
static const _Kty& _Kfn(const value_type& _Val) noexcept {
return _Val;
static int _Nonkfn(const value_type&) noexcept { // extract "non-key" from element value (for container equality)
return 0;
/* _EXPORT_STD */ template <class _Kty, class _Hasher = _STD hash<_Kty>, class _Keyeq = _STD equal_to<_Kty>,
class _Alloc = allocator<_Kty>>
class unordered_set : public _Hash<_Uset_traits<_Kty, _STD _Uhash_compare<_Kty, _Hasher, _Keyeq>, _Alloc, false>> {
// hash table of key-values, unique keys
static_assert(!_ENFORCE_MATCHING_ALLOCATORS || _STD is_same_v<_Kty, typename _Alloc::value_type>,
_MISMATCHED_ALLOCATOR_MESSAGE("unordered_set<T, Hasher, Eq, Allocator>", "T"));
static_assert(_STD is_object_v<_Kty>, "The C++ Standard forbids containers of non-object types "
"because of [container.requirements].");
using _Mytraits = _STD _Uhash_compare<_Kty, _Hasher, _Keyeq>;
using _Mybase = _Hash<_Uset_traits<_Kty, _Mytraits, _Alloc, false>>;
using _Alnode = typename _Mybase::_Alnode;
using _Alnode_traits = typename _Mybase::_Alnode_traits;
using _Key_compare = typename _Mybase::_Key_compare;
using hasher = _Hasher;
using key_type = _Kty;
using key_equal = _Keyeq;
using value_type = typename _Mybase::value_type;
using allocator_type = typename _Mybase::allocator_type;
using size_type = typename _Mybase::size_type;
using difference_type = typename _Mybase::difference_type;
using pointer = typename _Mybase::pointer;
using const_pointer = typename _Mybase::const_pointer;
using reference = value_type&;
using const_reference = const value_type&;
using iterator = typename _Mybase::iterator;
using const_iterator = typename _Mybase::const_iterator;
using local_iterator = typename _Mybase::iterator;
using const_local_iterator = typename _Mybase::const_iterator;
#if _HAS_CXX17
using insert_return_type = _STD _Insert_return_type<iterator, typename _Mybase::node_type>;
#endif // _HAS_CXX17
unordered_set() : _Mybase(_Key_compare(), allocator_type()) {}
explicit unordered_set(const allocator_type& _Al) : _Mybase(_Key_compare(), _Al) {}
unordered_set(const unordered_set& _Right)
: _Mybase(_Right, _Alnode_traits::select_on_container_copy_construction(_Right._Getal())) {}
unordered_set(const unordered_set& _Right, const allocator_type& _Al) : _Mybase(_Right, _Al) {}
explicit unordered_set(size_type _Buckets) : _Mybase(_Key_compare(), allocator_type()) {
unordered_set(size_type _Buckets, const allocator_type& _Al) : _Mybase(_Key_compare(), _Al) {
unordered_set(size_type _Buckets, const hasher& _Hasharg) : _Mybase(_Key_compare(_Hasharg), allocator_type()) {
unordered_set(size_type _Buckets, const hasher& _Hasharg, const allocator_type& _Al)
: _Mybase(_Key_compare(_Hasharg), _Al) {
unordered_set(size_type _Buckets, const hasher& _Hasharg, const _Keyeq& _Keyeqarg)
: _Mybase(_Key_compare(_Hasharg, _Keyeqarg), allocator_type()) {
unordered_set(size_type _Buckets, const hasher& _Hasharg, const _Keyeq& _Keyeqarg, const allocator_type& _Al)
: _Mybase(_Key_compare(_Hasharg, _Keyeqarg), _Al) {
template <class _Iter>
unordered_set(_Iter _First, _Iter _Last) : _Mybase(_Key_compare(), allocator_type()) {
this->insert(_First, _Last);
template <class _Iter>
unordered_set(_Iter _First, _Iter _Last, const allocator_type& _Al) : _Mybase(_Key_compare(), _Al) {
this->insert(_First, _Last);
template <class _Iter>
unordered_set(_Iter _First, _Iter _Last, size_type _Buckets) : _Mybase(_Key_compare(), allocator_type()) {
this->insert(_First, _Last);
template <class _Iter>
unordered_set(_Iter _First, _Iter _Last, size_type _Buckets, const allocator_type& _Al)
: _Mybase(_Key_compare(), _Al) {
this->insert(_First, _Last);
template <class _Iter>
unordered_set(_Iter _First, _Iter _Last, size_type _Buckets, const hasher& _Hasharg)
: _Mybase(_Key_compare(_Hasharg), allocator_type()) {
this->insert(_First, _Last);
template <class _Iter>
unordered_set(_Iter _First, _Iter _Last, size_type _Buckets, const hasher& _Hasharg, const allocator_type& _Al)
: _Mybase(_Key_compare(_Hasharg), _Al) {
this->insert(_First, _Last);
template <class _Iter>
unordered_set(_Iter _First, _Iter _Last, size_type _Buckets, const hasher& _Hasharg, const _Keyeq& _Keyeqarg)
: _Mybase(_Key_compare(_Hasharg, _Keyeqarg), allocator_type()) {
this->insert(_First, _Last);
template <class _Iter>
unordered_set(_Iter _First, _Iter _Last, size_type _Buckets, const hasher& _Hasharg, const _Keyeq& _Keyeqarg,
const allocator_type& _Al)
: _Mybase(_Key_compare(_Hasharg, _Keyeqarg), _Al) {
this->insert(_First, _Last);
#if _HAS_CXX23 && defined(__cpp_lib_concepts) // TRANSITION, GH-395
template <_STD _Container_compatible_range<value_type> _Rng>
unordered_set(_STD from_range_t, _Rng&& _Range) : _Mybase(_Key_compare(), allocator_type()) {
this->_Insert_range_unchecked(_RANGES _Ubegin(_Range), _RANGES _Uend(_Range));
template <_STD _Container_compatible_range<value_type> _Rng>
unordered_set(_STD from_range_t, _Rng&& _Range, const allocator_type& _Al) : _Mybase(_Key_compare(), _Al) {
this->_Insert_range_unchecked(_RANGES _Ubegin(_Range), _RANGES _Uend(_Range));
template <_STD _Container_compatible_range<value_type> _Rng>
unordered_set(_STD from_range_t, _Rng&& _Range, size_type _Buckets) : _Mybase(_Key_compare(), allocator_type()) {
this->_Insert_range_unchecked(_RANGES _Ubegin(_Range), _RANGES _Uend(_Range));
template <_STD _Container_compatible_range<value_type> _Rng>
unordered_set(_STD from_range_t, _Rng&& _Range, size_type _Buckets, const allocator_type& _Al)
: _Mybase(_Key_compare(), _Al) {
this->_Insert_range_unchecked(_RANGES _Ubegin(_Range), _RANGES _Uend(_Range));
template <_STD _Container_compatible_range<value_type> _Rng>
unordered_set(_STD from_range_t, _Rng&& _Range, size_type _Buckets, const hasher& _Hasharg)
: _Mybase(_Key_compare(_Hasharg), allocator_type()) {
this->_Insert_range_unchecked(_RANGES _Ubegin(_Range), _RANGES _Uend(_Range));
template <_STD _Container_compatible_range<value_type> _Rng>
unordered_set(_STD from_range_t, _Rng&& _Range, size_type _Buckets, const hasher& _Hasharg, const allocator_type& _Al)
: _Mybase(_Key_compare(_Hasharg), _Al) {
this->_Insert_range_unchecked(_RANGES _Ubegin(_Range), _RANGES _Uend(_Range));
template <_STD _Container_compatible_range<value_type> _Rng>
unordered_set(_STD from_range_t, _Rng&& _Range, size_type _Buckets, const hasher& _Hasharg, const _Keyeq& _Keyeqarg)
: _Mybase(_Key_compare(_Hasharg, _Keyeqarg), allocator_type()) {
this->_Insert_range_unchecked(_RANGES _Ubegin(_Range), _RANGES _Uend(_Range));
template <_STD _Container_compatible_range<value_type> _Rng>
unordered_set(_STD from_range_t, _Rng&& _Range, size_type _Buckets, const hasher& _Hasharg, const _Keyeq& _Keyeqarg,
const allocator_type& _Al)
: _Mybase(_Key_compare(_Hasharg, _Keyeqarg), _Al) {
this->_Insert_range_unchecked(_RANGES _Ubegin(_Range), _RANGES _Uend(_Range));
#endif // _HAS_CXX23 && defined(__cpp_lib_concepts)
unordered_set& operator=(const unordered_set& _Right) {
return *this;
unordered_set(unordered_set&& _Right) : _Mybase(_STD move(_Right)) {}
unordered_set(unordered_set&& _Right, const allocator_type& _Al) : _Mybase(_STD move(_Right), _Al) {}
unordered_set& operator=(unordered_set&& _Right) noexcept(_Alnode_traits::is_always_equal::value&&
_STD is_nothrow_move_assignable_v<_Hasher>&& _STD is_nothrow_move_assignable_v<_Keyeq>) {
_Mybase::operator=(_STD move(_Right));
return *this;
void swap(unordered_set& _Right) noexcept(noexcept(_Mybase::swap(_Right))) {
unordered_set(_STD initializer_list<value_type> _Ilist) : _Mybase(_Key_compare(), allocator_type()) {
unordered_set(_STD initializer_list<value_type> _Ilist, const allocator_type& _Al) : _Mybase(_Key_compare(), _Al) {
unordered_set(_STD initializer_list<value_type> _Ilist, size_type _Buckets) : _Mybase(_Key_compare(), allocator_type()) {
unordered_set(_STD initializer_list<value_type> _Ilist, size_type _Buckets, const allocator_type& _Al)
: _Mybase(_Key_compare(), _Al) {
unordered_set(_STD initializer_list<value_type> _Ilist, size_type _Buckets, const hasher& _Hasharg)
: _Mybase(_Key_compare(_Hasharg), allocator_type()) {
_STD initializer_list<value_type> _Ilist, size_type _Buckets, const hasher& _Hasharg, const allocator_type& _Al)
: _Mybase(_Key_compare(_Hasharg), _Al) {
_STD initializer_list<value_type> _Ilist, size_type _Buckets, const hasher& _Hasharg, const _Keyeq& _Keyeqarg)
: _Mybase(_Key_compare(_Hasharg, _Keyeqarg), allocator_type()) {
unordered_set(_STD initializer_list<value_type> _Ilist, size_type _Buckets, const hasher& _Hasharg,
const _Keyeq& _Keyeqarg, const allocator_type& _Al)
: _Mybase(_Key_compare(_Hasharg, _Keyeqarg), _Al) {
unordered_set& operator=(_STD initializer_list<value_type> _Ilist) {
return *this;
_NODISCARD hasher hash_function() const {
return this->_Traitsobj._Mypair._Get_first();
_NODISCARD key_equal key_eq() const {
return this->_Traitsobj._Mypair._Myval2._Get_first();
using _Mybase::_Unchecked_begin;
using _Mybase::_Unchecked_end;
#if _HAS_CXX17
template <class _Iter, class _Hasher = _STD hash<_STD _Iter_value_t<_Iter>>, class _Keyeq = _STD equal_to<_STD _Iter_value_t<_Iter>>,
class _Alloc = allocator<_STD _Iter_value_t<_Iter>>,
_STD enable_if_t<
_STD conjunction_v<_STD _Is_iterator<_Iter>, _Is_hasher<_Hasher>, _STD negation<_STD _Is_allocator<_Keyeq>>, _STD _Is_allocator<_Alloc>>,
int> = 0>
unordered_set(_Iter, _Iter, _STD _Guide_size_type_t<_Alloc> = 0, _Hasher = _Hasher(), _Keyeq = _Keyeq(), _Alloc = _Alloc())
-> unordered_set<_STD _Iter_value_t<_Iter>, _Hasher, _Keyeq, _Alloc>;
template <class _Kty, class _Hasher = _STD hash<_Kty>, class _Keyeq = _STD equal_to<_Kty>, class _Alloc = allocator<_Kty>,
_STD enable_if_t<_STD conjunction_v<_Is_hasher<_Hasher>, _STD negation<_STD _Is_allocator<_Keyeq>>, _STD _Is_allocator<_Alloc>>, int> = 0>
unordered_set(_STD initializer_list<_Kty>, _STD _Guide_size_type_t<_Alloc> = 0, _Hasher = _Hasher(), _Keyeq = _Keyeq(),
_Alloc = _Alloc()) -> unordered_set<_Kty, _Hasher, _Keyeq, _Alloc>;
template <class _Iter, class _Alloc, _STD enable_if_t<_STD conjunction_v<_STD _Is_iterator<_Iter>, _STD _Is_allocator<_Alloc>>, int> = 0>
unordered_set(_Iter, _Iter, _STD _Guide_size_type_t<_Alloc>, _Alloc)
-> unordered_set<_STD _Iter_value_t<_Iter>, _STD hash<_STD _Iter_value_t<_Iter>>, _STD equal_to<_STD _Iter_value_t<_Iter>>, _Alloc>;
template <class _Iter, class _Hasher, class _Alloc,
_STD enable_if_t<_STD conjunction_v<_STD _Is_iterator<_Iter>, _Is_hasher<_Hasher>, _STD _Is_allocator<_Alloc>>, int> = 0>
unordered_set(_Iter, _Iter, _STD _Guide_size_type_t<_Alloc>, _Hasher, _Alloc)
-> unordered_set<_STD _Iter_value_t<_Iter>, _Hasher, _STD equal_to<_STD _Iter_value_t<_Iter>>, _Alloc>;
template <class _Kty, class _Alloc, _STD enable_if_t<_STD _Is_allocator<_Alloc>::value, int> = 0>
unordered_set(_STD initializer_list<_Kty>, _STD _Guide_size_type_t<_Alloc>, _Alloc)
-> unordered_set<_Kty, _STD hash<_Kty>, _STD equal_to<_Kty>, _Alloc>;
template <class _Kty, class _Hasher, class _Alloc,
_STD enable_if_t<_STD conjunction_v<_Is_hasher<_Hasher>, _STD _Is_allocator<_Alloc>>, int> = 0>
unordered_set(_STD initializer_list<_Kty>, _STD _Guide_size_type_t<_Alloc>, _Hasher, _Alloc)
-> unordered_set<_Kty, _Hasher, _STD equal_to<_Kty>, _Alloc>;
#if _HAS_CXX23 && defined(__cpp_lib_concepts) // TRANSITION, GH-395
template <_RANGES input_range _Rng, class _Hasher = _STD hash<_RANGES range_value_t<_Rng>>,
class _Keyeq = _STD equal_to<_RANGES range_value_t<_Rng>>, class _Alloc = allocator<_RANGES range_value_t<_Rng>>,
_STD enable_if_t<_STD conjunction_v<_Is_hasher<_Hasher>, _STD negation<_STD _Is_allocator<_Keyeq>>, _STD _Is_allocator<_Alloc>>, int> = 0>
unordered_set(_STD from_range_t, _Rng&&, _STD _Guide_size_type_t<_Alloc> = 0, _Hasher = _Hasher(), _Keyeq = _Keyeq(),
_Alloc = _Alloc()) -> unordered_set<_RANGES range_value_t<_Rng>, _Hasher, _Keyeq, _Alloc>;
template <_RANGES input_range _Rng, class _Alloc, _STD enable_if_t<_STD _Is_allocator<_Alloc>::value, int> = 0>
unordered_set(_STD from_range_t, _Rng&&, _STD _Guide_size_type_t<_Alloc>, _Alloc) -> unordered_set<_RANGES range_value_t<_Rng>,
_STD hash<_RANGES range_value_t<_Rng>>, _STD equal_to<_RANGES range_value_t<_Rng>>, _Alloc>;
template <_RANGES input_range _Rng, class _Alloc, _STD enable_if_t<_STD _Is_allocator<_Alloc>::value, int> = 0>
unordered_set(_STD from_range_t, _Rng&&, _Alloc) -> unordered_set<_RANGES range_value_t<_Rng>,
_STD hash<_RANGES range_value_t<_Rng>>, _STD equal_to<_RANGES range_value_t<_Rng>>, _Alloc>;
template <_RANGES input_range _Rng, class _Hasher, class _Alloc,
_STD enable_if_t<_STD conjunction_v<_Is_hasher<_Hasher>, _STD _Is_allocator<_Alloc>>, int> = 0>
unordered_set(_STD from_range_t, _Rng&&, _STD _Guide_size_type_t<_Alloc>, _Hasher, _Alloc)
-> unordered_set<_RANGES range_value_t<_Rng>, _Hasher, _STD equal_to<_RANGES range_value_t<_Rng>>, _Alloc>;
#endif // _HAS_CXX23 && defined(__cpp_lib_concepts)
#endif // _HAS_CXX17
/* _EXPORT_STD */ template <class _Kty, class _Hasher, class _Keyeq, class _Alloc>
void swap(unordered_set<_Kty, _Hasher, _Keyeq, _Alloc>& _Left,
unordered_set<_Kty, _Hasher, _Keyeq, _Alloc>& _Right) noexcept(noexcept(_Left.swap(_Right))) {
#if _HAS_CXX20
/* _EXPORT_STD */ template <class _Kty, class _Hasher, class _Keyeq, class _Alloc, class _Pr>
unordered_set<_Kty, _Hasher, _Keyeq, _Alloc>::size_type erase_if(
unordered_set<_Kty, _Hasher, _Keyeq, _Alloc>& _Cont, _Pr _Pred) {
return _STD _Erase_nodes_if(_Cont, _STD _Pass_fn(_Pred));
#endif // _HAS_CXX20
/* _EXPORT_STD */ template <class _Kty, class _Hasher, class _Keyeq, class _Alloc>
_NODISCARD bool operator==(const unordered_set<_Kty, _Hasher, _Keyeq, _Alloc>& _Left,
const unordered_set<_Kty, _Hasher, _Keyeq, _Alloc>& _Right) {
return geode::stl:: _Hash_equal(_Left, _Right);
#if !_HAS_CXX20
template <class _Kty, class _Hasher, class _Keyeq, class _Alloc>
_NODISCARD bool operator!=(const unordered_set<_Kty, _Hasher, _Keyeq, _Alloc>& _Left,
const unordered_set<_Kty, _Hasher, _Keyeq, _Alloc>& _Right) {
return !(_Left == _Right);
#endif // !_HAS_CXX20
#pragma pop_macro("new")
#pragma warning(pop)
#pragma pack(pop)
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
#pragma once
#include "msvc/allocator.hpp"
#include "msvc/umap.hpp"
#include "msvc/uset.hpp"
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <set>
namespace gd {
@ -14,11 +16,11 @@ namespace gd {
using map = std::map<K, V>;
template <class K, class V>
using unordered_map = std::unordered_map<K, V>;
using unordered_map = geode::stl::unordered_map<K, V, std::hash<K>, std::equal_to<K>, geode::stl::allocator<std::pair<const K, V>>>;
template <class K>
using set = std::set<K>;
template <class K>
using unordered_set = std::unordered_set<K>;
using unordered_set = geode::stl::unordered_set<K, std::hash<K>, std::equal_to<K>, geode::stl::allocator<K>>;
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
#pragma once
#include "AsStaticFunction.hpp"
#include "Field.hpp"
#include <Geode/Enums.hpp>
#include "IDManager.hpp"
#include <Geode/loader/Loader.hpp>
@ -8,28 +9,37 @@
#include <iostream>
#include <tulip/TulipHook.hpp>
#define GEODE_APPLY_MODIFY_FOR_FUNCTION(AddressInline_, Convention_, ClassName_, FunctionName_, ...) \
do { \
if constexpr (Unique::different< \
Resolve<__VA_ARGS__>::func(&Base::FunctionName_), \
Resolve<__VA_ARGS__>::func(&Derived::FunctionName_)>()) { \
static auto address = AddressInline_; \
if (address == 0) { \
log::error( \
"Address of {} returned nullptr, can't hook", #ClassName_ "::" #FunctionName_ \
); \
break; \
} \
auto hook = Hook::create( \
reinterpret_cast<void*>(address), \
AsStaticFunction_##FunctionName_< \
Derived, \
decltype(Resolve<__VA_ARGS__>::func(&Derived::FunctionName_))>::value, \
#ClassName_ "::" #FunctionName_, \
tulip::hook::TulipConvention::Convention_ \
); \
this->m_hooks[#ClassName_ "::" #FunctionName_] = hook; \
} \
#define GEODE_APPLY_MODIFY_FOR_FUNCTION(AddressInline_, Convention_, ClassName_, FunctionName_, ...) \
do { \
static auto constexpr different = Unique::different< \
Resolve<__VA_ARGS__>::func(&Base::FunctionName_), \
Resolve<__VA_ARGS__>::func(&Derived::FunctionName_) \
>(); \
using BaseFuncType = decltype(Resolve<__VA_ARGS__>::func(&Base::FunctionName_)); \
using DerivedFuncType = decltype(Resolve<__VA_ARGS__>::func(&Derived::FunctionName_)); \
if constexpr (different) { \
static auto address = AddressInline_; \
static_assert(GEODE_REVERT_TODO_RETURN || \
!different || !std::is_same_v<typename ReturnType<BaseFuncType>::type, TodoReturn>, \
"Function" #ClassName_ "::" #FunctionName_ " has a TodoReturn type, " \
"please fix it by editing the bindings." \
); \
if (address == 0) { \
log::error( \
"Address of {} returned nullptr, can't hook", #ClassName_ "::" #FunctionName_ \
); \
break; \
} \
auto hook = Hook::create( \
reinterpret_cast<void*>(address), \
AsStaticFunction_##FunctionName_< \
Derived, \
DerivedFuncType>::value, \
#ClassName_ "::" #FunctionName_, \
tulip::hook::TulipConvention::Convention_ \
); \
this->m_hooks[#ClassName_ "::" #FunctionName_] = hook; \
} \
} while (0);
#define GEODE_APPLY_MODIFY_FOR_CONSTRUCTOR(AddressInline_, Convention_, ClassName_, ...) \
@ -166,6 +166,29 @@ namespace geode::modifier {
* Gets the return type of a given resolved function pointer.
template <class Func>
struct ReturnType {
using type = void;
template <class Return, class... Params>
struct ReturnType<Return(*)(Params...)> {
using type = Return;
template <class Return, class Class, class... Params>
struct ReturnType<Return(Class::*)(Params...)> {
using type = Return;
template <class Return, class Class, class... Params>
struct ReturnType<Return(Class::*)(Params...) const> {
using type = Return;
* A specialization for giving the variadic types as a single type with the
* function type. The return type is ignored.
@ -222,18 +222,14 @@ std::mutex& getLogMutex() {
void Logger::push(Severity sev, std::string&& thread, std::string&& source, int32_t nestCount,
std::string&& content) {
Log* log;
std::lock_guard g(getLogMutex());
log = &m_logs.emplace_back(sev, std::move(thread), std::move(source), nestCount,
std::lock_guard g(getLogMutex());
Log& log = m_logs.emplace_back(sev, std::move(thread), std::move(source), nestCount,
auto const logStr = log->toString();
std::lock_guard g(getLogMutex());
console::log(logStr, log->getSeverity());
m_logStream << logStr << std::endl;
auto const logStr = log.toString();
console::log(logStr, log.getSeverity());
m_logStream << logStr << std::endl;
Nest::Nest(std::shared_ptr<Nest::Impl> impl) : m_impl(std::move(impl)) { }
@ -1,5 +1,27 @@
#include "../../c++stl/msvc/allocator.hpp"
#include "../../c++stl/string-impl.hpp"
static auto constexpr NEW_SYM = "??2@YAPAXI@Z";
static auto constexpr DELETE_SYM = "??3@YAXPAX@Z";
static void* getFn(const char* sym) {
auto msvcr = GetModuleHandleW(L"MSVCR120.dll");
if (msvcr != NULL)
return reinterpret_cast<void*>(GetProcAddress(msvcr, sym));
return nullptr;
void* geode::stl::operatorNew(size_t size) {
static auto fnPtr = reinterpret_cast<void*(*)(size_t)>(getFn(NEW_SYM));
return fnPtr(size);
void geode::stl::operatorDelete(void* ptr) {
static auto fnPtr = reinterpret_cast<void(*)(void*)>(getFn(DELETE_SYM));
return fnPtr(ptr);
namespace geode::stl {
void StringImpl::setEmpty() {
data.m_size = 0;
@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ void geode::utils::game::restart() {
wchar_t buffer[MAX_PATH];
GetModuleFileNameW(nullptr, buffer, MAX_PATH);
const auto gdName = ghc::filesystem::path(buffer).filename().string();
const auto gdName = fmt::format("\"{}\"", ghc::filesystem::path(buffer).filename().string());
// launch updater
const auto updaterPath = (workingDir / "GeodeUpdater.exe").string();
@ -21,7 +21,16 @@ void geode::openIssueReportPopup(Mod* mod) {
dirs::getCrashlogsDir().string() + "`",
"OK", "Open Folder",
[mod](bool btn2) {
if (btn2) {
auto issues = mod->getMetadata().getIssues();
if (issues && issues.value().url) {
auto url = issues.value().url.value();
@ -484,15 +484,13 @@ void GEODE_DLL geode::cocos::handleTouchPriorityWith(cocos2d::CCNode* node, int
void GEODE_DLL geode::cocos::handleTouchPriority(cocos2d::CCNode* node, bool force) {
Loader::get()->queueInMainThread([node, force]() {
if (auto delegate = typeinfo_cast<CCTouchDelegate*>(node)) {
Loader::get()->queueInMainThread([node = Ref(node), force]() {
if (auto delegate = typeinfo_cast<CCTouchDelegate*>(*node)) {
if (auto handler = CCTouchDispatcher::get()->findHandler(delegate)) {
return handleTouchPriorityWith(node, handler->m_nPriority - 1, force);
handleTouchPriorityWith(node, 0, force);
Reference in a new issue