ok only tuliphook and static libs left

This commit is contained in:
altalk23 2023-12-23 18:02:13 +03:00
parent 1291dfd67b
commit 78ca51fe3e
3 changed files with 26 additions and 230 deletions

View file

@ -14,6 +14,8 @@ $execute {
#elif defined(GEODE_IS_ANDROID32)
(void)Mod::get()->addHook(reinterpret_cast<void*>(base::get() + (0x720348 - 0x10000) + 1), &cast::typeinfoCastInternal, "__dynamic_cast");
#elif defined(GEODE_IS_ANDROID64)
(void)Mod::get()->addHook(reinterpret_cast<void*>(base::get() + (0xd6cb8c - 0x100000)), &cast::typeinfoCastInternal, "__dynamic_cast");

View file

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
#include <crashlog.hpp>
using namespace geode::prelude;
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ static std::string_view getSignalCodeString() {
static std::string getImageName(Elf32_Phdr const* image) {
static std::string getImageName(void const* image) {
if (image == nullptr) {
return "<Unknown>";
@ -76,45 +76,10 @@ static std::string getImageName(Elf32_Phdr const* image) {
return imageName;
// static std::vector<struct dyld_image_info const*> getAllImages() {
// std::vector<struct dyld_image_info const*> images;
// struct task_dyld_info dyldInfo;
// mach_msg_type_number_t count = TASK_DYLD_INFO_COUNT;
// if (task_info(mach_task_self(), TASK_DYLD_INFO, (task_info_t)&dyldInfo, &count) == KERN_SUCCESS) {
// struct dyld_all_image_infos* imageInfos = (struct dyld_all_image_infos*)dyldInfo.all_image_info_addr;
// for (size_t i = 0; i < imageInfos->infoArrayCount; ++i) {
// images.push_back(&imageInfos->infoArray[i]);
// }
// }
// return images;
// }
static Elf32_Phdr const* imageFromAddress(void const* addr) {
static void const* imageFromAddress(void const* addr) {
if (addr == nullptr) {
return nullptr;
// auto loadedImages = getAllImages();
// std::sort(loadedImages.begin(), loadedImages.end(), [](auto const a, auto const b) {
// return (uintptr_t)a->imageLoadAddress < (uintptr_t)b->imageLoadAddress;
// });
// auto iter = std::upper_bound(loadedImages.begin(), loadedImages.end(), addr, [](auto const addr, auto const image) {
// return (uintptr_t)addr < (uintptr_t)image->imageLoadAddress;
// });
// if (iter == loadedImages.begin()) {
// return nullptr;
// }
// --iter;
// auto image = *iter;
// // auto imageSize = getImageSize((struct mach_header_64 const*)image->imageLoadAddress);
// auto imageAddress = (uintptr_t)image->imageLoadAddress;
// if ((uintptr_t)addr >= imageAddress/* && (uintptr_t)addr < imageAddress + imageSize*/) {
// return image;
// }
return nullptr;
@ -122,28 +87,6 @@ static Mod* modFromAddress(void const* addr) {
if (addr == nullptr) {
return nullptr;
// auto image = imageFromAddress(addr);
// if (image == nullptr) {
// return nullptr;
// }
// ghc::filesystem::path imagePath = getImageName(image);
// if (!ghc::filesystem::exists(imagePath)) {
// return nullptr;
// }
// auto geodePath = dirs::getGameDir() / "Frameworks" / "Geode.dylib";
// if (ghc::filesystem::equivalent(imagePath, geodePath)) {
// return Mod::get();
// }
// for (auto& mod : Loader::get()->getAllMods()) {
// if (!mod->isEnabled() || !ghc::filesystem::exists(mod->getBinaryPath())) {
// continue;
// }
// if (ghc::filesystem::equivalent(imagePath, mod->getBinaryPath())) {
// return mod;
// }
// }
return nullptr;
@ -217,64 +160,6 @@ static std::string getStacktrace() {
// TODO: parse the message
stacktrace << message << "\n";
// auto stream = std::stringstream(message);
// int index;
// std::string binary;
// uintptr_t address;
// std::string function;
// uintptr_t offset;
// std::string line;
// stream >> index;
// if (!lines.eof()) {
// std::getline(lines, line);
// }
// std::getline(stream, binary);
// auto cutoff = binary.find("0x");
// stream = std::stringstream(binary.substr(cutoff));
// binary = geode::utils::string::trim(binary.substr(0, cutoff));
// stream >> std::hex >> address >> std::dec;
// if (!line.empty()) {
// // log::debug("address: {}", address);
// auto image = imageFromAddress(reinterpret_cast<void*>(address));
// // log::debug("image: {}", image);
// stacktrace << " - " << std::showbase << std::hex;
// if (image) {
// auto baseAddress = image->imageLoadAddress;
// auto imageName = getImageName(image);
// stacktrace << imageName << " + " << (address - (uintptr_t)baseAddress);
// }
// else {
// stacktrace << address;
// }
// stacktrace << std::dec;
// stacktrace << ": " << line << "\n";
// }
// else {
// std::getline(stream, function);
// cutoff = function.find("+");
// stream = std::stringstream(function.substr(cutoff));
// stream >> offset;
// function = geode::utils::string::trim(function.substr(0, cutoff));
// {
// int status;
// auto demangle = abi::__cxa_demangle(function.c_str(), 0, 0, &status);
// if (status == 0) {
// function = demangle;
// }
// free(demangle);
// }
// stacktrace << "- " << binary;
// stacktrace << " @ " << std::showbase << std::hex << address << std::dec;
// stacktrace << " (" << function << " + " << offset << ")\n";
// }
@ -285,29 +170,6 @@ static std::string getStacktrace() {
static std::string getRegisters() {
std::stringstream registers;
auto context = s_context;
auto& ctx = context->uc_mcontext;
// geez
registers << std::showbase << std::hex /*<< std::setfill('0') << std::setw(16) */;
registers << "r0: " << ctx.arm_r0 << "\n";
registers << "r1: " << ctx.arm_r1 << "\n";
registers << "r2: " << ctx.arm_r2 << "\n";
registers << "r3: " << ctx.arm_r3 << "\n";
registers << "r4: " << ctx.arm_r4 << "\n";
registers << "r5: " << ctx.arm_r5 << "\n";
registers << "r6: " << ctx.arm_r6 << "\n";
registers << "r7: " << ctx.arm_r7 << "\n";
registers << "r8: " << ctx.arm_r8 << "\n";
registers << "r9: " << ctx.arm_r9 << "\n";
registers << "r10: " << ctx.arm_r10 << "\n";
registers << "r11: " << ctx.arm_fp << "\n";
registers << "r12: " << ctx.arm_ip << "\n";
registers << "sp: " << ctx.arm_sp << "\n";
registers << "lr: " << ctx.arm_lr << "\n";
registers << "pc: " << ctx.arm_pc << "\n";
registers << "cpsr: " << ctx.arm_cpsr << "\n";
return registers.str();
@ -316,14 +178,6 @@ static void handlerThread() {
s_cv.wait(lock, [] { return s_signal != 0; });
auto signalAddress = reinterpret_cast<void*>(s_context->uc_mcontext.fault_address);
// Mod* faultyMod = nullptr;
// for (int i = 1; i < s_backtraceSize; ++i) {
// auto mod = modFromAddress(s_backtrace[i]);
// if (mod != nullptr) {
// faultyMod = mod;
// break;
// }
// }
Mod* faultyMod = modFromAddress(signalAddress);
auto text = crashlog::writeCrashlog(faultyMod, getInfo(signalAddress, faultyMod), getStacktrace(), getRegisters());
@ -338,80 +192,6 @@ static void handlerThread() {
static bool s_lastLaunchCrashed = false;
// bool crashlog::setupPlatformHandler() {
// auto pidFile = crashlog::getCrashLogDirectory() / "last-pid";
// int lastPid = 0;
// if (ghc::filesystem::exists(pidFile)) {
// auto res = file::readString(pidFile);
// if (!res) {
// log::warn("Failed to read last-pid file: {}", res.error());
// }
// else {
// lastPid = std::stoi(res.unwrap());
// }
// std::error_code ec;
// ghc::filesystem::remove(pidFile, ec);
// if (ec) {
// log::warn("Failed to remove last-pid file: {}", ec.message());
// }
// }
// auto res = file::writeString(pidFile, std::to_string(getpid()));
// if (!res) {
// log::warn("Failed to write last-pid file: {}", res.error());
// }
// lastPid = 1513;
// if (lastPid == 0) {
// return true;
// }
// // TODO: get logcat crash
// std::string logcatCrash = R"RAW()RAW";
// std::string crashTrace;
// auto findLast = logcatCrash.find_last_of(fmt::format("pid {} (.geode.launcher)", lastPid));
// if (findLast != std::string::npos) {
// auto begin = logcatCrash.substr(0, findLast).find_last_of("F/libc");
// if (begin != std::string::npos) {
// crashTrace = logcatCrash.substr(begin);
// }
// }
// else {
// return true;
// }
// auto text = crashlog::writeCrashlog(nullptr, "", crashTrace, "");
// s_lastLaunchCrashed = true;
// auto lastCrashedFile = crashlog::getCrashLogDirectory() / "last-crashed";
// if (ghc::filesystem::exists(lastCrashedFile)) {
// std::error_code ec;
// ghc::filesystem::remove(lastCrashedFile, ec);
// if (ec) {
// log::warn("Failed to remove last-crashed file: {}", ec.message());
// }
// }
// return true;
// }
// bool crashlog::didLastLaunchCrash() {
// return s_lastLaunchCrashed;
// }
// ghc::filesystem::path crashlog::getCrashLogDirectory() {
// return dirs::getGeodeDir() / "crashlogs";
// }
ghc::filesystem::path crashlog::getCrashLogDirectory() {
return dirs::getGeodeDir() / "crashlogs";

View file

@ -1,14 +1,30 @@
#include <Geode/c++stl/gdstdlib.hpp>
#include "../../c++stl/string-impl.hpp"
#if defined(GEODE_IS_ANDROID32)
static constexpr ptrdiff_t MENULAYER_SCENE = 0x309068 - 0x10000;
static constexpr ptrdiff_t STRING_EMPTY = 0xaa1c3c - 0x10000;
static constexpr ptrdiff_t OPERATOR_DELETE = 0x72033c - 0x10000 + 1;
static constexpr ptrdiff_t STRING_COPY = 0x753a44 - 0x10000 + 1;
#elif defined(GEODE_IS_ANDROID64)
static constexpr ptrdiff_t MENULAYER_SCENE = 0x6a62ec - 0x100000;
static constexpr ptrdiff_t STRING_EMPTY = 0x12d8568 - 0x100000;
static constexpr ptrdiff_t OPERATOR_DELETE = 0xd6cb80 - 0x100000;
static constexpr ptrdiff_t STRING_COPY = 0xdb5fdc - 0x100000;
// 2.2 addition
// zmx please fix this
namespace geode::base {
uintptr_t get() {
static uintptr_t base = (reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(&MenuLayer::scene) - (0x309068 - 0x10000)) & (~0x1);
static uintptr_t base = (reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(&MenuLayer::scene) - MENULAYER_SCENE) & (~0x1);
// static uintptr_t base = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(dlopen("libcocos2dcpp.so", RTLD_NOW));
return base;
@ -17,7 +33,7 @@ namespace geode::base {
namespace geode::stl {
static inline auto emptyInternalString() {
return reinterpret_cast<StringData::Internal*>(
geode::base::get() + (0xaa1c3c - 0x10000) + sizeof(StringData::Internal)
geode::base::get() + STRING_EMPTY + sizeof(StringData::Internal)
@ -28,9 +44,7 @@ namespace geode::stl {
void StringImpl::free() {
if (data.m_data == nullptr || data.m_data == emptyInternalString()) return;
// TODO: reimplement this
reinterpret_cast<void (*)(StringData*)>(geode::base::get() + (0x7514c8 - 0x10000) + 1)(&data);
reinterpret_cast<void (*)(void*)>(geode::base::get() + OPERATOR_DELETE)(&data.m_data[-1]);
char* StringImpl::getStorage() {
@ -47,7 +61,7 @@ namespace geode::stl {
// TODO: should be using (char*, size_t) at the very least, or yknow, just reimplement it :-)
reinterpret_cast<void (*)(StringData*, char const*)>(geode::base::get() + (0x753a44 - 0x10000) + 1)(&data, str.data());
reinterpret_cast<void (*)(StringData*, char const*)>(geode::base::get() + STRING_COPY)(&data, str.data());
// TODO: this crashes because we need to use gd's operator new...