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// Copyright (c) 2017-2022 Dr. Colin Hirsch and Daniel Frey
// Please see LICENSE for license or visit https://github.com/taocpp/PEGTL/
#include <cassert>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include <tuple>
#include <type_traits>
#include <typeindex>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "remove_first_state.hpp"
#include "shuffle_states.hpp"
#include "../apply_mode.hpp"
#include "../config.hpp"
#include "../demangle.hpp"
#include "../memory_input.hpp"
#include "../normal.hpp"
#include "../nothing.hpp"
#include "../parse.hpp"
#include "../rewind_mode.hpp"
#include "../internal/enable_control.hpp"
#include "../internal/has_unwind.hpp"
#include "../internal/iterator.hpp"
namespace TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE::parse_tree
template< typename T, typename Source = std::string_view >
struct basic_node
using node_t = T;
using children_t = std::vector< std::unique_ptr< node_t > >;
children_t children;
std::string_view type;
Source source;
TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE::internal::iterator m_begin;
TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE::internal::iterator m_end;
// each node will be default constructed
basic_node() = default;
// no copy/move is necessary
// (nodes are always owned/handled by a std::unique_ptr)
basic_node( const basic_node& ) = delete;
basic_node( basic_node&& ) = delete;
~basic_node() = default;
// no assignment either
basic_node& operator=( const basic_node& ) = delete;
basic_node& operator=( basic_node&& ) = delete;
[[nodiscard]] bool is_root() const noexcept
return type.empty();
template< typename U >
[[nodiscard]] bool is_type() const noexcept
const auto u = demangle< U >();
return ( ( type.data() == u.data() ) && ( type.size() == u.size() ) ) || ( type == u );
template< typename U >
void set_type() noexcept
type = demangle< U >();
[[nodiscard]] position begin() const
return position( m_begin, source );
[[nodiscard]] position end() const
return position( m_end, source );
[[nodiscard]] bool has_content() const noexcept
return m_end.data != nullptr;
[[nodiscard]] std::string_view string_view() const noexcept
assert( has_content() );
return std::string_view( m_begin.data, m_end.data - m_begin.data );
[[nodiscard]] std::string string() const
assert( has_content() );
return std::string( m_begin.data, m_end.data );
template< tracking_mode P = tracking_mode::eager, typename Eol = eol::lf_crlf >
[[nodiscard]] memory_input< P, Eol > as_memory_input() const
assert( has_content() );
return { m_begin.data, m_end.data, source, m_begin.byte, m_begin.line, m_begin.column };
template< typename... States >
void remove_content( States&&... /*unused*/ ) noexcept
m_end = TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE::internal::iterator();
// all non-root nodes are initialized by calling this method
template< typename Rule, typename ParseInput, typename... States >
void start( const ParseInput& in, States&&... /*unused*/ )
set_type< Rule >();
source = in.source();
m_begin = TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE::internal::iterator( in.iterator() );
// if parsing of the rule succeeded, this method is called
template< typename Rule, typename ParseInput, typename... States >
void success( const ParseInput& in, States&&... /*unused*/ ) noexcept
m_end = TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE::internal::iterator( in.iterator() );
// if parsing of the rule failed, this method is called
template< typename Rule, typename ParseInput, typename... States >
void failure( const ParseInput& /*unused*/, States&&... /*unused*/ ) noexcept
// if parsing succeeded and the (optional) transform call
// did not discard the node, it is appended to its parent.
// note that "child" is the node whose Rule just succeeded
// and "*this" is the parent where the node should be appended.
template< typename... States >
void emplace_back( std::unique_ptr< node_t >&& child, States&&... /*unused*/ )
assert( child );
children.emplace_back( std::move( child ) );
struct node
: basic_node< node >
namespace internal
template< typename Node >
struct state
std::vector< std::unique_ptr< Node > > stack;
void emplace_back()
stack.emplace_back( std::make_unique< Node >() );
[[nodiscard]] std::unique_ptr< Node >& back() noexcept
assert( !stack.empty() );
return stack.back();
void pop_back() noexcept
assert( !stack.empty() );
return stack.pop_back();
template< typename Selector, typename... Parameters >
void transform( Parameters&&... /*unused*/ ) noexcept
template< typename Selector, typename ParseInput, typename Node, typename... States >
auto transform( const ParseInput& in, std::unique_ptr< Node >& n, States&&... st ) noexcept( noexcept( Selector::transform( in, n, st... ) ) )
-> decltype( (void)Selector::transform( in, n, st... ) )
Selector::transform( in, n, st... );
template< typename Selector, typename ParseInput, typename Node, typename... States >
auto transform( const ParseInput& /*unused*/, std::unique_ptr< Node >& n, States&&... st ) noexcept( noexcept( Selector::transform( n, st... ) ) )
-> decltype( (void)Selector::transform( n, st... ) )
Selector::transform( n, st... );
template< typename Rule, template< typename... > class Selector >
inline constexpr bool is_selected_node = ( TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE::internal::enable_control< Rule > && Selector< Rule >::value );
template< unsigned Level, typename Subs, template< typename... > class Selector >
inline constexpr bool is_leaf{};
template< typename... Rules, template< typename... > class Selector >
inline constexpr bool is_leaf< 0, type_list< Rules... >, Selector > = ( sizeof...( Rules ) == 0 );
template< unsigned Level, typename Rule, template< typename... > class Selector >
inline constexpr bool is_unselected_branch = ( !is_selected_node< Rule, Selector > && is_leaf< Level, typename Rule::subs_t, Selector > );
template< unsigned Level, typename... Rules, template< typename... > class Selector >
inline constexpr bool is_leaf< Level, type_list< Rules... >, Selector > = ( is_unselected_branch< Level - 1, Rules, Selector > && ... );
template< typename Node, template< typename... > class Selector, template< typename... > class Control >
struct make_control
template< typename Rule, bool, bool >
struct state_handler;
template< typename Rule >
using type = rotate_states_right< state_handler< Rule, is_selected_node< Rule, Selector >, is_leaf< 8, typename Rule::subs_t, Selector > > >;
template< typename, typename, typename... >
inline constexpr bool node_has_unwind = false;
template< typename Node, typename Rule, typename... States >
inline constexpr bool node_has_unwind< Node,
decltype( std::declval< Node >().template unwind< Rule >( std::declval< States >()... ) ),
States... > = true;
template< typename Control, typename... States >
inline constexpr bool control_has_unwind = TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE::internal::has_unwind< Control, void, States... >;
template< typename Node, template< typename... > class Selector, template< typename... > class Control >
template< typename Rule >
struct make_control< Node, Selector, Control >::state_handler< Rule, false, true >
: remove_first_state< Control< Rule > >
template< typename Node, template< typename... > class Selector, template< typename... > class Control >
template< typename Rule >
struct make_control< Node, Selector, Control >::state_handler< Rule, false, false >
: remove_first_state< Control< Rule > >
static constexpr bool enable = true;
template< typename ParseInput, typename... States >
static void start( const ParseInput& /*unused*/, state< Node >& state, States&&... /*unused*/ )
template< typename ParseInput, typename... States >
static void success( const ParseInput& /*unused*/, state< Node >& state, States&&... /*unused*/ )
auto n = std::move( state.back() );
for( auto& c : n->children ) {
state.back()->children.emplace_back( std::move( c ) );
template< typename ParseInput, typename... States >
static void failure( const ParseInput& /*unused*/, state< Node >& state, States&&... /*unused*/ )
template< typename ParseInput, typename... States >
static void unwind( const ParseInput& /*unused*/, state< Node >& state, States&&... /*unused*/ )
template< typename Node, template< typename... > class Selector, template< typename... > class Control >
template< typename Rule, bool B >
struct make_control< Node, Selector, Control >::state_handler< Rule, true, B >
: remove_first_state< Control< Rule > >
template< typename ParseInput, typename... States >
static void start( const ParseInput& in, state< Node >& state, States&&... st )
Control< Rule >::start( in, st... );
state.back()->template start< Rule >( in, st... );
template< typename ParseInput, typename... States >
static void success( const ParseInput& in, state< Node >& state, States&&... st )
auto n = std::move( state.back() );
n->template success< Rule >( in, st... );
transform< Selector< Rule > >( in, n, st... );
if( n ) {
state.back()->emplace_back( std::move( n ), st... );
Control< Rule >::success( in, st... );
template< typename ParseInput, typename... States >
static void failure( const ParseInput& in, state< Node >& state, States&&... st )
state.back()->template failure< Rule >( in, st... );
Control< Rule >::failure( in, st... );
template< typename ParseInput, typename... States >
static void unwind( [[maybe_unused]] const ParseInput& in, [[maybe_unused]] state< Node >& state, States&&... st )
if constexpr( node_has_unwind< Node, Rule, void, const ParseInput&, States... > ) {
state.back()->template unwind< Rule >( in, st... );
if constexpr( control_has_unwind< Control< Rule >, const ParseInput&, States... > ) {
Control< Rule >::unwind( in, st... );
#if defined( _MSC_VER )
( (void)st,
... );
template< typename >
using store_all = std::true_type;
template< typename >
struct selector;
template< typename T >
struct selector< std::tuple< T > >
using type = typename T::type;
template< typename... Ts >
struct selector< std::tuple< Ts... > >
static_assert( sizeof...( Ts ) == 0, "multiple matches found" );
using type = std::false_type;
template< typename T >
using selector_t = typename selector< T >::type;
template< typename Rule, typename Collection >
using select_tuple = std::conditional_t< Collection::template contains< Rule >, std::tuple< Collection >, std::tuple<> >;
} // namespace internal
template< typename Rule, typename... Collections >
using selector = internal::selector_t< decltype( std::tuple_cat( std::declval< internal::select_tuple< Rule, Collections > >()... ) ) >;
template< typename Base >
struct apply
: std::true_type
template< typename... Rules >
struct on
using type = Base;
template< typename Rule >
static constexpr bool contains = ( std::is_same_v< Rule, Rules > || ... );
struct store_content
: apply< store_content >
// some nodes don't need to store their content
struct remove_content
: apply< remove_content >
template< typename Node, typename... States >
static void transform( std::unique_ptr< Node >& n, States&&... st ) noexcept( noexcept( n->Node::remove_content( st... ) ) )
n->remove_content( st... );
// if a node has only one child, replace the node with its child, otherwise remove content
struct fold_one
: apply< fold_one >
template< typename Node, typename... States >
static void transform( std::unique_ptr< Node >& n, States&&... st ) noexcept( noexcept( n->children.size(), n->Node::remove_content( st... ) ) )
if( n->children.size() == 1 ) {
n = std::move( n->children.front() );
else {
n->remove_content( st... );
// if a node has no children, discard the node, otherwise remove content
struct discard_empty
: apply< discard_empty >
template< typename Node, typename... States >
static void transform( std::unique_ptr< Node >& n, States&&... st ) noexcept( noexcept( (void)n->children.empty(), n->Node::remove_content( st... ) ) )
if( n->children.empty() ) {
else {
n->remove_content( st... );
template< typename Rule,
typename Node,
template< typename... > class Selector = internal::store_all,
template< typename... > class Action = nothing,
template< typename... > class Control = normal,
typename ParseInput,
typename... States >
[[nodiscard]] std::unique_ptr< Node > parse( ParseInput&& in, States&&... st )
internal::state< Node > state;
if( !TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE::parse< Rule, Action, internal::make_control< Node, Selector, Control >::template type >( in, st..., state ) ) {
return nullptr;
assert( state.stack.size() == 1 );
return std::move( state.back() );
template< typename Rule,
template< typename... > class Selector = internal::store_all,
template< typename... > class Action = nothing,
template< typename... > class Control = normal,
typename ParseInput,
typename... States >
[[nodiscard]] std::unique_ptr< node > parse( ParseInput&& in, States&&... st )
return parse< Rule, node, Selector, Action, Control >( in, st... );
} // namespace TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE::parse_tree