mirror of
synced 2025-03-18 09:19:56 -04:00
2252 lines
40 KiB
2252 lines
40 KiB
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-04-25 22:29+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-04-15 15:06+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Natalie <nrusk@media.mit.edu>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
"Language: fr\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n"
"X-Generator: Pootle\n"
"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1429110360.000000\n"
msgid "%b and %b"
msgstr "%b et %b"
msgid "%b or %b"
msgstr "%b ou %b"
msgid "%m.attribute of %m.spriteOrStage"
msgstr "%m.attribute de %m.spriteOrStage"
msgid "%m.mathOp of %n"
msgstr "%m.mathOp de %n"
msgid "%m.sensor sensor value"
msgstr "valeur du capteur %m.sensor"
msgid "%n mod %n"
msgstr "%n modulo %n"
msgid "add %s to %m.list"
msgstr "ajouter %s à %m.list"
msgid "answer"
msgstr "réponse"
msgid "ask %s and wait"
msgstr "demander %s et attendre"
# "backdrop" in Scratch 2.0 is similar to "background" in Scratch 1.4
msgid "backdrop #"
msgstr "arrière-plan n°"
# "backdrop" in Scratch 2.0 is similar to "background" in Scratch 1.4
msgid "backdrop name"
msgstr "nom de l'arrière-plan"
msgid "broadcast %m.broadcast"
msgstr "envoyer à tous %m.broadcast"
msgid "broadcast %m.broadcast and wait"
msgstr "envoyer à tous %m.broadcast et attendre"
msgid "change %m.effect effect by %n"
msgstr "ajouter à l'effet %m.effect %n"
msgid "change %m.var by %n"
msgstr "ajouter à %m.var %n"
msgid "change pen color by %n"
msgstr "ajouter %n à couleur du stylo"
msgid "change pen shade by %n"
msgstr "ajouter %n à l'intensité du stylo"
msgid "change pen size by %n"
msgstr "ajouter %n à la taille du stylo"
msgid "change size by %n"
msgstr "ajouter %n à la taille"
msgid "change tempo by %n"
msgstr "ajouter %n au tempo"
msgid "change volume by %n"
msgstr "ajouter %n au volume"
msgid "change x by %n"
msgstr "ajouter %n à x"
msgid "change y by %n"
msgstr "ajouter %n à y"
msgid "clear"
msgstr "effacer tout"
msgid "clear graphic effects"
msgstr "annuler les effets graphiques"
msgid "color %c is touching %c?"
msgstr "couleur %c touche %c?"
msgid "Control"
msgstr "Contrôle"
msgid "costume #"
msgstr "costume n°"
msgid "create clone of %m.spriteOnly"
msgstr "créer un clone de %m.spriteOnly"
msgid "current %m.timeAndDate"
msgstr "actuel %m.timeAndDate"
msgid "Data"
msgstr "Données"
msgid "days since 2000"
msgstr "jours depuis 2000"
msgid "define"
msgstr "définir"
msgid "delete %d.listDeleteItem of %m.list"
msgstr "supprimer l'élément %d.listDeleteItem de la liste %m.list"
msgid "delete this clone"
msgstr "supprimer ce clone"
msgid "direction"
msgstr "direction"
msgid "distance"
msgstr "distance"
msgid "distance to %m.spriteOrMouse"
msgstr "distance de %m.spriteOrMouse"
msgid "else"
msgstr "sinon"
msgid "Events"
msgstr "Evènements"
msgid "forever"
msgstr "répéter indéfiniment"
msgid "glide %n secs to x:%n y:%n"
msgstr "glisser en %n secondes à x:%n y:%n"
msgid "go back %n layers"
msgstr "déplacer de %n plans arrière"
msgid "go to %m.spriteOrMouse"
msgstr "aller à %m.spriteOrMouse"
msgid "go to front"
msgstr "envoyer au premier plan"
msgid "go to x:%n y:%n"
msgstr "aller à x:%n y:%n"
msgid "hide"
msgstr "cacher"
msgid "hide list %m.list"
msgstr "cacher la liste %m.list"
msgid "hide variable %m.var"
msgstr "cacher la variable %m.var"
msgid "if %b then"
msgstr "si %b alors"
msgid "if on edge, bounce"
msgstr "rebondir si le bord est atteint"
msgid "insert %s at %d.listItem of %m.list"
msgstr "insérer %s en position %d.listItem de la liste %m.list"
msgid "item %d.listItem of %m.list"
msgstr "élément %d.listItem de %m.list"
msgid "join %s %s"
msgstr "regroupe %s %s"
msgid "key %m.key pressed?"
msgstr "touche %m.key pressée?"
msgid "length of %m.list"
msgstr "longueur de %m.list"
msgid "length of %s"
msgstr "longueur de %s"
msgid "letter %n of %s"
msgstr "lettre %n de %s"
msgid "Looks"
msgstr "Apparence"
msgid "loudness"
msgstr "volume sonore"
msgid "More Blocks"
msgstr "Ajouter blocs"
msgid "Motion"
msgstr "Mouvement"
msgid "mouse down?"
msgstr "souris pressée?"
msgid "mouse x"
msgstr "souris x"
msgid "mouse y"
msgstr "souris y"
msgid "move %n steps"
msgstr "avancer de %n "
# "backdrop" in Scratch 2.0 is similar to "background" in Scratch 1.4
msgid "next backdrop"
msgstr "arrière-plan suivant"
msgid "next costume"
msgstr "costume suivant"
msgid "not %b"
msgstr "non %b"
msgid "Operators"
msgstr "Opérateurs"
msgid "Pen"
msgstr "Stylo"
msgid "pen down"
msgstr "stylo en position d'écriture"
msgid "pen up"
msgstr "relever le stylo"
msgid "pick random %n to %n"
msgstr "nombre aléatoire entre %n et %n"
msgid "play drum %d.drum for %n beats"
msgstr "jouer du tambour %d.drum pendant %n temps"
# 83%
msgid "play note %d.note for %n beats"
msgstr "jouer la note %d.note pendant %n temps"
msgid "play sound %m.sound"
msgstr "jouer le son %m.sound"
msgid "play sound %m.sound until done"
msgstr "jouer le son %m.sound jusqu'au bout"
msgid "point in direction %d.direction"
msgstr "s'orienter à %d.direction"
msgid "point towards %m.spriteOrMouse"
msgstr "s'orienter vers %m.spriteOrMouse"
msgid "repeat %n"
msgstr "répéter %n fois"
msgid "repeat until %b"
msgstr "répéter jusqu’à %b"
msgid "replace item %d.listItem of %m.list with %s"
msgstr "remplacer l'élément %d.listItem de la liste %m.list par %s"
msgid "reset timer"
msgstr "réinitialiser le chronomètre"
msgid "rest for %n beats"
msgstr "faire une pause pour %n temps"
msgid "round %n"
msgstr "arrondi de %n"
msgid "say %s"
msgstr "dire %s"
msgid "say %s for %n secs"
msgstr "dire %s pendant %n secondes"
msgid "Sensing"
msgstr "Capteurs"
msgid "sensor %m.booleanSensor?"
msgstr "capteur %m.booleanSensor activé?"
msgid "set %m.effect effect to %n"
msgstr "mettre l'effet %m.effect à %n"
msgid "set %m.var to %s"
msgstr "mettre %m.var à %s"
msgid "set instrument to %d.instrument"
msgstr "choisir l'instrument n° %d.instrument"
# 89%
# 86%
# 97%
msgid "set %m.motor2 direction to %m.motorDirection"
msgstr "fixer la direction de %m.motor2 en sens %m.motorDirection"
# 77%
# 75%
msgid "set %m.motor power to %n"
msgstr "fixer %m.motor à la puissance %n"
msgid "set pen color to %c"
msgstr "choisir la couleur %c pour le stylo"
msgid "set pen color to %n"
msgstr "mettre la couleur du stylo à %n"
msgid "set pen shade to %n"
msgstr "choisir l'intensité %n pour le stylo"
msgid "set pen size to %n"
msgstr "choisir la taille %n pour le stylo"
msgid "set rotation style %m.rotationStyle"
msgstr "fixer le sens de rotation %m.rotationStyle"
msgid "set size to %n%"
msgstr "mettre à %n % de la taille initiale"
msgid "set tempo to %n bpm"
msgstr "mettre le tempo à %n bpm"
msgid "set video transparency to %n%"
msgstr "mettre la transparence vidéo à %n%"
msgid "set volume to %n%"
msgstr "mettre le volume au niveau %n%"
msgid "set x to %n"
msgstr "donner la valeur %n à x"
msgid "set y to %n"
msgstr "donner la valeur %n à y"
msgid "show"
msgstr "montrer"
msgid "show list %m.list"
msgstr "montrer la liste %m.list"
msgid "show variable %m.var"
msgstr "montrer la variable %m.var"
msgid "size"
msgstr "taille"
msgid "Sound"
msgstr "Sons"
msgid "stamp"
msgstr "estampiller"
msgid "stop %m.stop"
msgstr "stop %m.stop"
msgid "stop all sounds"
msgstr "arrêter tous les sons"
# "backdrop" in Scratch 2.0 is similar to "background" in Scratch 1.4
msgid "switch backdrop to %m.backdrop"
msgstr "basculer sur l'arrière-plan %m.backdrop"
# "backdrop" in Scratch 2.0 is similar to "background" in Scratch 1.4
msgid "switch backdrop to %m.backdrop and wait"
msgstr "basculer sur l'arrière-plan %m.backdrop et attendre"
msgid "switch costume to %m.costume"
msgstr "basculer sur costume %m.costume"
msgid "tempo"
msgstr "tempo"
msgid "think %s"
msgstr "penser à %s"
msgid "think %s for %n secs"
msgstr "penser à %s pendant %n secondes"
msgid "tilt"
msgstr "inclinaison"
msgid "timer"
msgstr "chronomètre"
msgid "touching %m.touching?"
msgstr "%m.touching touché?"
msgid "touching color %c?"
msgstr "couleur %c touchée?"
msgid "turn @turnLeft %n degrees"
msgstr "tourner @turnLeft de %n degrés"
msgid "turn @turnRight %n degrees"
msgstr "tourner @turnRight de %n degrés"
# 82%
msgid "turn %m.motor off"
msgstr "arrêter le %m.motor"
# 81%
msgid "turn %m.motor on"
msgstr "allumer le %m.motor"
# 80%
# 89%
msgid "turn %m.motor on for %n secs"
msgstr "allumer le %m.motor pour %n secs"
msgid "turn video %m.videoState"
msgstr "activer la vidéo %m.videoState"
msgid "username"
msgstr "nom d'utilisateur"
msgid "video %m.videoMotionType on %m.stageOrThis"
msgstr "video %m.videoMotionType sur %m.stageOrThis"
msgid "volume"
msgstr "volume"
msgid "wait %n secs"
msgstr "attendre %n secondes"
msgid "wait until %b"
msgstr "attendre jusqu’à %b"
# 75%
msgid "when %m.booleanSensor"
msgstr "quand %m.booleanSensor"
msgid "when %m.key key pressed"
msgstr "quand %m.key est pressé"
msgid "when %m.sensor %m.lessMore %n"
msgstr "Quand %m.sensor %m.lessMore %n"
msgid "when %m.triggerSensor > %n"
msgstr "quand %m.triggerSensor > %n"
msgid "when @greenFlag clicked"
msgstr "quand @greenFlag pressé"
# "backdrop" in Scratch 2.0 is similar to "background" in Scratch 1.4
msgid "when backdrop switches to %m.backdrop"
msgstr "quand l'arrière-plan bascule sur %m.backdrop"
msgid "when distance %m.lessMore %n"
msgstr "quand la distance %m.lessMore %n"
msgid "when I receive %m.broadcast"
msgstr "quand je reçois %m.broadcast"
msgid "when I start as a clone"
msgstr "quand je commence comme un clone"
msgid "when this sprite clicked"
msgstr "quand ce lutin est cliqué"
msgid "when tilt %m.eNe %n"
msgstr "quand l'inclinaison %m.eNe %n"
msgid "x position"
msgstr "abscisse x"
msgid "y position"
msgstr "ordonnée y"
#: commands-online.txt:7 commands-offline.txt:7
msgid "%m.list contains %s?"
msgstr "%m.list contient %s?"
msgid "10 ^"
msgstr "10^"
msgid ""
"<b>Information about Cloud variables</b><br> <br>Currently, only "
"numbers are supported<br>Chat rooms are not allowed, and will be "
"removed<br>For more info, <a href=\"/help/faq/#clouddata\" target=\"_blank"
"\">see the cloud data FAQ!</a>"
msgstr ""
"<b>Information sur les variables du Cloud</b><br> <br>Actuellement, "
"seuls les numéros sont pris en charge<br>Les salles de Chat ne sont pas "
"autorisées et seront supprimées<br>Pour plus d'informations, <a href= "
"target=>voir les FAQ sur les données du Cloud!</a>"
msgid "A connected"
msgstr "A connecté"
msgid "a copy of the project file on your computer."
msgstr "un copie du fichier du projet sur votre ordinateur."
msgid "A newer version of Scratch is available"
msgstr "Une nouvelle version de Scratch est disponible"
msgid "About"
msgstr "A propos"
msgid "abs"
msgstr "abs"
msgid "acos"
msgstr "acos"
msgid "Add"
msgstr "Ajouter"
msgid "Add an Extension"
msgstr "Ajoute une extension"
# 90%
msgid "Add boolean input:"
msgstr "Ajouter une entrée booléenne"
msgid "add comment"
msgstr "Ajouter un commentaire"
msgid "Add label text:"
msgstr "Ajouter le texte du label"
# 89%
msgid "Add number input:"
msgstr "Ajouter une entrée nombre:"
# 89%
msgid "Add string input:"
msgstr "Ajouter une chaîne de caractères"
msgid "all"
msgstr "tout"
msgid "All"
msgstr "Tout"
msgid "all around"
msgstr "à 360°"
msgid "Animal"
msgstr "Animal"
msgid "Animals"
msgstr "Animaux"
msgid "asin"
msgstr "asin"
msgid "assets loaded"
msgstr "actifs chargés"
msgid "atan"
msgstr "atan"
msgid "B connected"
msgstr "B connecté"
msgid "Back a layer"
msgstr "Reculer d'un plan"
msgid "backdrop"
msgstr "arrière-plan"
# 87%
msgid "Backdrop"
msgstr "Arrière-plan"
msgid "Backdrop Library"
msgstr "Bibliothèque d'arrière-plans"
msgid "backdrop1"
msgstr "arrière-plan1"
# 88%
msgid "backdrops"
msgstr "arrière-plans"
# 88%
msgid "Backdrops"
msgstr "Arrière-plans"
msgid "Backpack"
msgstr "Sac à dos"
msgid "Bass"
msgstr "Basse"
msgid "Bass Drum"
msgstr "Grosse caisse"
msgid "Bassoon"
msgstr "Basson"
msgid ""
"Because you have a new Scratch account, any changes to cloud data won't be "
"saved yet. Keep participating on the site you'll be able to use cloud data "
msgstr ""
"Parce que vous avez un nouveau compte Scratch, toute modification des "
"données en nuage ne sera pas encore enregistrée. Continuer à participer sur "
"le site, vous serez en mesure d'utiliser les données du cloud bientôt!"
msgid "Bitmap"
msgstr "Bitmap"
msgid "Bitmap Mode"
msgstr "Mode bitmap"
msgid "Block help"
msgstr "Aide sur les blocs"
msgid "Bongo"
msgstr "Bongo"
msgid "brightness"
msgstr "luminosité"
msgid "Bring to front"
msgstr "Mettre au premier plan"
msgid "Broadcast"
msgstr "Diffuser"
msgid "Brush"
msgstr "Pinceau"
msgid "button pressed"
msgstr "bouton pressé"
msgid "by"
msgstr "par"
msgid "bytes loaded"
msgstr "octets chargés"
msgid "C connected"
msgstr "C connecté"
msgid "Cabasa"
msgstr "Cabasa"
msgid "Camera"
msgstr "Webcam"
msgid "can drag in player:"
msgstr "peut glisser dans le lecteur"
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Annuler"
msgid "Cannot Delete"
msgstr "Impossible supprimer"
msgid "Can’t find network connection or reach server."
msgstr "Impossible se connecter au réseau ou atteindre le serveur."
msgid "Castle"
msgstr "Château"
msgid "Category"
msgstr "Catégorie"
msgid "ceiling"
msgstr "plafond"
msgid "Cello"
msgstr "Violoncelle"
msgid "Check for updates"
msgstr "Vérifiez les mises à jour"
msgid "Choir"
msgstr "Choeur"
msgid "Choose backdrop from library"
msgstr "Choisir un arrière-plan dans la bibliothèque"
msgid "Choose costume from library"
msgstr "Choisir un costume dans la bibliothèque"
msgid "Choose sound from library"
msgstr "Choisir un son dans la bibliothèque"
msgid "Choose sprite from library"
msgstr "Choisir un lutin dans la bibliothèque"
msgid "Circle"
msgstr "Cercle"
msgid "City"
msgstr "Ville"
msgid "Clarinet"
msgstr "Clarinette"
msgid "Claves"
msgstr "Claves"
msgid "Clear"
msgstr "Effacer"
msgid "clear senders/receivers"
msgstr "effacer expéditeurs/récepteurs"
msgid "Click \"Save now\" to try again or \"Download\" to save"
msgstr "Cliquer pour essayer à nouveau ou pour sauvegarder"
msgid "Close"
msgstr "Fermer"
msgid "Closed Hi-Hat"
msgstr "Charleston fermé"
msgid "Cloud data"
msgstr "Données du Cloud"
msgid "color"
msgstr "couleur"
msgid "Color a shape"
msgstr "Colorier une forme"
msgid "Conga"
msgstr "Conga"
msgid "Connecting to Cloud data server..."
msgstr "Connection au serveur de données du Cloud..."
msgid "Convert to bitmap"
msgstr "Convertir en bitmap"
msgid "Convert to vector"
msgstr "Vectoriser"
msgid "Converting mp3..."
msgstr "Convertir en mp3..."
msgid "copy"
msgstr "copier"
msgid "Copying..."
msgstr "En cours de copie..."
msgid "cos"
msgstr "cos"
# 75%
msgid "Costume"
msgstr "Costume"
msgid "Costume Library"
msgstr "Bibliothèque des costumes"
msgid "costume name"
msgstr "nom du costume"
msgid "costume1"
msgstr "costume1"
# 87%
msgid "costume2"
msgstr "costume2"
# 75%
msgid "Costumes"
msgstr "Costumes"
msgid "Costumes > 1"
msgstr "Costumes > 1"
msgid "Could not retrieve new application from server."
msgstr "Echec de la récupération de la nouvelle application depuis le serveur"
msgid "Cowbell"
msgstr "Cloches de vache"
msgid "Crash Cymbal"
msgstr "Cymbale crash"
msgid "Creating..."
msgstr "Création en cours de..."
msgid "Currently, only numbers can be stored in Cloud variables."
msgstr ""
"Actuellement, seuls les chiffres peuvent être stockées dans des variables de "
msgid "cut"
msgstr "couper"
msgid "D connected"
msgstr "D connecté"
msgid "date"
msgstr "date"
msgid "day of week"
msgstr "jour de la semaine"
msgid "delete"
msgstr "supprimer"
# 83%
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Supprimer"
msgid "delete variable"
msgstr "supprimer une variable"
# 90%
msgid "direction:"
msgstr "direction:"
msgid "don't rotate"
msgstr "ne pivote pas"
msgid "Don't save"
msgstr "Ne pas sauvegarder"
msgid "down"
msgstr "vers le bas"
msgid "down arrow"
msgstr "flèche bas"
msgid "Download"
msgstr "Télécharger"
msgid "Download to your computer"
msgstr "Télécharger dans votre ordinateur"
msgid "duplicate"
msgstr "dupliquer"
msgid "Duplicate"
msgstr "Dupliquer"
msgid "e ^"
msgstr "e ^"
msgid "edge"
msgstr "bord"
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Édition"
msgid "edit"
msgstr "éditer"
msgid "Edit Block"
msgstr "Editer un bloc"
msgid "Effects"
msgstr "Effets"
msgid "Electric Guitar"
msgstr "Guitare électrique"
msgid "Electric Piano"
msgstr "Piano électrique"
msgid "Electronic"
msgstr "Electronique"
msgid "Ellipse"
msgstr "Ellipse"
msgid "Erase"
msgstr "Effacer"
# 92%
msgid "Eraser width"
msgstr "Effacer avec"
msgid "Error!"
msgstr "Erreur!"
msgid "export"
msgstr "exporter"
msgid "fade in"
msgstr "fondu en ouverture"
msgid "fade out"
msgstr "fondu enchaîné"
msgid "Fantasy"
msgstr "Fantaisie"
msgid "Features"
msgstr "Caractéristiques"
msgid "File"
msgstr "Fichier"
msgid "Fill with color"
msgstr "Remplir avec de la couleur"
msgid "fisheye"
msgstr "oeil de poisson"
msgid "Flip left-right"
msgstr "Retournement horizontal"
msgid "Flip up-down"
msgstr "Retournement vertical"
msgid "floor"
msgstr "plancher"
msgid "Flute"
msgstr "Flûte"
msgid "Flying"
msgstr "Oiseaux insectes volants"
msgid "Font:"
msgstr "Police de caractères:"
msgid "For all sprites"
msgstr "Pour tous les lutins"
msgid "For this sprite only"
msgstr "Pour ce lutin uniquement"
msgid "Forward a layer"
msgstr "Avancer d'un plan"
msgid "ghost"
msgstr "fantôme"
msgid "Group"
msgstr "Grouper"
msgid "Grow"
msgstr "Agrandir"
msgid "Guiro"
msgstr "Guiro"
msgid "Guitar"
msgstr "Guitare"
msgid "Hand Clap"
msgstr "Claquement de main"
msgid "Hardware"
msgstr "Matériel"
msgid "help"
msgstr "Aide"
msgid "High C"
msgstr "Do Soprano"
msgid "Holiday"
msgstr "Vacances"
msgid "hour"
msgstr "heure"
msgid "Human"
msgstr "Humain"
# 83%
msgid "import"
msgstr "importer"
msgid "Import"
msgstr "Importer"
msgid "Importing sound..."
msgstr "Son en cours d'importation"
msgid "Indoors"
msgstr "Intérieur"
msgid "Installing..."
msgstr "En cours d'installation"
msgid "Instruments"
msgstr "Instruments"
msgid "large readout"
msgstr "grande lecture"
msgid "last"
msgstr "dernier"
msgid "left"
msgstr "à gauche"
msgid "left arrow"
msgstr "flèche gauche"
msgid "left-right"
msgstr "position à gauche ou à droite"
msgid "length"
msgstr "longueur"
msgid "Letters"
msgstr "Lettres"
msgid "Library"
msgstr "Librairie"
msgid "light"
msgstr "lumière"
msgid "Line"
msgstr "Ligne"
# 90%
msgid "Line width"
msgstr "Largeur de la ligne"
# 75%
msgid "list"
msgstr "liste"
msgid "List name"
msgstr "Nom de la liste"
msgid "ln"
msgstr "ln"
msgid "Loading project..."
msgstr "Projet en cours de chargement..."
msgid "log"
msgstr "log"
msgid "louder"
msgstr "plus fort"
msgid "Low C"
msgstr "Do Basse"
msgid "Make a Block"
msgstr "Créer un bloc"
msgid "Make a List"
msgstr "Créer une liste"
msgid "Make a Variable"
msgstr "Créer une variable"
msgid "Marimba"
msgstr "Marimba"
msgid "Max"
msgstr "Max"
msgid "meow"
msgstr "miaou"
msgid "Message Name"
msgstr "Nom du message"
msgid "message1"
msgstr "message1"
msgid "Microphone volume:"
msgstr "Volume du microphone:"
msgid "Middle C"
msgstr "Do Médian"
msgid "Min"
msgstr "Min"
msgid "minute"
msgstr "minute"
msgid "month"
msgstr "mois"
msgid "mosaic"
msgstr "mosaïque"
msgid "motion"
msgstr "mouvement"
msgid "mouse-pointer"
msgstr "pointeur de souris"
msgid "Multiple"
msgstr "Multiple"
msgid "Music and Dance"
msgstr "Musique et danse"
msgid "Music Box"
msgstr "Boîte à musique"
msgid "Music Loops"
msgstr "Boucles musicales"
msgid "myself"
msgstr "moi-même"
msgid "Nature"
msgstr "Nature"
msgid "New"
msgstr "Nouveau"
msgid "New backdrop from camera"
msgstr "Nouvel arrière-plan depuis webcam"
# 92%
msgid "New backdrop:"
msgstr "Nouvel arrière-plan:"
msgid "New Block"
msgstr "Nouveau bloc"
msgid "New costume from camera"
msgstr "Nouveau costume depuis webcam"
# 91%
msgid "New costume:"
msgstr "Nouveau costume:"
msgid "New List"
msgstr "Nouvelle liste"
msgid "New Message"
msgstr "Nouveau message"
msgid "new message..."
msgstr "nouveau message..."
msgid "New name"
msgstr "Nouveau nom"
# 90%
msgid "New sound:"
msgstr "Nouveau son:"
msgid "New sprite from camera"
msgstr "Nouveau lutin depuis webcam"
msgid "New sprite:"
msgstr "Nouveau lutin"
msgid "New Variable"
msgstr "Nouvelle variable"
msgid "No motion blocks"
msgstr "Aucun bloc de mouvement"
msgid "normal readout"
msgstr "lecture normale"
msgid "Not saved; network or server problem."
msgstr "Non sauvegardé; réseau ou serveur indisponible."
msgid "Not saved; project did not load."
msgstr "Pas sauvegardé; le projet n'a pas été chargé."
msgid "of"
msgstr "de"
msgid "off"
msgstr "Désactivé"
msgid "Offline Editor"
msgstr "Editeur hors ligne"
msgid "OK"
msgstr "Ok"
msgid "on"
msgstr "Activé"
msgid "on-flipped"
msgstr "effet miroir"
msgid "Open"
msgstr "Ouvrir"
msgid "Open Cuica"
msgstr "Cuica ouvert haut"
msgid "Open Hi-Hat"
msgstr "Charleston ouvert"
msgid "Options"
msgstr "Options"
msgid "Organ"
msgstr "Orgue"
msgid "Other"
msgstr "Autre"
# 82%
msgid "other scripts in sprite"
msgstr "autres scripts du lutin"
msgid "other scripts in stage"
msgstr "autres scripts"
msgid "Outdoors"
msgstr "Dehors"
msgid "Paint new backdrop"
msgstr "Dessiner un nouvel arrière-plan"
msgid "Paint new costume"
msgstr "Dessiner un nouveau costume"
msgid "Paint new sprite"
msgstr "Dessiner un nouveau lutin"
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Mot de passe"
msgid "Password is required"
msgstr "Le mot de passe est requis"
msgid "paste"
msgstr "coller"
msgid "Pencil"
msgstr "Crayon"
msgid "People"
msgstr "Gens"
msgid "Percussion"
msgstr "Percussion"
msgid "photo1"
msgstr "photo1"
msgid "Piano"
msgstr "Piano"
# 92%
msgid "Pick up color"
msgstr "Choisir la couleur"
msgid "pixelate"
msgstr "pixeliser"
msgid "Pizzicato"
msgstr "Pizzicato"
msgid "pop"
msgstr "pop"
msgid "previous backdrop"
msgstr "arrière-plan précédent"
msgid "Project did not load."
msgstr "Le projet n'a pas été chargé."
msgid "Project not saved!"
msgstr "Projet non sauvegardé!"
msgid "Project name"
msgstr "Nom du projet"
msgid "Project name is required"
msgstr "Le nom du projet est requis"
msgid "random"
msgstr "au hasard"
msgid "Record"
msgstr "Enregistrer"
msgid "Record new sound"
msgstr "Enregistrer un nouveau son"
msgid "record..."
msgstr "enregistrer..."
msgid "recording1"
msgstr "enregistrement1"
msgid "Rectangle"
msgstr "Rectangle"
# 75%
msgid "Redo"
msgstr "Rétablir"
msgid "redo"
msgstr "rétablir"
msgid "Remix"
msgstr "Remix"
msgid "Remixing..."
msgstr "En cours de remis..."
msgid "Rename"
msgstr "Renommer"
msgid "rename variable"
msgstr "renommer la variable"
msgid "Reshape"
msgstr "Redessiner"
msgid "resistance-A"
msgstr "Resistance-A"
msgid "resistance-B"
msgstr "Resistance-B"
msgid "resistance-C"
msgstr "Resistance-C"
msgid "resistance-D"
msgstr "Resistance-D"
msgid "reverse"
msgstr "inversé"
msgid "Revert"
msgstr "Revenir"
msgid "Reverting..."
msgstr "En cours de revenir..."
msgid "right"
msgstr "à droite"
msgid "right arrow"
msgstr "flèche droite"
msgid "rotation style:"
msgstr "style de rotation:"
msgid "Run without screen refresh"
msgstr "Exécuter sans rafraîchissement de l'écran"
msgid "Save"
msgstr "Sauvegarder"
msgid "Save a copy of this project and add your own ideas."
msgstr "Sauvegarder une copie de ce projet et ajouter vos propres idées"
msgid "Save as"
msgstr "Enregistrer sous"
msgid "Save now"
msgstr "Sauvegarder maintenant"
msgid "Save project?"
msgstr "Enregistrer le projet?"
msgid "save to local file"
msgstr "enregistrer localement comme fichier"
msgid "Saved"
msgstr "Sauvegardé"
msgid "Saving changes..."
msgstr "Enregistrement des modifications ..."
msgid "Saving..."
msgstr "Sauvegarde en cours..."
msgid "Saxophone"
msgstr "Saxophone"
msgid "Scratch Updater"
msgstr "Mise à jour de Scratch"
# 85%
msgid "Script"
msgstr "Script"
msgid "Scripts"
msgstr "Scripts"
msgid "second"
msgstr "seconde"
msgid "See project page"
msgstr "Montrer la page du projet"
msgid "Select"
msgstr "Sélectionner"
msgid "select all"
msgstr "sélectionner tout"
msgid "Select and duplicate"
msgstr "Sélectionner et dupliquer"
msgid "Send to back"
msgstr "Envoyer à l'arrière-plan"
msgid "Set Costume Center"
msgstr "Définir le centre du costume"
# 88%
msgid "Set costume center"
msgstr "Définir le centre du costume"
msgid "set slider min and max"
msgstr "définir le min et le max du curseur"
msgid "Share"
msgstr "Partager"
msgid "Share to website"
msgstr "Partager avec le site web"
msgid "shared"
msgstr "partagé"
msgid "Shift:"
msgstr "Majuscule:"
msgid "show receivers"
msgstr "montrer récepteurs"
msgid "show senders"
msgstr "montrer émetteurs"
msgid "show:"
msgstr "montrer:"
msgid "Shrink"
msgstr "Réduire"
msgid "Side Stick"
msgstr "Side Stick"
msgid "Sign in"
msgstr "Connection"
msgid "Sign in to save"
msgstr "Pour sauvegarder se connecter"
msgid "silence"
msgstr "silence"
msgid "sin"
msgstr "sin"
msgid "slider"
msgstr "potentiomètre"
msgid "Slider Range"
msgstr "Intervalle de variation"
msgid "Small stage layout"
msgstr "Petite scène"
msgid "Smooth"
msgstr "Doux"
msgid "Snare Drum"
msgstr "Caisse claire"
msgid "softer"
msgstr "plus doux"
msgid "sound"
msgstr "son"
msgid "Sound Library"
msgstr "Bibliothèque des sons"
# 80%
# 83%
msgid "Sounds"
msgstr "Sons"
# 80%
msgid "Space"
msgstr "Espace"
msgid "space"
msgstr "espace"
msgid "Sports"
msgstr "Sports"
# 85%
msgid "Sprite"
msgstr "Lutin"
msgid "Sprite Library"
msgstr "Librairie des lutins"
# 85%
msgid "Sprite1"
msgstr "Lutin1"
msgid "Sprites"
msgstr "Lutins"
msgid "sqrt"
msgstr "racine"
msgid "Square"
msgstr "Carré"
msgid "Stage"
msgstr "Scène"
# 93%
msgid "Stage selected:"
msgstr "Scène sélectionnée:"
msgid "Steel Drum"
msgstr "Tambour d'acier"
msgid "Synth Lead"
msgstr "Lead synthétisé"
msgid "Synth Pad"
msgstr "Pad synthétisé"
msgid "Tambourine"
msgstr "Tambourin"
msgid "tan"
msgstr "tan"
msgid "text"
msgstr "texte"
msgid "Text"
msgstr "Texte"
msgid "that way"
msgstr "négatif"
msgid "Theme"
msgstr "Thème"
msgid "Things"
msgstr "Choses"
msgid "This is the current version."
msgstr "C'est la version actuelle du projet."
msgid ""
"This project can detect who is using it, through the “username” block. To "
"hide your identity, sign out before using the project."
msgstr ""
"Ce projet peut détecter qui l'utilise, grâce au bloc \"username\". Pour "
"masquer votre identité, déconnectez-vous avant d'utiliser le projet."
msgid ""
"This project uses Cloud data ‒ a feature that is available only to signed in "
msgstr ""
"Ce projet utilise des données du nuage - une fonctionnalité qui est "
"disponible uniquement pour les utilisateurs connectés."
msgid "this script"
msgstr "ce script"
msgid "this sprite"
msgstr "ce lutin"
msgid "this way"
msgstr "positif"
msgid "Throw away all changes since opening this project?"
msgstr ""
"Annuler toutes les modifications effectuées depuis l'ouverture de ce projet?"
msgid "Tips"
msgstr "Conseils"
msgid "To delete a block definition, first remove all uses of the block."
msgstr "Avant d'effacer un bloc définition, d'abord effacez tous ses scripts"
msgid "Transportation"
msgstr "Transport"
msgid "Triangle"
msgstr "Triangle"
msgid "Trombone"
msgstr "Trombone"
# 90%
msgid "Turbo mode"
msgstr "Mode Turbo"
msgid "Turbo Mode"
msgstr "Mode Turbo"
msgid "Type"
msgstr "Catégorie"
# 75%
msgid "Undelete"
msgstr "Supprimer"
msgid "Underwater"
msgstr "Monde aquatique"
msgid "undo"
msgstr "annuler"
# 75%
msgid "Undo"
msgstr "Annuler"
msgid "Undo Revert"
msgstr "Annuler retour"
msgid "Ungroup"
msgstr "Dégrouper"
msgid "unshared"
msgstr "non partagé"
msgid "up"
msgstr "vers le haut"
msgid "up arrow"
msgstr "flèche haut"
msgid "Update failed"
msgstr "Échec de la mise à jour"
msgid "Update not needed"
msgstr "La mise à jour n'est pas nécessaire"
msgid "Update now"
msgstr "Mettre à jour maintenant"
msgid "Upload backdrop from file"
msgstr "Importer l'arrière-plan depuis un fichier"
msgid "Upload costume from file"
msgstr "Importer le costume depuis un fichier"
msgid "Upload from your computer"
msgstr "Importer depuis votre ordinateur"
msgid "Upload sound from file"
msgstr "Importer le son depuis un fichier"
msgid "Upload sprite from file"
msgstr "Importer le lutin depuis un fichier"
msgid "Uploading image..."
msgstr "Importation de l'image..."
msgid "Uploading sound..."
msgstr "Importation du son..."
msgid "Uploading sprite..."
msgstr "Importation du lutin..."
msgid "variable"
msgstr "variable"
msgid "Variable name"
msgstr "Nom de la variable"
msgid "Vector"
msgstr "Vecteur"
msgid "Vector Mode"
msgstr "Mode vecteur"
msgid "Vibraphone"
msgstr "Vibraphone"
msgid "Vibraslap"
msgstr "Vibraslap"
msgid "video direction"
msgstr "Direction de la vidéo"
msgid "video motion"
msgstr "mouvement vidéo"
msgid "Video on:"
msgstr "Vidéo activée..."
msgid "Vocals"
msgstr "Chants"
msgid "Walking"
msgstr "Marcher courir"
msgid "Want to save? Click remix"
msgstr "Voulez-vous sauvegarder ? Cliquez sur remix"
msgid "Which column do you want to import"
msgstr "Quelle est la colonne que vous voulez importer?"
msgid "whirl"
msgstr "tournoyer"
msgid "Wood Block"
msgstr "Bloc de bois"
msgid "Wooden Flute"
msgstr "Flûte en bois"
msgid "year"
msgstr "année"
msgid ""
"You cannot edit cloud data in someone else's project.<br>Any change that you "
"make in the editor will be temporary and not persistent."
msgstr ""
"Vous ne pouvez pas modifier les données du Cloud dans le projet de quelqu'un "
"d'autre. <br> Toute modification que vous faites dans l'éditeur sera "
"temporaire et non permanente."
msgid "Your Scratch name"
msgstr "Votre nom dans Scratch"
msgid "Your Scratch name is required"
msgstr "Votre nom dans Scratch est requis "
# Offline editor only
msgid "All Tips"
msgstr ""
# Offline editor only
msgid ""
"An updated version of the Scratch offline editor is available on the Scratch "
msgstr ""
# Offline editor only
#, fuzzy
msgid "Could not retrieve update location from server."
msgstr "Echec de la récupération de la nouvelle application depuis le serveur"
# Offline editor only
#, fuzzy
msgid "Could not retrieve version information from server."
msgstr "Echec de la récupération de la nouvelle application depuis le serveur"
# Offline editor only
msgid "Could not write file:"
msgstr ""
# Offline editor only
#, fuzzy
msgid "Downloading new version..."
msgstr "En cours de téléchargement d'une nouvelle version"
# Offline editor only
msgid "Error saving project"
msgstr ""
# Offline editor only
msgid "Force help file update"
msgstr ""
# Offline editor only
msgid "Import experimental HTTP extension"
msgstr ""
# Offline editor only
msgid "Loading help files..."
msgstr ""
# Offline editor only
msgid "Manual Update Available"
msgstr ""
# Offline editor only
msgid "Open Project"
msgstr ""
# Offline editor only
msgid "Please visit the download page to install it."
msgstr ""
# Offline editor only
msgid "Quit"
msgstr ""
# Offline editor only
#, fuzzy
msgid "Replace existing project?"
msgstr "Remplacer un projet existant"
# Offline editor only
msgid "Running pre-release"
msgstr ""
# Offline editor only
#, fuzzy
msgid "Save Project"
msgstr "Enregistrer le projet?"
# Offline editor only
msgid "Server error:"
msgstr ""
# Offline editor only
#, fuzzy
msgid "Share to Scratch Website"
msgstr "Partager avec le site web de Scratch"
# Offline editor only
msgid "Success"
msgstr ""
# Offline editor only
msgid "This version is newer than the current release version."
msgstr ""
# Offline editor only
msgid "Update check failed"
msgstr ""
# Offline editor only
msgid "Upload failed"
msgstr ""
# Offline editor only
msgid "Visit download page"
msgstr ""
# Offline editor only
msgid "Your project has been uploaded to scratch.mit.edu"
msgstr ""
# The language name as it will appear in the language menu
#~ msgid "Language-Name"
#~ msgstr "Français"
#~ msgid "%m.list contains %s"
#~ msgstr "%m.list contient %s"
#~ msgid "when Stage clicked"
#~ msgstr "quand la Scène est cliquée"
# 89%
#~ msgid "set motor direction %m.motorDirection"
#~ msgstr "choisir la direction du moteur %m.motorDirection"
# 77%
#~ msgid "set motor power %n"
#~ msgstr "mettre la puissance du moteur à %n"
#~ msgid "turn motor off"
#~ msgstr "arrêter le moteur"
#~ msgid "turn motor on"
#~ msgstr "démarrer le moteur"
# 80%
#~ msgid "turn motor on for %n secs"
#~ msgstr "allumer le moteur pour %n secs"
#~ msgid "when distance < %n"
#~ msgstr "quand la distance < %n"
#~ msgid "when tilt = %n"
#~ msgstr "quand l'inclinaison = %n"
# 89%
# 86%
#~ msgid "set %m.motor direction to %m.motorDirection"
#~ msgstr "Choisir la direction du moteur %m.motorDirection"
#~ msgid "user id"
#~ msgstr "identifiant utilisateur"
#~ msgid "clone startup"
#~ msgstr "démarrer clone"
#~ msgid "forever if %b"
#~ msgstr "répéter indéfiniment si %b"
#~ msgid "hide all sprites"
#~ msgstr "cacher tous les lutins"
#~ msgid "if %b"
#~ msgstr "si %b"
#~ msgid "Scratch days"
#~ msgstr "Journées Scratch"
#~ msgid "hide monitor %m.varOrList"
#~ msgstr "cacher le moniteur %m.varOrList"
#~ msgid "motor direction %m.motorDirection"
#~ msgstr "choisir la direction du moteur %m.motorDirection"
#~ msgid "motor off"
#~ msgstr "arrêter le moteur"
#~ msgid "motor on"
#~ msgstr "lancer le moteur"
#~ msgid "motor on for %n secs"
#~ msgstr "lancer le moteur pour %n secs"
#~ msgid "motor power %n"
#~ msgstr "mettre la puissance du moteur à %n"
#~ msgid "play note %n for %n beats"
#~ msgstr "jouer la note %d.note pendant %n temps"
#~ msgid "show monitor %m.varOrList"
#~ msgstr "montrer le moniteur %m.varOrList"
#~ msgid "when I am clicked"
#~ msgstr "quand je suis cliqué"
#~ msgid "About LEGO WeDo extension..."
#~ msgstr "A propos de l'extension LEGO WeDo..."
#~ msgid "About PicoBoard extension..."
#~ msgstr "A propos de l'extension PicoBoard..."
#~ msgid "Account settings"
#~ msgstr "Paramètres du compte"
#~ msgid "add comment here..."
#~ msgstr "Ajoutez un commentaire ici..."
#~ msgid "all motors"
#~ msgstr "tous les moteurs"
#~ msgid "Cannot Add"
#~ msgstr "Ajout impossible"
#~ msgid "clean up"
#~ msgstr "nettoyer"
#~ msgid "Cloud"
#~ msgstr "Cloud"
#~ msgid "Cloud variable (stored on server)"
#~ msgstr "Variable serveur (stockée sur le Cloud)"
# 75%
# 88%
#~ msgid "Costumes:"
#~ msgstr "Costumes:"
#~ msgid "Downloading new version"
#~ msgstr "En cours de téléchargement d'une nouvelle version"
#~ msgid "empty"
#~ msgstr "vide"
#~ msgid "Erase all"
#~ msgstr "Effacer tout"
#~ msgid "everything"
#~ msgstr "tout"
#~ msgid "Extension Library"
#~ msgstr "Bibliothèque Extensions"
#~ msgid "Extension Problem"
#~ msgstr "Problème d'extension"
#~ msgid "false"
#~ msgstr "Faux"
#~ msgid "Go to My Stuff"
#~ msgstr "Aller à mes projets"
#~ msgid "Hello!"
#~ msgstr "Bonjour!"
#~ msgid "Hmm..."
#~ msgstr "Hmm..."
#~ msgid "hello"
#~ msgstr "bonjour"
# 83%
#~ msgid "lights"
#~ msgstr "lumières"
#~ msgid "limit reached"
#~ msgstr "limite atteinte"
#~ msgid "motor"
#~ msgstr "moteur"
#~ msgid "motor A"
#~ msgstr "moteur A"
#~ msgid "motor B"
#~ msgstr "moteur B"
#~ msgid "My Stuff"
#~ msgstr "Mes projets"
#~ msgid "not ="
#~ msgstr "non ="
#~ msgid "Profile"
#~ msgstr "Profil"
#~ msgid "Remove extension blocks"
#~ msgstr "Supprimer les blocs d'extension"
#~ msgid "Replace existing project"
#~ msgstr "Remplacer un projet existant"
#~ msgid "requires sign in"
#~ msgstr "exige de s'inscrire"
#~ msgid "Save as a copy"
#~ msgstr "Sauvegarder comme copie"
#~ msgid "Scratch 2.0 Offline Editor"
#~ msgstr "Editeur hors ligne de Scratch"
# 87%
#~ msgid "Scripts:"
#~ msgstr "Scripts:"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "See the Tips window (on the right) to install the plug-in and get the "
#~ "extension working."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Voir la fenêtre Conseils (à droite) pour installer le plug-in et activer "
#~ "l'extension."
#~ msgid "Share to Scratch website"
#~ msgstr "Partager avec le site web de Scratch"
#~ msgid "Sign out"
#~ msgstr "Déconnection"
#~ msgid "stored on server"
#~ msgstr "stockées sur le serveur"
#~ msgid "The name is already in use."
#~ msgstr "Ce nom est déjà utilisé"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "The project failed to load and Scratch Team has been notified. Press OK "
#~ "to leave this page."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Le projet n'a pas été chargé et l'équipe de Scratch en a été averti. "
#~ "Appuyer sur OK pour quitter cette page."
#~ msgid "thing"
#~ msgstr "chose"
#~ msgid "true"
#~ msgstr "vrai"
#~ msgid "What's your name?"
#~ msgstr "Quel est ton nom?"
#~ msgid "world"
#~ msgstr "monde"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "<b>Information about Cloud variables</b><br> <br>Currently, only "
#~ "numbers are supported<br>Chat rooms are not allowed, and will be "
#~ "removed<br>For more info, <a href= target=>see the cloud data FAQ!</a>"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "<b>Information sur les variables du Cloud</b><br> <br>Actuellement, "
#~ "seuls les numéros sont pris en charge<br>Les salles de Chat ne sont pas "
#~ "autorisées et seront supprimées<br>Pour plus d'informations, <a href= "
#~ "target=>voir les FAQ sur les données du Cloud!</a>"
#~ msgid "Click to try again or to save"
#~ msgstr "Cliquer pour essayer à nouveau ou pour sauvegarder"
#~ msgid "Eraser width:"
#~ msgstr "Effacer avec:"
#~ msgid "Line width:"
#~ msgstr "Largeur de la ligne:"
#~ msgid "cleanup"
#~ msgstr "nettoyer"
#~ msgid "LEGO WeDo"
#~ msgstr "LEGO WeDo"
#~ msgid "Microphone Volume:"
#~ msgstr "Volume du microphone:"
#~ msgid "Add a boolean input:"
#~ msgstr "Ajouter entrée booléenne"
#~ msgid "Add a number input:"
#~ msgstr "Ajouter entrée nombre"
#~ msgid "Add a string input:"
#~ msgstr "Ajouter chaîne de caractères"
#~ msgid "Back a layer (Shift: Send to back)"
#~ msgstr "Reculer d'un calque (Majuscule: Envoyer en arrière)"
#~ msgid "Duplicate (Shift: Multiple)"
#~ msgstr "Dupliquer (Majuscule : Multiple)"
#~ msgid "Ellipse (Shift: Circle)"
#~ msgstr "Ellipse (Majuscule: Cercle)"
# 75%
#~ msgid "Fill"
#~ msgstr "Remplir"
#~ msgid "Forward a layer (Shift: Bring to front)"
#~ msgstr "Avancer d'un calque (Majuscule: envoyer en avant)"
#~ msgid "login"
#~ msgstr "identifiant"
#~ msgid "New backdrop"
#~ msgstr "Nouvel arrière-plan"
#~ msgid "New costume"
#~ msgstr "Nouveau costume"
#~ msgid "New sound"
#~ msgstr "Nouveau son"
# 90%
#~ msgid "New sprite"
#~ msgstr "Nouveau lutin"
#~ msgid "Paint"
#~ msgstr "Dessin"
#~ msgid "Pick up Color"
#~ msgstr "Recueillir la couleur"
#~ msgid "Rectangle (Shift: Square)"
#~ msgstr "Rectangle (Majuscule: Carré)"
#~ msgid "Scratch Cat"
#~ msgstr "Chat Scratch"
#~ msgid "Stage selected"
#~ msgstr "Scène sélectionnée"
#~ msgid "#"
#~ msgstr "#"
#~ msgid "bottom-left"
#~ msgstr "bas gauche"
#~ msgid "bottom-right"
#~ msgstr "bas droit"
#~ msgid "middle"
#~ msgstr "intermédiaire"
#~ msgid "name"
#~ msgstr "nom"
#~ msgid "say"
#~ msgstr "dire"
#~ msgid "shout"
#~ msgstr "crier"
#~ msgid "think"
#~ msgstr "penser"
#~ msgid "top-left"
#~ msgstr "en haut à gauche"
#~ msgid "top-right"
#~ msgstr "en haut à droite"
#~ msgid "whisper"
#~ msgstr "chuchoter"
#~ msgid "any"
#~ msgstr "n'importe quel"
#~ msgid "Floor Tom"
#~ msgstr "Tom plancher"
#~ msgid "High Bongo"
#~ msgstr "Bongo haut"
#~ msgid "High Tom"
#~ msgstr "Tom Alto"
#~ msgid "High Wood Block"
#~ msgstr "Wood bloc haut"
#~ msgid "int"
#~ msgstr "partie entière"
#~ msgid "Kick Drum"
#~ msgstr "Grosse caisse"
#~ msgid "Long Guiro"
#~ msgstr "Guiro long"
#~ msgid "Low Bongo"
#~ msgstr "Bongo bas"
#~ msgid "Low Conga"
#~ msgstr "Conga bas"
#~ msgid "Low Tom"
#~ msgstr "Tom basse"
#~ msgid "Low Wood Block"
#~ msgstr "Bloc de bois bas"
#~ msgid "Maracas"
#~ msgstr "Maracas"
#~ msgid "Mid Tom"
#~ msgstr "Tom milieu"
#~ msgid "More"
#~ msgstr "Plus"
#~ msgid "Mute High Conga"
#~ msgstr "Conga haut muet"
#~ msgid "Mute Triangle"
#~ msgstr "Triangle muet"
#~ msgid "Open High Conga"
#~ msgstr "Conga ouvert haut"
#~ msgid "Open Triangle"
#~ msgstr "Triangle ouvert"
#~ msgid "Pedal Hi-Hat"
#~ msgstr "Charleston pédale"
#~ msgid "Short Guiro"
#~ msgstr "Guiro court"