mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 07:19:48 -04:00
Added built-in extensions and fixed loading them
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 828 additions and 0 deletions
Binary file not shown.
@ -7,7 +7,12 @@
<link href="css/scratchx.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<script type="text/javascript" src="libs/swfobject.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="libs/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="scratch_extensions/scratch_ext.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
// Simulate the bare minimum of the view that exists on the main site
var Scratch = Scratch || {};
Scratch.FlashApp = Scratch.FlashApp || {};
function handleEmbedStatus(e) {
var scratch = $('#scratch');
@ -18,6 +23,7 @@
} else {
scratch.css('visibility', 'visible');
Scratch.FlashApp.ASobj = scratch[0];
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
// picoExtension.js
// Shane M. Clements, February 2014
// PicoBoard Scratch Extension
// This is an extension for development and testing of the Scratch Javascript Extension API.
(function(ext) {
var device = null;
var rawData = null;
// Sensor states:
var channels = {
slider: 7,
light: 5,
sound: 6,
button: 3,
'resistance-A': 4,
'resistance-B': 2,
'resistance-C': 1,
'resistance-D': 0
var inputs = {
slider: 0,
light: 0,
sound: 0,
button: 0,
'resistance-A': 0,
'resistance-B': 0,
'resistance-C': 0,
'resistance-D': 0
ext.resetAll = function(){};
// Hats / triggers
ext.whenSensorConnected = function(which) {
return getSensorPressed(which);
ext.whenSensorPass = function(which, sign, level) {
if (sign == '<') return getSensor(which) < level;
return getSensor(which) > level;
// Reporters
ext.sensorPressed = function(which) {
return getSensorPressed(which);
ext.sensor = function(which) { return getSensor(which); };
// Private logic
function getSensorPressed(which) {
if (device == null) return false;
if (which == 'button pressed' && getSensor('button') < 1) return true;
if (which == 'A connected' && getSensor('resistance-A') < 10) return true;
if (which == 'B connected' && getSensor('resistance-B') < 10) return true;
if (which == 'C connected' && getSensor('resistance-C') < 10) return true;
if (which == 'D connected' && getSensor('resistance-D') < 10) return true;
return false;
function getSensor(which) {
return inputs[which];
var inputArray = [];
function processData() {
var bytes = new Uint8Array(rawData);
inputArray[15] = 0;
// TODO: make this robust against misaligned packets.
// Right now there's no guarantee that our 18 bytes start at the beginning of a message.
// Maybe we should treat the data as a stream of 2-byte packets instead of 18-byte packets.
// That way we could just check the high bit of each byte to verify that we're aligned.
for(var i=0; i<9; ++i) {
var hb = bytes[i*2] & 127;
var channel = hb >> 3;
var lb = bytes[i*2+1] & 127;
inputArray[channel] = ((hb & 7) << 7) + lb;
if (watchdog && (inputArray[15] == 0x04)) {
// Seems to be a valid PicoBoard.
watchdog = null;
for(var name in inputs) {
var v = inputArray[channels[name]];
if(name == 'light') {
v = (v < 25) ? 100 - v : Math.round((1023 - v) * (75 / 998));
else if(name == 'sound') {
//empirically tested noise sensor floor
v = Math.max(0, v - 18)
v = (v < 50) ? v / 2 :
//noise ceiling
25 + Math.min(75, Math.round((v - 50) * (75 / 580)));
else {
v = (100 * v) / 1023;
inputs[name] = v;
rawData = null;
function appendBuffer( buffer1, buffer2 ) {
var tmp = new Uint8Array( buffer1.byteLength + buffer2.byteLength );
tmp.set( new Uint8Array( buffer1 ), 0 );
tmp.set( new Uint8Array( buffer2 ), buffer1.byteLength );
return tmp.buffer;
// Extension API interactions
var potentialDevices = [];
ext._deviceConnected = function(dev) {
if (!device) {
var poller = null;
var watchdog = null;
function tryNextDevice() {
// If potentialDevices is empty, device will be undefined.
// That will get us back here next time a device is connected.
device = potentialDevices.shift();
if (!device) return;
device.open({ stopBits: 0, bitRate: 38400, ctsFlowControl: 0 });
device.set_receive_handler(function(data) {
//console.log('Received: ' + data.byteLength);
if(!rawData || rawData.byteLength == 18) rawData = new Uint8Array(data);
else rawData = appendBuffer(rawData, data);
if(rawData.byteLength >= 18) {
// Tell the PicoBoard to send a input data every 50ms
var pingCmd = new Uint8Array(1);
pingCmd[0] = 1;
poller = setInterval(function() {
}, 50);
watchdog = setTimeout(function() {
// This device didn't get good data in time, so give up on it. Clean up and then move on.
// If we get good data then we'll terminate this watchdog.
poller = null;
device = null;
}, 250);
ext._deviceRemoved = function(dev) {
if(device != dev) return;
if(poller) poller = clearInterval(poller);
device = null;
ext._shutdown = function() {
if(device) device.close();
if(poller) poller = clearInterval(poller);
device = null;
ext._getStatus = function() {
if(!device) return {status: 1, msg: 'PicoBoard disconnected'};
if(watchdog) return {status: 1, msg: 'Probing for PicoBoard'};
return {status: 2, msg: 'PicoBoard connected'};
var descriptor = {
blocks: [
['h', 'when %m.booleanSensor', 'whenSensorConnected', 'button pressed'],
['h', 'when %m.sensor %m.lessMore %n', 'whenSensorPass', 'slider', '>', 50],
['b', 'sensor %m.booleanSensor?', 'sensorPressed', 'button pressed'],
['r', '%m.sensor sensor value', 'sensor', 'slider']
menus: {
booleanSensor: ['button pressed', 'A connected', 'B connected', 'C connected', 'D connected'],
sensor: ['slider', 'light', 'sound', 'resistance-A', 'resistance-B', 'resistance-C', 'resistance-D'],
lessMore: ['>', '<']
url: '/info/help/studio/tips/ext/PicoBoard/'
ScratchExtensions.register('PicoBoard', descriptor, ext, {type: 'serial'});
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,286 @@
// scratch_ext.js
// Shane M. Clements, November 2013
// ScratchExtensions
// Scratch 2.0 extension manager which Scratch communicates with to initialize extensions and communicate with them.
// The extension manager also handles creating the browser plugin to enable access to HID and serial devices.
window.ScratchExtensions = new (function(){
var pluginName = 'Scratch Device Plugin'; // will be 'Scratch Plugin for Devices'
var pluginAvailable = (window.ActiveXObject || !!navigator.plugins[pluginName]) && !!window.ArrayBuffer;
var plugin = null;
var handlers = {};
var blockDefs = {};
var menuDefs = {};
var deviceSpecs = {};
var devices = {};
var poller = null;
var lib = this;
lib.register = function(name, descriptor, handler, deviceSpec) {
if(name in handlers) {
console.log('Scratch extension "'+name+'" already exists!');
return false;
if(deviceSpec) {
if(!pluginAvailable && window.ActiveXObject) {
JSsetProjectBanner('Sorry, your version of Internet Explorer is not supported. Please upgrade to version 10 or 11.');
if(pluginAvailable && !plugin) setTimeout(createDevicePlugin, 10);
// Wait a moment to access the plugin and claim any devices that plugins are
// interested in.
setTimeout(checkPolling, 100);
handlers[name] = handler;
blockDefs[name] = descriptor.blocks;
if(descriptor.menus) menuDefs[name] = descriptor.menus;
if(deviceSpec) deviceSpecs[name] = deviceSpec;
// Show the blocks in Scratch!
var extObj = {
extensionName: name,
blockSpecs: descriptor.blocks,
url: descriptor.url,
menus: descriptor.menus,
javascriptURL: loadingURL
return true;
var loadingURL;
lib.loadExternalJS = function(url) {
var scr = document.createElement("script");
scr.src = url;// + "?ts=" + new Date().getTime();
loadingURL = url;
lib.loadLocalJS = function(code) {
// Run the extension code in the global scope
try {
(new Function(code))();
} catch(e) {
lib.unregister = function(name) {
try { handlers[name]._shutdown(); } catch(e){}
delete handlers[name];
delete blockDefs[name];
delete menuDefs[name];
delete deviceSpecs[name];
lib.canAccessDevices = function() { return pluginAvailable; };
lib.getReporter = function(ext_name, reporter, args) {
return handlers[ext_name][reporter].apply(handlers[ext_name], args);
lib.getReporterAsync = function(ext_name, reporter, args, job_id) {
var callback = function(retval) {
Scratch.FlashApp.ASobj.ASextensionReporterDone(ext_name, job_id, retval);
handlers[ext_name][reporter].apply(handlers[ext_name], args);
lib.runCommand = function(ext_name, command, args) {
handlers[ext_name][command].apply(handlers[ext_name], args);
lib.runAsync = function(ext_name, command, args, job_id) {
var callback = function() {
Scratch.FlashApp.ASobj.ASextensionCallDone(ext_name, job_id);
handlers[ext_name][command].apply(handlers[ext_name], args);
lib.getStatus = function(ext_name) {
if(!(ext_name in handlers))
return {status: 0, msg: 'Not loaded'};
if(ext_name in deviceSpecs && !pluginAvailable)
return {status: 0, msg: 'Missing browser plugin'};
return handlers[ext_name]._getStatus();
lib.notify = function(text) {
if(window.JSsetProjectBanner) JSsetProjectBanner(text);
else alert(text);
lib.resetPlugin = function() {
if (plugin && plugin.reset) plugin.reset();
$(window).unload(function(e) {
function shutdown() {
for(var extName in handlers)
handlers = {};
function checkDevices() {
var awaitingSpecs = {};
for(var ext_name in deviceSpecs)
if(!devices[ext_name]) {
var spec = deviceSpecs[ext_name];
if(spec.type == 'hid') {
if(!awaitingSpecs['hid']) awaitingSpecs['hid'] = {};
awaitingSpecs['hid'][spec.vendor + '_' + spec.product] = ext_name;
else if(spec.type == 'serial')
awaitingSpecs['serial'] = ext_name;
if(awaitingSpecs['hid']) {
var deviceList = plugin.hid_list();
var hidList = awaitingSpecs['hid'];
for (var i = 0; i < deviceList.length; i++) {
var ext_name = hidList[deviceList[i]["vendor_id"] + '_' + deviceList[i]["product_id"]];
if (ext_name)
handlers[ext_name]._deviceConnected(new hidDevice(deviceList[i], ext_name));
if(awaitingSpecs['serial']) {
var ext_name = awaitingSpecs['serial'];
var deviceList = plugin.serial_list();
for (var i = 0; i < deviceList.length; i++) {
handlers[ext_name]._deviceConnected(new serialDevice(deviceList[i], ext_name));
function checkPolling() {
if(poller || !shouldLookForDevices()) return;
poller = setInterval(checkDevices, 500);
function stopPolling() {
if(poller) clearInterval(poller);
poller = null;
function shouldLookForDevices() {
for(var ext_name in deviceSpecs)
return true;
return false;
function createDevicePlugin() {
if(plugin) return;
var pluginContainer = document.createElement('div');
pluginContainer.innerHTML = '<object type="application/x-scratchdeviceplugin" width="1" height="1" codebase="/scratchr2/static/ext/ScratchDevicePlugin.cab"> </object>';
plugin = pluginContainer.firstChild;
function hidDevice(info, ext_name) {
var dev = null;
var self = this;
// TODO: add support for multiple devices per extension
//if(!(ext_name in devices)) devices[ext_name] = {};
this.id = info["path"];
this.info = info;
function disconnect() {
}, 0);
this.open = function() {
try {
dev = plugin.hid_open(this.id);
if(window.ActiveXObject) dev = dev(this.id);
//devices[ext_name][path] = this;
devices[ext_name] = this;
catch(e) {}
this.close = function() {
if(!dev) return;
delete devices[ext_name];
dev = null;
this.write = function(data) {
if(!dev) return;
var len = dev.write(data);
if(window.ActiveXObject) len = len(data);
if(len < 0) disconnect();
return len;
this.read = function(len) {
if(!dev) return null;
if(!len) len = 65;
var data = dev.read(len);
if(window.ActiveXObject) data = data(len);
if(data.byteLength == 0) disconnect();
return data;
function serialDevice(id, ext_name) {
var dev = null;
var self = this;
// TODO: add support for multiple devices per extension
//if(!(ext_name in devices)) devices[ext_name] = {};
this.id = id;
this.open = function(opts) {
try {
dev = plugin.serial_open(this.id, opts);
// dev.set_disconnect_handler(function() {
// self.close();
// handlers[ext_name]._deviceRemoved(self);
// });
//devices[ext_name][path] = this;
devices[ext_name] = this;
catch(e) {}
this.close = function() {
if(!dev) return;
delete devices[ext_name];
dev = null;
this.send = function(data) {
if(!dev) return;
this.set_receive_handler = function(handler) {
if(!dev) return;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,334 @@
// wedoExtension.js
// Shane M. Clements, January 2014
// LEGO WEDO Scratch Extension
// This is an extension for development and testing of the Scratch Javascript Extension API.
(function(ext) {
var device = null;
var rawData = null;
// Motor states: power: 0 to 100, dir: -1 or 1
var motors = [
{power: 100, dir: 1, isOn: false},
{power: 100, dir: 1, isOn: false}
var motorOffTime = 0;
// Sensor states:
var id0 = 0;
var id1 = 0;
var weDoDistance = 0;
var weDoTilt = 0;
// Commands
ext.motorOnFor = function(motor, time, callback) {
setTimeout(function() {
if (typeof callback=="function") callback();
}, 1000 * time);
ext.motorOn = function(motor) {
switch(motor) {
case "motor":
case "motor A":
setMotorOn('m', 0, true);
case "motor B":
setMotorOn('m', 1, true);
case "lights":
ext.allMotorsOn = function(type) {
setMotorOn(type, 0, true);
setMotorOn(type, 1, true);
ext.motorOff = function(motor) {
switch(motor) {
case "motor":
case "motor A":
setMotorOn('m', 0, false);
case "motor B":
setMotorOn('m', 1, false);
case "lights":
ext.resetAll = function() {
ext.allMotorsOff = function(type) {
setMotorOn(type, 0, false);
setMotorOn(type, 1, false);
ext.startMotorPower = function(motor, power) {
switch(motor) {
case "motor":
setMotorPower('m', 0, power);
setMotorPower('m', 1, power);
setMotorOn('m', 0, true);
setMotorOn('m', 1, true);
case "motor A":
setMotorPower('m', 0, power);
setMotorOn('m', 0, true);
case "motor B":
setMotorPower('m', 1, power);
setMotorOn('m', 1, true);
case "lights":
setMotorPower('l', 0, power);
setMotorPower('l', 1, power);
setMotorOn('l', 0, true);
setMotorOn('l', 1, true);
setMotorPower('a', 0, power);
setMotorPower('a', 1, power);
setMotorOn('a', 0, true);
setMotorOn('a', 1, true);
ext.setMotorDirection = function(motor, s) {
var dir;
if('this way' == s) dir = 1;
else if('that way' == s) dir = -1;
else if('reverse' == s) dir = 0;
else return;
switch(motor) {
case "motor A":
setMotorDirection(0, dir);
case "motor B":
setMotorDirection(1, dir);
setMotorDirection(0, dir);
setMotorDirection(1, dir);
// Hat blocks
ext.whenDistance = function(s, dist) { return device!=null && ('<' == s ? (getDistance() < dist) : (getDistance() > dist)); };
ext.whenTilt = function(s, tilt) { return device!=null && ('=' == s ? (getTilt() == tilt) : (getTilt() != tilt)); };
//ext.whenDistanceLessThan = function(dist) { return device!=null && getDistance() < dist; };
//ext.whenTiltIs = function(tilt) { return device!=null && getTilt() == tilt; };
// Reporters
ext.getDistance = function() { return getDistance(); };
ext.getTilt = function() { return getTilt(); };
// Internal logic
function setMotorDirection(motorID, dir) {
// Dir: -1 - counter-clockwise, 1 - clockwise, 0 - reverse
var motor = getMotor('m', motorID);
if (!motor) return; // motorID must be 0 or 1
if ((dir == -1) || (dir == 1)) motor.dir = dir;
if (dir == 0) motor.dir = -motor.dir; // reverse
if (motor.isOn) sendMotorState();
function setMotorOn(type, motorID, flag) {
var motor = getMotor(type, motorID);
if (!motor) return; // motorID must be 0 or 1
var wasOn = motor.isOn && (motor.power > 0);
motor.isOn = (flag == true);
if (wasOn) checkForMotorsOff();
function setMotorPower(type, motorID, pwr) {
// Pwr: 0..100
var motor = getMotor(type, motorID);
if (!motor) return; // motorID must be 0 or 1
var wasOn = motor.isOn && (motor.power > 0);
motor.power = Math.max(0, Math.min(pwr, 100));
if (motor.power > 0) motor.isOn = true;
if (wasOn) checkForMotorsOff();
var wedoCommand = new Uint8Array(9); wedoCommand[1] = 0x40;
function sendMotorState() {
if (device) {
// Each motor is controlled by a signed byte whose sign determines the direction and absolute value the power
wedoCommand[2] = motorValue(0);
wedoCommand[3] = motorValue(1);
function motorValue(motorID) {
// Return a two character hex string to control the given motor.
var motor = motors[motorID];
var byte = 0;
if (motor.isOn && (motor.power > 0)) byte = (17 + Math.floor(1.1 * motor.power));
if (motor.dir < 0) byte = (256 - byte) & 0xFF;
return byte;
function getMotor(type, motorID) {
if(rawData && okayToReadIDs()) {
var s = new Uint8Array(rawData);
id0 = s[3];
id1 = s[5];
if ((motorID == 0) && isMotor(type, id0)) return motors[0];
if ((motorID == 1) && isMotor(type, id1)) return motors[1];
return null;
function isMotor(type, id) {
switch (type) {
case 'm': // motor
return (234 <= id) && (id <= 246);
case 'l': // light
return (200 <= id) && (id <= 205);
return ((234 <= id) && (id <= 246)) || ((200 <= id) && (id <= 205));
function checkForMotorsOff() {
// Called on motor transition from on to off or motor power goes from non-zero to zero.
// If both motors are just become off (or zero power), set motorOffTime to the current time.
if (motors[0].isOn && (motors[0].power > 0)) return; // motor 0 is still on
if (motors[1].isOn && (motors[1].power > 0)) return; // motor 1 is still on
motorOffTime = new Date().getTime();
function okayToReadIDs() {
// The WeDo sensor ID data is garbled and meaningless while any motor is running.
// In fact, the ID continues to be garbled for a short while after all motors have
// been turned off because the motor "coasts" and generates a current which throws
// off the analog-to-digital converter in the WeDo hub. Thus, we keep track when the last
// motor was turned off and wait half a second before trying to read the sensor ID's
// Cached values of the sensor ID's are used while motors are running. Thus, if a user
// plugs a different sensor into the WeDo hub while the motors are running, the plugin
// won't notice until all motors are stopped.
if (motors[0].isOn || motors[1].isOn) return false;
return (new Date().getTime() - motorOffTime) > 500;
function updateSensor(id, rawValue) {
if ((170 <= id) && (id <= 190)) { // distance sensor
weDoDistance = Math.round((100 * (rawValue - 70)) / 140);
weDoDistance = Math.max(0, Math.min(weDoDistance, 100));
if ((28 <= id) && (id <= 47)) { // tilt sensor
if (rawValue < 49) weDoTilt = 3;
else if (rawValue < 100) weDoTilt = 2;
else if (rawValue < 154) weDoTilt = 0;
else if (rawValue < 205) weDoTilt = 1;
else weDoTilt = 4;
function getDistance() {
if(rawData) processData();
return weDoDistance;
function getTilt() {
if(rawData) processData();
return weDoTilt;
function processData() {
var s = new Uint8Array(rawData);
if (okayToReadIDs()) {
id0 = s[3];
id1 = s[5];
weDoDistance = weDoTilt = 0; // zero if no sensor plugged in
updateSensor(id0, s[2]);
updateSensor(id1, s[4]);
rawData = null;
var poller = null;
ext._deviceConnected = function(dev) {
if(device) return;
device = dev;
poller = setInterval(function() {
rawData = device.read();
}, 20);
ext._deviceRemoved = function(dev) {
if(device != dev) return;
if(poller) poller = clearInterval(poller);
device = null;
ext._shutdown = function() {
setMotorOn('a', 0, false);
setMotorOn('a', 1, false);
if(poller) poller = clearInterval(poller);
if(device) device.close();
device = null;
ext._getStatus = function() {
if(!device) return {status: 1, msg: 'LEGO WeDo disconnected'};
return {status: 2, msg: ' LEGO WeDo connected'};
var descriptor = {
blocks: [
['w', 'turn %m.motor on for %n secs', 'motorOnFor', 'motor',1],
[' ', 'turn %m.motor on', 'motorOn', 'motor'],
[' ', 'turn %m.motor off', 'motorOff', 'motor'],
[' ', 'set %m.motor power to %n', 'startMotorPower', 'motor',100],
[' ', 'set %m.motor2 direction to %m.motorDirection','setMotorDirection','motor','this way'],
['h', 'when distance %m.lessMore %n', 'whenDistance', '<', 20],
['h', 'when tilt %m.eNe %n', 'whenTilt', '=', 1],
['r', 'distance', 'getDistance'],
['r', 'tilt', 'getTilt']
menus: {
motor: ['motor', 'motor A', 'motor B', 'lights', 'everything'],
motor2: ['motor', 'motor A', 'motor B', 'all motors'],
motorDirection: ['this way', 'that way', 'reverse'],
lessMore: ['<', '>'],
eNe: ['=','not =']
url: '/info/help/studio/tips/ext/LEGO WeDo/'
ScratchExtensions.register('LEGO WeDo', descriptor, ext, {type: 'hid', vendor:1684, product:3});
Reference in a new issue