mirror of
synced 2025-03-20 02:09:48 -04:00
2006 lines
36 KiB
2006 lines
36 KiB
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-04-25 22:29+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-04-04 20:29+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: GunChleoc <fios@foramnagaidhlig.net>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
"Language: gd\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=(n==1 || n==11) ? 0 : (n==2 || n==12) ? 1 : "
"(n > 2 && n < 20) ? 2 : 3;\n"
"X-Generator: Pootle\n"
"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1428179349.000000\n"
msgid "%b and %b"
msgstr "%b agus %b"
msgid "%b or %b"
msgstr "%b no %b"
msgid "%m.attribute of %m.spriteOrStage"
msgstr "%m.attribute aig %m.spriteOrStage"
msgid "%m.mathOp of %n"
msgstr "%m.mathOp aig %n"
msgid "%m.sensor sensor value"
msgstr "luach mothaicheir: %m.sensor"
msgid "%n mod %n"
msgstr "%n mòidealas %n"
msgid "add %s to %m.list"
msgstr "cuir %s ri %m.list"
msgid "answer"
msgstr "freagairt"
msgid "ask %s and wait"
msgstr "faighnich %s is fan"
# "backdrop" in Scratch 2.0 is similar to "background" in Scratch 1.4
msgid "backdrop #"
msgstr "àireamh a' chùlaibh"
# "backdrop" in Scratch 2.0 is similar to "background" in Scratch 1.4
msgid "backdrop name"
msgstr "ainm a' chùlaibh"
msgid "broadcast %m.broadcast"
msgstr "craol %m.broadcast"
msgid "broadcast %m.broadcast and wait"
msgstr "craol %m.broadcast is fan"
msgid "change %m.effect effect by %n"
msgstr "atharraich èifeachd %m.effect le %n"
msgid "change %m.var by %n"
msgstr "atharraich %m.var le %n"
msgid "change pen color by %n"
msgstr "atharraich dath a' phinn le %n"
msgid "change pen shade by %n"
msgstr "atharraich tuar a' phinn le %n"
msgid "change pen size by %n"
msgstr "atharraich meud a' phinn le %n"
msgid "change size by %n"
msgstr "atharraich do mheud le %n"
msgid "change tempo by %n"
msgstr "atharraich an luaths le %n"
msgid "change volume by %n"
msgstr "atharraich àirde na fuaime le %n"
msgid "change x by %n"
msgstr "atharraich x le %n"
msgid "change y by %n"
msgstr "atharraich y le %n"
msgid "clear"
msgstr "falamhaich"
msgid "clear graphic effects"
msgstr "falamhaich na h-èifeachdan"
msgid "color %c is touching %c?"
msgstr "an dath %c a' beantainn ri %c"
msgid "Control"
msgstr "Smachd"
msgid "costume #"
msgstr "àireamh an aodaich"
msgid "create clone of %m.spriteOnly"
msgstr "cruthaich clòn %m.spriteOnly"
msgid "current %m.timeAndDate"
msgstr "%m.timeAndDate làithreach"
msgid "Data"
msgstr "Dàta"
msgid "days since 2000"
msgstr "làithean o 2000 a-mach"
msgid "define"
msgstr "mìnich"
msgid "delete %d.listDeleteItem of %m.list"
msgstr "sguab às %d.listDeleteItem de %m.list"
msgid "delete this clone"
msgstr "sguab às an clòn seo"
msgid "direction"
msgstr "comhair"
msgid "distance"
msgstr "astar"
msgid "distance to %m.spriteOrMouse"
msgstr "an t-astar o %m.spriteOrMouse"
msgid "else"
msgstr "air neo"
msgid "Events"
msgstr "Tachartas"
msgid "forever"
msgstr "gu buan"
msgid "glide %n secs to x:%n y:%n"
msgstr "gluais fad %n diog gu x:%n y:%n"
msgid "go back %n layers"
msgstr "%n breathan dhan chùl"
msgid "go to %m.spriteOrMouse"
msgstr "rach gu %m.spriteOrMouse"
msgid "go to front"
msgstr "rach gun fhìor-bheulaibh"
msgid "go to x:%n y:%n"
msgstr "rach gu x:%n y:%n"
msgid "hide"
msgstr "falaich"
msgid "hide list %m.list"
msgstr "falaich an liosta %m.list"
msgid "hide variable %m.var"
msgstr "falaich an caochladair %m.var"
msgid "if %b then"
msgstr "ma tha %b a-rèiste"
msgid "if on edge, bounce"
msgstr "ma tha thu ris an oir, boc"
msgid "insert %s at %d.listItem of %m.list"
msgstr "cuir %s ris aig %d.listItem de %m.list"
msgid "item %d.listItem of %m.list"
msgstr "nì %d.listItem de %m.list"
msgid "join %s %s"
msgstr "ceangal %s ri %s"
msgid "key %m.key pressed?"
msgstr "an iuchair %m.key ga brùthadh"
msgid "length of %m.list"
msgstr "an fhaide aig %m.list"
msgid "length of %s"
msgstr "an fhaide aig %s"
msgid "letter %n of %s"
msgstr "litir %n de %s"
msgid "Looks"
msgstr "Coltas"
msgid "loudness"
msgstr "àirde na fuaime"
msgid "More Blocks"
msgstr "Bloca eile"
msgid "Motion"
msgstr "Gluasad"
msgid "mouse down?"
msgstr "an luchag ga briogadh"
msgid "mouse x"
msgstr "x na luchaige"
msgid "mouse y"
msgstr "y na luchaige"
msgid "move %n steps"
msgstr "gluais %n ceuman"
# "backdrop" in Scratch 2.0 is similar to "background" in Scratch 1.4
msgid "next backdrop"
msgstr "an t-ath-chùlaibh"
msgid "next costume"
msgstr "an t-ath-aodach"
msgid "not %b"
msgstr "e fallsa gu bheil %b"
msgid "Operators"
msgstr "Gnìomharaiche"
msgid "Pen"
msgstr "Peann"
msgid "pen down"
msgstr "peann sìos"
msgid "pen up"
msgstr "peann suas"
msgid "pick random %n to %n"
msgstr "luach tuaireamach eadar %n is %n"
msgid "play drum %d.drum for %n beats"
msgstr "cluich druma %d.drum fad %n buille"
msgid "play note %d.note for %n beats"
msgstr "cluich puing %d.note fad %n puing"
msgid "play sound %m.sound"
msgstr "cluich fuaim: %m.sound"
msgid "play sound %m.sound until done"
msgstr "cluich fuaim: %m.sound gu lèir"
msgid "point in direction %d.direction"
msgstr "cuir d' aghaidh %d.direction"
msgid "point towards %m.spriteOrMouse"
msgstr "cuir d' aghaidh an comhair %m.spriteOrMouse"
msgid "repeat %n"
msgstr "dèan seo %n tursan"
msgid "repeat until %b"
msgstr "dèan a-rithist e gus am bi %b"
msgid "replace item %d.listItem of %m.list with %s"
msgstr "cuir an àite %d.listItem de %m.list le %s"
msgid "reset timer"
msgstr "ath-shuidhich an tìmear"
msgid "rest for %n beats"
msgstr "tost fad %n buille"
msgid "round %n"
msgstr "cuairtich %n"
msgid "say %s"
msgstr "can %s"
msgid "say %s for %n secs"
msgstr "can %s fad %n diog"
msgid "Sensing"
msgstr "Mothachadh"
msgid "sensor %m.booleanSensor?"
msgstr "%m.booleanSensor aig mothaichear"
msgid "set %m.effect effect to %n"
msgstr "suidhich èifeachd %m.effect de %n ort"
msgid "set %m.var to %s"
msgstr "suidhich %m.var air %s"
msgid "set instrument to %d.instrument"
msgstr "suidhich an t-inneal-ciùil air %d.instrument"
msgid "set %m.motor2 direction to %m.motorDirection"
msgstr "suidhich %m.motor2 an comhair %m.motorDirection"
msgid "set %m.motor power to %n"
msgstr "suidhich a' chumhachd aig %m.motor air %n"
msgid "set pen color to %c"
msgstr "suidhich dath a' phinn air %c"
msgid "set pen color to %n"
msgstr "suidhich dath a' phinn air %n"
msgid "set pen shade to %n"
msgstr "suidhich tuar a' phinn air %n"
msgid "set pen size to %n"
msgstr "suidhich meud a' phinn air %n"
msgid "set rotation style %m.rotationStyle"
msgstr "suidhich stoidhle na cuairte air %m.rotationStyle"
msgid "set size to %n%"
msgstr "suidhich do mheud air %n%"
msgid "set tempo to %n bpm"
msgstr "suidhich an luaths air %n bpm"
msgid "set video transparency to %n%"
msgstr "suidhich trìd-shoillse a' video air %n%"
msgid "set volume to %n%"
msgstr "suidhich àirde na fuaime air %n%"
msgid "set x to %n"
msgstr "suidhich x air %n"
msgid "set y to %n"
msgstr "suidhich y air %n"
msgid "show"
msgstr "seall"
msgid "show list %m.list"
msgstr "seall an liosta %m.list"
msgid "show variable %m.var"
msgstr "seall an caochladair %m.var"
msgid "size"
msgstr "meud"
msgid "Sound"
msgstr "Fuaim"
msgid "stamp"
msgstr "stampa"
msgid "stop %m.stop"
msgstr "cuir stad air %m.stop"
msgid "stop all sounds"
msgstr "cuir stad air a h-uile fuaim"
# "backdrop" in Scratch 2.0 is similar to "background" in Scratch 1.4
msgid "switch backdrop to %m.backdrop"
msgstr "atharraich an cùlaibh gun %m.backdrop"
# "backdrop" in Scratch 2.0 is similar to "background" in Scratch 1.4
msgid "switch backdrop to %m.backdrop and wait"
msgstr "atharraich an cùlaibh gun %m.backdrop is fan"
msgid "switch costume to %m.costume"
msgstr "cuir an t-aodach %m.costume ort"
msgid "tempo"
msgstr "luaths"
msgid "think %s"
msgstr "smaoinich %s"
msgid "think %s for %n secs"
msgstr "smaoinich %s fad %n diog"
msgid "tilt"
msgstr "claonadh"
msgid "timer"
msgstr "tìmear"
msgid "touching %m.touching?"
msgstr "%m.touching a' beantainn riut"
msgid "touching color %c?"
msgstr "an dath %c a' beantainn riut"
msgid "turn @turnLeft %n degrees"
msgstr "cuairtich @turnLeft le %n ceuman"
msgid "turn @turnRight %n degrees"
msgstr "cuairtich @turnRight le %n ceuman"
msgid "turn %m.motor off"
msgstr "cuir %m.motor dheth"
msgid "turn %m.motor on"
msgstr "cuir %m.motor air"
msgid "turn %m.motor on for %n secs"
msgstr "cuir %m.motor air fad %n diog"
msgid "turn video %m.videoState"
msgstr "cuir a' video %m.videoState"
msgid "username"
msgstr "ainm-cleachdaiche"
msgid "video %m.videoMotionType on %m.stageOrThis"
msgstr "%m.videoMotionType a' video air %m.stageOrThis"
msgid "volume"
msgstr "àirde na fuaime"
msgid "wait %n secs"
msgstr "fan fad %n diog"
msgid "wait until %b"
msgstr "fan gus am bi %b"
msgid "when %m.booleanSensor"
msgstr "nuair a bhios %m.booleanSensor"
msgid "when %m.key key pressed"
msgstr "le brùthadh na h-iuchrach %m.key"
msgid "when %m.sensor %m.lessMore %n"
msgstr "nuair a thèid %m.sensor %m.lessMore %n"
msgid "when %m.triggerSensor > %n"
msgstr "nuair a thèid %m.triggerSensor > %n"
msgid "when @greenFlag clicked"
msgstr "le briogadh air @greenFlag"
# "backdrop" in Scratch 2.0 is similar to "background" in Scratch 1.4
msgid "when backdrop switches to %m.backdrop"
msgstr "nuair a thèid an cùlaibh na %m.backdrop"
msgid "when distance %m.lessMore %n"
msgstr "nuair a thèid an t-astar %m.lessMore %n"
msgid "when I receive %m.broadcast"
msgstr "nuair a gheibh thu %m.broadcast"
msgid "when I start as a clone"
msgstr "nuair a thèid thu nad chlòn"
msgid "when this sprite clicked"
msgstr "le briogadh air an sprìd seo"
msgid "when tilt %m.eNe %n"
msgstr "nuair a thèid an claonadh %m.eNe %n"
msgid "x position"
msgstr "ionad x"
msgid "y position"
msgstr "ionad y"
#: commands-online.txt:7 commands-offline.txt:7
#, fuzzy
msgid "%m.list contains %s?"
msgstr "%m.list ann agus %s na broinn"
msgid "10 ^"
msgstr "10 ^"
msgid ""
"<b>Information about Cloud variables</b><br> <br>Currently, only "
"numbers are supported<br>Chat rooms are not allowed, and will be "
"removed<br>For more info, <a href=\"/help/faq/#clouddata\" target=\"_blank"
"\">see the cloud data FAQ!</a>"
msgstr ""
"<b>Fiosrachadh a thaobh caochladairean neòil</b><br> <br>Chan eil ach "
"àireamhan ceadaichte aig an àm seo<br>Chan eil seòmraichean cabadaich "
"ceadaichte 's thèid an toirt air falbh<br>Airson barrachd fiosrachaidh, <a "
"href= target=>faic na CÀBHA air dàta neòil!</a>"
msgid "A connected"
msgstr "A ceangailte"
msgid "a copy of the project file on your computer."
msgstr "lethbhreac de dh'fhaidhle a' phròiseict air a' choimpiutair agad."
msgid "A newer version of Scratch is available"
msgstr "Tha tionndadh ùr de Scratch ri fhaighinn"
msgid "About"
msgstr "Mu dhèidhinn"
msgid "abs"
msgstr "abs"
msgid "acos"
msgstr "àrc-cho-shìneas"
msgid "Add"
msgstr "Cuir ris"
msgid "Add an Extension"
msgstr "Cuir leudachan ris"
msgid "Add boolean input:"
msgstr "Cuir raon Booleanach ris:"
msgid "add comment"
msgstr "cuir beachd ris"
msgid "Add label text:"
msgstr "Cuir leubail teacsa ris:"
msgid "Add number input:"
msgstr "Cuir raon àireimh ris:"
msgid "Add string input:"
msgstr "Cuir raon teacsa ris:"
msgid "all"
msgstr "na h-uile"
msgid "All"
msgstr "Na h-uile"
msgid "all around"
msgstr "cuairt shlàn"
msgid "Animal"
msgstr "Beathach"
msgid "Animals"
msgstr "Beathaichean"
msgid "asin"
msgstr "àrc-cho-shìneas"
msgid "assets loaded"
msgstr "eileamaidean air an luchdadh"
msgid "atan"
msgstr "àrc-bheantan"
msgid "B connected"
msgstr "B ceangailte"
msgid "Back a layer"
msgstr "Breath dhan chùl"
msgid "backdrop"
msgstr "cùlaibh"
msgid "Backdrop"
msgstr "Cùlaibh"
msgid "Backdrop Library"
msgstr "Leabhar-lann nan cùlaibh"
msgid "backdrop1"
msgstr "cùlaibh1"
msgid "backdrops"
msgstr "cùlaibhean"
msgid "Backdrops"
msgstr "Cùlaibhean"
msgid "Backpack"
msgstr "Màla-droma"
msgid "Bass"
msgstr "Beus"
msgid "Bass Drum"
msgstr "Druma beusa"
msgid "Bassoon"
msgstr "Torm-fheadan"
msgid ""
"Because you have a new Scratch account, any changes to cloud data won't be "
"saved yet. Keep participating on the site you'll be able to use cloud data "
msgstr ""
"A chionn 's gu bheil cunntas Scratch ùr agad, cha tèid atharraichean a "
"shàbhaladh san neul. Cum a' dol a' gabhail pàirt air an làrach is bidh "
"cothrom agad air an dàta san neul a dh'aithghearr!"
msgid "Bitmap"
msgstr "Bitmap"
msgid "Bitmap Mode"
msgstr "Am modh bitmap"
msgid "Block help"
msgstr "Cobhair leis na blocaichean"
msgid "Bongo"
msgstr "Bongo"
msgid "brightness"
msgstr "soilleireachd"
msgid "Bring to front"
msgstr "Gluais gun fhìor-bheulaibh"
msgid "Broadcast"
msgstr "Craol"
msgid "Brush"
msgstr "Bruis"
msgid "button pressed"
msgstr "putan ga bhrùthadh"
msgid "by"
msgstr "le"
msgid "bytes loaded"
msgstr "bytes air an luchdadh"
msgid "C connected"
msgstr "C ceangailte"
msgid "Cabasa"
msgstr "Cabasa"
msgid "Camera"
msgstr "Camara"
msgid "can drag in player:"
msgstr "gabhaidh a shlaodadh sa chluicheadair:"
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Sguir dheth"
msgid "Cannot Delete"
msgstr "Cha ghabh a sguabadh às"
msgid "Can’t find network connection or reach server."
msgstr ""
"Chan urrainn dhuinn ceangal lìonraidh a lorg no am frithealaiche a ruigsinn."
msgid "Castle"
msgstr "Caisteal"
msgid "Category"
msgstr "Roinn-seòrsa"
msgid "ceiling"
msgstr "cuairteachadh suas"
msgid "Cello"
msgstr "Cello"
msgid "Check for updates"
msgstr "Thoir sùil airson ùrachaidhean"
msgid "Choir"
msgstr "Còisir"
msgid "Choose backdrop from library"
msgstr "Tagh cùlaibh on leabhar-lann"
msgid "Choose costume from library"
msgstr "Tagh aodach on leabhar-lann"
msgid "Choose sound from library"
msgstr "Tagh fuaim on leabhar-lann"
msgid "Choose sprite from library"
msgstr "Tagh sprìd on leabhar-lann"
msgid "Circle"
msgstr "Cearcall"
msgid "City"
msgstr "Baile"
msgid "Clarinet"
msgstr "Clàirneid"
msgid "Claves"
msgstr "Claves"
msgid "Clear"
msgstr "Falamhaich"
msgid "clear senders/receivers"
msgstr "falamhaich na seòladairean/faightearan"
msgid "Click \"Save now\" to try again or \"Download\" to save"
msgstr "Briog air gus feuchainn ris a-rithist no gus a shàbhaladh"
msgid "Close"
msgstr "Dùin"
msgid "Closed Hi-Hat"
msgstr "Hi-hat dùinte"
msgid "Cloud data"
msgstr "Dàta san neul"
msgid "color"
msgstr "datha"
msgid "Color a shape"
msgstr "Lìon cruth le dath"
msgid "Conga"
msgstr "Conga"
msgid "Connecting to Cloud data server..."
msgstr "A' ceangal ri frithealaiche dàta an neòil..."
msgid "Convert to bitmap"
msgstr "Iompaich na bitmap"
msgid "Convert to vector"
msgstr "Iompaich na vector"
msgid "Converting mp3..."
msgstr "Ga iompachadh an mp3..."
msgid "copy"
msgstr "dèan lethbhreac"
msgid "Copying..."
msgstr "A' dèanamh lethbhreac dheth..."
msgid "cos"
msgstr "co-sìneas"
msgid "Costume"
msgstr "Aodach"
msgid "Costume Library"
msgstr "Leabhar-lann nan aodach"
msgid "costume name"
msgstr "ainm an aodaich"
msgid "costume1"
msgstr "aodach1"
msgid "costume2"
msgstr "aodach2"
msgid "Costumes"
msgstr "Aodaich"
msgid "Costumes > 1"
msgstr "Aodaich > 1"
msgid "Could not retrieve new application from server."
msgstr "Cha b' urrainn dhuinn an aplacaid ùr fhaighinn on fhrithealaiche."
msgid "Cowbell"
msgstr "Clag bà"
msgid "Crash Cymbal"
msgstr ""
msgid "Creating..."
msgstr "Ga chruthachadh..."
msgid "Currently, only numbers can be stored in Cloud variables."
msgstr ""
"Cha ghabh ach àireamhan a stòradh ann an caochladairean an neòil aig an àm "
msgid "cut"
msgstr "gearr"
msgid "D connected"
msgstr "D ceangailte"
msgid "date"
msgstr "ceann-là"
msgid "day of week"
msgstr "latha na seachdaine"
msgid "delete"
msgstr "sguab às"
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Sguab às"
msgid "delete variable"
msgstr "sguab às an caochladair"
msgid "direction:"
msgstr "comhair:"
msgid "don't rotate"
msgstr "gun chuairteachadh"
msgid "Don't save"
msgstr "Na sàbhail"
msgid "down"
msgstr "sìos"
msgid "down arrow"
msgstr "saighead sìos"
msgid "Download"
msgstr "Luchdaich a-nuas"
msgid "Download to your computer"
msgstr "Luchdaich a-nuas dhan choimpiutair agad"
msgid "duplicate"
msgstr "dùblaich"
msgid "Duplicate"
msgstr "Dùblaich"
msgid "e ^"
msgstr "e ^"
msgid "edge"
msgstr "an oir"
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Deasaich"
msgid "edit"
msgstr "deasaich"
msgid "Edit Block"
msgstr "Deasaich am bloca"
msgid "Effects"
msgstr "Èifeachdan"
msgid "Electric Guitar"
msgstr "Giotàr dealain"
msgid "Electric Piano"
msgstr "Piàna dealain"
msgid "Electronic"
msgstr "Leactronach"
msgid "Ellipse"
msgstr "Eileaps"
msgid "Erase"
msgstr "Suath"
msgid "Eraser width"
msgstr "Leud an t-suathain"
msgid "Error!"
msgstr "Mearachd!"
msgid "export"
msgstr "às-phortaich"
msgid "fade in"
msgstr "crìon a-steach"
msgid "fade out"
msgstr "crìon a-mach"
msgid "Fantasy"
msgstr "Fantastachd"
msgid "Features"
msgstr "Feartan"
msgid "File"
msgstr "Faidhle"
msgid "Fill with color"
msgstr "Lìon le dath"
msgid "fisheye"
msgstr "sùil èisg"
msgid "Flip left-right"
msgstr "Dèan flip clì is deas"
msgid "Flip up-down"
msgstr "Dèan flip suas is sìos"
msgid "floor"
msgstr "cuairteachadh sìos"
msgid "Flute"
msgstr "Duiseal"
msgid "Flying"
msgstr "Sgiathadh"
msgid "Font:"
msgstr "Cruth-clò:"
msgid "For all sprites"
msgstr "Airson a h-uile sprìd"
msgid "For this sprite only"
msgstr "Airson na sprìde seo a-mhàin"
msgid "Forward a layer"
msgstr "Breath gun bheulaibh"
msgid "ghost"
msgstr "taibhse"
msgid "Group"
msgstr "Buidhnich"
msgid "Grow"
msgstr "Fàs"
msgid "Guiro"
msgstr "Guiro"
msgid "Guitar"
msgstr "Giotàr"
msgid "Hand Clap"
msgstr "Bualadh basan"
msgid "Hardware"
msgstr "Bathar-cruaidh"
msgid "help"
msgstr "cobhair"
msgid "Hmm..."
msgstr ""
msgid "High C"
msgstr "C àrd"
msgid "Holiday"
msgstr "Latha-fèille"
msgid "hour"
msgstr "uair"
msgid "Human"
msgstr "Daoine"
msgid "import"
msgstr "ion-phortaich"
msgid "Import"
msgstr "Ion-phortaich"
msgid "Importing sound..."
msgstr "Ag ion-phortadh fuaim..."
msgid "Indoors"
msgstr "Taobh a-staigh"
msgid "Installing..."
msgstr "Ga stàladh..."
msgid "Instruments"
msgstr "Innealan-ciùil"
msgid "large readout"
msgstr "sealladh mòr"
msgid "last"
msgstr "am fear mu dheireadh"
msgid "left"
msgstr "gu clì"
msgid "left arrow"
msgstr "saighead gu clì"
msgid "left-right"
msgstr "clì is deas"
msgid "length"
msgstr "faide"
msgid "Letters"
msgstr "Litrichean"
msgid "Library"
msgstr "Leabhar-lann"
msgid "light"
msgstr "an solas"
msgid "Line"
msgstr "Loidhne"
msgid "Line width"
msgstr "Leud na loidhne"
msgid "list"
msgstr "liosta"
msgid "List name"
msgstr "Ainm na liosta"
msgid "ln"
msgstr "log-àireamh nàdarra"
msgid "Loading project..."
msgstr "A' luchdadh a' phròiseict..."
msgid "log"
msgstr "log-àireamh"
msgid "louder"
msgstr "nas àirde"
msgid "Low C"
msgstr "C ìosal"
msgid "Make a Block"
msgstr "Cruthaich bloca"
msgid "Make a List"
msgstr "Cruthaich liosta"
msgid "Make a Variable"
msgstr "Cruthaich caochladair"
msgid "Marimba"
msgstr ""
msgid "Max"
msgstr "As motha"
msgid "meow"
msgstr "miamh"
msgid "Message Name"
msgstr "Ainm na teachdaireachd"
msgid "message1"
msgstr "teachdaireachd1"
msgid "Microphone volume:"
msgstr "Àirde a' mhicreofon:"
msgid "Middle C"
msgstr "C meadhanach"
msgid "Min"
msgstr "As lugha"
msgid "minute"
msgstr "mionaid"
msgid "month"
msgstr "mìos"
msgid "mosaic"
msgstr "mosàig"
msgid "motion"
msgstr "gluasad"
msgid "mouse-pointer"
msgstr "tomhaire na luchaige"
msgid "Multiple"
msgstr "Iomadach"
msgid "Music and Dance"
msgstr "Ceòl is dannsa"
msgid "Music Box"
msgstr "Bogsa ciùil"
msgid "Music Loops"
msgstr "Lùban ciùil"
msgid "myself"
msgstr "dhut fhèin"
msgid "Nature"
msgstr "An nàdar"
msgid "New"
msgstr "Ùr"
msgid "New backdrop from camera"
msgstr "Cùlaibh ùr o chamara"
msgid "New backdrop:"
msgstr "Cùlaibh ùr:"
msgid "New Block"
msgstr "Bloca ùr"
msgid "New costume from camera"
msgstr "Aodach ùr o chamara"
msgid "New costume:"
msgstr "Aodach ùr:"
msgid "New List"
msgstr "Liosta ùr"
msgid "New Message"
msgstr "Teachdaireachd ùr"
msgid "new message..."
msgstr "teachdaireachd ùr..."
msgid "New name"
msgstr "Ainm ùr"
msgid "New sound:"
msgstr "Fuaim ùr:"
msgid "New sprite from camera"
msgstr "Sprìd ùr o chamara"
msgid "New sprite:"
msgstr "Sprìd ùr:"
msgid "New Variable"
msgstr "Caochladair ùr"
msgid "No motion blocks"
msgstr "Chan eil bloca gluasaid ann"
msgid "normal readout"
msgstr "sealladh àbhaisteach"
msgid "Not saved; network or server problem."
msgstr ""
"Cha deach a shàbhaladh; duilgheadas leis an lìonra no an fhrithealaiche."
msgid "Not saved; project did not load."
msgstr "Cha deach a shàbhaladh; cha deach am pròiseact a luchdadh."
msgid "of"
msgstr "aig"
msgid "off"
msgstr "dheth"
msgid "Offline Editor"
msgstr "Deasaiche far loidhne"
msgid "OK"
msgstr "Ceart ma-thà"
msgid "on"
msgstr "air"
msgid "on-flipped"
msgstr "air, le fliop"
msgid "Open"
msgstr "Fosgail"
msgid "Open Cuica"
msgstr "Fosgail Cuica"
msgid "Open Hi-Hat"
msgstr "Hi-hat fosgailte"
msgid "Options"
msgstr "Roghainnean"
msgid "Organ"
msgstr "Organ"
msgid "Other"
msgstr "Eile"
msgid "other scripts in sprite"
msgstr "sgriobtaichean eile na sprìd"
msgid "other scripts in stage"
msgstr "sgriobtaichean eile air an àrd-ùrlar"
msgid "Outdoors"
msgstr "Taobh a-muigh"
msgid "Paint new backdrop"
msgstr "Peant cùlaibh ùr"
msgid "Paint new costume"
msgstr "Peant aodach ùr"
msgid "Paint new sprite"
msgstr "Peant sprìd ùr"
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Facal-faire"
msgid "Password is required"
msgstr "Tha facal-faire a dhìth"
msgid "paste"
msgstr "cuir ann"
msgid "Pencil"
msgstr "Peansail"
msgid "People"
msgstr "Daoine"
msgid "Percussion"
msgstr ""
msgid "photo1"
msgstr "dealbh1"
msgid "Piano"
msgstr "Piàno"
msgid "Pick up color"
msgstr "Roghnaich dath"
msgid "pixelate"
msgstr "phiogsailean"
msgid "Pizzicato"
msgstr "Pizzicato"
msgid "pop"
msgstr "cnap"
msgid "previous backdrop"
msgstr "chùlaibh roimhe"
msgid "Project did not load."
msgstr "Cha deach am pròiseact a luchdadh."
msgid "Project not saved!"
msgstr "Cha deach am pròiseact a shàbhaladh!"
msgid "Project name"
msgstr "Ainm a' phròiseict"
msgid "Project name is required"
msgstr "Tha ainm a' phròiseict a dhìth"
msgid "random"
msgstr "tuaireamach"
msgid "Record"
msgstr "Clàraich"
msgid "Record new sound"
msgstr "Clàraich fuaim ùr"
msgid "record..."
msgstr "clàraich..."
msgid "recording1"
msgstr "clàradh1"
msgid "Rectangle"
msgstr "Ceart-cheàrnach"
msgid "Redo"
msgstr "Ath-dhèan"
msgid "redo"
msgstr "ath-dhèan"
msgid "Remix"
msgstr "Ath-mheasgaich"
msgid "Remixing..."
msgstr "'Ga ath-mheasgachadh..."
msgid "Rename"
msgstr "Thoir ainm ùr air"
msgid "rename variable"
msgstr "thoir ainm ùr air caochladair"
msgid "Reshape"
msgstr "Atharraich cruth"
msgid "resistance-A"
msgstr "bacadh-dealain A"
msgid "resistance-B"
msgstr "bacadh-dealain B"
msgid "resistance-C"
msgstr "bacadh-dealain C"
msgid "resistance-D"
msgstr "bacadh-dealain D"
msgid "reverse"
msgstr "contrarra"
msgid "Revert"
msgstr "Till"
msgid "Reverting..."
msgstr "Ga thilleadh..."
msgid "right"
msgstr "gu deas"
msgid "right arrow"
msgstr "saighead gu deas"
msgid "rotation style:"
msgstr "stoidhle a' chuairteachaidh:"
msgid "Run without screen refresh"
msgstr "Ruith gun ath-nuadhachadh na sgrìn"
msgid "Save"
msgstr "Sàbhail"
msgid "Save a copy of this project and add your own ideas."
msgstr ""
"Sàbhail lethbhreac dhen phròiseact seo agus cuir na beachdan agad fhèin ris."
msgid "Save as"
msgstr "Sàbhail mar"
msgid "Save now"
msgstr "Sàbhail an-dràsta"
msgid "Save project?"
msgstr "A bheil thu airson am pròiseact a shàbhaladh?"
msgid "save to local file"
msgstr "sàbhail gu faidhle ionadail"
msgid "Saved"
msgstr "Air a shàbhaladh"
msgid "Saving changes..."
msgstr "A' sàbhaladh nan atharraichean..."
msgid "Saving..."
msgstr "Ga shàbhaladh..."
msgid "Saxophone"
msgstr "Sacsafon"
msgid "Scratch Updater"
msgstr "Ùraichear Scratch"
msgid "Script"
msgstr "Sgriobt"
msgid "Scripts"
msgstr "Sgriobtaichean"
msgid "second"
msgstr "diog"
msgid "See project page"
msgstr "Seall duilleag a' phròiseict"
msgid "Select"
msgstr "Tagh"
msgid "select all"
msgstr "tagh na h-uile"
msgid "Select and duplicate"
msgstr "Tagh is dùblaich"
msgid "Send to back"
msgstr "Cuir gun fhìor-chùlaibh"
msgid "Set Costume Center"
msgstr "Suidhich ionad nan aodach"
msgid "Set costume center"
msgstr "Suidhich ionad nan aodach"
msgid "set slider min and max"
msgstr "suidhich an luach as motha 's as lugha aig sleamhnachan"
msgid "Share"
msgstr "Co-roinn"
msgid "Share to website"
msgstr "Co-roinn air an làrach-lìn"
msgid "shared"
msgstr "air a cho-roinneadh"
msgid "Shift:"
msgstr "Shift:"
msgid "show receivers"
msgstr "seall na faightearan"
msgid "show senders"
msgstr "seall na seòladairean"
msgid "show:"
msgstr "seall:"
msgid "Shrink"
msgstr "Crùb"
msgid "Side Stick"
msgstr ""
msgid "Sign in"
msgstr "Clàraich a-steach"
msgid "Sign in to save"
msgstr "Clàraich a-steach gus a shàbhaladh"
msgid "silence"
msgstr "tost"
# 75%
msgid "sin"
msgstr "sìneas"
msgid "slider"
msgstr "an sleamhnachan"
msgid "Slider Range"
msgstr "Rainse an t-sleamhnachain"
msgid "Small stage layout"
msgstr "Co-dhealbhachd àrd-ùrlair bhig"
msgid "Smooth"
msgstr "Rèidh"
msgid "Snare Drum"
msgstr "Druma-tormain"
msgid "softer"
msgstr "nas ìsle"
msgid "sound"
msgstr "an fhuaim"
msgid "Sound Library"
msgstr "Leabhar-lann nam fuaimean"
msgid "Sounds"
msgstr "Fuaimean"
msgid "Space"
msgstr "Fànas"
msgid "space"
msgstr "spàs"
msgid "Sports"
msgstr "Spòrs"
msgid "Sprite"
msgstr "Sprìd"
msgid "Sprite Library"
msgstr "Leabhar-lann nan sprìd"
msgid "Sprite1"
msgstr "Sprìd1"
msgid "Sprites"
msgstr "Sprìdean"
msgid "sqrt"
msgstr "freumh ceàrnagach"
msgid "Square"
msgstr "Ceàrnach"
msgid "Stage"
msgstr "Àrd-ùrlar"
msgid "Stage selected:"
msgstr "Àrd-ùrlar air a thaghadh:"
msgid "Steel Drum"
msgstr "Druma-stàillinn"
msgid "Synth Lead"
msgstr ""
msgid "Synth Pad"
msgstr ""
msgid "Tambourine"
msgstr "Tiompan"
# 75%
msgid "tan"
msgstr "beantan"
msgid "text"
msgstr "teacsa"
msgid "Text"
msgstr "Teacsa"
msgid "that way"
msgstr "an taoibh sin"
msgid "Theme"
msgstr "Ùrlar"
msgid "Things"
msgstr "Rudan"
msgid "This is the current version."
msgstr "Seo an tionndadh làithreach."
msgid ""
"This project can detect who is using it, through the “username” block. To "
"hide your identity, sign out before using the project."
msgstr ""
"'S urrainn dhan phròiseact seo mothachadh air cò tha ga chleachdadh le bloca "
"\"ainm-cleachdaiche\". Ma tha thu airson falach cò thusa, clàraich a-mach "
"mus cleachd thu am pròiseact seo."
msgid ""
"This project uses Cloud data ‒ a feature that is available only to signed in "
msgstr ""
"Cleachdaidh am pròiseact seo dàta san neul ‒ seo feart nach eil ri làimh ach "
"do chleachdaichean a chlàraich a-steach."
msgid "this script"
msgstr "an sgriobt seo"
msgid "this sprite"
msgstr "an sprìd seo"
msgid "this way"
msgstr "an taoibh seo"
msgid "Throw away all changes since opening this project?"
msgstr ""
"A bheil thu airson gach atharrachadh a rinn thu às dèidh am pròiseact "
"fhosgladh a shadail a-mach?"
msgid "Tips"
msgstr "Oidheaman"
msgid "To delete a block definition, first remove all uses of the block."
msgstr ""
"Gus mìneachadh bloca a sguabadh às, thoir air falbh gach cleachdadh a' "
"bhloca an toiseach."
msgid "Transportation"
msgstr "Còmhdhail"
msgid "Triangle"
msgstr "Triantan"
msgid "Trombone"
msgstr "Trompan"
msgid "Turbo mode"
msgstr "Modh turbo"
msgid "Turbo Mode"
msgstr "Modh turbo"
msgid "Type"
msgstr "Seòrsa"
# 75%
msgid "Undelete"
msgstr "Neo-dhèan an sguabadh às"
msgid "Underwater"
msgstr "Fon uisge"
msgid "undo"
msgstr "neo-dhèan"
msgid "Undo"
msgstr "Neo-dhèan"
msgid "Undo Revert"
msgstr "Neo-dhèan an tilleadh"
msgid "Ungroup"
msgstr "Sgaoil am buidheann"
msgid "unshared"
msgstr "gun cho-roinneadh"
msgid "up"
msgstr "suas"
msgid "up arrow"
msgstr "saighead suas"
msgid "Update failed"
msgstr "Dh'fhàillig leis an ùrachadh"
msgid "Update not needed"
msgstr "Chan eil feum air ùrachadh"
msgid "Update now"
msgstr "Ùraich an-dràsta"
msgid "Upload backdrop from file"
msgstr "Luchdaich suas cùlaibh o fhaidhle"
msgid "Upload costume from file"
msgstr "Luchdaich suas aodach o fhaidhle"
msgid "Upload from your computer"
msgstr "Luchdaich suas on choimpiutair agad"
msgid "Upload sound from file"
msgstr "Luchdaich suas fuaim o fhaidhle"
msgid "Upload sprite from file"
msgstr "Luchdaich suas sprìd o fhaidhle"
msgid "Uploading image..."
msgstr "A' luchdadh suas dealbh..."
msgid "Uploading sound..."
msgstr "A' luchdadh suas fuaim..."
msgid "Uploading sprite..."
msgstr "A' luchdadh suas sprìd..."
msgid "variable"
msgstr "caochladair"
msgid "Variable name"
msgstr "Ainm a' chaochladair"
msgid "Vector"
msgstr "Vector"
msgid "Vector Mode"
msgstr "Modh vector"
msgid "Vibraphone"
msgstr ""
msgid "Vibraslap"
msgstr ""
msgid "video direction"
msgstr "comhair a' video"
msgid "video motion"
msgstr "gluasad a' video"
msgid "Video on:"
msgstr "Video air:"
msgid "Vocals"
msgstr "Seinn"
msgid "Walking"
msgstr "Coiseachd"
msgid "Want to save? Click remix"
msgstr "A bheil thu airson a shàbhaladh? Briog air \"ath-mheasgaich\""
msgid "Which column do you want to import"
msgstr "An colbh a tha thu airson ion-phortadh"
msgid "whirl"
msgstr "cuairteige"
msgid "Wood Block"
msgstr "Sgonn"
msgid "Wooden Flute"
msgstr "Duiseal fiodha"
msgid "year"
msgstr "bliadhna"
msgid ""
"You cannot edit cloud data in someone else's project.<br>Any change that you "
"make in the editor will be temporary and not persistent."
msgstr ""
"Chan urrainn dhut dàta neòil ann am pròiseact daoine eile a dheasachadh."
"<br>Cha mhair atharrachadh sam bith a nì thu san deasaiche."
msgid "Your Scratch name"
msgstr "D' ainm Scratch"
msgid "Your Scratch name is required"
msgstr "Tha feum air d' ainm Scratch"
# Offline editor only
msgid "All Tips"
msgstr ""
# Offline editor only
msgid ""
"An updated version of the Scratch offline editor is available on the Scratch "
msgstr ""
# Offline editor only
#, fuzzy
msgid "Could not retrieve update location from server."
msgstr "Cha b' urrainn dhuinn an aplacaid ùr fhaighinn on fhrithealaiche."
# Offline editor only
#, fuzzy
msgid "Could not retrieve version information from server."
msgstr "Cha b' urrainn dhuinn an aplacaid ùr fhaighinn on fhrithealaiche."
# Offline editor only
msgid "Could not write file:"
msgstr ""
# Offline editor only
#, fuzzy
msgid "Downloading new version..."
msgstr "A' luchdadh a-nuas tionndadh ùr"
# Offline editor only
msgid "Error saving project"
msgstr ""
# Offline editor only
msgid "Force help file update"
msgstr ""
# Offline editor only
msgid "Import experimental HTTP extension"
msgstr ""
# Offline editor only
msgid "Loading help files..."
msgstr ""
# Offline editor only
msgid "Manual Update Available"
msgstr ""
# Offline editor only
msgid "Open Project"
msgstr ""
# Offline editor only
msgid "Please visit the download page to install it."
msgstr ""
# Offline editor only
msgid "Quit"
msgstr ""
# Offline editor only
#, fuzzy
msgid "Replace existing project?"
msgstr "Cuir an àite pròiseict eile"
# Offline editor only
msgid "Running pre-release"
msgstr ""
# Offline editor only
#, fuzzy
msgid "Save Project"
msgstr "A bheil thu airson am pròiseact a shàbhaladh?"
# Offline editor only
msgid "Server error:"
msgstr ""
# Offline editor only
#, fuzzy
msgid "Share to Scratch Website"
msgstr "Co-roinn air làrach-lìn Scratch"
# Offline editor only
msgid "Success"
msgstr ""
# Offline editor only
msgid "This version is newer than the current release version."
msgstr ""
# Offline editor only
msgid "Update check failed"
msgstr ""
# Offline editor only
msgid "Upload failed"
msgstr ""
# Offline editor only
msgid "Visit download page"
msgstr ""
# Offline editor only
msgid "Your project has been uploaded to scratch.mit.edu"
msgstr ""
# The language name as it will appear in the language menu
#~ msgid "Language-Name"
#~ msgstr "Gàidhlig"
#~ msgid "%m.list contains %s"
#~ msgstr "%m.list ann agus %s na broinn"
#~ msgid "when Stage clicked"
#~ msgstr "le briogadh air an àrd-ùrlar"
#~ msgid "set motor direction %m.motorDirection"
#~ msgstr "cuir comhair a' mhotair air %m.motorDirection"
#~ msgid "set motor power %n"
#~ msgstr "cuir cumhachd a' mhotair air %n"
#~ msgid "turn motor off"
#~ msgstr "cuir am motar dheth"
#~ msgid "turn motor on"
#~ msgstr "cuir am motar air"
#~ msgid "turn motor on for %n secs"
#~ msgstr "cuir am motar air fad %n diog"
#~ msgid "when distance < %n"
#~ msgstr "nuair a thèid an t-astar < %n"
#~ msgid "when tilt = %n"
#~ msgstr "nuair a thèid an claonadh = %n"
#~ msgid "About LEGO WeDo extension..."
#~ msgstr "Mun leudachan LEGO WeDo..."
#~ msgid "About PicoBoard extension..."
#~ msgstr "Mun leudachan PicoBoard..."
#~ msgid "Account settings"
#~ msgstr "Roghainnean a' chunntais"
#~ msgid "add comment here..."
#~ msgstr "cuir beachd ris an-seo..."
#~ msgid "all motors"
#~ msgstr "a h-uile motar"
#~ msgid "Cannot Add"
#~ msgstr "Cha ghabh a chur ris"
#~ msgid "clean up"
#~ msgstr "sgioblaich"
#~ msgid "Cloud"
#~ msgstr "Neul"
#~ msgid "Cloud variable (stored on server)"
#~ msgstr "Caochladair san neul (ga stòradh air an fhrithealaiche)"
#~ msgid "Costumes:"
#~ msgstr "Aodaich:"
#~ msgid "Downloading new version"
#~ msgstr "A' luchdadh a-nuas tionndadh ùr"
#~ msgid "empty"
#~ msgstr "falamh"
#~ msgid "Erase all"
#~ msgstr "Suath na h-uile"
#~ msgid "everything"
#~ msgstr "a h-uile rud"
#~ msgid "Extension Library"
#~ msgstr "Leabhar-lann nan leudachan"
#~ msgid "Extension Problem"
#~ msgstr "Duilgheadas le leudachan"
#~ msgid "false"
#~ msgstr "fallsa"
#~ msgid "Go to My Stuff"
#~ msgstr "Rach dhan stuth agam"
#~ msgid "Hello!"
#~ msgstr "Shin thu!"
#~ msgid "hello"
#~ msgstr "shin thu"
#~ msgid "lights"
#~ msgstr "na solasan"
#~ msgid "limit reached"
#~ msgstr "crìoch air a ruigsinn"
#~ msgid "motor"
#~ msgstr "motar"
#~ msgid "motor A"
#~ msgstr "motar A"
#~ msgid "motor B"
#~ msgstr "motar B"
#~ msgid "My Stuff"
#~ msgstr "An stuth agam"
#~ msgid "not ="
#~ msgstr "nach ionnann"
#~ msgid "Profile"
#~ msgstr "Pròifil"
#~ msgid "Remove extension blocks"
#~ msgstr "Thoir blocaichean an leudachain air falbh"
#~ msgid "Replace existing project"
#~ msgstr "Cuir an àite pròiseict eile"
#~ msgid "requires sign in"
#~ msgstr "tha e ag iarraidh clàradh a-steach"
#~ msgid "Save as a copy"
#~ msgstr "Sàbhail mar lethbhreac"
#~ msgid "Scratch 2.0 Offline Editor"
#~ msgstr "Deasaiche far loidhne Scratch 2.0"
#~ msgid "Scripts:"
#~ msgstr "Sgriobtaichean:"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "See the Tips window (on the right) to install the plug-in and get the "
#~ "extension working."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Cleachd uinneag nan oidheaman (taobh deas) gus am plugan a stàladh ach an "
#~ "obraich an leudachan."
#~ msgid "Share to Scratch website"
#~ msgstr "Co-roinn air làrach-lìn Scratch"
#~ msgid "Sign out"
#~ msgstr "Clàraich a-mach"
#~ msgid "stored on server"
#~ msgstr "air a stòradh air an fhrithealaiche"
#~ msgid "The name is already in use."
#~ msgstr "Tha an t-ainm seo ga chleachdadh mar-thà."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "The project failed to load and Scratch Team has been notified. Press OK "
#~ "to leave this page."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Dh'fhàillig le luchdadh a' phròiseict agus chaidh fios a chur gu sgioba "
#~ "Scratch. Briog air \"Ceart ma-thà\" gus an duilleag seo fhàgail."
#~ msgid "thing"
#~ msgstr "rud"
#~ msgid "true"
#~ msgstr "fìor"
#~ msgid "What's your name?"
#~ msgstr "Dè an t-ainm a th' ort?"
#~ msgid "world"
#~ msgstr "a shaoghail"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "<b>Information about Cloud variables</b><br> <br>Currently, only "
#~ "numbers are supported<br>Chat rooms are not allowed, and will be "
#~ "removed<br>For more info, <a href= target=>see the cloud data FAQ!</a>"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "<b>Fiosrachadh a thaobh caochladairean Cloud</b><br> <br>Chan eil "
#~ "ach àireamhan ceadaichte aig an àm seo<br>Chan eil seòmraichean cabadaich "
#~ "ceadaichte 's thèid an toirt air falbh<br>Airson barrachd fiosrachaidh, "
#~ "<a href= target=>faic na CÀBHA air dàta neòil!</a>"
#~ msgid "Click to try again or to save"
#~ msgstr "Briog air airson feuchainn ris a-rithist no airson sàbhaladh"
#~ msgid "Eraser width:"
#~ msgstr "Leud an t-suathain:"
#~ msgid "Line width:"
#~ msgstr "Leud na loidhne:"
#~ msgid "cleanup"
#~ msgstr "sgioblachadh"