2023-10-24 14:14:25 -07:00

521 lines
19 KiB

jest.setTimeout(30000); // eslint-disable-line no-undef
const webdriver = require('selenium-webdriver');
const {PageLoadStrategy} = require('selenium-webdriver/lib/capabilities');
const bindAll = require('lodash.bindall');
const chromedriverVersion = require('chromedriver').version;
const headless = process.env.SMOKE_HEADLESS || false;
const remote = process.env.SMOKE_REMOTE || false;
const ci = process.env.CI || false;
const usingCircle = process.env.CIRCLECI || false;
const buildID = process.env.CIRCLE_BUILD_NUM || '0000';
const {SAUCE_USERNAME, SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY} = process.env;
const {By, Key, until} = webdriver;
// The main reason for this timeout is so that we can control the timeout message and report details;
// if we hit the Jasmine default timeout then we get a terse message that we can't control.
// The Jasmine default timeout is 30 seconds so make sure this is lower.
* An error that can be chained to another error.
* @extends Error
class ChainableError extends Error {
* Instantiate a new ChainableError.
* @param {string} message The error message for this layer.
constructor (message) {
this.baseMessage = message;
Object.setPrototypeOf(this, ChainableError.prototype); // see = 'ChainableError';
Error.captureStackTrace(this, this.constructor);
* Add a new layer to the error chain.
* @param {Error} innerError The error to add to the chain.
* @returns {ChainableError} This error, with the new layer added.
chain (innerError) {
this.innerError = innerError;
const messages = [];
this.message = messages.join('\n');
return this;
* Collect all the error messages in the chain.
* @param {Array<string>} lines The array to collect the messages into.
collectMessages (lines) {
if (this.innerError) {
if (this.innerError.collectMessages) {
} else {
lines.push(this.innerError.baseMessage || this.innerError.message);
* An error thrown by SeleniumHelper.
* @extends ChainableError
class SeleniumHelperError extends ChainableError {
* Instantiate a new SeleniumHelperError.
* @param {string} message The error message for this layer.
* @param {Array} [kvList] Optional keys & values to add to the error message, for example to capture arguments.
* @example
* const e = new SeleniumHelperError('something failed', [{xpath}, {somethingElse}])
* try {
* doThings();
* } catch (inner) {
* await e.collectContext(driver);
* throw e.chain(inner);
* }
constructor (message, kvList = []) {
const baseMessage = [
message, => `\t${Object.keys(kv)[0]}: ${Object.values(kv)[0]}`)
Object.setPrototypeOf(this, SeleniumHelperError.prototype); // see = 'SeleniumHelperError';
Error.captureStackTrace(this, this.constructor);
* Collect error context from the webdriver.
* @param {webdriver.ThenableWebDriver} driver The webdriver instance.
* @returns {Promise} A promise that resolves when the context is collected.
async collectContext (driver) {
// It would be really nice to wait until `message` time to collect all this information,
// but that's not an option because of all these async calls.
const url = await driver.getCurrentUrl();
const title = await driver.getTitle();
// const pageSource = await driver.getPageSource();
const browserLogEntries = await driver.manage()
const browserLogText = => entry.message).join('\n');
this.contextLines = [
`Browser URL: ${url}`,
`Browser title: ${title}`,
`Browser logs:\n*****\n${browserLogText}\n*****`
// `Browser page source:\n*****\n${pageSource}\n*****`
chain (innerError) {
super.chain(innerError); // rebuilds the message
let messageLines = [
if (this.innerError && this.innerError.contextLines) {
this.contextLines = this.innerError.contextLines;
if (this.contextLines) {
messageLines = messageLines.concat(this.contextLines);
} else {
messageLines.push('(no webdriver context collected)');
this.message = messageLines.join('\n');
return this;
class SeleniumHelper {
constructor () {
bindAll(this, [
// Tests call this static function as if it were a method on an instance.
this.waitUntilVisible = SeleniumHelper.waitUntilVisible;
// this type declaration suppresses IDE type warnings throughout this file
/** @type {webdriver.ThenableWebDriver} */
this.driver = null;
* Build a new webdriver instance. This will use Sauce Labs if the SMOKE_REMOTE environment variable is 'true', or
* `chromedriver` otherwise.
* @param {string} name The name to give to Sauce Labs.
* @returns {webdriver.ThenableWebDriver} The new webdriver instance.
buildDriver (name) {
if (remote === 'true'){
let nameToUse;
if (ci === 'true'){
const ciName = usingCircle ? 'circleCi ' : 'unknown ';
nameToUse = `${ciName + buildID} : ${name}`;
} else {
nameToUse = name;
this.driver = this.getSauceDriver(SAUCE_USERNAME, SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY, nameToUse);
} else {
this.driver = this.getDriver();
return this.driver;
* Build a new webdriver instance using `chromedriver`.
* You should probably use `buildDriver` instead.
* @returns {webdriver.ThenableWebDriver} The new webdriver instance.
getDriver () {
const chromeCapabilities =;
const args = [];
if (headless) {
chromeCapabilities.set('chromeOptions', {args});
const driver = new webdriver.Builder()
return driver;
* @returns {string} The version of chromedriver being used.
getChromeVersionNumber () {
const versionFinder = /\d+\.\d+/;
const versionArray = versionFinder.exec(chromedriverVersion);
if (versionArray === null) {
throw new Error('couldn\'t find version of chromedriver');
return versionArray[0];
* Build a new webdriver instance using Sauce Labs.
* You should probably use `buildDriver` instead.
* @param {string} username The Sauce Labs username.
* @param {string} accessKey The Sauce Labs access key.
* @param {string} name The name to give to Sauce Labs.
* @returns {webdriver.ThenableWebDriver} The new webdriver instance.
getSauceDriver (username, accessKey, name) {
const chromeVersion = this.getChromeVersionNumber();
// Driver configs can be generated with the Sauce Platform Configurator
const driverConfig = {
browserName: 'chrome',
platform: 'macOS 10.15',
version: chromeVersion
const driver = new webdriver.Builder()
browserName: driverConfig.browserName,
platform: driverConfig.platform,
version: driverConfig.version,
username: username,
accessKey: accessKey,
name: name
return driver;
* Retrieves a key string by name.
* @example
* getKey('ENTER') // => '\uE007'
* @param {string} keyName The name of the key to retrieve.
* @returns {string} The key.
getKey (keyName) {
return Key[keyName];
* Find an element by xpath.
* @param {string} xpath The xpath to search for.
* @returns {Promise<webdriver.WebElement>} A promise that resolves to the element.
async findByXpath (xpath) {
const outerError = new SeleniumHelperError('findByXpath failed', [{xpath}]);
try {
const el = await this.driver.wait(until.elementLocated(By.xpath(xpath)), DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_MILLISECONDS);
await this.driver.wait(el.isDisplayed(), DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_MILLISECONDS);
return el;
} catch (cause) {
await outerError.collectContext(this.driver);
throw outerError.chain(cause);
* @param {webdriver.WebElement} element Wait until this element is gone (stale).
* @returns {Promise} A promise that resolves when the element is gone.
async waitUntilGone (element) {
const outerError = new SeleniumHelperError('waitUntilGone failed', [{element}]);
try {
await this.driver.wait(until.stalenessOf(element));
} catch (cause) {
await outerError.collectContext(this.driver);
throw outerError.chain(cause);
* Wait until an element can be found by the provided xpath, then click on it.
* @param {string} xpath The xpath to click.
* @returns {Promise} A promise that resolves when the element is clicked.
async clickXpath (xpath) {
const outerError = new SeleniumHelperError('clickXpath failed', [{xpath}]);
try {
const el = await this.findByXpath(xpath);
} catch (cause) {
throw outerError.chain(cause);
* Wait until an element can be found by the provided text, then click on it.
* @param {string} text The text to click.
* @returns {Promise} A promise that resolves when the element is clicked.
async clickText (text) {
const outerError = new SeleniumHelperError('clickText failed', [{text}]);
try {
await this.clickXpath(`//*[contains(text(), '${text}')]`);
} catch (cause) {
throw outerError.chain(cause);
* Wait until an element can be found by the provided text.
* @param {string} text The text to find.
* @returns {Promise<webdriver.WebElement>} The element containing the text.
async findText (text) {
const outerError = new SeleniumHelperError('findText failed', [{text}]);
try {
return await this.driver.wait(
until.elementLocated(By.xpath(`//*[contains(text(), '${text}')]`)),
} catch (cause) {
throw outerError.chain(cause);
* Wait until a button can be found by the provided text, then click on it.
* @param {string} text The button text to find and click.
* @returns {Promise} A promise that resolves when the button is clicked.
async clickButton (text) {
const outerError = new SeleniumHelperError('clickButton failed', [{text}]);
try {
await this.clickXpath(`//button[contains(text(), '${text}')]`);
} catch (cause) {
throw outerError.chain(cause);
* Wait until an element can be found by the provided CSS selector.
* @param {string} css The CSS selector to find.
* @returns {Promise<webdriver.WebElement>} The element matching the CSS selector.
async findByCss (css) {
const outerError = new SeleniumHelperError('findByCss failed', [{css}]);
try {
return await this.driver.wait(until.elementLocated(By.css(css)), DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_MILLISECONDS);
} catch (cause) {
throw outerError.chain(cause);
* Wait until an element can be found by the provided CSS selector, then click on it.
* @param {string} css The CSS selector to find and click.
* @returns {Promise} A promise that resolves when the element is clicked.
async clickCss (css) {
const outerError = new SeleniumHelperError('clickCss failed', [{css}]);
try {
const el = await this.findByCss(css);
} catch (cause) {
throw outerError.chain(cause);
* Wait until the two elements can be found, then drag from the first to the second.
* @param {string} startXpath The xpath to drag from.
* @param {string} endXpath The xpath to drag to.
* @returns {Promise} A promise that resolves when the drag is complete.
async dragFromXpathToXpath (startXpath, endXpath) {
const outerError = new SeleniumHelperError('dragFromXpathToXpath failed', [{startXpath}, {endXpath}]);
try {
const startEl = await this.findByXpath(startXpath);
const endEl = await this.findByXpath(endXpath);
await this.driver.actions()
.dragAndDrop(startEl, endEl)
} catch (cause) {
throw outerError.chain(cause);
* Sign in on a `scratch-www` page.
* @param {string} username The username to sign in with.
* @param {string} password The password to sign in with.
* @returns {Promise} A promise that resolves when the user is signed in.
async signIn (username, password) {
const outerError = new SeleniumHelperError('signIn failed', [
{password: password ? 'provided' : 'absent'}
try {
await this.clickXpath('//li[@class="link right login-item"]/a');
const name = await this.findByXpath('//input[@id="frc-username-1088"]');
await name.sendKeys(username);
const word = await this.findByXpath('//input[@id="frc-password-1088"]');
await word.sendKeys(password + this.getKey('ENTER'));
await this.findByXpath('//span[contains(@class, "profile-name")]');
} catch (cause) {
throw outerError.chain(cause);
* Wait until the URL matches the provided regex.
* @param {RegExp} regex The regex to match the url against.
* @returns {Promise} A promise that resolves when the url matches the regex.
async urlMatches (regex) {
const outerError = new SeleniumHelperError('urlMatches failed', [{regex}]);
try {
await this.driver.wait(until.urlMatches(regex), 1000 * 5);
} catch (cause) {
throw outerError.chain(cause);
* Get selected browser log entries.
* @param {Array<string>} whitelist A list of log strings to allow.
* @returns {Promise<Array<webdriver.logging.Entry>>} A promise that resolves to the log entries.
async getLogs (whitelist) {
const outerError = new SeleniumHelperError('getLogs failed', [{whitelist}]);
try {
const entries = await this.driver.manage()
return entries.filter(entry => {
const message = entry.message;
for (const element of whitelist) {
if (message.indexOf(element) !== -1) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
// console.warn('Ignoring whitelisted error: ' + whitelist[i]);
return false;
} else if (entry.level !== 'SEVERE') { // WARNING: this doesn't do what it looks like it does!
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
// console.warn('Ignoring non-SEVERE entry: ' + message);
return false;
return true;
return true;
} catch (cause) {
throw outerError.chain(cause);
* Check if an element's class attribute contains a given class.
* @param {webdriver.WebElement} element The element to check.
* @param {string} cl The class to check for.
* @returns {Promise<boolean>} True if the element's class attribute contains the given class, false otherwise.
async containsClass (element, cl) {
const outerError = new SeleniumHelperError('containsClass failed', [{element}, {cl}]);
try {
const classes = await element.getAttribute('class');
const classList = classes.split(' ');
return classList.includes(cl);
} catch (cause) {
throw outerError.chain(cause);
* @param {webdriver.WebElement} element Wait until this element is visible.
* @param {webdriver.ThenableWebDriver} driver The webdriver instance.
* @returns {Promise} A promise that resolves when the element is visible.
static async waitUntilVisible (element, driver) {
const outerError = new SeleniumHelperError('waitUntilVisible failed', [{element}]);
try {
await driver.wait(until.elementIsVisible(element));
} catch (cause) {
throw outerError.chain(cause);
module.exports = SeleniumHelper;