chrisgarrity 74e315dc71 Add new Tips page (#1357)
New of tips page, uses cards from new resources server (s3)

* added get-localized-urls script to get the generated json from the s3 bucket
* added /tips route
* correct localized-urls for other pages
* remove thingstotry
* redirect /go
* fix up /info/cards view to use resources (s3).
* redirect /go to /tips
* change /hoc redirect from /go to /tips
* Add full set of cards pdf download to tips localization
* removed cards and guides from static PDFs, they are all coming from now.
* removed things to try view

Corrections for reviews:
* decided to pretty print the localized URLs
* replaced console.errors with process.stdout and fail with exit(1)
* formatted localized-urls to make it easier to read
* moved link outside  `<Button…` makes whole button clickable instead of just text
* fixed up css styles, removed unnecessary classes
* corrected “unused” resource links
2017-06-21 16:20:18 -04:00

23 lines
1.5 KiB

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