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* Checks that the links in the navbar on the homepage have the right URLs to redirect to
* Test cases: https://github.com/LLK/scratch-www/wiki/Most-Important-Workflows#Create_should_take_you_to_the_editor
var tap=require('tap'),
seleniumWebdriver = require('selenium-webdriver');
//how to generalize for other browsers... how will this work in saucelabs? Do I need to iterate through the drivers for each browser here?
//chrome driver
var driver = new seleniumWebdriver.Builder().withCapabilities(seleniumWebdriver.Capabilities.chrome()).build();
//open scratch.ly in a new instance of the browser
* Remove later after resolving these questions
//find the navbar
//var navbarElement = driver.findElement(seleniumWebdriver.By.id("navigation"))
//var createLinkSignedOut = navbarElement.findElement(seleniumWebdriver.By.xpath('//li[@class="link create"]/a')) <-- this doesn't work to force findElement to look in the scope of navbarElement
//find the create link within the navbar
//the create link depends on whether the user is signed in or not (tips window opens)
//this xpath is fragile, can i look up by successive attributes instead?
tap.test('checkCreateLinkWhenSignedOut', function (t) {
var createLinkSignedOut = driver.findElement(seleniumWebdriver.By.xpath('//div[@id="navigation"]/div[@class="inner"]/ul/li[@class="link create"]/a'));
t.equal('https://scratch.ly/projects/editor/?tip_bar=home', href);
// close the instance of the browser