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synced 2024-12-19 12:02:28 -05:00
* Create Comment component, start styling it * Restructure PreviewPresentation to better match mockup * Add padding, border to comment bubble * add padding to bottom row of comment * Tweak alignment of avatar and comment content * Add margin to lower project page container * Use border-box box sizing for comment bubble * Make user avatar a link * Add initial implementation of comment tail * Align username row properly, fix comment bubble width * Use ::before pseudoelement for comment tail * Remove unused props to Comment component * Add CommentContainer to handle comment replies * Use CommentContainer instead of Comment in PreviewPresentation * Remove debug data from CommentContainer * Fetch top level comments from the API * Force comment container to stretch to bottom of view div * Remove unused api import in CommentContainer * Long words in comments should not overflow page * Remove @ before username in comment title * Fix word wrapping on Firefox * Refactor CommentContainer into a class * Properly export CommentContainer component * Make replies column take up proper width * Pass project ID to CommentContainer * Fetch comment replies in CommentContainer * Initial implementation for loading more comments * Add "Load More" button to Presentation * Initial implementation of collapsing threads longer than 3 replies * Remove console log from preview.js redux * Tweak last comment gradient color * Only show three total replies in collapsed state * Match scratchr2 behavior for thread collapsing * Use width calc instead of margin and width 100% * Fix styling for load more button * Make comment border gray to match the wireframe * Allow clicking through comment fade gradient * Add comment compose component * style comment compose box * Style post, cancel buttons on comment compose component * Add margin to create comment container * Tweak styling for characters remaining text * Tweak placeholder text * Add more margin to comment avatar * Add icons and styling to delete, report text * Refactor px -> rem where possible in comment styles * Change comment time color to dark gray * Tweak margin and border radius * Add reply icon to preview comments * Clean up unused imports, console.log in compose-comment component * Remove console statement in preview.jsx * Add some clarifying comments to unfinished parts of comments * Remove direct passing of comment api response to CommentContainer * CommentContainer should not pass api response directly * Rename CommentContainer to TopLevelComment * First pass at getReplies for comments in redux * Move reply fetching into redux actions instead of in TopLevelComment * Refactor getReplies logic to behave better * Remove components not directly related to reading comments * Hide load more button if all comments are loaded This uses the project info returned by the API * Use same gradient as add to studio modal on comment thread
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