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synced 2025-03-10 21:28:34 -04:00
284 lines
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284 lines
11 KiB
var async = require('async');
var defaults = require('lodash.defaults');
var glob = require('glob');
var path = require('path');
var route_json = require('../src/routes.json');
const FASTLY_SERVICE_ID = process.env.FASTLY_SERVICE_ID || '';
const S3_BUCKET_NAME = process.env.S3_BUCKET_NAME || '';
const BUCKET_NAME_HEADER_NAME = 'Bucket name';
var fastly = require('./lib/fastly-extended')(process.env.FASTLY_API_KEY, FASTLY_SERVICE_ID);
var extraAppRoutes = [
// Homepage with querystring.
// TODO: Should this be added for every route?
// View html
* Given the relative path to the static directory, return an array of
* patterns matching the files and directories there.
var getStaticPaths = function (pathToStatic) {
var staticPaths = glob.sync(path.resolve(__dirname, pathToStatic));
return staticPaths.filter(function (pathName) {
// Exclude view html, resolve everything else in the build
return path.extname(pathName) !== '.html';
}).map(function (pathName) {
// Reduce absolute path to relative paths like '/js'
var base = path.dirname(path.resolve(__dirname, pathToStatic));
return '^' + pathName.replace(base, '') + (path.extname(pathName) ? '' : '/');
* Given a list of express routes, return a list of patterns to match
* the express route and a static view file associated with the route
var getViewPaths = function (routes) {
return routes.reduce(function (paths, route) {
var path = route.routeAlias || route.pattern;
if (paths.indexOf(path) === -1) {
return paths;
}, []);
* Translate an express-style pattern e.g. /path/:arg/ to a regex
* all :arguments become .+?
var expressPatternToRegex = function (pattern) {
return pattern.replace(/(:[^/]+)\//gi, '.+?/');
* Given a list of patterns for paths, OR all of them together into one
* string suitable for a Fastly condition
var pathsToCondition = function (paths) {
return 'req.url~"' + paths.reduce(function (conditionString, pattern) {
return conditionString + (conditionString ? '|' : '') + pattern;
}, '') + '"';
* Helper method to NOT a condition statement
var negateConditionStatement = function (statement) {
return '!(' + statement + ')';
* Combine static paths, routes, and any additional paths to a single
* fastly condition to match req.url
var getAppRouteCondition = function (pathToStatic, routes, additionalPaths) {
var staticPaths = getStaticPaths(pathToStatic);
var viewPaths = getViewPaths(routes);
var allPaths = [].concat(staticPaths, viewPaths, additionalPaths);
return pathsToCondition(allPaths);
var getConditionNameForRoute = function (route, type) {
return 'routes/' + route.pattern + ' (' + type + ')';
var getHeaderNameForRoute = function (route) {
if (route.name) return 'rewrites/' + route.name;
if (route.redirect) return 'redirects/' + route.pattern;
var getResponseNameForRoute = function (route) {
return 'redirects/' + route.pattern;
var routes = route_json.map(function (route) {
return defaults({}, {pattern: expressPatternToRegex(route.pattern)}, route);
version: function (cb) {
fastly.getLatestVersion(function (err, response) {
if (err) return cb(err);
// Validate latest version before continuing
if (response.active || response.locked) {
fastly.cloneVersion(response.number, function (err, response) {
if (err) return cb('Failed to clone latest version: ' + err);
cb(null, response.number);
} else {
cb(null, response.number);
notPassRequestCondition: ['version', function (cb, results) {
var statement = getAppRouteCondition('../build/*', routes, extraAppRoutes);
var condition = {
statement: statement,
type: 'REQUEST',
priority: 10
fastly.setCondition(results.version, condition, cb);
setBucketNameHeader: ['version', 'notPassRequestCondition', function (cb, results) {
var header = {
action: 'set',
ignore_if_set: 0,
type: 'REQUEST',
dst: 'http.host',
src: '"' + S3_BUCKET_NAME + '"',
request_condition: results.notPassRequestCondition.name,
priority: 1
fastly.setFastlyHeader(results.version, header, cb);
passRequestCondition: ['version', 'notPassRequestCondition', function (cb, results) {
var condition = {
statement: negateConditionStatement(results.notPassRequestCondition.statement),
type: 'REQUEST',
priority: 10
fastly.setCondition(results.version, condition, cb);
passRequestSettingsCondition: ['version', 'passRequestCondition', function (cb, results) {
fastly.getFastlyAPIPrefix(FASTLY_SERVICE_ID, results.version) + '/request_settings/Pass',
{request_condition: results.passRequestCondition.name},
backendCondition: ['version', 'notPassRequestCondition', function (cb, results) {
fastly.getFastlyAPIPrefix(FASTLY_SERVICE_ID, results.version) + '/backend/s3',
{request_condition: results.notPassRequestCondition.name},
passCacheCondition: ['version', 'passRequestCondition', function (cb, results) {
var condition = {
type: 'CACHE',
statement: results.passRequestCondition.statement,
priority: results.passRequestCondition.priority
fastly.setCondition(results.version, condition, cb);
passCacheSettingsCondition: ['version', 'passCacheCondition', function (cb, results) {
fastly.getFastlyAPIPrefix(FASTLY_SERVICE_ID, results.version) + '/cache_settings/Pass',
{cache_condition: results.passCacheCondition.name},
appRouteRequestConditions: ['version', function (cb, results) {
var conditions = {};
async.forEachOf(routes, function (route, id, cb2) {
var condition = {
name: getConditionNameForRoute(route, 'request'),
statement: 'req.url ~ "' + route.pattern + '"',
type: 'REQUEST',
// Priority needs to be > 1 to not interact with http->https redirect
priority: 10 + id
fastly.setCondition(results.version, condition, function (err, response) {
if (err) return cb2(err);
conditions[id] = response;
cb2(null, response);
}, function (err) {
if (err) return cb(err);
cb(null, conditions);
appRouteHeaders: ['version', 'appRouteRequestConditions', function (cb, results) {
var headers = {};
async.forEachOf(routes, function (route, id, cb2) {
if (route.redirect) {
responseCondition: function (cb3) {
var condition = {
name: getConditionNameForRoute(route, 'response'),
statement: 'req.url ~ "' + route.pattern + '"',
type: 'RESPONSE',
priority: id
fastly.setCondition(results.version, condition, cb3);
responseObject: function (cb3) {
var responseObject = {
name: getResponseNameForRoute(route),
status: 301,
response: 'Moved Permanently',
request_condition: getConditionNameForRoute(route, 'request')
fastly.setResponseObject(results.version, responseObject, cb3);
redirectHeader: ['responseCondition', function (cb3, redirectResults) {
var header = {
name: getHeaderNameForRoute(route),
action: 'set',
ignore_if_set: 0,
type: 'RESPONSE',
dst: 'http.Location',
src: '"' + route.redirect + '"',
response_condition: redirectResults.responseCondition.name
fastly.setFastlyHeader(results.version, header, cb3);
}, function (err, redirectResults) {
if (err) return cb2(err);
headers[id] = redirectResults.redirectHeader;
cb2(null, redirectResults);
} else {
var header = {
name: getHeaderNameForRoute(route, 'request'),
action: 'set',
ignore_if_set: 0,
type: 'REQUEST',
dst: 'url',
src: '"/' + route.name + '.html"',
request_condition: results.appRouteRequestConditions[id].name,
priority: 10
fastly.setFastlyHeader(results.version, header, function (err, response) {
if (err) return cb2(err);
headers[id] = response;
cb2(null, response);
}, function (err) {
if (err) return cb(err);
cb(null, headers);
function (err, results) {
if (err) throw new Error(err);
if (process.env.FASTLY_ACTIVATE_CHANGES) {
fastly.activateVersion(results.version, function (err, response) {
if (err) throw new Error(err);
process.stdout.write('Successfully configured and activated version ' + response.number + '\n');
fastly.purgeAll(FASTLY_SERVICE_ID, function (err) {
if (err) throw new Error(err);
process.stdout.write('Purged all.\n');