Christopher Willis-Ford 621861ee40 test: simplify clickXpath() by letting click() scroll
Instead of trying to proactively scroll if necessary, just let Selenium
handle scrolling. The only reason to handle scrolling manually was to
tell the difference between an off-screen element and one that isn't
visible due to being beneath another element (like the loading screen).
Catching `ElementClickInterceptedError` is a simpler way to do that.
2023-10-27 08:31:50 -07:00

591 lines
22 KiB

jest.setTimeout(30000); // eslint-disable-line no-undef
const webdriver = require('selenium-webdriver');
const {PageLoadStrategy} = require('selenium-webdriver/lib/capabilities');
const bindAll = require('lodash.bindall');
const chromedriverVersion = require('chromedriver').version;
const headless = process.env.SMOKE_HEADLESS || false;
const remote = process.env.SMOKE_REMOTE || false;
const ci = process.env.CI || false;
const usingCircle = process.env.CIRCLECI || false;
const buildID = process.env.CIRCLE_BUILD_NUM || '0000';
const {SAUCE_USERNAME, SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY} = process.env;
const {By, Key, until} = webdriver;
// The main reason for this timeout is so that we can control the timeout message and report details;
// if we hit the Jasmine default timeout then we get a terse message that we can't control.
// The Jasmine default timeout is 30 seconds so make sure this is lower.
// This removes confusing `regenerator-runtime` noise from stack traces.
// This is V8-specific code. Please don't use it in a browser or any production code.
const oldPrepareStackTrace = Error.prepareStackTrace;
Error.prepareStackTrace = function (error, stack) {
stack = stack.filter(callsite => {
const filename = callsite.getFileName();
return filename && !filename.includes('regenerator-runtime');
if (oldPrepareStackTrace) {
return oldPrepareStackTrace(error, stack);
return [
`${}: ${error.message}`, => ` at ${callsite.toString()}`)
* An error thrown by SeleniumHelper.
* @extends Error
class SeleniumHelperError extends Error {
* Instantiate a new SeleniumHelperError.
* @param {string} message The error message for this layer.
* @param {Array} [kvList] Optional keys & values to add to the error message, for example to capture arguments.
* @example
* const e = new SeleniumHelperError('something failed', [{xpath}, {somethingElse}])
* try {
* doThings();
* } catch (inner) {
* throw await e.chain(inner, driver);
* }
constructor (message, kvList = []) {
const baseMessage = [
message, => ` ${Object.keys(kv)[0]}: ${Object.values(kv)[0]}`)
Object.setPrototypeOf(this, SeleniumHelperError.prototype); // see = 'SeleniumHelperError';
Error.captureStackTrace(this, this.constructor);
* Add a new layer to the error chain.
* Collects context from the webdriver if it is present AND this is the innermost `SeleniumHelperError`.
* @param {Error|SeleniumHelperError} innerError The error to add to the chain.
* @param {webdriver.ThenableWebDriver} [driver] Optional webdriver instance to collect context from.
* @returns {Promise<SeleniumHelperError>} This error, with the new layer added.
async chain (innerError, driver) {
const messageLines = [
// If the inner error has already collected context, don't collect it again.
if (driver && !(innerError && innerError.collectContext)) {
await this.collectContext(messageLines, driver);
this.message = messageLines.join('\n');
return this;
* Collect error context from the webdriver.
* @param {Array<string>} messageLines Add context lines to this array.
* @param {webdriver.ThenableWebDriver} driver The webdriver instance to collect context from.
* @returns {Promise} A promise that resolves when the context is collected.
async collectContext (messageLines, driver) {
// It would be really nice to wait until `message` time to collect all this information,
// but that's not an option because of all these async calls.
const [
// pageSource,
] = await Promise.all([
// driver.getPageSource(),
`Browser URL: ${url}`,
`Browser title: ${title}`,
'Browser logs:',
'*****', => entry.message),
// 'Browser page source:', '*****', pageSource, '*****'
class SeleniumHelper {
constructor () {
bindAll(this, [
// Tests call this static function as if it were a method on an instance.
this.waitUntilVisible = SeleniumHelper.waitUntilVisible;
// this type declaration suppresses IDE type warnings throughout this file
/** @type {webdriver.ThenableWebDriver} */
this.driver = null;
* Build a new webdriver instance. This will use Sauce Labs if the SMOKE_REMOTE environment variable is 'true', or
* `chromedriver` otherwise.
* @param {string} name The name to give to Sauce Labs.
* @returns {webdriver.ThenableWebDriver} The new webdriver instance.
buildDriver (name) {
if (remote === 'true'){
let nameToUse;
if (ci === 'true'){
const ciName = usingCircle ? 'circleCi ' : 'unknown ';
nameToUse = `${ciName + buildID} : ${name}`;
} else {
nameToUse = name;
this.driver = this.getSauceDriver(SAUCE_USERNAME, SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY, nameToUse);
} else {
this.driver = this.getDriver();
return this.driver;
* Build a new webdriver instance using `chromedriver`.
* You should probably use `buildDriver` instead.
* @returns {webdriver.ThenableWebDriver} The new webdriver instance.
getDriver () {
const chromeCapabilities =;
const args = [];
if (headless) {
chromeCapabilities.set('chromeOptions', {args});
const driver = new webdriver.Builder()
return driver;
* @returns {string} The version of chromedriver being used.
getChromeVersionNumber () {
const versionFinder = /\d+\.\d+/;
const versionArray = versionFinder.exec(chromedriverVersion);
if (versionArray === null) {
throw new Error('couldn\'t find version of chromedriver');
return versionArray[0];
* Build a new webdriver instance using Sauce Labs.
* You should probably use `buildDriver` instead.
* @param {string} username The Sauce Labs username.
* @param {string} accessKey The Sauce Labs access key.
* @param {string} name The name to give to Sauce Labs.
* @returns {webdriver.ThenableWebDriver} The new webdriver instance.
getSauceDriver (username, accessKey, name) {
const chromeVersion = this.getChromeVersionNumber();
// Driver configs can be generated with the Sauce Platform Configurator
const driverConfig = {
browserName: 'chrome',
platform: 'macOS 10.15',
version: chromeVersion
const driver = new webdriver.Builder()
browserName: driverConfig.browserName,
platform: driverConfig.platform,
version: driverConfig.version,
username: username,
accessKey: accessKey,
name: name
return driver;
* Retrieves a key string by name.
* @example
* getKey('ENTER') // => '\uE007'
* @param {string} keyName The name of the key to retrieve.
* @returns {string} The key.
getKey (keyName) {
return Key[keyName];
* Wait until the document is ready (i.e. the document.readyState is 'complete')
* @returns {Promise} A promise that resolves when the document is ready
async waitUntilDocumentReady () {
const outerError = new SeleniumHelperError('waitUntilDocumentReady failed');
try {
await this.driver.wait(
async () => await this.driver.executeScript('return document.readyState;') === 'complete',
} catch (cause) {
throw await outerError.chain(cause, this.driver);
* Navigate to the given URL and wait until the document is ready
* @param {string} url The URL to navigate to.
* @returns {Promise} A promise that resolves when the document is ready
async navigate (url) {
const outerError = new SeleniumHelperError('navigate failed', [{url}]);
try {
await this.driver.get(url);
await this.waitUntilDocumentReady();
} catch (cause) {
throw await outerError.chain(cause, this.driver);
* Find an element by xpath.
* @param {string} xpath The xpath to search for.
* @returns {Promise<webdriver.WebElement>} A promise that resolves to the element.
async findByXpath (xpath) {
const outerError = new SeleniumHelperError('findByXpath failed', [{xpath}]);
try {
const el = await this.driver.wait(until.elementLocated(By.xpath(xpath)), DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_MILLISECONDS);
await this.driver.wait(el.isDisplayed(), DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_MILLISECONDS);
return el;
} catch (cause) {
throw await outerError.chain(cause, this.driver);
* @param {webdriver.WebElement} element Wait until this element is gone (stale).
* @returns {Promise} A promise that resolves when the element is gone.
async waitUntilGone (element) {
const outerError = new SeleniumHelperError('waitUntilGone failed', [{element}]);
try {
await this.driver.wait(until.stalenessOf(element), DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_MILLISECONDS);
} catch (cause) {
throw await outerError.chain(cause, this.driver);
* Wait until an element can be found by the provided xpath, then click on it.
* @param {string} xpath The xpath to click.
* @returns {Promise} A promise that resolves when the element is clicked.
async clickXpath (xpath) {
const outerError = new SeleniumHelperError('clickXpath failed', [{xpath}]);
try {
return await this.driver.wait(new webdriver.WebElementCondition(
'for element click to succeed',
async () => {
const element = await this.findByXpath(xpath);
if (!element) {
return null;
try {
return element;
} catch (e) {
if (e instanceof webdriver.error.ElementClickInterceptedError) {
// something is in front of the element we want to click
// probably the loading screen
// this is the main reason for using wait()
return null;
throw e;
} catch (cause) {
throw await outerError.chain(cause, this.driver);
* Wait until an element can be found by the provided text, then click on it.
* @param {string} text The text to click.
* @returns {Promise} A promise that resolves when the element is clicked.
async clickText (text) {
const outerError = new SeleniumHelperError('clickText failed', [{text}]);
try {
await this.clickXpath(`//*[contains(text(), '${text}')]`);
} catch (cause) {
throw await outerError.chain(cause, this.driver);
* Wait until an element can be found by the provided text.
* @param {string} text The text to find.
* @returns {Promise<webdriver.WebElement>} The element containing the text.
async findText (text) {
const outerError = new SeleniumHelperError('findText failed', [{text}]);
try {
return await this.driver.wait(
until.elementLocated(By.xpath(`//*[contains(text(), '${text}')]`)),
} catch (cause) {
throw await outerError.chain(cause, this.driver);
* Wait until a button can be found by the provided text, then click on it.
* @param {string} text The button text to find and click.
* @returns {Promise} A promise that resolves when the button is clicked.
async clickButton (text) {
const outerError = new SeleniumHelperError('clickButton failed', [{text}]);
try {
await this.clickXpath(`//button[contains(text(), '${text}')]`);
} catch (cause) {
throw await outerError.chain(cause, this.driver);
* Wait until an element can be found by the provided CSS selector.
* @param {string} css The CSS selector to find.
* @returns {Promise<webdriver.WebElement>} The element matching the CSS selector.
async findByCss (css) {
const outerError = new SeleniumHelperError('findByCss failed', [{css}]);
try {
return await this.driver.wait(until.elementLocated(By.css(css)), DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_MILLISECONDS);
} catch (cause) {
throw await outerError.chain(cause, this.driver);
* Wait until an element can be found by the provided CSS selector, then click on it.
* @param {string} css The CSS selector to find and click.
* @returns {Promise} A promise that resolves when the element is clicked.
async clickCss (css) {
const outerError = new SeleniumHelperError('clickCss failed', [{css}]);
try {
const el = await this.findByCss(css);
} catch (cause) {
throw await outerError.chain(cause, this.driver);
* Wait until the two elements can be found, then drag from the first to the second.
* @param {string} startXpath The xpath to drag from.
* @param {string} endXpath The xpath to drag to.
* @returns {Promise} A promise that resolves when the drag is complete.
async dragFromXpathToXpath (startXpath, endXpath) {
const outerError = new SeleniumHelperError('dragFromXpathToXpath failed', [{startXpath}, {endXpath}]);
try {
const startEl = await this.findByXpath(startXpath);
const endEl = await this.findByXpath(endXpath);
await this.driver.actions()
.dragAndDrop(startEl, endEl)
} catch (cause) {
throw await outerError.chain(cause, this.driver);
* @returns {string} The xpath to the login button, which is present only if signed out.
getPathForLogin () {
return '//li[@class="link right login-item"]/a';
* @returns {string} The xpath to the profile name, which is present only if signed in.
getPathForProfileName () {
return '//span[contains(@class, "profile-name")]';
* @returns {Promise<boolean>} True if the user is signed in, false otherwise.
* @throws {SeleniumHelperError} If the user's sign-in state cannot be determined.
async isSignedIn () {
const outerError = new SeleniumHelperError('isSignedIn failed');
try {
const state = await this.driver.wait(
() => this.driver.executeScript(
if (document.evaluate(arguments[0], document, null, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null)
.singleNodeValue) {
return 'signed in';
if (document.evaluate(arguments[1], document, null, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null)
.singleNodeValue) {
return 'signed out';
switch (state) {
case 'signed in':
return true;
case 'signed out':
return false;
throw new Error('Could not determine whether or not user is signed in');
} catch (cause) {
throw await outerError.chain(cause, this.driver);
* Sign in on a `scratch-www` page.
* @param {string} username The username to sign in with.
* @param {string} password The password to sign in with.
* @returns {Promise} A promise that resolves when the user is signed in.
async signIn (username, password) {
const outerError = new SeleniumHelperError('signIn failed', [
{password: password ? 'provided' : 'absent'}
try {
await this.clickXpath(this.getPathForLogin());
const name = await this.findByXpath('//input[@id="frc-username-1088"]');
await name.sendKeys(username);
const word = await this.findByXpath('//input[@id="frc-password-1088"]');
await word.sendKeys(password + this.getKey('ENTER'));
await this.findByXpath(this.getPathForProfileName());
} catch (cause) {
throw await outerError.chain(cause, this.driver);
* Wait until the URL matches the provided regex.
* @param {RegExp} regex The regex to match the url against.
* @returns {Promise} A promise that resolves when the url matches the regex.
async urlMatches (regex) {
const outerError = new SeleniumHelperError('urlMatches failed', [{regex}]);
try {
await this.driver.wait(until.urlMatches(regex), DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_MILLISECONDS);
} catch (cause) {
throw await outerError.chain(cause, this.driver);
* Get selected browser log entries.
* @param {Array<string>} whitelist A list of log strings to allow.
* @returns {Promise<Array<webdriver.logging.Entry>>} A promise that resolves to the log entries.
async getLogs (whitelist) {
const outerError = new SeleniumHelperError('getLogs failed', [{whitelist}]);
try {
const entries = await this.driver.manage()
return entries.filter(entry => {
const message = entry.message;
for (const element of whitelist) {
if (message.indexOf(element) !== -1) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
// console.warn('Ignoring whitelisted error: ' + whitelist[i]);
return false;
} else if (entry.level !== 'SEVERE') { // WARNING: this doesn't do what it looks like it does!
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
// console.warn('Ignoring non-SEVERE entry: ' + message);
return false;
return true;
return true;
} catch (cause) {
throw await outerError.chain(cause, this.driver);
* Check if an element's class attribute contains a given class.
* @param {webdriver.WebElement} element The element to check.
* @param {string} cl The class to check for.
* @returns {Promise<boolean>} True if the element's class attribute contains the given class, false otherwise.
async containsClass (element, cl) {
const outerError = new SeleniumHelperError('containsClass failed', [{element}, {cl}]);
try {
const classes = await element.getAttribute('class');
const classList = classes.split(' ');
return classList.includes(cl);
} catch (cause) {
throw await outerError.chain(cause, this.driver);
* @param {webdriver.WebElement} element Wait until this element is visible.
* @param {webdriver.ThenableWebDriver} driver The webdriver instance.
* @returns {Promise} A promise that resolves when the element is visible.
static async waitUntilVisible (element, driver) {
const outerError = new SeleniumHelperError('waitUntilVisible failed', [{element}]);
try {
await driver.wait(until.elementIsVisible(element), DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_MILLISECONDS);
} catch (cause) {
throw await outerError.chain(cause, driver);
module.exports = SeleniumHelper;