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// These tests sign in with user #4 and user #5
import SeleniumHelper from './selenium-helpers.js';
const {
} = new SeleniumHelper();
// Using 1 and 2 here. Hopefully this is not confusing.
const username1 = `${process.env.SMOKE_USERNAME}4`;
const username2 = `${process.env.SMOKE_USERNAME}5`;
const password = process.env.SMOKE_PASSWORD;
const rootUrl = process.env.ROOT_URL || 'https://scratch.ly';
// project for comments (owned by username2)
const projectId = process.env.COMMENT_PROJECT_ID || 1300008409;
const projectUrl = `${rootUrl}/projects/${projectId}`;
// profile for comments (username2)
const profileUrl = `${rootUrl}/users/${username2}`;
// studio for comments (hosted by username2) comments tab
const studioId = process.env.COMMENT_STUDIO_ID || 10005646;
const studioUrl = `${rootUrl}/studios/${studioId}/comments`;
// setup comments to leave
// make sure they are unique and will not be censored (avoid numbers that might look like phone numbers or other PII)
const date = new Date();
const dateString = date.toISOString();
const projectComment = `${dateString} project`;
const profileComment = `${dateString} profile`;
const studioComment = `${dateString} studio`;
const projectReply = `${projectComment} reply`;
const profileReply = `${profileComment} reply`;
const studioReply = `${studioComment} reply`;
let driver;
describe('comment tests', () => {
beforeAll(async () => {
driver = await buildDriver('www-integration project comments');
await navigate(rootUrl);
afterAll(() => driver.quit());
describe('leave comments', () => {
beforeAll(async () => {
await signIn(username1, password);
await findByXpath('//span[contains(@class, "profile-name")]');
afterAll(async () => {
await navigate(rootUrl);
await clickXpath('//a[contains(@class, "user-info")]');
await clickText('Sign out');
test('leave comment on project', async () => {
await navigate(projectUrl);
// leave the comment
const commentBox = await findByXpath('//textArea[@name="compose-comment"]');
await commentBox.sendKeys(projectComment);
await findByXpath(`//textarea[contains(text(), "${projectComment}")]`);
await clickXpath('//button[@class="button compose-post"]');
// find the comment
const commentXpath = `//div[@class="comment-bubble"]/span/span[contains(text(), "${projectComment}")]`;
const postedComment = await findByXpath(commentXpath);
const commentVisible = await postedComment.isDisplayed();
test('leave comment on a profile', async () => {
await navigate(profileUrl);
// leave the comment
const commentXpath = '//form[@id="main-post-form"]/div/textArea';
const commentArea = await findByXpath(commentXpath);
await commentArea.sendKeys(profileComment);
await clickXpath('//div[@class="button small"]/a[contains(text(), "Post")]');
// find the comment
const newComment = await findByXpath(`//div[@class="comment "]/div/div[contains(text(),` +
` "${profileComment}")]`);
const commentVisible = await newComment.isDisplayed();
// return to homepage to sign out with www
await navigate(rootUrl);
test('leave comment on studio', async () => {
await navigate(studioUrl);
// leave the comment
const commentBox = await findByXpath('//textArea[@name="compose-comment"]');
await commentBox.sendKeys(studioComment);
await findByXpath(`//textarea[contains(text(), "${studioComment}")]`);
await clickXpath('//button[@class="button compose-post"]');
// find the comment
const commentXpath = `//div[@class="comment-bubble"]/span/span[contains(text(), "${studioComment}")]`;
const postedComment = await findByXpath(commentXpath);
const commentVisible = await postedComment.isDisplayed();
describe('second user tests', () => {
beforeAll(async () => {
await signIn(username2, password);
await findByXpath('//span[contains(@class, "profile-name")]');
// get notifications
test('get notification badge for comments', async () => {
const messages = await findByXpath('//span[@class = "message-count show"]');
const messagesVisible = await messages.isDisplayed();
test('click notifications for comments', async () => {
await clickXpath('//li[@class="link right messages"]');
const messages = await findByXpath('//ul[@class="messages-social-list"]');
const messagesVisible = await messages.isDisplayed();
test('project comment message visible', async () => {
await navigate(`${rootUrl}/messages`);
const projectMessageXpath = '//p[@class="emoji-text mod-comment" ' +
`and contains(text(), "${projectComment}")]`;
const projectMessage = await findByXpath(projectMessageXpath);
const projectMessageVisible = await projectMessage.isDisplayed();
test('profile comment message visible', async () => {
await navigate(`${rootUrl}/messages`);
const profileMessageXpath = '//p[@class="emoji-text mod-comment" ' +
`and contains(text(), "${profileComment}")]`;
const profileMessage = await findByXpath(profileMessageXpath);
const profileMessageVisible = await profileMessage.isDisplayed();
// studio comments do not send a notification
test('project message links you to project page', async () => {
const projectLinkXpath = '//p[@class="emoji-text mod-comment" ' +
`and contains(text(), "${projectComment}")]/../../../p[@class = "comment-message-info"]/span/a[2]`;
await navigate(`${rootUrl}/messages`);
await clickXpath(projectLinkXpath);
// find green flag overlay
const gfOverlay = await findByXpath('//div[@class="stage-wrapper_stage-wrapper_2bejr box_box_2jjDp"]');
await gfOverlay.isDisplayed();
test('project comment is on project page', async () => {
const projectLinkXpath = '//p[@class="emoji-text mod-comment" ' +
`and contains(text(), "${projectComment}")]/../../../p[@class = "comment-message-info"]/span/a[2]`;
await navigate(`${rootUrl}/messages`);
await clickXpath(projectLinkXpath);
const commentXpath = `//span[contains(text(), "${projectComment}")]`;
const singleComment = await findByXpath(commentXpath);
const commentVisible = await singleComment.isDisplayed();
test('project comment is highlighted', async () => {
const projectLinkXpath = '//p[@class="emoji-text mod-comment" ' +
`and contains(text(), "${projectComment}")]/../../../p[@class = "comment-message-info"]/span/a[2]`;
const containerXpath = `//span[contains(text(), "${projectComment}")]/../../../..`;
await navigate(`${rootUrl}/messages`);
await clickXpath(projectLinkXpath);
const commentContainer = await findByXpath(containerXpath);
const isHighlighted = await containsClass(commentContainer, 'highlighted-comment');
test('profile message links you to profile page', async () => {
const profileLinkXpath = '//p[@class="emoji-text mod-comment" ' +
`and contains(text(), "${profileComment}")]/../../../` +
'p[@class = "comment-message-info"]/span/a[2]';
await navigate(`${rootUrl}/messages`);
await clickXpath(profileLinkXpath);
// find profile data
const profileDataXpath = '//div[@id="profile-data"]';
const pathToUsername = '/div[@class="box-head"]/div[@class="header-text"]/h2';
await findByXpath(profileDataXpath);
const header = await findByXpath(profileDataXpath + pathToUsername);
const uname = await header.getText();
test('profile comment is on profile page', async () => {
const profileLinkXpath = '//p[@class="emoji-text mod-comment" ' +
`and contains(text(), "${profileComment}")]/../../../` +
'p[@class = "comment-message-info"]/span/a[2]';
await navigate(`${rootUrl}/messages`);
await clickXpath(profileLinkXpath);
// find comment
const commentXpath = `//div[contains(text(), "${profileComment}")]`;
const leftComment = await findByXpath(commentXpath);
const commentVisible = await leftComment.isDisplayed();
test('profile comment is highlighted', async () => {
const profileLinkXpath = '//p[@class="emoji-text mod-comment" ' +
`and contains(text(), "${profileComment}")]/../../../` +
'p[@class = "comment-message-info"]/span/a[2]';
await navigate(`${rootUrl}/messages`);
await clickXpath(profileLinkXpath);
// comment highlighted?
const containerXpath = `//div[contains(text(), "${profileComment}")]/../../..`;
const commentContainer = await findByXpath(containerXpath);
const isHighlighted = await containsClass(commentContainer, 'highlighted');
test('project: reply to comment', async () => {
await navigate(projectUrl);
const commentXpath = `//span[contains(text(), "${projectComment}")]/../..`;
const replyXpath = `${commentXpath}//span[@class = "comment-reply"]`;
await clickXpath(replyXpath);
// type reply
const replyRow = '//div[contains(@class, "comment-reply-row")]';
const replyComposeXpath = `${replyRow}//textArea[@class = "inplace-textarea"]`;
const composeBox = await findByXpath(replyComposeXpath);
await composeBox.sendKeys(projectReply);
// click post
await clickXpath(`${replyRow}//button[@class = "button compose-post"]`);
const postedReply = await findByXpath(`//span[contains(text(), "${projectReply}")]`);
const commentVisible = await postedReply.isDisplayed();
test('profile reply to comment', async () => {
await navigate(profileUrl);
// find the comment and click reply
const commentXpath = `//div[contains(text(), "${profileComment}")]/..`;
await clickXpath(`${commentXpath}//a[@class = "reply"]`);
// select reply box and type reply
const replyComposeBox = await findByXpath(`${commentXpath}//textArea`);
await replyComposeBox.sendKeys(profileReply);
// click post
await clickXpath(`${commentXpath}//a[contains(text(), "Post")]`);
// The reply wasn't findable by xpath after several attempts, but it seems
// better to have this much of a test
test('studio: reply to comment', async () => {
await navigate(studioUrl);
// find the comment and click reply
const commentXpath = `//span[contains(text(), "${studioComment}")]/../..`;
await clickXpath(`${commentXpath}//span[@class = "comment-reply"]`);
// type reply
const replyRow = '//div[contains(@class, "comment-reply-row")]';
const replyComposeXpath = `${replyRow}//textArea[@class = "inplace-textarea"]`;
const composeBox = await findByXpath(replyComposeXpath);
await composeBox.sendKeys(studioReply);
// click post
const postButton = await findByXpath(`${replyRow}//button[@class = "button compose-post"]`);
await postButton.click();
// find reply
const postedReply = await findByXpath(`//span[contains(text(), "${studioReply}")]`);
const commentVisible = await postedReply.isDisplayed();