2018-01-30 09:54:45 -05:00

235 lines
9.7 KiB

* Tests signing in & My Stuff according to smoke-tests at:
const {
} = require('../../helpers/selenium-helpers.js');
var username = process.env.SMOKE_USERNAME;
var password = process.env.SMOKE_PASSWORD;
var tap = require('tap');
const test = tap.test;
var rootUrl = process.env.ROOT_URL || '';
var url = rootUrl + '/users/anyuser';
tap.tearDown(function () {
tap.beforeEach(function () {
return driver.get(url);
* This test fails sometimes because blank username eventually
* triggers the captcha page, which is a bug:
test('Trying to sign in with no username and no password using scratchr2 navbar', t => {
clickText('Sign in')
.then(() => clickButton('Sign in'))
.then(() => driver.wait(until
.then(() => driver.wait(until
.then(() => findByXpath('//form/div[@class="error"]'))
.then((element) => element.getText())
.then((text) => t.match(text, 'This field is required.',
'"This field is required" error should be displayed'))
.then(() => t.end());
* This test fails sometimes because blank username eventually
* triggers the captcha page, which is a bug:
test('Trying to sign in with no username using scratchr2 navbar', t => {
clickText('Sign in')
.then(() => findByXpath('//input[@name="password"]'))
.then((element) => element.sendKeys(password))
.then(() => clickButton('Sign in'))
.then(() => driver.wait(until
.then(() => driver.wait(until
.then(() => findByXpath('//form/div[@class="error"]'))
.then((element) => element.getText())
.then((text) => t.match(text, 'This field is required.',
'"This field is required" error should be displayed'))
.then(() => t.end());
test('Trying to sign in with no password using scratchr2 navbar', t => {
var nonsenseusername = Math.random().toString(36).replace(/[^a-z]+/g, '').substr(0, 5);
clickText('Sign in')
.then(() => findByXpath('//input[@id="login_dropdown_username"]'))
.then((element) => element.sendKeys(nonsenseusername))
.then(() => clickButton('Sign in'))
.then(() => driver.wait(until
.then(() => driver.wait(until
.then(() => findByXpath('//form/div[@class="error"]'))
.then((element) => element.getText())
.then((text) => t.match(text, 'This field is required.',
'"This field is required" error should be displayed'))
.then(() => t.end());
test('Trying to sign in with the wrong username using scratchr2 navbar', t => {
var nonsenseusername = Math.random().toString(36).replace(/[^a-z]+/g, '').substr(0, 5);
clickText('Sign in')
.then(() => findByXpath('//input[@id="login_dropdown_username"]'))
.then((element) => element.sendKeys(nonsenseusername))
.then(() => findByXpath('//input[@name="password"]'))
.then((element) => element.sendKeys(password))
.then(() => clickButton('Sign in'))
.then(() => driver.wait(until
.then(() => driver.wait(until
.then(() => findByXpath('//form/div[@class="error"]'))
.then((element) => element.getText())
.then((text) => t.match(text, 'Incorrect username or password.',
'"Incorrect username or password" error should be displayed'))
.then(() => t.end());
test('Trying to sign in with the wrong password using scratchr2 navbar', t => {
clickText('Sign in')
.then(() => findByXpath('//input[@id="login_dropdown_username"]'))
.then((element) => element.sendKeys(username))
.then(() => findByXpath('//input[@name="password"]'))
.then((element) => element.sendKeys('nonsensepassword'))
.then(() => clickButton('Sign in'))
.then(() => driver.wait(until
.then(() => driver.wait(until
.then(() => findByXpath('//form/div[@class="error"]'))
.then((element) => element.getText())
.then((text) => t.match(text, 'Incorrect username or password.',
'"Incorrect username or password" error should be displayed'))
.then(() => t.end());
test('Sign in to Scratch using scratchr2 navbar', t => {
clickText('Sign in')
.then(() => findByXpath('//input[@id="login_dropdown_username"]'))
.then((element) => element.sendKeys(username))
.then(() => findByXpath('//input[@name="password"]'))
.then((element) => element.sendKeys(password))
.then(() => clickButton('Sign in'))
.then(() => findByXpath('//li[contains(@class, "logged-in-user")'
+ 'and contains(@class, "dropdown")]/span'))
.then((element) => element.getText('span'))
.then((text) => t.match(text.toLowerCase(), username.substring(0,10).toLowerCase(),
'first part of username should be displayed in navbar'))
.then(() => t.end());
test('Sign in to Scratch & verify My Stuff structure (tabs, title)', t => {
.then(() => findByXpath('//div[@class="box-head"]/h2'))
.then((element) => element.getText('h2'))
.then((text) => t.equal('My Stuff', text, 'title should be My Stuff'))
.then(() => findByXpath('//li[@data-tab="projects"]/a'))
.then((element) => element.getText('a'))
.then((text) => t.match(text, 'All Projects', 'All Projects tab should be present'))
.then(() => findByXpath('//li[@data-tab="shared"]/a'))
.then((element) => element.getText('a'))
.then((text) => t.match(text, 'Shared Projects', 'Shared Projects tab should be present'))
.then(() => findByXpath('//li[@data-tab="unshared"]/a'))
.then((element) => element.getText('a'))
.then((text) => t.match(text, 'Unshared Projects', 'Unshared Projects tab should be present'))
.then(() => findByXpath('//li[@data-tab="galleries"]/a'))
.then((element) => element.getText('a'))
.then((text) => t.match(text, 'My Studios', 'My Studios tab should be present'))
.then(() => findByXpath('//li[@data-tab="trash"]/a'))
.then((element) => element.getText('a'))
.then((text) => t.match(text, 'Trash', 'Trash tab should be present'))
.then(() => t.end());
test('clicking See Inside should take you to the editor', t => {
.then(() => findByXpath('//a[@data-control="edit"]'))
.then((element) => element.getText('span'))
.then((text) => t.equal(text, 'See inside', 'there should be a "See inside" button'))
.then(() => clickXpath('//a[@data-control="edit"]'))
.then(() => driver.getCurrentUrl())
.then( function (url) {
var expectedUrl = '/#editor';
t.equal(url.substr(-expectedUrl.length), expectedUrl, 'after clicking, the URL should end in #editor');
.then(() => t.end());
test('clicking a project title should take you to the project page', t => {
.then(() => clickXpath('//a[@data-control="edit"]'))
.then(() => driver.getCurrentUrl())
.then( function (url) {
var expectedUrlRegExp = new RegExp('/projects/.*[0-9].*/?');
t.match(url, expectedUrlRegExp, 'after clicking, the URL should end in projects/PROJECT_ID/');
.then(() => t.end());
test('Add To button should bring up a list of studios', t => {
.then(() => findByXpath('//div[@data-control="add-to"]'))
.then((element) => element.getText('span'))
.then((text) => t.equal(text, 'Add to', 'there should be an "Add to" button'))
.then(() => clickXpath('//div[@data-control="add-to"]'))
.then(() => findByXpath('//div[@class="dropdown-menu"]/ul/li'))
.then((element) => element.getText('span'))
.then( function (text) {
var expectedRegExp = new RegExp('.+');
t.match(text, expectedRegExp, 'the dropdown menu should have at least 1 text item in it');
.then(() => t.end());
test('+ New Studio button should take you to the studio page', t => {
.then(() => clickXpath('//form[@id="new_studio"]/button[@type="submit"]'))
.then(() => findByXpath('//div[@id="show-add-project"]'))
.then((element) => element.getText('span'))
.then((text) => t.equal(text, 'Add projects', 'there should be an "Add projects" button'))
.then(() => driver.getCurrentUrl())
.then( function (url) {
var expectedUrlRegExp = new RegExp('/studios/.*[0-9].*/?');
t.match(url, expectedUrlRegExp,
'after clicking the + New Studio, the URL should end in studios/STUDIO_ID');
.then(() => t.end());
test('+ New Project button should open the editor', t => {
.then(() => clickText('+ New Project'))
.then(() => driver.getCurrentUrl())
.then( function (url) {
var expectedUrlRegExp = new RegExp('/projects/editor');
t.match(url, expectedUrlRegExp,
'after clicking, the URL should end in projects/editor');
.then(() => t.end());