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// These tests sign in with user #2 and user #3
import SeleniumHelper from './selenium-helpers.js';
const {
} = new SeleniumHelper();
let rootUrl = process.env.ROOT_URL || 'https://scratch.ly';
let studioId = process.env.TEST_STUDIO_ID || 10004360;
let studioUrl = rootUrl + '/studios/' + studioId;
let myStuffURL = rootUrl + '/mystuff';
let rateLimitCheck = process.env.RATE_LIMIT_CHECK || rootUrl;
// since the usernames end in 2 and 3 we're using username2 and username3
// username 1 is used in other tests. Hopefully this is not confusing.
let username2 = process.env.SMOKE_USERNAME + '2';
let username3 = process.env.SMOKE_USERNAME + '3';
let password = process.env.SMOKE_PASSWORD;
let promoteStudioURL;
let curatorTab;
let driver;
describe('studio page while signed out', () => {
beforeAll(async () => {
// expect(projectUrl).toBe(defined);
driver = await buildDriver('www-integration studio-page signed out');
await driver.get(rootUrl);
beforeEach(async () => {
await driver.get(studioUrl);
let studioNav = await findByXpath('//div[@class="studio-tabs"]');
await studioNav.isDisplayed();
afterAll(async () => await driver.quit());
test('land on projects tab', async () => {
await driver.get(studioUrl);
let projectGrid = await findByXpath('//div[@class="studio-projects-grid"]');
let projectGridDisplayed = await projectGrid.isDisplayed();
await expect(projectGridDisplayed).toBe(true);
test('studio title', async () => {
let studioTitle = await findByXpath('//div[@class="studio-title"]');
let titleText = await studioTitle.getText();
await expect(titleText).toEqual('studio for automated testing');
test('studio description', async () => {
let xpath = '//div[contains(@class, "studio-description")]';
let studioDescription = await findByXpath(xpath);
let descriptionText = await studioDescription.getText();
await expect(descriptionText).toEqual('a description');
describe('studio management', () => {
// These tests all start on the curators tab of a studio and signed out
beforeAll(async () => {
driver = await buildDriver('www-integration studio management');
await driver.get(rootUrl);
// create a studio for tests
await signIn(username2, password);
await findByXpath('//span[contains(@class, "profile-name")]');
await driver.get(rateLimitCheck);
await driver.get(myStuffURL);
await clickXpath('//form[@id="new_studio"]/button[@type="submit"]');
await findByXpath('//div[@class="studio-tabs"]');
promoteStudioURL = await driver.getCurrentUrl();
curatorTab = await promoteStudioURL + 'curators';
beforeEach(async () => {
await clickXpath('//a[contains(@class, "user-info")]');
await clickText('Sign out');
await driver.get(curatorTab);
await findByXpath('//div[@class="studio-tabs"]');
afterAll(async () => await driver.quit());
test('invite a curator', async () => {
// sign in as user2
await signIn(username2, password);
await findByXpath('//span[contains(@class, "profile-name")]');
// invite user3 to curate
let inviteBox = await findByXpath('//div[@class="studio-adder-row"]/input');
await inviteBox.sendKeys(username3);
await clickXpath('//div[@class="studio-adder-row"]/button');
let inviteAlert = await findByXpath('//div[@class="alert-msg"]'); // the confirm alert
let alertText = await inviteAlert.getText();
let successText = await `Curator invite sent to "${username3}"`;
await expect(alertText).toMatch(successText);
test('accept curator invite', async () => {
// Sign in user3
await signIn(username3, password);
await findByXpath('//span[contains(@class, "profile-name")]');
// accept the curator invite
await clickXpath('//button[@class="studio-invitation-button button"]');
let acceptSuccess = await findByXpath('//div[contains(@class,"studio-info-box-success")]');
let acceptSuccessVisible = await acceptSuccess.isDisplayed();
await expect(acceptSuccessVisible).toBe(true);
test('promote to manager', async () => {
// sign in as user2
await signIn(username2, password);
await findByXpath('//span[contains(@class, "profile-name")]');
// for some reason the user isn't showing up without waiting and reloading the page
await driver.sleep(2000);
await driver.get(curatorTab);
// promote user3
let user3href = await '/users/' + username3;
// click kebab menu on the user tile
let kebabMenuXpath = await `//a[@href = "${user3href}"]/` +
await clickXpath(kebabMenuXpath + '/button[@class="overflow-menu-trigger"]');
// click promote
// await clickXpath('//button[@class="promote-menu-button"]'); //<-- I think this will do it
await clickXpath(kebabMenuXpath + '/ul/li/button/span[contains(text(), "Promote")]/..');
await findByXpath('//div[@class="promote-content"]');
// await clickXpath(//button[contains(@class="promote-button")]) <-- add this selector to the button
await clickXpath('//div[@class="promote-button-row"]/button/span[contains(text(),"Promote")]/..');
let promoteSuccess = await findByXpath('//div[contains(@class, "alert-success")]');
let promoteSuccessVisible = await promoteSuccess.isDisplayed();
await expect(promoteSuccessVisible).toBe(true);
test('transfer studio host', async () => {
// sign in as user2
await signIn(username2, password);
await findByXpath('//span[contains(@class, "profile-name")]');
// for some reason the user isn't showing up without reloading the page
await driver.get(curatorTab);
// open kebab menu
let user2href = await '/users/' + username2;
// click kebab menu on the user tile
let kebabMenuXpath = await `//a[@href = "${user2href}"]/` +
await clickXpath(kebabMenuXpath + '/button[@class="overflow-menu-trigger"]');
// click transfer in dropdown
await clickXpath('//button[@class="studio-member-tile-menu-wide"]');
await findByXpath('//div[contains(@class, "transfer-info-title")]');
// click next button
await clickXpath('//button[contains(@class, "next-button")]');
await findByXpath('//div[@class="transfer-selection-heading"]');
// click user tile
await clickXpath(`//div[contains(text(), "${username3}")]`);
await findByXpath('//div[contains(@class, "transfer-host-name-selected")]');
// click next button
await clickXpath('//button[contains(@class, "next-button")]');
await findByXpath('//div[@class="transfer-outcome"]');
// enter password
let passwordInput = await findByXpath('//input[@class="transfer-password-input"]');
await passwordInput.sendKeys(password);
await findByXpath(`//input[@value="${password}"]`);
// click confirm
// await clickXpath('//button[contains(@class, "confirm-transfer-button")]')
await clickXpath('//span[contains(text(), "Confirm")]/..');
let transferSuccess = await findByXpath('//div[contains(@class, "alert-success")]');
let successVisible = await transferSuccess.isDisplayed();
await expect(successVisible).toBe(true);