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const webdriver = require('selenium-webdriver');
const bindAll = require('lodash.bindall');
const chromedriverVersion = require('chromedriver').version;
const headless = process.env.SMOKE_HEADLESS || false;
const remote = process.env.SMOKE_REMOTE || false;
const ci = process.env.CI || false;
const usingCircle = process.env.CIRCLECI || false;
const buildID = process.env.CIRCLE_BUILD_NUM || '0000';
const {SAUCE_USERNAME, SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY} = process.env;
const {By, Key, until} = webdriver;
class SeleniumHelper {
constructor () {
bindAll(this, [
buildDriver (name) {
if (remote === 'true'){
let nameToUse;
if (ci === 'true'){
let ciName = usingCircle ? 'circleCi ' : 'unknown ';
nameToUse = ciName + buildID + ' : ' + name;
} else {
nameToUse = name;
this.driver = this.getSauceDriver(SAUCE_USERNAME, SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY, nameToUse);
} else {
this.driver = this.getDriver();
return this.driver;
getDriver () {
const chromeCapabilities = webdriver.Capabilities.chrome();
let args = [];
if (headless) {
chromeCapabilities.set('chromeOptions', {args});
let driver = new webdriver.Builder()
return driver;
getChromeVersionNumber () {
const versionFinder = /\d+\.\d+/;
const versionArray = versionFinder.exec(chromedriverVersion);
if (versionArray === null) {
throw new Error('couldn\'t find version of chromedriver');
return versionArray[0];
getSauceDriver (username, accessKey, name) {
const chromeVersion = this.getChromeVersionNumber();
// Driver configs can be generated with the Sauce Platform Configurator
// https://wiki.saucelabs.com/display/DOCS/Platform+Configurator
let driverConfig = {
browserName: 'chrome',
platform: 'macOS 10.14',
version: chromeVersion
var driver = new webdriver.Builder()
browserName: driverConfig.browserName,
platform: driverConfig.platform,
version: driverConfig.version,
username: username,
accessKey: accessKey,
name: name
return driver;
getKey (keyName) {
return Key[keyName];
findByXpath (xpath, timeoutMessage = `findByXpath timed out for path: ${xpath}`) {
return this.driver.wait(until.elementLocated(By.xpath(xpath)), DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_MILLISECONDS, timeoutMessage)
.then(el => (
this.driver.wait(el.isDisplayed(), DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_MILLISECONDS, `${xpath} is not visible`)
.then(() => el)
waitUntilGone (element) {
return this.driver.wait(until.stalenessOf(element));
clickXpath (xpath) {
return this.findByXpath(xpath).then(el => el.click());
clickText (text) {
return this.clickXpath(`//*[contains(text(), '${text}')]`);
findText (text) {
return this.driver.wait(until.elementLocated(By.xpath(`//*[contains(text(), '${text}')]`), 5 * 1000));
clickButton (text) {
return this.clickXpath(`//button[contains(text(), '${text}')]`);
findByCss (css) {
return this.driver.wait(until.elementLocated(By.css(css), 1000 * 5));
clickCss (css) {
return this.findByCss(css).then(el => el.click());
dragFromXpathToXpath (startXpath, endXpath) {
return this.findByXpath(startXpath).then(startEl => {
return this.findByXpath(endXpath).then(endEl => {
return this.driver.actions()
.dragAndDrop(startEl, endEl)
// must be used on a www page
async signIn (username, password) {
await this.clickXpath('//li[@class="link right login-item"]/a');
let name = await this.findByXpath('//input[@id="frc-username-1088"]');
await name.sendKeys(username);
let word = await this.findByXpath('//input[@id="frc-password-1088"]');
await word.sendKeys(password + this.getKey('ENTER'));
await this.findByXpath('//span[contains(@class, "profile-name")]');
urlMatches (regex) {
return this.driver.wait(until.urlMatches(regex), 1000 * 5);
getLogs (whitelist) {
return this.driver.manage()
.then((entries) => {
return entries.filter((entry) => {
const message = entry.message;
for (let i = 0; i < whitelist.length; i++) {
if (message.indexOf(whitelist[i]) !== -1) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
// console.warn('Ignoring whitelisted error: ' + whitelist[i]);
return false;
} else if (entry.level !== 'SEVERE') {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
// console.warn('Ignoring non-SEVERE entry: ' + message);
return false;
return true;
return true;
async containsClass (element, cl) {
let classes = await element.getAttribute('class');
let classList = classes.split(' ');
if (classList.includes(cl)){
return true;
return false;
async waitUntilVisible (element, driver) {
await driver.wait(until.elementIsVisible(element));
async loadPageUntilVisible (url, elementXpath, maxTries) {
for (let i = 0; i < maxTries; i++){
try {
await this.driver.get(url);
let element = await this.driver.wait(until.elementLocated(
By.xpath(elementXpath)), 200, 'could not find element within 200ms');
// let element = await this.findByXpath(elementXpath);
return await element;
} catch (e) {
console.log('reloaded the page');
console.log('reached max tries');
module.exports = SeleniumHelper;