/* * spot checks the translation of the nav bar for a select set * of languages that cover a number of types of translations. * * Languages checked: * - Hebrew * - Edible Scratch (fake language) * - Mandarin * - Japanese * - Brasilian Portuguese * - Polish * - Norwegian * - German */ var tap = require('tap'); window = {}; require('../../intl/splash.intl.js'); var languagesToCheck = [ 'he', 'zh-cn', 'ja', 'pt-br', 'pl', 'nb' ]; var idsToCheck = [ 'general.about', 'general.create', 'general.help', 'general.joinScratch', 'general.signIn', 'general.discuss' ]; tap.test('spotCheckNavBar', function (t) { for (var i in languagesToCheck) { for (var j in idsToCheck) { t.notEqual( window._messages[languagesToCheck[i]][idsToCheck[j]], window._messages['en'][idsToCheck[j]], 'check localization of ' + idsToCheck[j] + ' for ' + languagesToCheck[i] ); } } t.end(); }); var fakeLanguageIdsToCheck = ['news.scratchNews', 'splash.featuredProjects', 'splash.featuredStudios']; tap.test('spotCheckNavBarFakeLanguage', function (t) { for (var i in fakeLanguageIdsToCheck) { t.notEqual( window._messages['yum'][fakeLanguageIdsToCheck[i]], window._messages['en'][fakeLanguageIdsToCheck[i]], 'check localization of ' + fakeLanguageIdsToCheck[i] + ' for yum' ); } t.end(); });