var omit = require('lodash.omit'); var React = require('react'); var ReactIntl = require('react-intl'); var FormattedMessage = ReactIntl.FormattedMessage; var FormattedHTMLMessage = ReactIntl.FormattedHTMLMessage; var Modal = require('../modal/modal.jsx'); var Registration = require('../registration/registration.jsx'); require('./intro.scss'); Modal.setAppElement(document.getElementById('view')); var Intro = React.createClass({ type: 'Intro', propTypes: { projectCount: React.PropTypes.number }, getDefaultProps: function () { return { projectCount: 10569070 }; }, getInitialState: function () { return { videoOpen: false }; }, showVideo: function () { this.setState({videoOpen: true}); }, closeVideo: function () { this.setState({videoOpen: false}); }, handleJoinClick: function (e) { e.preventDefault(); this.setState({'registrationOpen': true}); }, closeRegistration: function () { this.setState({'registrationOpen': false}); }, completeRegistration: function () { window.refreshSession(); this.closeRegistration(); }, render: function () { var frameSettings = { width: 570, height: 357, padding: 15 }; return (

' + 'Share with others around the world' } />

( it’s free )
A creative learning community with {this.props.projectCount.toLocaleString()} projects shared