/* * Checks that the links in the footer on the homepage have the right URLs to redirect to * * Test cases: https://github.com/LLK/scratch-www/wiki/Most-Important-Workflows */ const tap = require('tap'); const { driver, webdriver } = require('../../helpers/selenium-helpers.js'); // Selenium's promise driver will be deprecated, so we should not rely on it webdriver.SELENIUM_PROMISE_MANAGER = 0; const rootUrl = process.env.ROOT_URL || 'https://scratch.ly'; // timeout for each test; timeout for suite set at command line level const options = {timeout: 30000}; // number of tests in the plan tap.plan(25); tap.tearDown(function () { // quit the instance of the browser driver.quit(); }); tap.beforeEach(function () { // load the page with the driver return driver.get(rootUrl); }); // Function clicks the link and returns the url of the resulting page const clickFooterLinks = function (linkText) { return driver.wait(webdriver.until.elementLocated(webdriver.By.id('footer'))) .then(function (element) { return element.findElement(webdriver.By.linkText(linkText)); }) .then(function (element) { return element.click(); }) .then(function () { return driver.getCurrentUrl(); }); }; // ==== ABOUT SCRATCH column ==== // ABOUT SCRATCH tap.test('clickAboutScratchLink', options, t => { const linkText = 'About Scratch'; const expectedHref = '/about'; clickFooterLinks(linkText).then(url => { // the href should be at the end of the URL t.equal(url.substr(-expectedHref.length), expectedHref); t.end(); }); }); // FOR PARENTS tap.test('clickForParentsLink', options, t => { const linkText = 'For Parents'; const expectedHref = '/parents/'; clickFooterLinks(linkText).then(url => { t.equal(url.substr(-expectedHref.length), expectedHref); t.end(); }); }); // FOR EDUCATORS tap.test('clickForEducatorsLink', options, t => { const linkText = 'For Educators'; const expectedHref = '/educators'; clickFooterLinks(linkText).then(url => { t.equal(url.substr(-expectedHref.length), expectedHref); t.end(); }); }); // FOR DEVELOPERS tap.test('clickForDevelopersScratchLink', options, t => { const linkText = 'For Developers'; const expectedHref = '/developers'; clickFooterLinks(linkText).then(url => { t.equal(url.substr(-expectedHref.length), expectedHref); t.end(); }); }); // CREDITS tap.test('clickCreditsLink', options, t => { const linkText = 'Credits'; const expectedHref = '/info/credits'; clickFooterLinks(linkText).then(url => { t.equal(url.substr(-expectedHref.length), expectedHref); t.end(); }); }); // JOBS tap.test('clickJobsLink', options, t => { const linkText = 'Jobs'; const expectedHref = '/jobs'; clickFooterLinks(linkText).then(url => { t.equal(url.substr(-expectedHref.length), expectedHref); t.end(); }); }); // PRESS tap.test('clickPressLink', options, t => { const linkText = 'Press'; const expectedUrl = 'https://wiki.scratch.mit.edu/wiki/Scratch_Press'; clickFooterLinks(linkText).then(url => { t.equal(url, expectedUrl); t.end(); }); }); // ==== COMMUNITY column ==== // COMMUNITY GUIDELINES tap.test('clickCommunityGuidelinesLink', options, t => { const linkText = 'Community Guidelines'; const expectedHref = '/community_guidelines'; clickFooterLinks(linkText).then(url => { t.equal(url.substr(-expectedHref.length), expectedHref); t.end(); }); }); // DISCUSSION FORUMS tap.test('clickDiscussionForumsLink', options, t => { const linkText = 'Discussion Forums'; const expectedHref = '/discuss/'; clickFooterLinks(linkText).then(url => { t.equal(url.substr(-expectedHref.length), expectedHref); t.end(); }); }); // SCRATCH WIKI tap.test('clickScratchWikiLink', options, t => { const linkText = 'Scratch Wiki'; const expectedUrl = 'https://wiki.scratch.mit.edu/wiki/Scratch_Wiki_Home'; clickFooterLinks(linkText).then(url => { t.equal(url, expectedUrl); t.end(); }); }); // STATISTICS tap.test('clickStatisticsLink', options, t => { const linkText = 'Statistics'; const expectedHref = '/statistics/'; clickFooterLinks(linkText).then(url => { t.equal(url.substr(-expectedHref.length), expectedHref); t.end(); }); }); // ==== SUPPORT column ==== // TIPS PAGE tap.test('clickTipsPageLink', options, t => { const linkText = 'Tips'; const expectedHref = '/tips'; clickFooterLinks(linkText).then(url => { t.equal(url.substr(-expectedHref.length), expectedHref); t.end(); }); }); // FAQ tap.test('clickFAQLink', options, t => { const linkText = 'FAQ'; const expectedHref = '/info/faq'; clickFooterLinks(linkText).then(url => { t.equal(url.substr(-expectedHref.length), expectedHref); t.end(); }); }); // OFFLINE EDITOR tap.test('clickOfflineEditorLink', options, t => { const linkText = 'Offline Editor'; const expectedHref = '/download'; clickFooterLinks(linkText).then(url => { t.equal(url.substr(-expectedHref.length), expectedHref); t.end(); }); }); // CONTACT US tap.test('clickContactUsLink', options, t => { const linkText = 'Contact Us'; const expectedHref = '/contact-us/'; clickFooterLinks(linkText).then(url => { t.equal(url.substr(-expectedHref.length), expectedHref); t.end(); }); }); // SCRATCH STORE tap.test('clickScratchStoreLink', options, t => { const linkText = 'Scratch Store'; const expectedUrl = 'https://scratch-foundation.myshopify.com/'; clickFooterLinks(linkText).then(url => { t.equal(url, expectedUrl); t.end(); }); }); // DONATE tap.test('clickDonateLink', options, t => { const linkText = 'Donate'; const expectedUrl = 'https://secure.donationpay.org/scratchfoundation/'; clickFooterLinks(linkText).then(url => { t.equal(url, expectedUrl); t.end(); }); }); // ==== LEGAL column ==== // TERMS OF USE tap.test('clickTermsOfUseLink', options, t => { const linkText = 'Terms of Use'; const expectedHref = '/terms_of_use'; clickFooterLinks(linkText).then(url => { t.equal(url.substr(-expectedHref.length), expectedHref); t.end(); }); }); // PRIVACY POLICY tap.test('clickPrivacyPolicyLink', options, t => { const linkText = 'Privacy Policy'; const expectedHref = '/privacy_policy'; clickFooterLinks(linkText).then(url => { t.equal(url.substr(-expectedHref.length), expectedHref); t.end(); }); }); // DMCA tap.test('clickDMCALink', options, t => { const linkText = 'DMCA'; const expectedHref = '/DMCA'; clickFooterLinks(linkText).then(url => { t.equal(url.substr(-expectedHref.length), expectedHref); t.end(); }); }); // ==== SCRATCH FAMILY column ==== // SCRATCH ED (SCRATCHED) tap.test('clickScratchEdLink', options, t => { const linkText = 'ScratchEd'; const expectedUrl = 'http://scratched.gse.harconstd.edu/'; clickFooterLinks(linkText).then(url => { t.equal(url, expectedUrl); t.end(); }); }); // SCRATCH JR (SCRATCHJR) tap.test('clickScratchJrLink', options, t => { const linkText = 'ScratchJr'; const expectedUrl = 'http://www.scratchjr.org/'; clickFooterLinks(linkText).then(url => { t.equal(url, expectedUrl); t.end(); }); }); // SCRATCH DAY tap.test('clickScratchDayLink', options, t => { const linkText = 'Scratch Day'; const expectedUrl = 'https://day.scratch.mit.edu/'; clickFooterLinks(linkText).then(url => { t.equal(url, expectedUrl); t.end(); }); }); // SCRATCH CONFERENCE tap.test('clickScratchConferenceLink', options, t => { const linkText = 'Scratch Conference'; const expectedHref = '/conference'; clickFooterLinks(linkText).then(url => { t.equal(url.substr(-expectedHref.length), expectedHref); t.end(); }); }); // SCRATCH FOUNDATION tap.test('clickScratchFoundationLink', options, t => { const linkText = 'Scratch Foundation'; const expectedUrl = 'https://www.scratchfoundation.org/'; clickFooterLinks(linkText).then(url => { t.equal(url, expectedUrl); t.end(); }); });