{ "about.title": "About Scratch", "about.intro": "
With Scratch, you can program your own interactive stories, games, and animations — and share your creations with others in the online community.
Scratch helps young people learn to think creatively, reason systematically, and work collaboratively — essential skills for life in the 21st century.
Scratch is a project of the Lifelong Kindergarten Group at the MIT Media Lab. It is provided free of charge.
", "about.introParents": "Info for parents", "about.introEducators": "Info for educators", "about.whoUsesScratch": "Who Uses Scratch?", "about.whoUsesScratchDescription": "Scratch is designed especially for ages 8 to 16, but is used by people of all ages. Millions of people are creating Scratch projects in a wide variety of settings, including homes, schools, museums, libraries, and community centers.", "about.aroundTheWorld": "Around the World", "about.aroundTheWorldDescription": "Scratch is used in more than 150 different countries and available in more than 40 languages. To change languages, click the menu at the bottom of the page. Or, in the Project Editor, click the globe at the top of the page. To add or improve a translation, see the translation page.", "about.quotes": "Quotes", "about.quotesDescription": "The Scratch Team has received many emails from youth, parents, and educators expressing thanks for Scratch. Want to see what people are saying? You can read a collection of the quotes we've received.", "about.learnMore": "Learn More About Scratch", "about.learnMoreHelp": "Scratch Help Page", "about.learnMoreFaq": "Frequently Asked Questions", "about.learnMoreParents": "Information for Parents", "about.learnMoreCredits": "Scratch Credits", "about.literacy": "Learn to Code, Code to Learn", "about.literacyDescription": "The ability to code computer programs is an important part of literacy in today’s society. When people learn to code in Scratch, they learn important strategies for solving problems, designing projects, and communicating ideas.", "about.schools": "Scratch in Schools", "about.schoolsDescription": "Students are learning with Scratch at all levels (from elementary school to college) and across disciplines (such as math, computer science, language arts, social studies). Educators share stories, exchange resources, ask questions, and find people on the ScratchEd website.", "about.research": "Research", "about.researchDescription": "The MIT Scratch Team and collaborators are researching how people use and learn with Scratch (for an introduction, see Scratch: Programming for All). Find out more about Scratch research and statistics about Scratch.", "about.support": "Support and Funding", "about.supportDescription": "The Scratch project, initiated in 2003, has received generous support from the National Science Foundation (grants 0325828, 1002713, 1027848, 1019396), Intel Foundation, Microsoft, MacArthur Foundation, LEGO Foundation, Code-to-Learn Foundation, Google, Dell, Fastly, Inversoft, and MIT Media Lab research consortia. If you'd like to support Scratch, please see our donate page, or contact us at donate@scratch.mit.edu.", "general.accountSettings": "Account settings", "general.about": "About", "general.donate": "Donate", "general.community": "Community", "general.contactUs": "Contact Us", "general.copyright": "Scratch is a project of the Lifelong Kindergarten Group at the MIT Media Lab", "general.create": "Create", "general.credits": "Credits", "general.discuss": "Discuss", "general.dmca": "DMCA", "general.explore": "Explore", "general.faq": "FAQ", "general.forParents": "For Parents", "general.forEducators": "For Educators", "general.guidelines": "Community Guidelines", "general.help": "Help", "general.jobs": "Jobs", "general.joinScratch": "Join Scratch", "general.legal": "Legal", "general.learnMore": "Learn More", "general.messages": "Messages", "general.myStuff": "My Stuff", "general.offlineEditor": "Offline Editor", "general.profile": "Profile", "general.scratchConference": "Scratch Conference", "general.scratchday": "Scratch Day", "general.scratchEd": "ScratchEd", "general.scratchFoundation": "Scratch Foundation", "general.scratchJr": "ScratchJr", "general.search": "Search", "general.signIn": "Sign in", "general.statistics": "Statistics", "general.support": "Support", "general.tipsWindow": "Tips Window", "general.tipsAnimateYourNameTitle": "Animate Your Name", "general.tipsBearstack": "Bearstack Story", "general.tipsDanceTitle": "Dance, Dance, Dance", "general.tipsGetStarted": "Getting Started", "general.tipsHideAndSeekTitle": "Hide-and-Seek Game", "general.tipsPongGame": "Create a Pong Game", "general.termsOfUse": "Terms of Use", "general.username": "Username", "general.viewAll": "View All", "general.whatsHappening": "What's Happening?", "general.wiki": "Scratch Wiki", "footer.about": "About Scratch", "footer.discuss": "Discussion Forums", "footer.help": "Help Page", "footer.scratchFamily": "Scratch Family", "hoc.activityCards": "Activity Cards", "hoc.activityCardsHeader": "Activity Cards and Guides", "hoc.activityCardsInfo1": "Want tips and ideas for these Hour of Code activities? Use the activity cards to get ideas for creating with Scratch. Facilitator guides can help you plan a group activity.", "hoc.addToStudios": "Add Your Projects to Studios", "hoc.addToStudiosDescription": "These studios include projects created by young people around the world. Take a look at the studios to get inspired - or submit your own projects to the studios!", "hoc.facilitatorGuide": "Facilitator Guide", "hoc.findOutMore": "Find out more", "hoc.helpScratch": "Help with Scratch", "hoc.helpScratchDescription": "You can find tutorials and helpful hints in the Tips Window. For more resources, see Scratch Help", "hoc.moreActivities": "Want More Activities?", "hoc.moreDescription": "Check out these other tutorials. Or remix one of our Starter Projects", "hoc.studioAlice": "Alice in Wonderland Studio", "hoc.studioWeBareBears": "We Bare Bears Studio", "hoc.subTitle": "With Scratch, you can program your own stories, games, and animations — and share them online.", "hoc.tipsDescription": "Need help getting started? Looking for ideas? You can find tutorials and helpful hints in the Tips Window", "hoc.title": "Get Creative with Coding", "intro.aboutScratch": "ABOUT SCRATCH", "intro.forEducators": "FOR EDUCATORS", "infro.forParents": "FOR PARENTS", "intro.joinScratch": "JOIN SCRATCH", "intro.seeExamples": "SEE EXAMPLES", "intro.tagLine": "Create stories, games, and animations