const keyMirror = require('keymirror'); const defaults = require('lodash.defaults'); const get = require('lodash.get'); const {requestSession, requestSessionWithRetry} = require('../lib/session'); const messageCountActions = require('./message-count.js'); const permissionsActions = require('./permissions.js'); const Types = keyMirror({ SET_SESSION: null, SET_SESSION_ERROR: null, SET_STATUS: null }); const banGoodListPaths = [ '/ip_ban_appeal', '/vpn_required', '/accounts/banned-response', '/accounts/bad-username', '/community_guidelines', '/privacy_policy', '/terms_of_use' ]; module.exports.Status = keyMirror({ FETCHED: null, NOT_FETCHED: null, FETCHING: null }); module.exports.getInitialState = () => ({ status: module.exports.Status.NOT_FETCHED, session: {} }); module.exports.sessionReducer = (state, action) => { // Reducer for handling changes to session state if (typeof state === 'undefined') { state = module.exports.getInitialState(); } switch (action.type) { case Types.SET_SESSION: return defaults({session: action.session}, state); case Types.SET_STATUS: return defaults({status: action.status}, state); case Types.SET_SESSION_ERROR: // TODO: do something with action.error return state; default: return state; } }; module.exports.setSessionError = error => ({ type: Types.SET_SESSION_ERROR, error: error }); module.exports.setSession = session => ({ type: Types.SET_SESSION, session: session }); module.exports.setStatus = status => ({ type: Types.SET_STATUS, status: status }); const handleSessionResponse = (dispatch, body) => { if (typeof body === 'undefined') return dispatch(module.exports.setSessionError('No session content')); if ( body.vpn_required && banGoodListPaths.every(goodPath => window.location.pathname.indexOf(goodPath) === -1) ) { window.location = '/vpn_required/'; return; } else if ( body.banned && body.redirectURL && banGoodListPaths.every(goodPath => window.location.pathname.indexOf(goodPath) === -1) ) { window.location = body.redirectURL; return; } else if ( body.user && body.user.banned && banGoodListPaths.every(goodPath => window.location.pathname.indexOf(goodPath) === -1) ) { window.location = '/accounts/banned-response/'; return; } else if ( body.flags && body.flags.must_complete_registration && window.location.pathname !== '/classes/complete_registration' ) { window.location = '/classes/complete_registration'; return; } else if ( body.flags && body.flags.must_reset_password && !body.flags.must_complete_registration && window.location.pathname !== '/classes/student_password_reset/' ) { window.location = '/classes/student_password_reset/'; return; } dispatch(module.exports.setSession(body)); dispatch(module.exports.setStatus(module.exports.Status.FETCHED)); // get the permissions from the updated session dispatch(permissionsActions.storePermissions(body.permissions)); if (typeof body.user !== 'undefined') { dispatch(messageCountActions.getCount(body.user.username)); } return; }; module.exports.refreshSession = () => (dispatch => { dispatch(module.exports.setStatus(module.exports.Status.FETCHING)); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { requestSession(resolve, reject); }).then(body => { handleSessionResponse(dispatch, body); }, err => { dispatch(module.exports.setSessionError(err)); }); }); module.exports.refreshSessionWithRetry = () => (dispatch => { dispatch(module.exports.setStatus(module.exports.Status.FETCHING)); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { requestSessionWithRetry(resolve, reject, 4, 7500); }).then(body => { handleSessionResponse(dispatch, body); }, err => { dispatch(module.exports.setSessionError(err)); }); }); module.exports.updateMuteStatus = muteStatus => ((dispatch, getState) => { const session = getState().session.session; const newSession = { ...session, permissions: { ...session.permissions, mute_status: muteStatus } }; dispatch(module.exports.setSession(newSession)); }); // Selectors module.exports.selectIsLoggedIn = state => !!get(state, ['session', 'session', 'user'], false); module.exports.selectUsername = state => get(state, ['session', 'session', 'user', 'username'], null); module.exports.selectToken = state => get(state, ['session', 'session', 'user', 'token'], null); module.exports.selectIsAdmin = state => get(state, ['session', 'session', 'permissions', 'admin'], false); module.exports.selectUser = state => get(state, ['session', 'session', 'user'], false); module.exports.selectIsSocial = state => get(state, ['session', 'session', 'permissions', 'social'], false); module.exports.selectIsEducator = state => get(state, ['session', 'session', 'permissions', 'educator'], false); module.exports.selectProjectCommentsGloballyEnabled = state => get(state, ['session', 'session', 'flags', 'project_comments_enabled'], false); module.exports.selectStudioCommentsGloballyEnabled = state => get(state, ['session', 'session', 'flags', 'gallery_comments_enabled'], false); module.exports.selectIsTotallyNormal = state => get(state, ['session', 'session', 'flags', 'everything_is_totally_normal'], false); module.exports.selectMuteStatus = state => get(state, ['session', 'session', 'permissions', 'mute_status'], {muteExpiresAt: 0, offenses: [], showWarning: false}); module.exports.selectIsMuted = state => (module.exports.selectMuteStatus(state).muteExpiresAt || 0) * 1000 >; module.exports.selectHasFetchedSession = state => state.session.status === module.exports.Status.FETCHED; // NB logged out user id as NaN so that it can never be used in equality testing since NaN !== NaN module.exports.selectUserId = state => get(state, ['session', 'session', 'user', 'id'], NaN);