import React from 'react'; import {shallowWithIntl} from '../../helpers/intl-helpers.jsx'; import {mountWithIntl} from '../../helpers/intl-helpers.jsx'; import JoinFlowStep from '../../../src/components/join-flow/join-flow-step'; import RegistrationErrorStep from '../../../src/components/join-flow/registration-error-step'; describe('RegistrationErrorStep', () => { const onSubmit = jest.fn(); const getRegistrationErrorStepWrapper = props => { const wrapper = shallowWithIntl( >>>>>> Add analytics logging to join flow. Adding page views for each step in the flow. {...props} /> ); return wrapper .dive(); // unwrap injectIntl() }; <<<<<<< HEAD test('registrationError has JoinFlowStep', () => { const props = { canTryAgain: true, onSubmit: onSubmit }; const joinFlowStepWrapper = getRegistrationErrorStepWrapper(props).find(JoinFlowStep); expect(joinFlowStepWrapper).toHaveLength(1); }); test('when errorMsg provided, registrationError shows it', () => { const props = { canTryAgain: true, errorMsg: 'halp there is a errors!!', onSubmit: onSubmit }; const joinFlowStepWrapper = getRegistrationErrorStepWrapper(props).find(JoinFlowStep); const joinFlowStepInstance = joinFlowStepWrapper.dive(); const errMsgElement = joinFlowStepInstance.find('.registration-error-msg'); expect(errMsgElement).toHaveLength(1); expect(errMsgElement.text()).toEqual('halp there is a errors!!'); }); test('when errorMsg is null, registrationError does not show it', () => { const props = { canTryAgain: true, errorMsg: null, onSubmit: onSubmit }; const joinFlowStepWrapper = getRegistrationErrorStepWrapper(props).find(JoinFlowStep); const joinFlowStepInstance = joinFlowStepWrapper.dive(); const errMsgElement = joinFlowStepInstance.find('.registration-error-msg'); expect(errMsgElement).toHaveLength(0); }); test('when no errorMsg provided, registrationError does not show it', () => { const props = { canTryAgain: true, onSubmit: onSubmit }; const joinFlowStepWrapper = getRegistrationErrorStepWrapper(props).find(JoinFlowStep); const joinFlowStepInstance = joinFlowStepWrapper.dive(); const errMsgElement = joinFlowStepInstance.find('.registration-error-msg'); expect(errMsgElement).toHaveLength(0); }); ======= test('logs to analytics', () => { const analyticsFn = jest.fn(); mountWithIntl( ); expect(analyticsFn).toHaveBeenCalledWith('join-error'); }); >>>>>>> Set sendAnalytics to be required and send the right props to the error step. Also add a test for the error step. test('when canTryAgain is true, show tryAgain message', () => { const props = { canTryAgain: true, errorMsg: 'halp there is a errors!!', onSubmit: onSubmit }; const joinFlowStepWrapper = getRegistrationErrorStepWrapper(props).find(JoinFlowStep); expect(joinFlowStepWrapper).toHaveLength(1); expect(joinFlowStepWrapper.props().nextButton).toBe('general.tryAgain'); }); test('when canTryAgain is false, show startOver message', () => { const props = { canTryAgain: false, errorMsg: 'halp there is a errors!!', onSubmit: onSubmit }; const joinFlowStepWrapper = getRegistrationErrorStepWrapper(props).find(JoinFlowStep); expect(joinFlowStepWrapper).toHaveLength(1); expect(joinFlowStepWrapper.props().nextButton).toBe('general.startOver'); }); test('when canTryAgain is missing, show startOver message', () => { const props = { errorMsg: 'halp there is a errors!!', onSubmit: onSubmit }; const joinFlowStepWrapper = getRegistrationErrorStepWrapper(props).find(JoinFlowStep); expect(joinFlowStepWrapper).toHaveLength(1); expect(joinFlowStepWrapper.props().nextButton).toBe('general.startOver'); }); test('when submitted, onSubmit is called', () => { const props = { canTryAgain: true, errorMsg: 'halp there is a errors!!', onSubmit: onSubmit }; const joinFlowStepWrapper = getRegistrationErrorStepWrapper(props).find(JoinFlowStep); joinFlowStepWrapper.props().onSubmit(new Event('event')); // eslint-disable-line no-undef expect(onSubmit).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); });