var glob = require('glob');
var path = require('path');

var FastlyConfigMethods = {
     * Given the relative path to the static directory, return an array of
     * patterns matching the files and directories there.
    getStaticPaths: function (rootDir, pathToStatic) {
        var staticPaths = glob.sync(path.resolve(rootDir, pathToStatic));
        return staticPaths.filter(function (pathName) {
            // Exclude view html, resolve everything else in the build
            return path.extname(pathName) !== '.html';
        }).map(function (pathName) {
            // Reduce absolute path to relative paths like '/js'
            var base = path.dirname(path.resolve(rootDir, pathToStatic));
            return pathName.replace(base, '') + (path.extname(pathName) ? '' : '/');

     * Given a list of express routes, return a list of patterns to match
     * the express route and a static view file associated with the route
    getViewPaths: function (routes) {
        return routes.reduce(function (paths, route) {
            var p = route.routeAlias || route.pattern;
            if (paths.indexOf(p) === -1) {
            return paths;
        }, []);

     * Translate an express-style pattern to regex one in two ways:
     * 1. /path/:arg/ – all :arg's become .+?
     * 2. /path/:arg([regex]) – :arg is removed, leaving just /path/([regex])
    expressPatternToRegex: function (pattern) {
        pattern = pattern.replace(/(:\w+)(\([^)]+\))/gi, '$2');
        return pattern.replace(/(:\w+)/gi, '.+?');

     * Given a list of patterns for paths, OR all of them together into one
     * string suitable for a Fastly condition
    pathsToCondition: function (paths) {
        return 'req.url~"^(' + paths.reduce(function (conditionString, pattern) {
            return conditionString + (conditionString ? '|' : '') + pattern;
        }, '') + ')"';

     * Helper method to NOT a condition statement
    negateConditionStatement: function (statement) {
        return '!(' + statement + ')';

     * Combine static paths, routes, and any additional paths to a single
     * fastly condition to match req.url
    getAppRouteCondition: function (pathToStatic, routes, additionalPaths, rootDir) {
        var staticPaths = FastlyConfigMethods.getStaticPaths(rootDir, pathToStatic);
        var viewPaths = FastlyConfigMethods.getViewPaths(routes);
        var allPaths = [].concat(staticPaths, viewPaths, additionalPaths);
        return FastlyConfigMethods.pathsToCondition(allPaths);

    getConditionNameForRoute: function (route, type) {
        return 'routes/' + route.pattern + ' (' + type + ')';

    getHeaderNameForRoute: function (route) {
        if ( return 'rewrites/' +;
        if (route.redirect) return 'redirects/' + route.pattern;

    getResponseNameForRoute: function (route) {
        return 'redirects/' + route.pattern;

     * Returns custom vcl configuration as a string that sets the varnish
     * Time to Live (TTL) for responses that come from s3.
     * @param {string} condition condition under which the response should be set
    setResponseTTL: function (condition) {
        return '' +
            'if (' + condition + ') {\n' +
            '    if (req.url ~ "^(/projects/|/fragment/account-nav.json|/session/)" && ' +
            '!req.http.Cookie:scratchsessionsid) {\n' +
            '        set beresp.http.Vary = "Accept-Encoding, Accept-Language";\n' +
            '        unset beresp.http.set-cookie;\n' +
            '        return(deliver);\n' +
            '    } else {\n' +
            '        set beresp.ttl = 0s;\n' +
            '        set beresp.grace = 0s;\n' +
            '        return(pass);\n' +
            '    }\n' +

module.exports = FastlyConfigMethods;