import actions from '../../../src/redux/studio-comment-actions'; import {reducers, initialState} from '../../../src/views/studio/studio-redux'; import configureStore from '../../../src/lib/configure-store'; jest.mock('../../../src/lib/api'); import api from '../../../src/lib/api'; let store; beforeEach(() => { api.mockClear(); }); describe('getTopLevelComments', () => { test('replies are only loaded for comments with a reply_count > 0', async () => { store = configureStore(reducers, { ...initialState, studio: {id: 123123} }); api.mockImplementationOnce((opts, callback) => { expect(opts.uri).toBe('/studios/123123/comments'); const body = [ {id: 1, reply_count: 0}, {id: 50, reply_count: 1}, {id: 60, reply_count: 0}, {id: 70, reply_count: 1} ]; callback(null, body, {statusCode: 200}); }) .mockImplementationOnce((opts, callback) => { expect(opts.uri).toBe('/studios/123123/comments/50/replies'); const body = [{id: 4, parent_id: 50}]; callback(null, body, {statusCode: 200}); }) .mockImplementationOnce((opts, callback) => { expect(opts.uri).toBe('/studios/123123/comments/70/replies'); const body = [{id: 5, parent_id: 70}]; callback(null, body, {statusCode: 200}); }); store.dispatch(actions.getTopLevelComments()); const state = store.getState(); expect(state.comments.comments.length).toBe(4); expect(state.comments.replies[50].length).toBe(1); expect(state.comments.replies[70].length).toBe(1); expect(state.comments.replies[1]).toBeUndefined(); expect(state.comments.replies[60]).toBeUndefined(); }); test('admin route is used when the session shows the user is an admin', async () => { store = configureStore(reducers, { ...initialState, studio: {id: 123123}, session: { session: { user: {token: 'a-token'}, permissions: {admin: true} } } }); api.mockImplementationOnce((opts) => { expect(opts.uri).toBe('/admin/studios/123123/comments'); expect(opts.authentication).toBe('a-token'); }); store.dispatch(actions.getTopLevelComments()); }); }); describe('getCommentById', () => { test('getting a top level comment will not load replies if there arent any', async () => { store = configureStore(reducers, { ...initialState, studio: {id: 123123} }); api.mockImplementationOnce((opts, callback) => { expect(opts.uri).toBe('/studios/123123/comments/111'); const body = {id: 111, parent_id: null, reply_count: 0}; callback(null, body, {statusCode: 200}); }); store.dispatch(actions.getCommentById(111)); const state = store.getState(); expect(state.comments.comments.length).toBe(1); expect(state.comments.replies[111]).toBeUndefined(); }); test('getting a top level comment will load replies', async () => { store = configureStore(reducers, { ...initialState, studio: {id: 123123} }); api.mockImplementationOnce((opts, callback) => { expect(opts.uri).toBe('/studios/123123/comments/111'); const body = {id: 111, parent_id: null, reply_count: 2}; callback(null, body, {statusCode: 200}); }).mockImplementationOnce((opts, callback) => { expect(opts.uri).toBe('/studios/123123/comments/111/replies'); const body = [{id: 1, parent_id: 111}]; callback(null, body, {statusCode: 200}); }); store.dispatch(actions.getCommentById(111)); const state = store.getState(); expect(state.comments.comments.length).toBe(1); expect(state.comments.replies[111].length).toBe(1); }); test('getting a reply comment will load the parent comment and its other replies', async () => { store = configureStore(reducers, { ...initialState, studio: {id: 123123} }); // Expect 3 requests. First 111, which is a reply comment, maybe linked to from messages // Second is for 111's parent, which is 555. // Third is for 555's replies, which returns 111 and 112 api.mockImplementationOnce((opts, callback) => { expect(opts.uri).toBe('/studios/123123/comments/111'); const body = {id: 111, parent_id: 555}; callback(null, body, {statusCode: 200}); }) .mockImplementationOnce((opts, callback) => { expect(opts.uri).toBe('/studios/123123/comments/555'); const body = {id: 555, reply_count: 2}; callback(null, body, {statusCode: 200}); }) .mockImplementationOnce((opts, callback) => { expect(opts.uri).toBe('/studios/123123/comments/555/replies'); const body = [{id: 111, parent_id: 555}, {id: 112, parent_id: 555}]; callback(null, body, {statusCode: 200}); }); store.dispatch(actions.getCommentById(111)); const state = store.getState(); expect(state.comments.comments.length).toBe(1); expect(state.comments.replies[555].length).toBe(2); }); }); describe.skip('addNewComment', () => { }); describe.skip('deleteComment', () => { }); describe.skip('reportComment', () => { }); describe.skip('resetComments', () => { }); describe.skip('reportComment', () => { }); describe.skip('getReplies', () => { });