var connect = require('react-redux').connect; var injectIntl = require('react-intl').injectIntl; var React = require('react'); var api = require('../../lib/api'); var log = require('../../lib/log'); var render = require('../../lib/render.jsx'); var sessionActions = require('../../redux/session.js'); var shuffle = require('../../lib/shuffle.js').shuffle; var Activity = require('../../components/activity/activity.jsx'); var AdminPanel = require('../../components/adminpanel/adminpanel.jsx'); var DropdownBanner = require('../../components/dropdown-banner/banner.jsx'); var Box = require('../../components/box/box.jsx'); var Button = require('../../components/forms/button.jsx'); var Carousel = require('../../components/carousel/carousel.jsx'); var HocEventRow = require('./hoc-event-row/hoc-event-row.jsx'); var Intro = require('../../components/intro/intro.jsx'); var IframeModal = require('../../components/modal/iframe/modal.jsx'); var News = require('../../components/news/news.jsx'); var Page = require('../../components/page/www/page.jsx'); var TeacherBanner = require('../../components/teacher-banner/teacher-banner.jsx'); var Welcome = require('../../components/welcome/welcome.jsx'); var MediaQuery = require('react-responsive'); var frameless = require('../../lib/frameless'); require('./splash.scss'); var Splash = injectIntl(React.createClass({ type: 'Splash', getInitialState: function () { return { projectCount: 14000000, // gets the shared project count activity: [], // recent social actions taken by users someone is following news: [], // gets news posts from the scratch Tumblr featuredCustom: {}, // custom homepage rows, such as "Projects by Scratchers I'm Following" featuredGlobal: {}, // global homepage rows, such as "Featured Projects" showEmailConfirmationModal: true, // flag that determines whether to show banner to request email conf. refreshCacheStatus: 'notrequested', numCloseTries: 0, bannerHeightClass: 'mod-0' }; }, getDefaultProps: function () { return { session: {}, permissions: {} }; }, componentDidUpdate: function (prevProps) { if (this.props.session.session.user != prevProps.session.session.user) { if (this.props.session.session.user) { this.getActivity(); this.getFeaturedCustom(); this.getNews(); this.setState({numCloseTries: 0}); this.setState({bannerHeightClass: 'mod-0'}); } else { this.setState({featuredCustom: []}); this.setState({activity: []}); this.setState({news: []}); this.getProjectCount(); } if (this.shouldShowEmailConfirmation()) { window.addEventListener('message', this.onMessage); } else { window.removeEventListener('message', this.onMessage); } } }, componentDidMount: function () { this.getFeaturedGlobal(); if (this.props.session.session.user) { this.getActivity(); this.getFeaturedCustom(); this.getNews(); } else { this.getProjectCount(); } if (this.shouldShowEmailConfirmation()) window.addEventListener('message', this.onMessage); }, componentWillUnmount: function () { window.removeEventListener('message', this.onMessage); }, onMessage: function (e) { if (e.origin != window.location.origin) return; if (e.source != this.emailConfirmationiFrame.contentWindow) return; if ( == 'resend-done') { this.hideEmailConfirmationModal(); } else { var data = JSON.parse(; if (data['action'] === 'leave-page') { window.location.href = data['uri']; } } }, getActivity: function () { api({ uri: '/proxy/users/' + this.props.session.session.user.username + '/activity?limit=5' }, function (err, body) { if (!body) return log.error('No response body'); if (!err) return this.setState({activity: body}); }.bind(this)); }, getFeaturedGlobal: function () { api({ uri: '/proxy/featured' }, function (err, body) { if (!body) return log.error('No response body'); if (!err) return this.setState({featuredGlobal: body}); }.bind(this)); }, getFeaturedCustom: function () { api({ uri: '/proxy/users/' + + '/featured' }, function (err, body) { if (!body) return log.error('No response body'); if (!err) return this.setState({featuredCustom: body}); }.bind(this)); }, getNews: function () { api({ uri: '/news?limit=3' }, function (err, body) { if (!body) return log.error('No response body'); if (!err) return this.setState({news: body}); }.bind(this)); }, getProjectCount: function () { api({ uri: '/projects/count/all' }, function (err, body) { if (!body) return log.error('No response body'); if (!err) return this.setState({projectCount: body.count}); }.bind(this)); }, refreshHomepageCache: function () { api({ host: '', uri: '/scratch_admin/homepage/clear-cache/', method: 'post', useCsrf: true }, function (err, body) { if (err) return this.setState({refreshCacheStatus: 'fail'}); if (!body) return log.error('No response body'); if (!body.success) return this.setState({refreshCacheStatus: 'inprogress'}); return this.setState({refreshCacheStatus: 'pass'}); }.bind(this)); }, getHomepageRefreshStatus: function () { var status = { status: this.state.refreshCacheStatus, disabled: false, content: 'Refresh' }; if (this.state.refreshCacheStatus === 'inprogress') { status.disabled = true; status.content = 'In Progress'; } else if (this.state.refreshCacheStatus === 'pass') { status.disabled = true; status.content = 'Requested'; } else if (this.state.refreshCacheStatus == 'fail') { status.disabled = false; status.content = 'Error'; } return status; }, showEmailConfirmationModal: function () { this.setState({emailConfirmationModalOpen: true}); }, hideEmailConfirmationModal: function () { this.setState({emailConfirmationModalOpen: false}); }, handleDismiss: function (cue) { var newNumTries = this.state.numCloseTries + 1; if (cue === 'show_april_fools') { if (newNumTries > 2) { return; } this.setState({ numCloseTries: newNumTries, bannerHeightClass: 'mod-' + newNumTries }); } if (newNumTries > 1 || cue !== 'show_april_fools') { api({ host: '', uri: '/site-api/users/set-template-cue/', method: 'post', useCsrf: true, json: {cue: cue, value: false} }, function (err) { if (!err) this.props.dispatch(sessionActions.refreshSession()); }.bind(this)); } }, shouldShowWelcome: function () { if (!this.props.session.session.user || !this.props.session.session.flags.show_welcome) return false; return ( new Date(this.props.session.session.user.dateJoined) > new Date(new Date - 2*7*24*60*60*1000) // Two weeks ago ); }, shouldShowEmailConfirmation: function () { return ( this.props.session.session.user && this.props.session.session.flags.has_outstanding_email_confirmation && this.props.session.session.flags.confirm_email_banner); }, renderHomepageRows: function () { var formatMessage = this.props.intl.formatMessage; var rows = [ , ]; if (this.props.session.session.user && this.props.session.session.flags.show_april_fools) { rows.push( ); } if (this.state.featuredGlobal.curator_top_projects && this.state.featuredGlobal.curator_top_projects.length > 4) { rows.push( ); } if (this.state.featuredGlobal.scratch_design_studio && this.state.featuredGlobal.scratch_design_studio.length > 4) { rows.push( ); } if (this.props.session.session.user && this.state.featuredGlobal.community_newest_projects && this.state.featuredGlobal.community_newest_projects.length > 0) { rows.push( ); } if (this.state.featuredCustom.custom_projects_by_following && this.state.featuredCustom.custom_projects_by_following.length > 0) { rows.push( ); } if (this.state.featuredCustom.custom_projects_loved_by_following && this.state.featuredCustom.custom_projects_loved_by_following.length > 0) { rows.push( ); } if (this.state.featuredCustom.custom_projects_in_studios_following && this.state.featuredCustom.custom_projects_in_studios_following.length > 0) { rows.push( ); } rows.push( , ); return rows; }, render: function () { var featured = this.renderHomepageRows(); var homepageCacheState = this.getHomepageRefreshStatus(); var formatHTMLMessage = this.props.intl.formatHTMLMessage; var formatNumber = this.props.intl.formatNumber; var formatMessage = this.props.intl.formatMessage; var messages = { 'general.viewAll': formatMessage({id: 'general.viewAll'}), 'news.scratchNews': formatMessage({id: 'news.scratchNews'}), 'welcome.welcomeToScratch': formatMessage({id: 'welcome.welcomeToScratch'}), 'welcome.learn': formatMessage({id: 'welcome.learn'}), 'welcome.tryOut': formatMessage({id: 'welcome.tryOut'}), 'welcome.connect': formatMessage({id: 'welcome.connect'}), 'intro.aboutScratch': formatMessage({id: 'intro.aboutScratch'}), 'intro.forEducators': formatMessage({id: 'intro.forEducators'}), 'intro.forParents': formatMessage({id: 'intro.forParents'}), 'intro.joinScratch': formatMessage({id: 'intro.joinScratch'}), 'intro.seeExamples': formatMessage({id: 'intro.seeExamples'}), 'intro.tagLine': formatHTMLMessage({id: 'intro.tagLine'}), 'intro.tryItOut': formatMessage({id: 'intro.tryItOut'}), 'teacherbanner.greeting': formatMessage({id: 'teacherbanner.greeting'}), 'teacherbanner.subgreeting': formatMessage({id: 'teacherbanner.subgreeting'}), 'teacherbanner.classesButton': formatMessage({id: 'teacherbanner.classesButton'}), 'teacherbanner.resourcesButton': formatMessage({id: 'general.resourcesTitle'}), 'teacherbanner.faqButton': formatMessage({id: 'teacherbanner.faqButton'}) }; if (this.state.projectCount === this.getInitialState().projectCount) { messages['intro.description'] = formatHTMLMessage({id: 'intro.defaultDescription'}); } else { var count = formatNumber(this.state.projectCount); messages['intro.description'] = formatHTMLMessage({id: 'intro.description'}, {value: count}); } return (
{this.shouldShowEmailConfirmation() ? [ Confirm your email {' '}to enable sharing.{' '} Having trouble? , ] : []} {this.props.permissions.educator ? [ ] : []}
{this.props.session.status === sessionActions.Status.FETCHED ? ( this.props.session.session.user ? [
{this.shouldShowWelcome() ? [ ] : [ ]}
] : [ ]) : [] } {featured}
Homepage Cache
  • Refresh row data:
); } })); var mapStateToProps = function (state) { return { session: state.session, permissions: state.permissions }; }; var ConnectedSplash = connect(mapStateToProps)(Splash); render(, document.getElementById('app'));