{ "ttt.placeholder": "Placeholder text", "ttt.title": "Things to Try", "ttt.subTitle": "You can get started with Scratch in a variety of ways. Click a picture to try the Tutorial. You can also download a set of Activity Cards and Educator Guide for each theme.", "tile.tutorial": "Tutorial", "tile.guides": "See Cards and Guides", "ttt.tutorialTitle": "Tutorial", "ttt.tutorialSubtitle": "Find out how to make this project using a step-by-step tutorial in Scratch.", "ttt.activityTitle": "Activity Cards", "ttt.activitySubtitle": "Explore new coding ideas using this set of illustrated cards you can print out.", "ttt.educatorTitle": "Educator Guide", "ttt.educatorSubtitle": "Use this educator guide to plan and lead a one-hour Scratch workshop.", "ttt.tryIt": "Try It", "ttt.download": "Download", "ttt.MakeItFlyTitle": "Make It Fly", "ttt.MakeItFlyDescription": "Animate the Scratch Cat, The Powerpuff Girls, or even a taco!", "ttt.AnimateYourNameTitle": "Animate Your Name", "ttt.AnimateYourNameDescription": "Animate the letters of your name, initials, or favorite word.", "ttt.RaceTitle": "Race to the Finish", "ttt.RaceDescription": "Make a game where two characters race each other.", "ttt.MakeMusicTitle": "Make Music", "ttt.MakeMusicDescription": "Choose instruments, add sounds, and press keys to play music.", "ttt.HideAndSeekTitle": "Hide and Seek", "ttt.HideAndSeekDescription": "Make a hide-and-seek game with characters that appear and disappear.", "ttt.StoryTitle": "Create a Story", "ttt.StoryDescription": "Choose characters, add conversation, and bring your story to life.", "ttt.FashionTitle": "Fashion Game", "ttt.FashionDescription": "Dress up a character with different clothes and styles.", "ttt.PongTitle": "Pong Game", "ttt.PongDescription": "Make a bouncing ball game with sounds, points, and other effects.", "ttt.DanceTitle": "Let's Dance", "ttt.DanceDescription": "Design an animated dance scene with music and dance moves.", "ttt.CatchTitle": "Catch Game", "ttt.CatchDescription": "Make a game where you catch things falling from the sky.", "ttt.VirtualPetTitle": "Virtual Pet", "ttt.VirtualPetDescription": "Create an interactive pet that can eat, drink, and play." }